Windows 7 Machine Can't Complete SP Install

Feb 6, 2012

Back in October my wife's machine had a malware infecion ( After much work by Gringo and me, the machine was declared clean. However, even at that time the Service Pack install would not complete. It would churn and try to install and reboot and certainly act like all was well and completing, but eventually it would say something like "Service Pack failed. Resorting to previous cnfiguration". With the holidays approaching, solving this issue was pushed to the back burner. Now that I have some time, I'd like to get the machine fully updated.

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Windows 7 Wont Complete Install Restarts Install Or Bsod?

Sep 7, 2012

First off this is a newly built computer, all fresh components. aftercleaning/activating the hdd via shift +f10 at Windows 7 setup,(which took me a day to figure out) i was very excited to see my hdd available for Windows 7 installation. as i proceed windows does its thing, after installing its time for the first restart. it restarts right back to the initial windows 7 setup ive done a lot of research, and majority of the problems seem to be the boot priority in bios. so i made sure that it was usb-hdd, then hard drive. (Windows 7 on flash drive for me, no dvd burner available). still the same thing, right back to initial setup. i tried maybe to remove the flash drive during the 10 second countdown to restart, but when it restarts, the windows splash screen comes up and then blue screens and restarts real quick. cant see what the error is on bsodthere have been a couple different start up issues, "windows did not start properly" "select version of windows to start from" (or something to that effect.) but its all the same outcome. windows 7 just wont finish installation

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Installing Windows 7 Using An Old HDD On An Old Machine To Install Windows 7 On A New Machine?

Dec 17, 2012

Installing W7 using an old HDD on an old machine to install W7 on a new SSD to be used on a new machine.I'm currently using this old machine from '09 and its performance levels have died down a lot. I bought all the components to build a new machine except I didn't want to spend extra money on another HDD to install the OS on my new 180GB Intel SSD. So basically, I want to use the HDD from my old computer, install W7 onto the SSD, then transfer the drive to my new computer, and use it on the machine and just reinstall all my other files.

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Can't Complete Install Of Windows 7 X64

Jul 22, 2012

I formatted my hard drive to reinstall windows and for some reason when I reboot the computer after installing from the DVD it won't go further than a black screen...

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Windows 7 Wont Complete Install

Sep 8, 2012

finally after i got win7 to recognize my hdd, i thought i was home free. nope. now when i install 7, it goes thru the setups and file copying and all that, but once it hits the first reboot, it goes back to the initial "install now" i realized that maybe the boot order needed to be changed, so i did that, but going that route will cause a blue screen, and back to a restart.

1 time, and im not sure how, i managed to get to the final step before it was 100% done. but i cant figure out how to get there.

right now, i booted from the flash drive (my windows 7 installtion) and it now appears to be frozen on the starting windows screen.

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Can't Complete Windows 7 Install - CD / DVD Drivers Required

Feb 17, 2009

Trying to install Windows 7 and get hung up after clicking the "Install" button on boot-up using DVD. It loads for a bit, then tells me a CD/DVD Driver is required and can't be found. I've tried using the WindowsSystem32Drivers directory but it says no drivers can be found. I had to get the iso from a bit torrent; could it be I've got a 64 bit install disc and only 32 bit drivers? Maybe that's a dumb question but I'm trying to figure out why I can load the install up to that point from the DVD but it won't locate drivers.

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Windows 7 Will Not Complete Install On SSD - Works Fine On HDD

Mar 6, 2012

New gaming PC project:
Asus Rampage Extreme IV
I7 3960x
32gb Gskill 2133 mhz
Sound Blaster Recon 3D
2 Corsair Force GT 60gb sata3
2 Corsair Force GT 120gb sata3
Windows 7 home 64bit w/anytime upgrade to Professional (Didn't know about the 16gb ram cap...)
9800 GTX video (ran outta money...)

The issue I'm having is everything seems fine till the first reboot, then I get errors about some random important file is missing or corrupt, please insert your DVD and repair windows or whatever the hell it says. The specified missing file is always different each install attempt (I have made about 30ish attemps so far in every drive configuration I could think of). Once it even said 'a system file' is missing or corrupt with no file specified. One attempt (120gb drives in raid0 with no other drives attached) did make it to the Windows 7 load screen, but then windows encountered an 'unknown error' and had to close while finalizing.

What I wanted to do was raid0 the 60's for boot and raid0 the 120's for games, but I can't do that because while this mb has 4 sata3 ports, only 2 ports are raid capable (Intel C600 controller) as the other 2 are on an ASMedia controller. As that is the least of my problems and only my fault for making assumptions before I buy crap, what I thought to do instead was install win on one 60 on the ASMedia sata3 controller in AHCI with OPROM enabled, use the other 60 for task file, and raid0 the 120's for game installs. At first I thought the problem was bad drives because it installs fine on my old HDDs, but all 4 drives DOA seems unlikely so I figure I'm doing something wrong.

There are multiple posts about issues with these drives on Corsair forums, however none of their solutions provide a fix. Currently I have Windows 7 installed on 2 seagate 160gb HDD's in raid0 on sata2 with both 60's on sata3 ASMedia and both 120's in raid0 on sata3 Intel C600 controller. I am convinced there is no problem with any drive as I have multiple games installed on the raid0 with task file on 1 60 and the other 60 is dedicated to ready boost. Honestly I have no idea what ready boost does, and with 32gb of ram it probably doesnt do much - but I can't think of anything else to do with the drive to see if I get any system hangs or issues.

After a week in this configuration I have had no issues whatsoever. I have run error checking from the properties tab in win for all drives, as well as chkdsk from command prompt and the disk checking utility in partedmagic which all came back no problems found. ATTO benchmark shows the the 60's around 475mb/s read/write and the 120's in raid0 are about 1100mb/s read/write. These SSD's are lightning fast. My HDD's are not - 275mb/s read/write in raid0 . Must needs faster boot.

I have tried installing win on each drive individually on each controller twice (16 attempts) and tried each set in raid0 a few times. Every attempt started out with a partition deletion and a secure erase using partedmagic AND sata3 controller in AHCI mode per Corsair forums. I have done Corsair's 1.3.3 firmware update to each drive. I have tried letting windows partition/format each drive during the install. I tried booting from my HDD's, then creating partition tables, allocating sapce, and formatting the SSD's from disk management, then installing win on the drives already setup. And a few other various things in different orders.

My steps for the 1 result that yeilded and actual Windows 7 loading screen after 1st reboot:
- 2 120gb ssd's on Intel C600 sata3
- Enter bios - change sata from raid to ahci - exit
-Boot with partedmagic bootdisk - deleted partitions both drives - system suspend for drive reset - secure erase both drives - shutdown
- Plugged in 2 160gb hdd to sata2
- Enter bios - change sata from ahci to raid - exit
- Enter raid setup utility - create raid0 on 120gb ssd's with 32kb strip - exit
- Boot win from hdd - create MBR partition table, allocate all avail space, format NTFS (not quick format) - shutdown
- Unplugged 2 160gb hdd
- Boot from Windows 7 install disk - install to SSD raid volume - 1st reboot yeilds load screen then 'unknown error', but I guess it was some-what better than windows failed to start due to whatever random file missing or corrupt.

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Complete Reinstall Windows 7 After Install Up Dates

Nov 28, 2012

i was having problems with my pc and did a complete reinstall windows 7 after install up dates take place after install restart pc freezes to get going again i have to restore and loose all my updates does that sound as if this question is from a pc expert.

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Possible To Install Mac OS Lion On Windows 7 Machine?

Mar 4, 2012

Can I install mac os lion on windows 7 machine. What are the system requirement for mac os lion. I have intel dual core (2.5ghz) processor, 2 gb ram, 320 hard disk. And if I fulfill the requirement of mac os lion then how do I install it.

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Removing Windows 7 So Can Install On New Machine

Oct 15, 2011

atm i dual boot XP and windows 7 Ultimate (full retail, not OEM). i want to remove 7 from my machine so i can install it on a new machine. have read various posts how to do that, but the posts are all old and a bit of messing about involved. i dont want to mess up so what i wondered was if i used windows 7 manager to change 1st boot option to XP, then formatted the partition (same hdd as XP) that has 7 on it, would that save all the messing about trying to repair boot failures in XP and the boot option screen, making XP boot correctly? i could then format the old partition where 7 was afterwards.

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Can Use OEM Disc To Install Windows 7 On Different Machine?

Sep 1, 2011

When I bought my Maingear machine, It came with an OEM copy of Windows 7 Professional. I have an old Dell in the other room I'd like to run Windows on. Can I use the disc that came with my Maingear machine to install Windows on the Dell? If I need to re-install Windows on the Maingear at some point, is that license going to work on the re-install or are these licenses a one time/one machine type thing?

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Machine Refuses To Install Windows 7?

Oct 18, 2011

When i put a Windows 7 installation Cd in my Hp laptop,the notice i get is Hard drive not found

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Install Windows 7 On Xeon 2.66 Machine?

May 1, 2012

Can i install Windows 7 on Xeon 2.66 machine?

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Install Not Complete After New CPU

Oct 18, 2010

I was successfully running Windows 7 Ultimate x64 on my machine as it was with a AMD Athlon dual core processor, on my MSI 770T-C45 motherboard.I purchased and installed a AMD Phenom II X6 1055t which IS supported by this motherboard (after bios flash).

I flashed the bios using the correct procedures, and any time i wold log into windows i would get BSOD and the message "SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION" and also down below "rushtop64.sys" something... i would post the dump, but i have since formatted.I couldnt solve that issue, the computer would run fine in safe mode.i had not changed any other hardware. I googled for ages, and saw that if i was to change processor to more cores, that i should re format and reinstall windows.I got my windows disk, tried to do a clean install. Once it "completing install" and restarts, all i get is a blank black screen with the ( _ ) cursor type thing flashing in the top left of the screen and the computer freezes.

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Windows 7 Install On XP Formatted Both Disks In Machine

May 3, 2011

On Friday I attempted to install windows 7 ultimate x64 My existing machine is a XP Pro SP3 machine and it meets the system requirements as per Windows 7 upgrade advisor I booted from DVD and followed the steps up to selecting where to installl windows 7

This list showed me

Disk 0 Partition 1
Disk 1 Partition 1
Disk 1 Partition 2

Disk 0 is my C drive where my windows xp is installed - 300GB disk Disk 1 is where is store my files: pictures, music, documents etc - 500GB disk Partition 2 of Disk 1 is unallocated 9GB I selected Disk 0 Partition 1 Then selected Disk Options Format Drive Clicked Ok to the message about destroying data And allowed the install to proceed What i intended / expected to happen was that windows 7 ultimate would be installed on drive C: (Disk 0) and that drive D: (Disk 1) would remain intact and untouched by the process The Windows 7 install completed successfully I logged on to my user account, activated my windows 7 copy I then looked at my disks and what i see is that: Drive C was formatted and windows 7 was installed there BUT The install process formatted drive D and copied the windows XP installation to that drive So i have lost a lot of data that i did not expect to, and, of course, had not backed up in ages. For now, anyway, thats beside the point.I then removed the windows 7 DVD from the drive and rebooted the PC When the disk was removed the machine booted to Windows XP - running from the copy taken earlier on Drive D However, when i replaced the DVD to try to boot to windows 7 again, it began the installation process from the start?I dont remember selecting a dual boot option during the initial install, but maybe the steps i took led me to something like that by some default?

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Transferring Fresh Install Windows 7 HDD To Another Machine?

Feb 15, 2012

For some reason, I cannot install Windows 7 onto this new gateway PC that I have, but am able to do it on my older PC. Both are capable of running 64 bit, both have new and working memory, hardware. Now I understand that when you do install windows for the first time, your hard drive "marries" your motherboard. Thus when I put the hard drive into the new machine after a fresh install, it gets stuck on "windows is starting" and refuses to boot (ClassPNP.SYS in safe mode).

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Can't Install Office 2010x86 On Windows 7 X64 Machine

Apr 12, 2011

I have Windows 7 x64 Ultimate.Loaded numerous x64 apps including Office 2010 x64......but had to uninstall Office x64 in order to load another app that requires Office 2010 x86.Uninstall of Office 2010 x64 seemed OK but on reinstallation (using Office 2010 x86) it refuses to load on an x64 system.How can I get x86 to install? Can't find a WOW64 key in the registry.

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Power Went Out During Install, Can't Complete Now?

Aug 3, 2011

Last night I was upgrading from Vista to Windows 7 via download off of the microsoft site (so I do NOT have a startup disc). As the computer was in the middle of a restart, I lost power during a storm last night.Now when I turn the computer on, it gets past the "Starting Windows" screen and to the point where I can see a default desktop image, but I never actually see the desktop. Instead of seeing the taskbar or any shortcuts, it just brings up a DOS prompt and I have no idea what to do from there or how to get it to restart the install or pick up where it left off.

I'm at a friends house posting this, so I don't have all my computer specs, but I know it is completely Windows 7-compatible.

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Windows 7 Fresh Install On Newly Built Machine

Apr 29, 2012

I needed to upgrade anyway, so I bought a new motherboard, new SATA HDD and a new copy of Windows 7 Home Premium..I had problems with th initial install, it started hanging three quarters of the way through, I checked online and found that if I disconnected all USB connections it installed fine.Now installed it won't load up correctly, or if it does it crashes almost straight away, it runs fine in safe mode, but I can't use Windows Update in safe mode.Rather than reinstall again.I've got the feeling the problem may relate to the build rather than the software, but wanted to check if anyone had experienced similar problems?

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Clean Install Of Windows 7 Professional 64 Bit From Vista Machine?

Jan 11, 2013

I currently have vista 32 and ordered a full version of windows 7 professional sp1 64-bit. The disk that came in the mail says "Reinstallation dvd windows 7 professional sp1 64 bit". Will this Reinstallation DVD allow me to do a clean install of windows 7 64-bit on my computer?

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Dell Machine Drivers For Windows 7 Clean Install

Nov 16, 2011

I am getting ready to put a clean windows 7 op sys on my dell machine. I wanna make sure I have all necessary drivers I need. Is there a quick way to do this? Or do I go in device manager and get driver and go to manufacture website to get updated drivers for windows 7 one by one?

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Dell Machine Drivers For Windows 7 Clean Install?

Nov 16, 2011

i am getting ready to put a clean windows7 op sys on my dell machine. i wanna make sure i have all necessary drivers i need. is there a quick way to do this? OR do i go in device manager and get driver and go to manufact website to get updated drivers for windows7 one by one?

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Freeze Up At Completing Install Of Win7 Will Not Complete

Nov 4, 2009

installing Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit on my computer would completely freeze up. At completing install.

1.tried upgrade

2. tried clean install nothing plug into usb ports only plug in are keyboard and mouse still freezes on last part of Installation.

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Windows 7 Machine Cannot Access Win2003 Machine In A Workgroup?

Jan 4, 2012

i have Lan, all computers are windows 7 proffisional and one machine is windows 2003 , workgroup . i made shared folder in windows2003 , some computers can access the shared folder and others can not.when i open network , i see the 2003 computer, when i try to access it , it asked for user name and password. the user is administrator for all , when i enter the user and password from many computers in the lan it is work correctly but in one machine with the same settings its says , you have no permession to access this computer.

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[IMAGES] Re-install Vista Using Recovery Disc After A Complete Format?

Mar 4, 2010

i am planning to install windows 7 very soon but am worried that while installing windows 7,vista will be completely formatted if doing a fresh installation in-case if i don't like it, can i re-install vista using the recovery disc?my pc came with vista installed on it so i dont have a guniene DVD for vista.

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How To Install The Fax Machine

Jun 2, 2012

install a bt paperjet 50e fax machine

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Transfer Windows 7 From DE-commissioned Machine To Another Machine

Sep 22, 2010

I have de-commissioned an older machine that I had installed W7 on, I wish to install the W7 from this machine to another, is this possible -if so how?I think I have read somewhere, that once W7 is installed on a machine - it can NEVER be used on any other machine, is this correct?

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Install OS On HDD From Virtual Machine?

Dec 28, 2011

I'm about to try and get a hackintosh running. And this needs to be OSX Lion since my graphics card is not supported in Leopard Snow. Problem is, to my knowledge, Lion is only installable from within OSX Leopard Snow. But since I can't run Leopard Snow, I'm sort of stuck.

My question is, would it be possible to install an operating system on a HDD from within a virtual machine? Such as VMware or virtualbox. Because then I'd be able to push the OS into the harddrive and then just boot of the harddrive?

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Clean Install On New Machine?

Jan 20, 2011

I purchased a new computer with Windows 7 Professional 64 bit. I read that it's recommended re-installs the operating system after receiving a new computer from the factory.

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Install Adobe CS4 And CS5 Onto Same Machine?

Apr 13, 2012

I have had Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 and Adobe After Effects CS4 in the past, but recently upgraded last year both to CS5. I have no problem running AE CS5, but PP CS5 is giving me problems when trying to add transitions. Something about it can't add until I remove some parts of the footage from the A-B roll for I had no handles, which means removing some delicate footage. It will either add at the beginning or the end, but not in between like I need it too. I don't like the new way, so I removed both of them. Really, I had no choice since I had to do a clean install of Windows 7 Ultimate x64.

What I want to know is, can I install both CS4 and CS5 onto the same machine? I know it want take trying to install onto the same drive, I believe; but can it be done by installing CS5 onto the main master hard drive and the CS4 onto a secondary slave hard drive (or vice versa)?

I just want to compare the two to find out why they are so different. Also, my Red Giant Suites, NewBlue FX and Pixelan SpiceMaster Pro, etc. plug-ins don't show up in PP CS5, but they work fine in PP CS4.

As far as the plug-ins, would they be installed into the Common folder rather than the application plug-ins folder?

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Dual Install Ruined Machine?

Feb 26, 2012

I had originally installed Window 7 and have been running it with no problems at all. I thought some experience with Ubuntu would be advantageous to my overall computer knowledge and as a result attempted to install Ubuntu. The install process went horribly wrong and as a result my machine will not even let me load Windows 7 from the installation disk. It goes to the black screen where the Windows is loading files and upon completion the cloudy Windows stock image comes up with the mouse pointer and does nothing further. I have the hard drive hooked up in an alternate machine in preparation for data recovery but before I proceed into these untested waters I thought I should get some advice. I have posted problems on this site before and received invaluable advice.

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