Windows 7 Ultimate X64 Won't Get Past The Wallpaper Loading

Dec 1, 2011

Today, there was a power shortage while my PC was on. Quickly, after it happened, I turned off the PSU and the Surge Protection in fear something might have happened there.After the power came back, I turned everything on again and started Windows.It booted normally, no strange sounds nor other stuff.My PC has only 1 user (me) so there's no User Panel. It automatically went to loading Windows.The problem started here. Windows would load my wallpaper and Task Bar (I dunno how it's called in English, it's the one with the Windows Button), but no programs nor the icons would load. It's stuck there.I have tried CTRL+ALT+DEL, but there was no response (actually, there was, an error message saying Windows wasn't able to show the user panels and power panels, and that I should reboot my computer manually).After some time, I was able to get into Computer. My 3 partitions were there (2 HDDs, 1 for OS and another partitioned in 2) but I couldn't access them.

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Windows 7 Won't Boot Past The Loading Screen?

Sep 16, 2009

My problem is that windows 7 wont get past the loading screen when its loading the OS. I have noticed that it will work when i have only 2GB(one stick) in but when i try to put all 8GB(4 sticks) in, it wont work. This same thing happened when i was trying to install windows 7 from a fresh install.

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Crashes Lots And Won't Even Get Past Windows Symbol Loading

Mar 8, 2012

I'm using my phone type this have hp pav laptop windows 7 64 bit and ran startup repair for 2 days and no go try reinstalling and gave me bunch errors its almost 3 yr old comp any suggestions or help I don't really jave money to take it in and never mad recovery disk. I was playing on fire fox when crashed and I got malware adivra advast I alsp sometimes get the instruction at 0x7797e02 refrenced memory at 0x00000000

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Laptop Won't Start Past Windows Loading Screen

Oct 27, 2012

I was browsing the web and my laptop froze. I held the powe button to turn it off and now when i turn it on, it only goes to the windows logo and no farther. If i leave it alone, after 20 minutes it goes to a black screen with a cursor. I have tried starting in safemode as well and it only loads some of the files before freezing. I have also tried startup repair. After a few minutes it gives a few options such as system restore. I tried a restore and it still doesn't load.

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PC Won't Get Past Windows 7 Loading Screen Stuck In Reboot Loop

Sep 7, 2010

So I booted up my PC today and every single time it would get past the windows loading screen, a BSOD would flash on the screen for a split second and reboot. I tried booting into safe mode and that would not work either. The next step I figured would be to format and do a clean install, but here's the thing... Windows didn't even recognize my partition! It has my other 2 HDDs but not my Windows 7 partition. The HDD in question shows up in BIOS, but not in Windows. So, should I just get a new HDD? Startup Repair didn't work either, as it just hung/froze.

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Windows 7 Ultimate Won't Let To Change Wallpaper After Sys Restore

Sep 12, 2011

I can't seem to change my wallpaper, either by going to Personalization nor Right clicking on my wallpaper picture. It happened after I performed a System Restore.

I have tried googling it for hours almost, and tried different troubleshooting techniques, with out luck of course!

* Regedit - Made a new DWORD (Or something) With NoChangingWallpaper to 0 value

* "Ease Of Acess" tab in control panel. (There were some other mroe advanced options that had me cooncerned about mucking up, so I cautiously steered away )

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Can't Change Wallpaper In Windows 7 64bits Ultimate

May 21, 2012

I had the OS win 7 ultimate 64 bits installed in a IDE HD, and it never gave me any trouble. Because i'm a bit of a speed freak i decide to install a SSD and install on it the OS (same copy of the other one). I started by changing the motherboard to AHCI and in the sequence boot placed the SSD as the first to boot and the old IDE (still with the OS installed) as second. Everything went smooth. Made every ugrade and update needed without a problem. remove in the msconfig the old IDE record so it does not dual boot. Its running like silk. So far so good.

the problem was when i wanted to change the wallpaper. It doesnt assume it. not even the default ones (i can only change the solid colors).

I tried everything from changing the registry keys, creating new users, deleting the trasncodewallpaper, changing the local policies etc. etc. etc. Nothing seems to work.

The only thing it is giving me a error is the windows index rating or something like that. It is unable to finish it, gives some kind of error. dont know why. I have the latest everything installed. Latest games and movies run perfectly...

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Cannot Get Past Emachines Loading Screen

Mar 15, 2011

I am, at this point, completely baffled how I can even interact with my computer. And frankly whether this should be in this part of the forum.The problem is with this machine. . My understanding of the situation is that I google'd "Winrar", and carelessly downloaded a malware-ridden version of the software from a fake site.

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Will Not Boot Up Past Loading Screen

Nov 15, 2009

Ok, so iv put this computer together, installed windows 7 Ultimate 32bit and i got it up and running perfect for like a day.

The next morning i switched it on and was working good for couple of hours then it seemed like the whole computer started to slow down and i got a blue screen error. so i rebooted and tried to start windows but, it then says windows is loading files then goes to the logo loading and after that it just goes to a black screen!? iv tried everything to get it back running safe mode, low res mode, repair, boot from disk etc but nothing.

So i thought i would try and put the HD in another computer and wipe it to re-install windows but when i put it in another comp it does the same thing.. does the logo loading and then to black screen

Iv found that when i remove the HD from my PC and boot from the windows 7 disk then it gets to the windows 7 installation bit so do you think it could be a problem with the HD?

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Win 7 Not Loading Past Welcome Screen During Install

Nov 13, 2009

I just bought windows 7 for my desktop. It will load past the "windows is loading files.." page. then it will load to the "starting windows" page with the flag, then it loads to the normally welcome screen for windows 7 but nothing comes up.. its just the welcome screen background.

Anyone with info on this please reply.

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Computer Won't Get Past Loading Screen

Dec 4, 2012

So my computer, one year of age, started to stop loading at the windows loading screen. Last week, O was on my computer browsing the net and listening to music when I click on a button in iTunes and the computer crashes. I restart the computer but when it gets to the starting windows loading screen, it loads for a little bit like normal, but then the screen flashes black and the monitor says it loses signal and stays disconnected. The computer stays running even when the screen says there is no signal.

So I think for a bit and decide to just reload windows because my computer was starting to get cluttered anyway. So I reinstall windows without a problem and the computer runs fine for the weekend and Monday. But this morning it started to do this all over again.

I ran the windows repair disk and it told me that there is a device plugged in that should be unplugged and restart. But I had nothing plugged in so I tried unplugging almost everything short of the power cable and monitor, but still no luck.

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Can't Get Past Loading Operating System After Restart?

Mar 24, 2011

i was on my computer surfing the internet when i got a BOSD and restarted my computer it kept happening when i was on the internet so i ran a chkdsk and mem testto see what it could they oth came out clean and i was stumped. i left my computer alone but after a few days i turned it on and decided to try plaing a game and it worked i played the game fora few hours and when i turned it off i was bombarded with messages from this program called win 7 home security that somehow turned off my windows defender 'i tried running a scan with my nod32 antivirus software but it came up clean. this program wouldnt let me go on the internet it kept saying i was unprotected and that it wld save my computeri tried to find a way to uninstall it and i looked for the directory that it was in but i couldn't. so i decided to restart my computer and go into safe mode but when i restarted my comuputer

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Vaio Laptop Not Loading Past BIOS - HDD Not Detecting

Jan 12, 2012

I'm trying to fix a vaio laptop at the moment and am a bit stuck. The screen doesn't go past the vaio. It just before the windows logo would normally appear. I tried using the windows 7 cd to try a repair or cmd/chkdsk etc, but the OS wasn't found/listed. I also tried to do a clean install and the HD wasn't detected by windows 7 setup. I also tried booting up with ubuntu and the HD still wasn't detected. Can I assume this is a busted HD? Should I still shoot for a bootage diagnostic cd for the hard drive?

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Windows 7 X64 Ultimate & Gtx460 Unable To Go Past 1024x768?

Sep 8, 2012

couple days ago, I boot my system up and I'm shocked to find my resolution @ 1024x768 when it's supposed to be 1440x900, as that's the max for my monitor.Well, I tried rebooting, tried uninstalling/reinstalling the drivers, downloaded the most recent drivers from Nvidia and uninstalled/reinstalled again...still same issue.I finally got fed up and decided to reload windows fresh. Formatted my partition and went through the setup process. After all was said and done, reinstalled Nvidia drivers for my card and the same damn issue was still there.So, am I correct in assuming that, for what ever reason, my video card has crapped the bed on m

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TeamVeiwer 8 Stopped Loading On Windows 7 Ultimate

Dec 28, 2012

TeamViewer 8.0.16642 stopped loading on my Win 7 Ultimate box at startup. I went to services.msc and stopped TeamViewer. I went to Control Panel, Uninstall a Program and uninstalled TeamViewer. It took a long time to uninstall. I ran CCleaner Registry and deleted the TeamViewer entries. I also ran Little Registry Cleaner and deleted the TeamViewer entries. I deleted the TeamViewer folder in Programs x86 folder and ran both reg cleaners again and rebooted. I was able to successfully reinstall TeamViewer 8.0.16642 again... but TeamViewer fails to load on startup. I was not upgrading TeamViewer when I reinstalled it. Any ideas on how to get TeamViewer to load on startup? I'm confused because it used to work VERY well for me. I'm not sure why it stopped working or why it won't start at reboot in the system tray.

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Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bit Gets Stuck After Loading Files

Jun 10, 2012

I have just bought a new PC 5 hours ago .. I have bought everything GPU/CPU/MOBO/RAM/PSU/CASE .. only thing i did not buy was a HDD and DVD-Rom.. Because i own both and both are only 4 months old.. So i have put the new Parts together.. Then went to old PC , Formatted C drive.. Then added HDD and DVD=ROM from old PC to New one .. Booted and everything was fine except ofc no windows so gave the boot.msgr is missing thingy .. So i put in my Windows DVD .. Set it to boot from DVD .. It boots .. Goes through the "Loading Files" Then it shows me the Windows logo and stays there for a small while.. Then it suddenly turns black with a small gray bar at the bottom... and thats it .. it stays there forever and after some mins i can even here the DVD stops running.. I have uploaded a PIC to help u understand.. Also i tried installing from USB flash drive and same problem.

Here is the PIC of where i am stuck at *Notice the barely visible gray bar at bottom? : [URL]

XFX Pro 550W
ATI 6850
AMD FX6100
AsRock 970 Extreme 4 Motherboard
Thermaltake Spacecraft VF-I Case.

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Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit Devices And Printers Screen Not Loading?

May 25, 2011

i am having problems with my windows 7 devices and printers screen. I have tried all solutions like stopping the blue tooth support service, uninstalling printer drivers, registry fix for IE 8, stopping printer spooler service and changing display icons all to no avail. I have no idea when the problem started but ive been experiencing this for three months now. i think i dont want to reinstall my OS if it ii am using windows 7 ultimate 64 bit on 4gb ram and intel core i5 processor. also using ie9 as my browser.

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Windows Not Loading After Update, Hangs On "Loading Operating System."

May 1, 2012

During a recent windows update my pc froze, (mid-update) and I restarted my machine. Now windows gets stuck at the black" Loading operating system..."screen. After a long wait it will eventually display boot from cd/. When I boot from my windows dvd my os is not shown in system recovery. I Have also tried running start up repair from recovery with no luck.

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Change Wallpaper In Windows 7

Dec 1, 2008

This tutorial will show you how to change the desktop wallpaper in Windows 7.

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Have Live Wallpaper(s) With Windows 7 HP 64?

Oct 29, 2011

Is it possible to have live wallpaper(s) with Windows 7 HP 64?

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Put An Animated Wallpaper On Windows 7?

Jul 14, 2012

How do I put an animated wallpaper on windows 7?

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Windows 7 Wallpaper Resizing?

Jan 28, 2010

I have windows 7 home premium running on my compaq (HP) presario laptop. When i select a photo for the wallpaper it stretches it out even if the photo is a potrait one, which means it cuts off heads of people and so on. I have tried going into control panel> appearance and personalisation> personalisation> desktop background> and tried to change the picture position to fit or centre or anything other then stretch but it wont change anything, the wallpaper stays the same. Anyone have any ideas? i have a feeling it may be a problem with windows or something. My dad is running windows 7 home premium on his home pc and i can change the wallpaper settings on it no problem.

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Delete Windows 7 Wallpaper?

Oct 23, 2009

how do you delete windows 7 wallpaper?C:WindowsWebWallpaperxxxxI have admin rights, when I delete I get the "TrustedInstall" error thingy

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Delete The Windows 7 Wallpaper?

Jan 21, 2013

delete wallpaper from desktop win 7?

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Cannot Change Background Wallpaper Windows 7

Feb 5, 2013

Several months ago... I got a virus or malware that messed up my computer... only STOPzilla fixed it... .and now I cannot change my background wallpaper.

Since I am a huge NASCAR fan... I must have my drivers current car... not last years....

Today I tried to change it again... and now all I can change is the background colors.... no themes work and I cannot set as background an image.... it says access denied..

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Windows 7 Black Desktop Wallpaper

Feb 22, 2011

I CANNOT choose my own wallpaper. I've research what the problem and I've come up with different solutions, but none of these seems to work such as, deleting the Transcoded Wallpaper.jpg.To put it simple my wallpaper is black or a solid color and even if hit "save changes" in the personalize menu in Windows 7, it still won't change. I see the icons, everything is working fine, its just that my wallpaper can't be change and you only could change to a solid color.This issue started when a relative of mine installed iMesh into the computer, I removed it completely and since then the black solid wallpaper has been on my desktop.

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Windows 7 Start Black Wallpaper

Mar 18, 2010

I dont remember reading this, so i'll share my experience. The starter version has a nasty 'feature' of not featuring an option to change your background image. Many people have tried and the only reliable ways to do this turned out to be 'drawing' one on top of the other using 3rd party software, or to patch system files. Now i wasnt really happy about those options, becouse I run windows 7 starter with only 1 G ram (at the time there was crapware running in backgroud, had a look into that so now I CAN miss it). However I was so stupid to replace the img0.jpg file in the windows web subfolder to try something less ram expensive. Yes, now I now, I should have searched about it and read for my self this was not an option becouse part of the image was hardcoded... well I was stuck with a black background and no way to change it back.

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Where To Find The Wallpaper Folder In Windows 7

Nov 6, 2010

where to find the wallpaper folder in windows-7 ?

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How To Rotate Dreamscenes As Wallpaper Windows 7

May 31, 2011

I would like to know if there is a way to rotate automatically dreamscenes as wallpaper?

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Program For Windows 7 That Can Set Up A Wallpaper For Folders?

Jan 25, 2012

Is there any program for Windows 7 (x64) that can set up a wallpaper for folders' background? I wanna put some pictures on the background of my "Games", "Music" etc. folders but don't know any software that can do it.

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Certain Sites Not Loading Or Not Loading Properly

Aug 10, 2011

One particular site that is not loading at all, on any browsers on my computer is [URL]. There are many more that fail to load as well. I did test these sites on my iPhone with no problems though. There are a handful of other sites that do open but do not load properly [missing images, ect.] I also thought that it might be malware but I installed & scanned my computer with four different programs which did not solve the problem. I'm guessing that it still may be some problem on the software side with settings but I can't seem to figure out where to look. BTW, I've been using Microsoft Security Essentials as my antivirus program for the past couple of days now. Prior to that I was using Avira but it seemed to be giving me problems so I uninstalled it and installed the Microsoft app.

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