Windows 7 - How To Change Position Of Folder

Aug 16, 2011

How can I change the position of the folder in Windows 7? Example: If there are three folder in the drive; Suppose the following names:

1 - A
2 - B
3 - C.

If I want to change their arrangement i.e: I want to place the folder C instead of folder A. But when I do it i.e:by dragging it. It says: Move to A. So how can i do it?

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Get Folder Windows To Remember Size And Position?

Jul 11, 2010

Folder windows do not (have option) to remember their size and position.

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Recent Change To System - Can't Re-position Desktop Icons + More

Jul 18, 2012

A few days ago (16th July 2012) the Resident Shield of my AVG Internet Security 2012 reported an issue with the 'Services.exe' file located in C:WindowsSystem32 - specifically stating 'Trojan horse dropper.Generic_c.MMI' and saying that the 'Object is white-listed (critical/system file that should not be removed'.

I use the following command in the cmd box: "sfc /scanfile=c:windowssystem32services.exe". After doing this I had no more problems reported with services.exe.

Problem 1:However, now, my desktop icon arrangement has reset and grouped to the left side of the screen. I can re-position each icon however, upon reboot or the desktop Refresh command all Icons return to the left - to exactly the same position. Auto arrange icons is turned off and align to grid can be turned off however, it keeps turning itself on upon reboot.Icon re-positioning was always retained previously - this problem has only just appeared.

Problem 2:Upon double-clicking the desktop Computer icon I am now unable to permanently set the view from 'Tiles' to 'Details' (I can, temporarily) - this was never the case until the issue above (i.e. all explorer/folder views were permanently set to detail via 'folder options/view/apply folders').So, something has changed very recently. I've ran full scans using avg (virus,tracking and rootkit), malewarebytes mbam, spybot but the problem persists. I've re-checked system files using 'sfc /verifyonly' and no 'integrity violations' were found.

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Change User Account Picture Position From Middle?

Aug 21, 2011

how to change user account picture position from middle at windows 7 log on screen

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Change The Startup Position To Center Screen Or Default Location?

Oct 13, 2012

we can change the startup position to center screen or default location, etc...

But how i can make it to startup in this location:

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Change Icons On Program Folder And Windows Folder?

Sep 5, 2012

Can you change icons on Program and Windows-folder in C: ?

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Folder Icon - Change Windows 7 Default Folder Icon

Sep 30, 2009

How to Change the Windows 7 Default Folder Icon ?

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Change The Windows 7 Folder Menu Look?

Nov 14, 2011

I recently went from Xp home 32-bit to Win 7 home 64-bit and there is one thing that its annoying to me I would love to change but I do not know if it can be changed or how to do so if if it can.

Now to be very specific I linked to what i would like to have changed. i would like to change that to this look:

see that folder with the green arrow under the favorites menu. that is what I'd lvoe to have back again.

i do not like this whole my computer->c:->Program files-> winamp-> skins(that is an example) and to go back have to click on on the previous folder name. It would be nice to have that button again. so i can move back to the previous folder easier and faster. as well as the back button so i can click move quicker between folders.

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Change Color Of Folder Name Windows 7?

Jul 25, 2011

How i can change the color of folder name in window 7

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How To Change File Name Of Windows 7 User Folder

Feb 1, 2012

i just recieved my computer back from service because my hard drive needed to be replaced. i did not notice this until just now, but my system user name was not changed back to the default "user" after they had finished the my question is, how do I change the file name of my Windows 7 user folder? im talking about the one in C/Users. one is called "public" and the other one - which should have a lock next to it, it the one I want to change. I do not want this file to be called "[tech support person's name]" but either "user" or my own name.I have changed one user name via Control Panel/User Accounts/Change your account name, but it did not rename that file.Is it wise to rename this folder, or am I just stuck with a random person's name as the name of my user file?

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Cannot Take Ownership/cannot Change Permissions For Windows Folder

Feb 9, 2012

All this started when I just wanted to change the way the clock looked to a custom one.

I go to the Windows Sidebar folder to locate the Gadgets folder for the clocks, and I try to make backups of a few of the files in the clocks folder by moving some of them to a new folder I created on the desktop. I cannot move them, access denied. I try taking ownership of the folder, cannot do it, access denied. I try changing the permissions, cannot do it, the boxes you can tick are grayed out. Long story short, I tried backing out of all the folders, trying to take ownership and change permissions all the way back to the Program Files folder itself to no avail. It seems if it is a default Windows folder I cannot mess with it in anyway; this also seems to be the case with my McAfee folder, but something that is less of a risk to change, like my Zune folder, I can change around no problem.

Quick rundown, I am using Windows 7 Ultimate edition, this is my only account for the computer, and it is an admin account. I have tried using several different "Take Ownership" downloads, including the one suggested on this site, but it does not work for the Window folders. "Take Ownership" won't even show up if I right-click on the folder. I know the Take Ownership mod is installed correctly, because it will popup for something that is not a default folder, like my Zune folder. .

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Change The Default Save Folder For Windows 7 Something Else?

Nov 14, 2012

I have been through these two links below MS Office Word : Set Default Save Location Library - Set Save Folder If I want to change a default saved location folder for any of those file's types : Excel, adobe , jpg, access, email attachment , ,,,,,etc Do I need to repeat the procedure explained in the above two links for each individual file type?

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Cannot Delete Folder - "You Require Permission To Change This Folder"

Aug 28, 2011

tried everything to delete this folder on my external HDD, yet nothing works. Every time I try to delete it says "You require permission to change this folder." Changed the permissions. Nothing. I even managed to get the lock off of the folder but it still wont delete. I restarted my computer, downladed LockHunter and a couple other programs.

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File And Folder Arrangement - Change In Windows Explorer Window

Sep 11, 2011

How to Change the File and Folder View Arrangement in Windows 7 Explorer ?

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Windows 7 To Change Any Picture (Jpeg, Png, Bmp Etc) Into An Icon File To Use For A Folder Image?

Mar 5, 2012

Is it possible with Win7 to change any picture (Jpeg, png, bmp etc) into an icon file to use for a folder image?I just realised that its not an actual folder... its a shortcut which has a folder as an icon, Its actually a shortcut to a folder on another drive, but I'd still like to change it to an image I choose.

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Why Can't Windows 7 Remember Window Size & Position Like XP

Jan 7, 2012

What is the rational (if there actually is any) of not allowing one to save window size & position (other than the last window opened)?

Without using a 3rd party program (which seems to be the norm with Win7) has someone found a way to allow saving resized windows other than the last window opened??

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Explorer Windows Size, Position And Layout?

Jan 15, 2012

We are all familiar with the fact that for people who dont use a single window in explorer that windows 7 removed much functionality.Window size, position and layout is not remembered anymore. For explorer and many application windows. I've been using a program called windowmanager since windows 7 was released, but the product only sometimes works and is extremely frustrating to get it to work properly and consistently. Now that upgrades are no longer available to me I'm looking around for something else.I remember reading here a couple of years ago about another product, but I can't find it. Does anyone know of such a product? Was it something MilesAhead wrote?

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Freeware To Save Windows Position And Transparency Need

Oct 28, 2012

i 'm looking for a program , freeware that let me manage windows ,like save windows position and transparency something likeWinWarden but this doesn't save settings about windows.

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Windows Start Up Screen In Wrong Position?

Feb 5, 2013

Over the last several weeks, when I start up my Acer Netbook with Windows 7 starter, the first screen with the enter password box is loading up about an inch too low. As a result every screen winds up being too low ant the bottom of every page gets cut off and I can't scroll all the way down.

At first I would get this problem every once in a while, now it is happening constantly. Once in a while it will start up in the right location

The people at Microsoft says it is a problem with the operating system and offered to fix it at a substantial cost since the warranty just expired, of course. I also chatted with the manufacturer who suggested the problem was (a) corrupt file(s). I listened to their suggested solution and formatted the hard drive back to factory default condition. for a minute it looked like I solved the problem as on the firs couple of start ups the problem was gone. But soon after attempting to restore my files the problem came back and I still have it.

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Remote Desktop Does Not Save Window Position For Windows 7

Dec 16, 2012

Currently when to try to remote desktop to a Windows 7 Ultimate PC, all the active windows and moved to a single screen, even though before i connected, there were active windows on both screens of the PC.

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Remote Desktop Does Not Save Window Position For Windows 7 Ultimate

Dec 17, 2012

Currently when to try to remote desktop to a Windows 7 Ultimate PC, all the active windows and moved to a single screen, even though before i connected, there were active windows on both screens of the PC.

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Remote Desktop Does Not Save Window Position For Windows 7 Ultimate?

Dec 17, 2012

Currently when to try to remote desktop to a Windows 7 Ultimate PC, all the active windows and moved to a single screen, even though before i connected, there were active windows on both screens of the PC.

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Change The Name Of User Folder?

Sep 19, 2011

I installed windows 8 developer preview last night for dual booting purposes last night on a separate 20Gb partition. When I was using Windows 8 I Changed the location of my music library to my user folder on my windows 7 partition. Now when I boot in windows 7 the folder that was previously named after my username is now titled "my music" All of the contents of my users folder are in the folder. I cannot rename the folder back to my username by right clicking it and trying to rename it.

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Change The User Folder Name?

Jul 18, 2012

how to change the user folders name. I had try man things but nothing works.

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Can't Change Contents Of Folder?

Dec 19, 2010

I'm having an issue with installing certain things, such as plugins for Firefox, but also other small software I have to download first.When I try to install, for example, the Flash plugin via the official website,I get this message in a popup."C:Users*name*AppDataLocalTemp could not be saved, because you cannot change the contents of that folder.Change the folder properties and try again, or try saving in a different location."I'm not sure how to set either of those things.But what should I do anyway?This is preventing me to do a whole bunch of things.For one, watching videos on the internet. Not so handy.

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Change Share Name Of Folder?

Jan 12, 2012

How do I go about changing the sharename of a folder?

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Folder Template - Change

Apr 15, 2009

How to Change a Folder Template in Windows 7 ?

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Folder Locked; Cannot Change Permissions

Apr 5, 2011

I probably did a dump thing (only the 100,000th in my lifetime!). I backed up my working folders on my XP desktop into a zip file where the options were set to save the relative path of each file. I then extracted the backup zip file to my Win 7 laptop, not remembering that Win 7's folder structure is different than XP's. So I wound up with a new folder on the laptop "Documents and Settings", with all the stuff that was under it. So I was going to open it, move the files from (XP's) My Documents to (Win 7's) Documents. . . but there's just a weeeeeee problem: The Documents and Settings folder is LOCKED!!I have gone to the Security tab under properties and changed the permissions to allow EVERYONE full access, and it still denies me access. I downloaded Unlocker, but it doesn't show up in the menu when I right click the folder, so I have no idea what it's good for/how to use it. I can't delete it because that's not a choice on the menu when you right-click it.BTW, yesterday it had a padlock icon overlay on it. Today it has a shortcut arrow. I also have no idea why it's showing as a shortcut.

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How To Change Folder Name Under C Drive Users

Mar 24, 2011

I got a new laptop at work, and the IT group performed the initial setup. Of course, they entered my name incorrectly. I am the "administrator" on this computer, and I made the correction. However, on the C: drive, under the C:Users folder, my misspelled name persists. I select then right-click, but I cannot change the folder name. I see that the "lock" symbol is displayed next to the folder name, so obviously, the folder is locked and that explains why I can't change the folder name. How do I change a folder's name under C:users?

(Dell Inspiron Mimi 1018)

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All Files And Folder Extension Change To Scr?

Jan 12, 2012

i have problem in my pc all files and folder extension change into scr when i was going to open the folder are not opening

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Unable To Change Folder Icon

May 25, 2012

I am unable to change my folder icons.

I right click on the FOLDER > PROPERTIES > CUSTOMIZE and CHANGE ICON but whatever picture i choose the folder icon doesn't change.

I've tried renaming the picture to .ico but that doesn't help either. I put the picture into another new folder by itself but that doesn't help either.

I get the error message : "The file contains no icons"

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