Install Not Complete After New CPU

Oct 18, 2010

I was successfully running Windows 7 Ultimate x64 on my machine as it was with a AMD Athlon dual core processor, on my MSI 770T-C45 motherboard.I purchased and installed a AMD Phenom II X6 1055t which IS supported by this motherboard (after bios flash).

I flashed the bios using the correct procedures, and any time i wold log into windows i would get BSOD and the message "SYSTEM_SERVICE_EXCEPTION" and also down below "rushtop64.sys" something... i would post the dump, but i have since formatted.I couldnt solve that issue, the computer would run fine in safe mode.i had not changed any other hardware. I googled for ages, and saw that if i was to change processor to more cores, that i should re format and reinstall windows.I got my windows disk, tried to do a clean install. Once it "completing install" and restarts, all i get is a blank black screen with the ( _ ) cursor type thing flashing in the top left of the screen and the computer freezes.

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Windows 7 Wont Complete Install Restarts Install Or Bsod?

Sep 7, 2012

First off this is a newly built computer, all fresh components. aftercleaning/activating the hdd via shift +f10 at Windows 7 setup,(which took me a day to figure out) i was very excited to see my hdd available for Windows 7 installation. as i proceed windows does its thing, after installing its time for the first restart. it restarts right back to the initial windows 7 setup ive done a lot of research, and majority of the problems seem to be the boot priority in bios. so i made sure that it was usb-hdd, then hard drive. (Windows 7 on flash drive for me, no dvd burner available). still the same thing, right back to initial setup. i tried maybe to remove the flash drive during the 10 second countdown to restart, but when it restarts, the windows splash screen comes up and then blue screens and restarts real quick. cant see what the error is on bsodthere have been a couple different start up issues, "windows did not start properly" "select version of windows to start from" (or something to that effect.) but its all the same outcome. windows 7 just wont finish installation

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Can't Complete Install Of Windows 7 X64

Jul 22, 2012

I formatted my hard drive to reinstall windows and for some reason when I reboot the computer after installing from the DVD it won't go further than a black screen...

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Power Went Out During Install, Can't Complete Now?

Aug 3, 2011

Last night I was upgrading from Vista to Windows 7 via download off of the microsoft site (so I do NOT have a startup disc). As the computer was in the middle of a restart, I lost power during a storm last night.Now when I turn the computer on, it gets past the "Starting Windows" screen and to the point where I can see a default desktop image, but I never actually see the desktop. Instead of seeing the taskbar or any shortcuts, it just brings up a DOS prompt and I have no idea what to do from there or how to get it to restart the install or pick up where it left off.

I'm at a friends house posting this, so I don't have all my computer specs, but I know it is completely Windows 7-compatible.

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Windows 7 Machine Can't Complete SP Install

Feb 6, 2012

Back in October my wife's machine had a malware infecion ( After much work by Gringo and me, the machine was declared clean. However, even at that time the Service Pack install would not complete. It would churn and try to install and reboot and certainly act like all was well and completing, but eventually it would say something like "Service Pack failed. Resorting to previous cnfiguration". With the holidays approaching, solving this issue was pushed to the back burner. Now that I have some time, I'd like to get the machine fully updated.

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Windows 7 Wont Complete Install

Sep 8, 2012

finally after i got win7 to recognize my hdd, i thought i was home free. nope. now when i install 7, it goes thru the setups and file copying and all that, but once it hits the first reboot, it goes back to the initial "install now" i realized that maybe the boot order needed to be changed, so i did that, but going that route will cause a blue screen, and back to a restart.

1 time, and im not sure how, i managed to get to the final step before it was 100% done. but i cant figure out how to get there.

right now, i booted from the flash drive (my windows 7 installtion) and it now appears to be frozen on the starting windows screen.

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Can't Complete Windows 7 Install - CD / DVD Drivers Required

Feb 17, 2009

Trying to install Windows 7 and get hung up after clicking the "Install" button on boot-up using DVD. It loads for a bit, then tells me a CD/DVD Driver is required and can't be found. I've tried using the WindowsSystem32Drivers directory but it says no drivers can be found. I had to get the iso from a bit torrent; could it be I've got a 64 bit install disc and only 32 bit drivers? Maybe that's a dumb question but I'm trying to figure out why I can load the install up to that point from the DVD but it won't locate drivers.

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Windows 7 Will Not Complete Install On SSD - Works Fine On HDD

Mar 6, 2012

New gaming PC project:
Asus Rampage Extreme IV
I7 3960x
32gb Gskill 2133 mhz
Sound Blaster Recon 3D
2 Corsair Force GT 60gb sata3
2 Corsair Force GT 120gb sata3
Windows 7 home 64bit w/anytime upgrade to Professional (Didn't know about the 16gb ram cap...)
9800 GTX video (ran outta money...)

The issue I'm having is everything seems fine till the first reboot, then I get errors about some random important file is missing or corrupt, please insert your DVD and repair windows or whatever the hell it says. The specified missing file is always different each install attempt (I have made about 30ish attemps so far in every drive configuration I could think of). Once it even said 'a system file' is missing or corrupt with no file specified. One attempt (120gb drives in raid0 with no other drives attached) did make it to the Windows 7 load screen, but then windows encountered an 'unknown error' and had to close while finalizing.

What I wanted to do was raid0 the 60's for boot and raid0 the 120's for games, but I can't do that because while this mb has 4 sata3 ports, only 2 ports are raid capable (Intel C600 controller) as the other 2 are on an ASMedia controller. As that is the least of my problems and only my fault for making assumptions before I buy crap, what I thought to do instead was install win on one 60 on the ASMedia sata3 controller in AHCI with OPROM enabled, use the other 60 for task file, and raid0 the 120's for game installs. At first I thought the problem was bad drives because it installs fine on my old HDDs, but all 4 drives DOA seems unlikely so I figure I'm doing something wrong.

There are multiple posts about issues with these drives on Corsair forums, however none of their solutions provide a fix. Currently I have Windows 7 installed on 2 seagate 160gb HDD's in raid0 on sata2 with both 60's on sata3 ASMedia and both 120's in raid0 on sata3 Intel C600 controller. I am convinced there is no problem with any drive as I have multiple games installed on the raid0 with task file on 1 60 and the other 60 is dedicated to ready boost. Honestly I have no idea what ready boost does, and with 32gb of ram it probably doesnt do much - but I can't think of anything else to do with the drive to see if I get any system hangs or issues.

After a week in this configuration I have had no issues whatsoever. I have run error checking from the properties tab in win for all drives, as well as chkdsk from command prompt and the disk checking utility in partedmagic which all came back no problems found. ATTO benchmark shows the the 60's around 475mb/s read/write and the 120's in raid0 are about 1100mb/s read/write. These SSD's are lightning fast. My HDD's are not - 275mb/s read/write in raid0 . Must needs faster boot.

I have tried installing win on each drive individually on each controller twice (16 attempts) and tried each set in raid0 a few times. Every attempt started out with a partition deletion and a secure erase using partedmagic AND sata3 controller in AHCI mode per Corsair forums. I have done Corsair's 1.3.3 firmware update to each drive. I have tried letting windows partition/format each drive during the install. I tried booting from my HDD's, then creating partition tables, allocating sapce, and formatting the SSD's from disk management, then installing win on the drives already setup. And a few other various things in different orders.

My steps for the 1 result that yeilded and actual Windows 7 loading screen after 1st reboot:
- 2 120gb ssd's on Intel C600 sata3
- Enter bios - change sata from raid to ahci - exit
-Boot with partedmagic bootdisk - deleted partitions both drives - system suspend for drive reset - secure erase both drives - shutdown
- Plugged in 2 160gb hdd to sata2
- Enter bios - change sata from ahci to raid - exit
- Enter raid setup utility - create raid0 on 120gb ssd's with 32kb strip - exit
- Boot win from hdd - create MBR partition table, allocate all avail space, format NTFS (not quick format) - shutdown
- Unplugged 2 160gb hdd
- Boot from Windows 7 install disk - install to SSD raid volume - 1st reboot yeilds load screen then 'unknown error', but I guess it was some-what better than windows failed to start due to whatever random file missing or corrupt.

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Freeze Up At Completing Install Of Win7 Will Not Complete

Nov 4, 2009

installing Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit on my computer would completely freeze up. At completing install.

1.tried upgrade

2. tried clean install nothing plug into usb ports only plug in are keyboard and mouse still freezes on last part of Installation.

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Complete Reinstall Windows 7 After Install Up Dates

Nov 28, 2012

i was having problems with my pc and did a complete reinstall windows 7 after install up dates take place after install restart pc freezes to get going again i have to restore and loose all my updates does that sound as if this question is from a pc expert.

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[IMAGES] Re-install Vista Using Recovery Disc After A Complete Format?

Mar 4, 2010

i am planning to install windows 7 very soon but am worried that while installing windows 7,vista will be completely formatted if doing a fresh installation in-case if i don't like it, can i re-install vista using the recovery disc?my pc came with vista installed on it so i dont have a guniene DVD for vista.

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"Windows Could Not Complete The Installation, To Install Windows On This Computer, Restart The Installation"

Apr 16, 2012

First, my laptop is a Aspire 5250-BZ853. I received it back in October, I think...may've been earlier. But anyhow, it was working just fine yesterday until I did a Windows Update. I had to restart, and it was fine again. But then it began running sluggishly slow, and just terrible overall so I restarted it once more and that was when the problems began.

This entire day, this has been driving me nuts. I have important files on here, and I backed up most on my external harddrive a bit ago but there were a few I missed and hadn't the chance to get (ironically enough the most important, papers and such.) At first, it said my password was wrong -- as if someone had changed it! I restarted it once more, thinking it an error or something, and did that again so I restarted it again. Finally, it worked but I think it logged me in as safe mode somehow. After that, it restarted on its own and began this loop. I did a LOT of searching on Google until finally someone suggested to someone else to try pressing "ALT + F10" I think it was as it was starting, and finally I made progress. Before that, it was just going into a constant rebooting loop and I couldn't even log into safe mode. Trying to reset it back to a time it was working was futile, because it said there was no recovery time there! So that shot that idea down. At last, I got well. I clicked the reset to factory settings, but still keep all the files (and they would be saved to "C:Backup" and I thought it had finally worked. But now as it reinstalls, I got an error saying something about how it needed to restart or when I clicked "okay" it began again, and finally it all just came to a stop on "Windows could not complete the installation. To install Windows on this computer, restart the installation."

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Startup Does Not Complete

Jan 1, 2013

I've started having a problem on my Dell desktop PC with Windows 7 Home Premium. Sometimes, when I attempt to start the PC, the process will not finish and it just hangs. It seems to happen at the same point in the process. After the welcome screen, the wallpaper and shortcut icons load. If they load all at the same time and the tray items show, the start up will be successful.However, sometimes the process stops right after the wallpaper loads. Sometimes some of the icons will appear with others as only white icons. Sometimes, none of the icons will appear. If I let it set for awhile, nothing happens - the blue circle continues to spin, but nothing else happens. When I attempt to shut down or click any of the other icons in the quick start tray, the blue circle just shows on top of them. No matter what I try at this point, nothing works. The only thing I can do is hold down the power button to shut down. Then, when I try to startup again, I get the error message that Windows was not properly shut down and I either "start windows normally" or go into "safe mode". I haven't installed any hardware since this started, and I've tried to isolate if a certain program has caused this. Sometimes I will uninstall the last program installed while I am in safe mode, but I find that this was not the problem program. When I shut down from safe mode, Windows closes properly and then I can try and startup normally again. This is sometimes successful, sometimes not.I've tried doing a full scan with Norton Internet Security and Malwarebytes while in safe mode, but they both show no issues. I also tried a startup repair in Windows, but that also showed no issues.

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Complete PC Backup

Jun 16, 2009

From what I hear, pretty much everyone in the developed world who uses 7 will have Windows Backup included - not just files and folders, but system image backup as well.

Your average punter is not going to look any further than that.

That's got to be bad news for Acronis, Macrium, etc.

Sure, the enthusiasts will check out 3rd party options - like they do with browsers.

You would think the big name must have considered an anti - trust case.

Maybe they didn't go ahead as some versions of 7 won't include it ( you're not very likely to see those).

Or because they didn't want to upset the MS lovers - witness the vitriol heaped on Opera by people who should know better.

It was available in Vista - but only the higher priced versions - people chose to pay extra for that.

Here's another chance for a controversial discussion - go for it.

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Complete Lock Up At 42%?

Dec 4, 2010

My neighbors computer is completely virus ridden. An IT person came out and wanted to charge $400 for a clean reinstall so i said i would do it She has windows xp and i recommended that she purchase windows 7. After purchasing the upgrade pack i put it in and selected custom (the clean reinstall option of the two).It gets to the "expanding windows files" part and then locks up at 42% every time. I cannot move the mouse. how to get through this? could it be a problem with the disk?

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XP Mode Will Not Complete Set Up

Jul 28, 2012

Windows 7 Professional 64 bit,i have downloaded XP mode but each time i try to install at the final point "cannot complete set up,please try again".There is nothing to indicate what problem occured.I have removed program and done fresh download but with the same result.

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Backup Does Not Complete

Dec 4, 2009

I have a new Dell XPS 13 (Windows 7 64-bit) and am pleased with it thus far. I have successfully created a system image on DVDs (Using Windows utility).

Twice I have tried the Windows Backup utility to back up all user files (what Windows selects) to DVDs and it does not complete! The utility gets to 66% or 67% running for approx 4-6 hours and does not prompt to insert another DVD (the 2nd). The total size of data to backup is approx 11GB. The second time I disabled the antivirus software (MSE) hoping that was causing the problem.

Any suggestions or solutions?

I'd like to backup to DVDs as I have plenty and do not have an external HD available.

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PDF Complete Replacement ?

Jan 1, 2013

My HP p6710f came with �PDF Complete� which lets you save a single page of a PDF as its own PDF file. This option comes up when you right click on a PDF and choose Print & then the printer, which is PDF Complete.However I did not know this was a trial program & mine just ran out. Every month I generate a PDF with several pages, but each page is for a different person. I found it convenient to print or save each person�s page separately in order to email to them.

I need a replacement for PDF Complete & was hoping to find something which has the same functions. I have seem some free programs for creating PDF files but am unable to figure out if they can save individual pages as new PDFs.

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My Windows 7 Does Not Complete Backups

Jan 17, 2013

on my new hp laptop i used to do schedueled backups on my elements wd external hard drive regularly but suddenly it stopped completing backups because as soon as it gets around 70% my windows restarts the drive it happened 20 times already

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Windows Cannot Complete The Installation

Jul 27, 2011

something shut down my new laptop when i went to put on for some reason it needed to reinstall windows 7 home premium.... after loading windows files appears ....then it stops says please wait..... the screen goes black then reads setup is starting services a box appears andsays could not complete the installation............i push then says to install windows on this computer restart installation;is happens over and over again....and nothing more........i have tried a restore,systems check,tried to open in safe mode,....

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Complete Lag And Slow Down After Reboot?

Oct 3, 2011

Before I go along with my rant, I'm not a computer expert nor near one. I'll try to provide as much information as I know/have. I'm desperate for any answer and if this is located in the incorrect aI have a Lenovo Windows 7 64-bit laptop. I currently have 4.00GB of RAM ( 3.80GB usable ), my processor is Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU P6100 @ 2.00GHz.I've always had problems with my two USB slots and the bottom one stopped working all together. Last night, after pushing my USB cord in the incorrect slot, I heard a crack. After replugging my mouse into the correct USB slot, it would not work. After rebooting my computer, it completely slowed down as if someone recorded what I was doing on the computer and played it in slow-motion.

Start up took about 5 minutes and was quite sluggish. It told me to pick an OS and my choices were either "7" and I forgot the other option, unfortunately. Freaking out, I tried to shut it back off, but once I took my finger off the button, it turned on automatically no matter how long I held it down. This time it asked if I wanted to " repair ( recommended ) " or start normally. I chose to repair my computer and it showed no difference.When I finally got on my name I right away noticed the sluggish performance. Again, it was like my actions were being performed in slow motion. I turned on some music and instead of hearing some lovely piano, I heard a completely lagged song. When getting on my internet ( which I'm still struggling with at this moment ) it took me nearly half an hour just to create an account here, when usually I'd be done lickity split.

I was told by a few friends who are knowledgeable with computers that the USB cannot effect the actual hardware. I'm afraid that, that crack I heard at least did something, since right before I restarted the computer it was working fast and perfectly. Mind you, this computer is only 6 months old.I restored my computer and it made no difference. I check for viruses and malware everyday ( using Spybot, microsoft essentials and malwarebytes anti-malware ) and my results came clean. I'm sorry for the long rant, but I tried to provide as much information as I could. I did try contacting Lenovo, but I do not have a phone nor a cell phone due to financial reasoning and that's the ONLY way to contact their tech support.

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Windows Could Not Complete The Installation...

Dec 25, 2011

Just got a new HP laptop for Christmas (yeah. It's not even 7 on Christmas morning and I'm already having problems.) I've seen a lot of people with this problem, but I can't fix it the way they did. "Windows could not complete installation. To install Windows on this computer, restart the installation." Here's the catch:I can't start it in Safe Mode.I can't access task manager.F11 does nothing.I've tried alt+tab to see if these things are running in the background; they're not.I don't have any disks.It's an HP Pavilion dv7, and I got it refurbished.

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Reboot Before Installation Is Complete?

Jun 9, 2010

I have attempted to install Windows 7 a couple of times now (with different copies each time) and I keep getting the same problem:Everything goes very smoothly for the most part. It finishes the installation, and then goes to reboot. When it attempts to load up Windows 7 the first time, I get the black screen that asks what mode to start windows in (Safe Mode, Start Normally, etc) and I choose start normally. It then brings up the Win 7 startup screen, but pops up with an error that explains that the computer was rebooted unexpectedly and the install did not complete.From this point, all I can do is click the "ok" button (the only option given in the dialog box) which just restarts the computer. If I just let it go and don't touch anything, it brings me back to the exact same message. This happens infinitely. My only other option is to boot from CD again, which lets me start the install all over again. But this still just results in the same error. I ended up just re-installing XP so that I could try and find a fix for the issue.

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Backing Up Complete System In XP?

Nov 15, 2011

I know this is a Windows 7 forum but perhaps someone here can help. My wife has given me permission to use her laptop to experiment with Ubuntu and Ubuntu variations on the condition that when she gets it back it will exactly as she left it. So... is there a way to back up the entire OS with installed programs, settings, personal files, etc? I know about dualbooting but in case something goes awry it would be handy to just be able to pop in a disc(s) and replace everything where it was.

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Unable To Complete Backup

Jan 26, 2013

on my dell inspiron desktop cannot complete backup. recently had to replace hard drive. set up a 30gb partition for backup but message is that it is insufficient space. backup appears to only require 12gb. what am i doing wrong? running windows 7 64 bit home premium with a 500 gb hard drive.

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Backup Will Not Complete (0x80070002)

Jan 15, 2013

I have had many failed attempts at backingup my pc and keep getting the following error message"Backup encountered a problem while backing up file C:UsersSeanDesktop2013-01 (Jan). Error The system cannot find the file specified. (0x80070002))"

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Is There A Way To Stop Auto-complete

Mar 13, 2012

I love the game "Free Cell" which comes with most computers.I do not like the way it makes moves automatically and finishes the game for you.I would like to be able to make my own decisions and do the final moves'myself.Is there any way to over-ride the automatic features, or is there an alternate version that can be downloaded.

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Cursor Seems To Be Loading And Will Never Complete

Jun 20, 2011

When I start up my computer, the desktop loads but it wont let me do anything. The bar at the bottom of the screen wont load fully and whenever I try to click the start icon, it wont let me. Nor will it let me open any program. The cursor seems to be loading and will never complete. Basically I cannot open anything.

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Taskbar Is Complete Gone From Windows 7?

Mar 6, 2012

My taskbar is completly gone from windows 7.. everything else is working fine but I can't even pull up taskbar options in the control panel..

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Windows 7 Cannot Complete The Installation?

Apr 3, 2011

I have just restored my c drive and now during setup is preparing your computer for first use a message appears saying windows could not complete the installation. To install windows on this computer, restart the installation. It shows this message everytime I startup and keeps resetting the computer

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Windows Could Not Complete The Installation

Jul 6, 2012

I had a Windows 7 installation but then installed Windows 8 over it, a few weeks ago.I felt like my computer was getting too bulky and slow, so I decided to restore it to the factory conditions (system restore) by using my Windows 7 recovery disc. The restore finished and restarted, and went right to the Windows 7 loading screen, where it ended in this error message: Quote: Windows could not complete the installation. To install Windows on this computer, restart the installation. I can't restart the installation though, since the "System Restore" option is grayed out on the Windows 7 recovery disc.

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