Vaio Laptop Not Loading Past BIOS - HDD Not Detecting

Jan 12, 2012

I'm trying to fix a vaio laptop at the moment and am a bit stuck. The screen doesn't go past the vaio. It just before the windows logo would normally appear. I tried using the windows 7 cd to try a repair or cmd/chkdsk etc, but the OS wasn't found/listed. I also tried to do a clean install and the HD wasn't detected by windows 7 setup. I also tried booting up with ubuntu and the HD still wasn't detected. Can I assume this is a busted HD? Should I still shoot for a bootage diagnostic cd for the hard drive?

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Laptop Won't Start Past Windows Loading Screen

Oct 27, 2012

I was browsing the web and my laptop froze. I held the powe button to turn it off and now when i turn it on, it only goes to the windows logo and no farther. If i leave it alone, after 20 minutes it goes to a black screen with a cursor. I have tried starting in safemode as well and it only loads some of the files before freezing. I have also tried startup repair. After a few minutes it gives a few options such as system restore. I tried a restore and it still doesn't load.

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Laptop Shut Off During BIOS Loading Now Won't Come Back On

Jan 24, 2013

It's a dell insprinon wife's and was doing a download...BIO's when it shut itself off and now won't even come back on when I press the power button. I called Dell and they say...since my warranty expired 4 days earlier it was of couse, not covered and am wondering if it's the motherboard or something else?

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Windows 7 Is Not Loading In Sony Vaio Laptop

Dec 21, 2012

i have loaded windows 7 ultimate in my sony vaio laptop. after rebooting its not booting Operating system... its just showing "--" at top left corner in the boot process.

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Will Bios Password Effect Loading Two Separate OS Hard Drives On Laptop

Aug 8, 2012

in the past i had a seperate personal hd for my work laptop I would take my work HD out then install my personal drive in and it worked great. But now on new laptop there is a biosandhard drive can I still switch hard drives or will it not work or will my work know I swap. Them.

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How To Remove Bios Password From Sony Vpceb14en-vaio Laptop

Mar 19, 2012

How to remove bios password from sony vpceb14en-vaio laptop

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Reset / Remove Bios Password From VPCEB14EN Sony Vaio Laptop

Mar 19, 2012

i want to reset or remove my bios password from VPCEB14EN sony vaio laptop.i m unable to boot my hard disk from other cd/flash etc.

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Disk Drive Not Detecting Or Loading CDs

May 28, 2011

I'm ripping my audio CDs, and I just had a problem getting the drive to open, So I looked and saw a tiny hole on the drive, I stuck a paper clip in it and it opened. Now however I cannot get it to detect any CDs. It will not load anything.Now I looked and I realized that my CD/DVD drive was not listed on my computer.

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Disk Drive Not Detecting Or Loading CD's

May 28, 2011

Okay, so I'm ripping my audio CDs, and I just had a problem getting the drive to open, So I looked and saw a tiny hole on the drive, I stuck a paper clip in it and it opened.

Now however I cannot get it to detect any CDs. It will not load anything. Now I looked and I realized that my CD/DVD drive was not listed on my computer. I am trying to figure out what driver I had, so I can try re-installing it. I run a Dell Inspiron M5010 64 bit.

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Cannot Get Past Emachines Loading Screen

Mar 15, 2011

I am, at this point, completely baffled how I can even interact with my computer. And frankly whether this should be in this part of the forum.The problem is with this machine. . My understanding of the situation is that I google'd "Winrar", and carelessly downloaded a malware-ridden version of the software from a fake site.

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Will Not Boot Up Past Loading Screen

Nov 15, 2009

Ok, so iv put this computer together, installed windows 7 Ultimate 32bit and i got it up and running perfect for like a day.

The next morning i switched it on and was working good for couple of hours then it seemed like the whole computer started to slow down and i got a blue screen error. so i rebooted and tried to start windows but, it then says windows is loading files then goes to the logo loading and after that it just goes to a black screen!? iv tried everything to get it back running safe mode, low res mode, repair, boot from disk etc but nothing.

So i thought i would try and put the HD in another computer and wipe it to re-install windows but when i put it in another comp it does the same thing.. does the logo loading and then to black screen

Iv found that when i remove the HD from my PC and boot from the windows 7 disk then it gets to the windows 7 installation bit so do you think it could be a problem with the HD?

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Win 7 Not Loading Past Welcome Screen During Install

Nov 13, 2009

I just bought windows 7 for my desktop. It will load past the "windows is loading files.." page. then it will load to the "starting windows" page with the flag, then it loads to the normally welcome screen for windows 7 but nothing comes up.. its just the welcome screen background.

Anyone with info on this please reply.

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Computer Won't Get Past Loading Screen

Dec 4, 2012

So my computer, one year of age, started to stop loading at the windows loading screen. Last week, O was on my computer browsing the net and listening to music when I click on a button in iTunes and the computer crashes. I restart the computer but when it gets to the starting windows loading screen, it loads for a little bit like normal, but then the screen flashes black and the monitor says it loses signal and stays disconnected. The computer stays running even when the screen says there is no signal.

So I think for a bit and decide to just reload windows because my computer was starting to get cluttered anyway. So I reinstall windows without a problem and the computer runs fine for the weekend and Monday. But this morning it started to do this all over again.

I ran the windows repair disk and it told me that there is a device plugged in that should be unplugged and restart. But I had nothing plugged in so I tried unplugging almost everything short of the power cable and monitor, but still no luck.

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Bios Not Detecting Any Sata Drives?

Aug 7, 2012

My pc had suddenly decided to not recognising any of my Sata drives. Win 7 32 bit, 4 gig ram, asus psn d motherboard,ati sapphire 1g pci card, 1 250g western digital Sata drive 1 x 1tb seagate hdd. Sata DVD drive

Yesterday my pc froze up while surfing the web, so reset it and that where the problems started

It only recognised one of the hdd then wouldn't boot got a bsod uncountable boot volume. So opened up the case to check if the cables where loose, nope, so decided to run a repair via the recovery console. Didnt detect my o/s at all ask me to install the correct drivers grrrrr. So stripped the pc down swapped the Sata cables to see if that was the problem, no joy at all would only find one Sata drive and DVD drive. Then it wouldnt recognise any of them, so swapped out the Sata DVD drive for an IDE drive. The booted up nothing bar the DVD drive. Have now come to a cross roads don't know what else's to try. Managed to boot via a USB drive with Linux and everything system wise, pcu, gpu etc works, but still no Sata drives.

Done some digging online and some ideas are not a big enough psu, faulty Sata cables, but swapped in an IDE hdd and nothing again.

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Can't Get Past BIOS

May 4, 2012

Can't get past the BIOS, just removed a lot of virusus my children think are funny, did a reboot blue screen, been trying to trick BIOS. Any idea. I7 extreme, thermal take watwrcooled, blue ray. Burner, 12 1333 on my board. After spending !3 hours removing and researching I thought I was done. O rebooted, just get stuck at blue a screen with no logg in option. I have some very expensive math and physics programs.

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Can't Get Past The BIOS

Nov 30, 2012

need software for canon dr-3080cII for windows 7 WIA driver?

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Can't Get Past Loading Operating System After Restart?

Mar 24, 2011

i was on my computer surfing the internet when i got a BOSD and restarted my computer it kept happening when i was on the internet so i ran a chkdsk and mem testto see what it could they oth came out clean and i was stumped. i left my computer alone but after a few days i turned it on and decided to try plaing a game and it worked i played the game fora few hours and when i turned it off i was bombarded with messages from this program called win 7 home security that somehow turned off my windows defender 'i tried running a scan with my nod32 antivirus software but it came up clean. this program wouldnt let me go on the internet it kept saying i was unprotected and that it wld save my computeri tried to find a way to uninstall it and i looked for the directory that it was in but i couldn't. so i decided to restart my computer and go into safe mode but when i restarted my comuputer

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Windows 7 Won't Boot Past The Loading Screen?

Sep 16, 2009

My problem is that windows 7 wont get past the loading screen when its loading the OS. I have noticed that it will work when i have only 2GB(one stick) in but when i try to put all 8GB(4 sticks) in, it wont work. This same thing happened when i was trying to install windows 7 from a fresh install.

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Windows 7 Ultimate X64 Won't Get Past The Wallpaper Loading

Dec 1, 2011

Today, there was a power shortage while my PC was on. Quickly, after it happened, I turned off the PSU and the Surge Protection in fear something might have happened there.After the power came back, I turned everything on again and started Windows.It booted normally, no strange sounds nor other stuff.My PC has only 1 user (me) so there's no User Panel. It automatically went to loading Windows.The problem started here. Windows would load my wallpaper and Task Bar (I dunno how it's called in English, it's the one with the Windows Button), but no programs nor the icons would load. It's stuck there.I have tried CTRL+ALT+DEL, but there was no response (actually, there was, an error message saying Windows wasn't able to show the user panels and power panels, and that I should reboot my computer manually).After some time, I was able to get into Computer. My 3 partitions were there (2 HDDs, 1 for OS and another partitioned in 2) but I couldn't access them.

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Crashes Lots And Won't Even Get Past Windows Symbol Loading

Mar 8, 2012

I'm using my phone type this have hp pav laptop windows 7 64 bit and ran startup repair for 2 days and no go try reinstalling and gave me bunch errors its almost 3 yr old comp any suggestions or help I don't really jave money to take it in and never mad recovery disk. I was playing on fire fox when crashed and I got malware adivra advast I alsp sometimes get the instruction at 0x7797e02 refrenced memory at 0x00000000

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Windows 7 Won't Boot Past Bios?

Aug 6, 2012

In the chaos of moving to a new house yesterday, a box my friend was moving ripped and a bottle of beer smashed onto my open and powered on laptop, scattering both liquid and glass everywhere. We immediately powered down and removed the battery, and placed the laptop upside down and mopped up the excess liquid from the outside as much as possible, and set it to dry upside down on a towel.My laptop is a Lenovo U330, I had my brother install Windows 7 on it for me last year, but he kept the disks so I don't have any of them.Several hours & some blowdrying later, we attempted to start up the laptop (I would have preferred to wait longer, but I needed to know if mine would work in case I needed to borrow my friend's for the week). The laptop will load the lenovo startup screen, and then flash the windows loadings screen (with the option to press f2 or f12) for a few seconds before recommending that I run startup repair. Which if I select it, will freeze after a few seconds. Usually my laptop's pretty noisy, but while the battery light flashes as if there is activity going on, there's no noise coming from it at all.

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PC Won't Get Past Windows 7 Loading Screen Stuck In Reboot Loop

Sep 7, 2010

So I booted up my PC today and every single time it would get past the windows loading screen, a BSOD would flash on the screen for a split second and reboot. I tried booting into safe mode and that would not work either. The next step I figured would be to format and do a clean install, but here's the thing... Windows didn't even recognize my partition! It has my other 2 HDDs but not my Windows 7 partition. The HDD in question shows up in BIOS, but not in Windows. So, should I just get a new HDD? Startup Repair didn't work either, as it just hung/froze.

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PC Won't Go Past The Mother Board Screen And Cant Get Into The Bios

Oct 24, 2012

i am having an issue with getting to my desktop. i turn on my pc and it just shows me the mother board screen. it will go black...then show it to me again....then rinse and repeat.ive tried to go into the bios, and no luck...i cant get into any of the options not even recovery. i made sure my hard drive was secure etc etc. and i can hear it running.

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Unable To Get Past BIOS - No Keyboard Present Error

Feb 10, 2012

My wife's laptop broke down a few months ago, and we wanted to get some files off of the hard drive. I grabbed an extra eSATA cable and connected it to an extra port on my desktop motherboard... without remembering to connect it to the power supply. Anyway, when I booted up the machine, I was unable to get past the BIOS, getting an error message "Keyboard Error or No Keyboard Present". Even after shutting down and removing the hard drive, I'm still getting this error message. We've tried a number of different keyboards and it's coming up the same every time.

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PC Won't Boot Past Dell BIOS Screen / Just Keeps Rebooting

Oct 6, 2011

having problems with my PC rebooting since restarting to finish the installation of the latest Windows Update. Loads only to the Dell BIOS screen and then reboots again. I can hit F2 or F12, but not sure what to do when I do. I thought that running in Safe Mode and uninstalling the last update would be the way to go, but not sure how to get into Safe Mode.

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Loading WIndows From BIOS?

Aug 19, 2012

Ok so I just finished my first gaming build and it all came together nicely, however I can't figure out how to download windows 7 pro 64-bit form BIOS?

And the windows disk is a copy so that might be the reason why I can't boot into windows idk for sure though any advice would be awesome!!

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Bootmgr Missing And Bios Not Loading?

Apr 25, 2012

i have msi cx640 model laptop and it is showing error like BOOTMGR is missing pressctrl+alt+del to restart, and when i insert win7 bootable disk it is not booting and when i try to load bios to view boot disk priority by pressing f10 suddenly msg appears that is bootmngr missing it is not allowing anything to operate

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Toshiba Loading BIOS But Not Going Into Boot Manager

Dec 9, 2012

I haven't touched this laptop in a while. I received a virus which then slowed down my computer and made it really really slow to get into the windows log in screen. It wouldn't go past that. Now, 2 months later, I'm trying to install Ubuntu as my only OS. I hope this will get rid of whatever past problem I had. Is this true? The problem with this, is when I power it up and turn it on, the computer only goes to the "Toshiba Leading innovation" H2 BIOS screen. From here, the laptop screen keeps turning black/blank at random intervals (the disk drive kicks up after it turns blank). The screen returns to the BIOS screen... and I keep hitting F12 and nothing.

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Windows Not Loading/starting- Can Access Bios

Nov 9, 2012

So my laptop (acer aspire 5745g) has stopped working.I was using it normally until i received the blue screen of death and it shut down.From then on, i tried to turn on the laptop and it would show me the windows loading page then it simply turns black with a flashing _ in the top left.Rarely when i turn it on it loads up normally but it seems to have even stopped doing that.I did some of my own research and many people suggest hd failure or ram?If it is as simple as above i can buy the hd or ram and install an os myself.

p.s. I can see the hd in the bios and i used an external hard drive enclosure for my 2.5"" sata on another computer to which my surprise i was able to extract the C drive files.

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BIOS Not Loading Full Screen - 1900x1080?

Aug 24, 2012

I got a new 22" Acer Monitor yesterday and I had a 1440 x 900 - 19" Acer before.For some reason the splashscreen of the motherboard and bios are not loading in full screen but the OS works fine even the login page. It is sort of centered with a black background How can I set it in full screen please ? It is really bothering me. My Graphic card is Gainward Gtx 275. The motherboard is Asus P6T SE.

Ps. There is no option on the monitor that says fullscreen or widescreen.

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Dell Optiplex Goes Into Sleep Mode Instead Of Loading Bios?

Mar 14, 2012

I got a Dell Optiplex GX520. When I try to boot, after the windows logo comes on screen, the pc goes into sleep mode. This also happens in safe mode. I found out that it had a faulty HDD. So I replaced it. However when I try to start from Windows install disk it goes into sleep mode right after it shows de Loading Windows logo. I tried to go in to the bios to load the optimized settings but when I press F2 to load the system setup the computer goes into sleep mode.

So basically I cant do anything to boot or to re-install Windows.

some other things I tried:

- check PSU with PSU tester: PSU ok

- boot without DVD station: still going into sleep mode

- boot in safe mode: sleep mode again

- last known good configuration: sleep mode

- swapped RAM: still same issue... sleep mode FTL

I cant test GFX cause its on board and theres no AGP or PCI-e slot on the mobo.

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