Loading WIndows From BIOS?

Aug 19, 2012

Ok so I just finished my first gaming build and it all came together nicely, however I can't figure out how to download windows 7 pro 64-bit form BIOS?

And the windows disk is a copy so that might be the reason why I can't boot into windows idk for sure though any advice would be awesome!!

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Windows Not Loading/starting- Can Access Bios

Nov 9, 2012

So my laptop (acer aspire 5745g) has stopped working.I was using it normally until i received the blue screen of death and it shut down.From then on, i tried to turn on the laptop and it would show me the windows loading page then it simply turns black with a flashing _ in the top left.Rarely when i turn it on it loads up normally but it seems to have even stopped doing that.I did some of my own research and many people suggest hd failure or ram?If it is as simple as above i can buy the hd or ram and install an os myself.

p.s. I can see the hd in the bios and i used an external hard drive enclosure for my 2.5"" sata on another computer to which my surprise i was able to extract the C drive files.

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Bootmgr Missing And Bios Not Loading?

Apr 25, 2012

i have msi cx640 model laptop and it is showing error like BOOTMGR is missing pressctrl+alt+del to restart, and when i insert win7 bootable disk it is not booting and when i try to load bios to view boot disk priority by pressing f10 suddenly msg appears that is bootmngr missing it is not allowing anything to operate

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Toshiba Loading BIOS But Not Going Into Boot Manager

Dec 9, 2012

I haven't touched this laptop in a while. I received a virus which then slowed down my computer and made it really really slow to get into the windows log in screen. It wouldn't go past that. Now, 2 months later, I'm trying to install Ubuntu as my only OS. I hope this will get rid of whatever past problem I had. Is this true? The problem with this, is when I power it up and turn it on, the computer only goes to the "Toshiba Leading innovation" H2 BIOS screen. From here, the laptop screen keeps turning black/blank at random intervals (the disk drive kicks up after it turns blank). The screen returns to the BIOS screen... and I keep hitting F12 and nothing.

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BIOS Not Loading Full Screen - 1900x1080?

Aug 24, 2012

I got a new 22" Acer Monitor yesterday and I had a 1440 x 900 - 19" Acer before.For some reason the splashscreen of the motherboard and bios are not loading in full screen but the OS works fine even the login page. It is sort of centered with a black background How can I set it in full screen please ? It is really bothering me. My Graphic card is Gainward Gtx 275. The motherboard is Asus P6T SE.

Ps. There is no option on the monitor that says fullscreen or widescreen.

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Laptop Shut Off During BIOS Loading Now Won't Come Back On

Jan 24, 2013

It's a dell insprinon 1510...my wife's and was doing a download...BIO's when it shut itself off and now won't even come back on when I press the power button. I called Dell and they say...since my warranty expired 4 days earlier it was of couse, not covered and am wondering if it's the motherboard or something else?

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Dell Optiplex Goes Into Sleep Mode Instead Of Loading Bios?

Mar 14, 2012

I got a Dell Optiplex GX520. When I try to boot, after the windows logo comes on screen, the pc goes into sleep mode. This also happens in safe mode. I found out that it had a faulty HDD. So I replaced it. However when I try to start from Windows install disk it goes into sleep mode right after it shows de Loading Windows logo. I tried to go in to the bios to load the optimized settings but when I press F2 to load the system setup the computer goes into sleep mode.

So basically I cant do anything to boot or to re-install Windows.

some other things I tried:

- check PSU with PSU tester: PSU ok

- boot without DVD station: still going into sleep mode

- boot in safe mode: sleep mode again

- last known good configuration: sleep mode

- swapped RAM: still same issue... sleep mode FTL

I cant test GFX cause its on board and theres no AGP or PCI-e slot on the mobo.

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Vaio Laptop Not Loading Past BIOS - HDD Not Detecting

Jan 12, 2012

I'm trying to fix a vaio laptop at the moment and am a bit stuck. The screen doesn't go past the vaio. It just before the windows logo would normally appear. I tried using the windows 7 cd to try a repair or cmd/chkdsk etc, but the OS wasn't found/listed. I also tried to do a clean install and the HD wasn't detected by windows 7 setup. I also tried booting up with ubuntu and the HD still wasn't detected. Can I assume this is a busted HD? Should I still shoot for a bootage diagnostic cd for the hard drive?

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Will Bios Password Effect Loading Two Separate OS Hard Drives On Laptop

Aug 8, 2012

in the past i had a seperate personal hd for my work laptop I would take my work HD out then install my personal drive in and it worked great. But now on new laptop there is a biosandhard drive can I still switch hard drives or will it not work or will my work know I swap. Them.

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Windows Not Loading After Update, Hangs On "Loading Operating System."

May 1, 2012

During a recent windows update my pc froze, (mid-update) and I restarted my machine. Now windows gets stuck at the black" Loading operating system..."screen. After a long wait it will eventually display boot from cd/. When I boot from my windows dvd my os is not shown in system recovery. I Have also tried running start up repair from recovery with no luck.

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Certain Sites Not Loading Or Not Loading Properly

Aug 10, 2011

One particular site that is not loading at all, on any browsers on my computer is [URL]. There are many more that fail to load as well. I did test these sites on my iPhone with no problems though. There are a handful of other sites that do open but do not load properly [missing images, ect.] I also thought that it might be malware but I installed & scanned my computer with four different programs which did not solve the problem. I'm guessing that it still may be some problem on the software side with settings but I can't seem to figure out where to look. BTW, I've been using Microsoft Security Essentials as my antivirus program for the past couple of days now. Prior to that I was using Avira but it seemed to be giving me problems so I uninstalled it and installed the Microsoft app.

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Bios Clock Time Changes After Every Restart Even After Replacing Bios

Aug 23, 2011

I've got an Acer Model As5742 Laptop with an i5 480M processor and 8 GB of good Ram. I'm running Win 7 Pro 64 Bit. It's only about 5 months old and this started about a month ago. I have no other problems. IE: Blue Screens or Lockups or anything, just the Bios clock changes to a random date and time after every restart. I replaced the Bios battery twice and it only effects the chore of having to reset the time in Windows every time I boot.

I'm going to send it to Acer to be repaired within a week or two, but maybe it's not a bad timing mechanism in the motherboard and one of you people have a correct solution to it. Which will save me the trouble of sending it in for a motherboard replacement.

I do have all the drivers and bios updates installed. Oh yes I've ran about 15 different virus Etc. Malware scans with several different products and they all come back clean. I ran System File Checker SFC /scannow from the command prompt several times that also comes back OK.

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[BIOS] Really Bad , Wont Boot After Bios Update?

Aug 25, 2012

so i did a bios update, and it wont boot after the update.its a asus m4a79xtd evo (rev 1.01g)i dont have a backup of the bios

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HP BIOS Update Stuck At "Verifying New Bios Image 100%"

Jan 19, 2011

I have a five-month old HP Compaq Presario Laptop, which has been working fairly decently (I've had a few virus scares, and my Norton quarrentined something a twenty days ago). On HP's advice, I just updated the BIOS on my laptop. It's currently stuck at Verifying New Bios Image, and it's at 100% - It's been stuck that way for a half-hour plus.

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Samsung Bios Software Update For Bios / Update Fails

Dec 1, 2012

My Samsung series 3 laptop has been sending out popup messages telling me I need a bios update, I go to the Samsung software update site and this bios update has been failing, I have made several calls and chats to techs at Samsung who tell me to do what I have already done, they tell to ask for tier 2 tech, who can go in my computer and fix it , When I finally got a tier 2 tech, they told me the same thing, I told him what I had been told about him and what he could do, He said, is it working , I said yes, but settings on computer change on their own,like wifi turns itself on and that concerns me. Anyway, He said that it didn't need a bios update,even the Samsung website said this computer needed a bios update. I posted this on hardware,firmware concerns, and they told me to post here, I was going to go to a site ,that had a download that checked drivers,

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What Are Types Of BIOS Over Years Up To Present BIOS Types

May 26, 2012

What are the types of BIOS over years up to present BIOS types ? What make each BIOS unique and better then the previous ?

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Windows 7 Not Loading?

Oct 8, 2011

Until yesterday I had two different versions of Windows installed on two different hard drives, one on C: and one on E:. Yesterday I decided to remove the one on E: and started using CCleaner to just wipe the drive clean. I stopped in the middle and decided to format the disk instead because it was going to take a few hours using CCleaner's wipe. But by then Windows was having trouble with that drive and although it was detected, I couldn't format it or do anything to it for that matter.So I downloaded a copy of Natty and running it from the disk, I was going to try formatting it from there, but it was not detecting that drive. Fine. I understand there is a way to mount the drive and I just have to figure that out.

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Windows 7 Not Loading?

Feb 20, 2012

Windows 7 not loading?I have tryed F8 R and trying to load it from the disc no luck?

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Windows 7 Not Loading?

Jan 17, 2013

i have a big problem my window is not able to load properly after window 7 log my pc gets hang and nothing can be done 1st i thought it can be because of corrupted window so i tried to install new window that's window 8 but new setup is also getting hang what to do guys?and good thing is that window 7 is working fine in safe mode but its not working in normal mode in any case nor in normal window or in normal setup mode

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Windows Not Loading

Jul 1, 2012

Turned on my laptop and after it loads i get a black blank screen with only the cursor

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Windows Is Loading Files

Oct 3, 2011

I have read a lot on this getting stuck. I had an issue with it getting stuck, so I had HP to send me the recovery disks and I backed everything up and did a clean install. It did its thing and now it is at the Windows is loading files screen. Bad news is, it has been on this screen since last night at around 8:00 (12 hrs), Good news is, it has been moving. I put a sticky note on the progress bar, even this morning it has moved about a half an inch. Should I be worried or just patient? It said it may take up to 3 hours and it has been 12 hours.

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Windows 7 Loading Screen

Nov 18, 2012

I did a clean windows 7 installation after formatting my Hard drive the installation went clean i noticed that after switching my computer it takes me directly to " starting windows " and then to " Login screen " but in my previous installation i use to get,As shown in the picture, the black screen showing microsoft corporation logo with green bar and i am not getting the same in my new installation what went wrong.

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BSOD Loading Windows 7 X64?

Apr 15, 2012

i followed the same issues and solution shown here:[URL]..but the problem is, when i go to that folder using command prompt, i dont see any cachecat.cache file, only driver.rtl in codeintegrity.

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Windows Not Loading And Hdd Light Is Always On?

May 26, 2012

I am using dell insipiron n5010. Windows was slow for thrower couple of days and today it's not even loading the desktop and the startup to the welcome page is dead slow. The hdd light is always on display.

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Laptop Not Going Beyond Loading Windows

Feb 8, 2013

A few months back, my laptop started getting stuck at the splash screen. The problem used to come and go but it annoyed me so I gave my laptop to lenovo customer care service. They advised me to restore my OS and I did the same but to no avail. The problem still persisted. Then I went again to a different lenovo customer service and they updated my BIOS and tweaked it. It worked good for about 12 hours or so.

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The Computer Not Loading Windows

Apr 6, 2011

Ok so a friend of mine had a problem with his laptop and asked me to repair it. I have it with me back home now but I cant find any solutions ?

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Windows 7 Not Finishing Loading?

Mar 25, 2011

windows 7 never finishes loading. sometimes i get the desktop with all icons but the mouse pointer has the loading icon and i can't do a thing. other times i only get the background image and the start bar but again, i can't do a thing. all this started after i had to force-shutdown my laptop after it froze while i was watching a maximized Internet video on firefox 4... what can i do?

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Windows 7 Loading Slow?

Apr 7, 2011

I just got a new computer that I built: i5 2500k, MSIP67 G43, 8GB RAM, 2 6850s in CF, Corsair 750w PS. I'm running Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit.It was working fine yesterday but sometime this morning it started hanging up. Basically what happens is the username screen comes on, I click the user, then it makes the little chime.I can see the recycle bin, I can access the start menu but I can't do anything after that. My network connection icon in the task bar freezes for about 3-4 minutes.During that time I'm unable to open any program until it connects. After that, everything works fine.All I've installed today was a windows update, an updated driver for my Networking card, and GWFL client. I was overclocking my CPU also, but since I'm troubleshooting this, I rolled it back to the default settings.I've uninstalled GFWL, and I've rolled back to the previous drivers and it still does this.

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Windows 7 Not Loading After Reformatted?

Apr 23, 2011

My Windows 7 was not able to load multiple times after I reformat the HD timse and times again. I also followed some tips to system restore and what not in Safe Mode but that still doesn't work. I'm currently typing this problem in Safe mode with Network but that's the thing.I'm able to load into Windows but not in a normal way.I'm having a suspicion that my HD cache might have messed up. I'm still using Intel's faulty p67 motherboard too, is that also the problem?

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Firewall Goes Down During Windows Loading

May 9, 2011

I have noticed this problem across a variety of computers that are as old as 10 years and as new as 1 month old. Also the same happens on XP machines and Windows 7 machines. I don't recall seeing this before. It just happened in the last 6 months or so (I think). Anyways, I start the computer, log on to an user account and the startup programs start to load. It is at this point that a message appears that states that the firewall is turned off. It usually last for 10 to 20 seconds and then the firewall is turned on again. It does not happen every time I start the computer (just once a day or so). Shouldn't the firewall be the first thing to load or is there a delay with a warning message?

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Desktop Not Loading In Windows 7

Jul 23, 2011

So i went to turn on my computer today, and as i started it, my background image loaded up but none of my icons. On the bottom right it says "Test Mode Windows 7 Build 7600". Ive restarted it many times same result. I put it into safe mode and did a system recovery but same result.

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