Windows 7 Explorer Jumps Back To Parent?

Jul 3, 2011

I am trying to selectively delete a number of subfolders, working in Windows Explorer. Every time I delete one folder, windows 7 jumps me back to the parent folder, so I have to scroll down again to where I left off. Very inefficient. In XP, the next folder in the list is highlighted after deleting one. I know Windows 7 is not XP, but this seems to be another unnecessary annoyance with file management, added to my growing list of file management annoyances.I suppose MS found some good reasons to make file management so cumbersome, or I am not yet with the program, or there is something I can do to make this better, and I haven't yet found itIs there something I can do to avoid this? Is there some other view of Windows Explorer I can use?

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Run App On The Parent OS?

May 9, 2012

I have a virtual Windows XP running on Windows 7. Does anyone know if there is a way to run an app on the parent Windows 7 operating system from the virtual XP operating system?

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Is There Another Name For Back Buton In Windows Explorer

Nov 16, 2012

is there another name for back buton in windows explorer

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Include Inheritable Permissions From This Objects Parent

Dec 8, 2012

This is a brand new machine with a brand new install of Win 7 Ultimate 64 bit SP1. I'm having a problem with the inheritable permissions. In the Advanced Security Settings for one of my games, I'm trying to Include Inheritable Permissions From This Objects Parent. The check box has a check in it and it is grayed out but under Inherited From, is shows <not inherited>.

I click on Change Permissions, the Include Inheritable Permissions isn't grayed out and has a check in the box but when I click on Apply, it doesn't change the inheritable permissions. It's probably something I'm not savvy enough to catch but I think I'm at the limit of my knowledge with this. It shows me as Owner with all permissions but still having a problem getting it to start without a pop up asking if I want to let it run.

System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate, Service Pack 1, 64 bit
Processor: AMD FX(tm)-6100 Six-Core Processor, AMD64 Family 21 Model 1 Stepping 2
Processor Count: 6
RAM: 8120 Mb
Graphics Card: ATI Radeon HD 5450, 1024 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 953766 MB, Free - 909586 MB; D: Total - 76316 MB, Free - 75388 MB;
Motherboard: ASUSTeK COMPUTER INC., M5A97 R2.0
Antivirus: avast! Antivirus, Updated and Enabled

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Windows Explorer Keeps Jumping Back From Network Drive To The Main Page

Jan 28, 2011

I have a Windows 7 Professional 32 bit operating system, which is joined to a domain at my workplace. If i open Eindows Explorer and open a network drive ( I: ), then the Windows Explorer open's it, but after a few seconds later, it jumps back to the main page. It is very annoying. I have 11 network drives, but only on two networks drives occurs this problem.

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Back Key Sometimes Doesn't Work On Internet Explorer

Apr 1, 2011

sometimes on internet explorer in windows seven my back key (above on the left of internet explorer) doesn't work. I click on it but nothing happen like I do not click on it.

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Flash Player - Change The Internet Explorer Back To 32 Bit

Nov 30, 2009

Got the Windows 7 upgrade for my Alienware. Its the 64 bit upgrade, I elected the 64 bit Internet Explorer. I even swiched to FireFox. Some of my military training is done on line, which uses Adobe Flash player. I know 7 does not support Flash player. How do I change the Internet Explorer back to 32 bit, and what are the pro's and con's..

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Explorer Search Bar / Stays A Long Time Searching And Bring Me Back NO Results?

Jun 16, 2011

If I try to search for something (that I know it is on program files, for exemple) on "C:" using the explorer search bar, it stays a long time searching and bring me back NOresults...But, if I go to program files folder, it almost bring me the result instantly

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Windows Taskbar Jumps To Top When Clicked

Aug 10, 2011

Anytime we right click a program on the taskbar and the menu opens, then left click on an empty spot on the taskbar while the menu is still open and move the mouse, the task bar jumps to the top.We have the task bar locked but it still moves to the top. I've noticed others on technet have reported the same issue.

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Moving From Vista To Windows 7 Cursor Now Jumps Around

Sep 12, 2011

I have recently upgraded from Windows Vista to Windows 7.Most things are working fine except that my cursor seems to be hyper-sensitive, jumps around without any apparent cause and makes using any typing programme a real chore as it will erase things onscreen if I don't watch every word I am typing or it will jump to another line and carry on typing there.

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Cursor Jumps All Over Screen - Windows 7 Almost Unusable

Jan 2, 2010

I noticed something similar happening in my previous laptop using Vista, but in Windows 7 it's almost unusable. As I'm typing the cursor will change positions either on the application (to another area of same application), or will jump to another document. At times I'll start to highlight something in Word to delete it, and as I hit "delete" the cursor switches to another part of the document, highlighting another paragraph and deleting it instead of what I was trying to delete.

At other times I see the cursor leave the document, go to one of the icons of another application at the bottom of the screen. Just as I hit "return" the cursor is now in another document and that document comes up on the screen instead of the one I was using. At first I was losing whole documents. But then I got smart enough to realize that they had been closed, or stuck somewhere, and I eventually could find them instead of losing all of the work I had done.

I've been composing emails and suddenly the email disappears. It was sent before I finished composing it. This happens about one every minute or so, and sometimes even more often. I can see the hourglass pop up on the screne as I move the mouse. When it pops up either the screen zoom changes, screen size changes, or jumps off to one of the other icons as I mentioned above. It looks to me as if the operating system is doing something else at those times, and if I'm going very fast (I type at about 100 wpm and up) that keystrokes get stuck somewhere I didn't intend for them to be.

I make that assumption because when I move the mouse fast and see the hourglass pop up that's when it happens with the mouse, so I'm assuming that it happens with keystrokes as well. But that's a guess. I also notice that if my finger drags across the mousepad on the laptop that sometimes that can cause this erratic behavior. Or if as I move the mouse instead of being in the center of the sensor pad I'm at the edge, that can create some real weird results.

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Monitor Jumps Up & Down?

Sep 4, 2011

my monitor jumps up & down bad

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Laptop Screen Jumps

Jun 12, 2011

When I'm on a webpage, my laptop screen keeps jumping up and down. Especially when I'm playing timed games. I have an Asus laptop with intel core i3 and Windows 7. It's highly irritating.

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Svchost.exe (NetworkService) Jumps To 100% CPU

Mar 2, 2011

svchost.exe (NetworkService) jumps to 100% when using Google Chrome or other internet related software. I need to stop the service in Source control, to keep my laptop from crashing. (as the CPU gets to hot and shuts down the Laptop without warning.)Aswell with 3D software or heavy programs same issue


HP 8710W, fully updated softpacks
Nvidia latest driver for Quadro FX 1600M

Software: (which are important)

Windows 7 x64
Office 2010 x64
Google apps
AVG Internet Security 2011
Adobe Master Collection CS5
Some AutoDesk suites
Tuneup utilities 2011
All Licensed

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Battery Level Jumps Up And Down?

Aug 12, 2011

Its strange but my battery goes from 16% to 23% (Or etc% To etc%) in one minute, once when I get down to about 10% I have to hurry and find my charger because that is no longer accurate.. Does this mean my battery wearing out? The battery and the computer is one year old.

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Laptop Screen Jumps Up And Down?

Dec 29, 2011

what makes a labtop jump up and down. and how to fix it. i have a hp labtop g60-535dx

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When Type A 1 Or 2 Application Jumps To That Screen

Feb 3, 2011

Windows 7 64bit / Dual Displays / Microsoft Wireless Entertainment Keyboard 7000? When I type the number 1 or 2, the application window I'm working on jumps to that screen (Browser, Word, Notepad, etcetera). Screen one is on the left, screen two is on the right. Doing it right now as I type this. In other words, if I'm typing in a MS Word document on display two, and I type the number "1", the window jumps to display one.Possible culprit: I purchased a StarTech 'USB2DVIE2' USB Display module that facilitates adding a third monitor via a USB connection. Didn't work well at all so I uninstalled the drivers.

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Cursor Jumps All Over After Upgrade, NOT The Touch Pad?

Oct 23, 2012

Dell Inspiron 1525 was freezing up as I type job apps (I was laid off so I need this fixed quickly) so a repair service we use (1 person) looked and upgraded me to Windows 7 from Vista. I have two issues now. It no longer locks up but the cursor jumps all over the page causing me to make mistakes typing and garbling sentences. It is not the touch pad. I have even covered it with cardboard and it still does it. The repair tech doesn't seem interested in finding the cause so I am stuck. Spell check is now saying portions of words are wrong such as the "ood" in Good Evening in this post. It is doing this for both times I have written the word. I have researched this and find similar but not close enough possible solutions.

Here is what I have found and tried. I have lowered the cursor speed to the third line. It seemed to help somewhat but now it is back to the same problem. I have scanned with Malwarebytes and my AVG antivirus. Both are up to date and nothing has been found. I performed a disk cleanup and defrag, it did noI am not a computer expert so this is the extent of my attemptsThis happened once a year ago with Vista and the service tech found it to be a driver issue on a forum and fixed it. He does not remember doing this and I believe he thinks I am insane.

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ARC Mouse Repeated Freeze Then Jumps?

Jun 20, 2012

Another minor, but nonetheless annoying and recurring problem. Even while CPU usage is very low (2%-8% of Core i7-975), frequently the mouse pointer freezes for 1 or 3 seconds on the desktop, then jumps instantly to where I was trying to direct it before it froze momentarily. There is randomly 2-10 seconds of proper mouse-pointer functioning between the freeze-up/hesitations. It keeps doing this repeatedly for as long as 10-15 minutes at a time. And it often happens when there is little or no applications load on the system. I checked Norton by chance it was running a scan in the background... nada. I checked "processes" and "services" running and found nothing unusual. I checked the batteries in my wireless Microsoft ARC mouse and they are full-charged.

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Brightness Jumps To Maximum While On Battery?

Jan 30, 2010

I've bought new laptop recently, everything works great, but there is still one problem. If I am working without the charger, on battery, the screen brightness always jumps to maximum. I have it on 30% in my power plan, and there it stays as 30%, but the brightness is still on maximum. If I press FN+F4, I could decrease it for a couple of seconds, and then it goes up again by itself...

I have tried all possible settings in Windows, also have downloaded all new drivers (but there are not a lot of them as Inspiron 1564 is new model). I have found one possible reason also, there should be "Display Brightness" field in BIOS, but there is no such option in my version of BIOS.

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Cursor Randomly Jumps Whenever Type?

Jan 17, 2012

My cursor randomly jumps whenever I type. How do I get this to stop?

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Curser Jumps Position While Typing Text

Feb 17, 2012

I'm having an issue when typing text. It occurs when typing emails in Google and when typing in Word documents. It happens whether I'm connected to the Internet or not. As I type, the position of the cursor jumps positions, either to a previous point in the text (which results in text being inserted at this earlier point in the doc) or it jumps out of the text window compeltely (i.e. while typing an email or on Facebook). Does this sound like a familiar virus problem? what can I do?

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Cursor Jumps When Right Or Middle Mouse Click?

Dec 13, 2010

I've had this problem with my mouse since I upgraded to windows 7. Whenever I'm playing a game, or anything fullscreen and I right click or click the middle mouse button, the cursor jumps across my screen, sometimes down or to the left. and sometimes, both.

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Hard Disc Activity After Screensaver Jumps In

Jan 28, 2012

On my Windows 7 Ultimate 64Bit machine the harddisc shows a lot of activity after the screensaver starts.As soon as I end the screensaver this stops.Of course it is not possible to check that in task manager (unless I missed some recording functionality of the task manager).This only happens after approx 8pm.I was looking for some planned maintenance stuff or some antivirus things but I cannot find any.Is there some tool, that records the processes that access the harddisc? Are there any built in tools for such a task from Windows 7?

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Curser Jumps All Over The Page About Every 8th Word While Typing?

Dec 30, 2011

I have a M17-R1 from Alienward, quad core, 8 megs of ram. Ipt jumped 5 times while typing this short message. Also have not been able to load touchpvad drivers from Alienware as well.

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Cursor Jumps Backwards Unexpectedly When Typing Message

Jan 13, 2012

When typing message cursor jumps backwards and seems the margins are not set correctly. It has been doing this about 2 months.

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Cursor Jumps To Another Spot In Text And Continue Typing

Aug 16, 2011

This problem is happening on two different laptops, both Windows 7, so I'm wondering if it's a virus. On many occasions, but not every time, my cursor will jump to another spot in the text and continue typing in the middle of another word. It seems to happen when a word ends in "t".

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Mouse Pointer Jumps On The Screen And The Right-click Not Functioning?

Aug 26, 2011

I have run into a problem I haven't seen before on a HP desktop running Win 7 Ultimate x64. The users reported that when they open a window, ~30 instances of the window open at once. The error is intermittent, but since they shut down the PC after each use it may come and go with each boot. I looked at the machine and it functioned fine after several reboots, but eventually I was able to see some strange results. I didn't see the multiple windows open, but I did have some input issues. The mouse pointer would jump all over the screen and applications would open that were never clicked. The right click did not function correctly. Sometimes the context menu would flash on and off and sometimes nothing. I tried an alternate mouse and using a different USB port with identical results. I have run virus scans, malware scans and a registry scan, but no dice.

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Cursor Randomly Jumps To Previously Entered Lines While Typing

Jun 7, 2011

whenever i'm typing a text on this laptop (fujitsu siemens amilo li 1818) the cursor () changes it's position randomly i.e. to: .

it is very frustrating as i need to put the cursor back in it's original place again, due to the fact that it jumps to previously typed text. sometimes it goes back a few words, sometimes it jumps up a few lines. whenever it jumps back, it jumps in between words or randomly in words like you can see on the second image.

it happens alot (the more i type, the faster it occurs again). i am 100% sure that it's not caused by me touching the touchpad while typing, as i've been looking for 10 minutes now while typing and i can't spot myself touching the pad with my hand, finger or anything else. i tried covering the touchpad with random objects such as a sheet of paper or a creditcard but the problem still occurs.

it happens in any program (firefox, internet explorer, microsoft office, notepad,...), even when i'm watching a Internet-video browsing the comments it's scrolling the page up (never scrolls down).

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Any Other Way To Get Your Systems Time Back Up For 2-3 Days Back?

Dec 14, 2011

I accidentally deleted some important files/folders which caused the whole downloaded videos/games get lost in a few minutes,i didnt even notice that it was deleting.I tried system restore but it didnt work,is there any other way to get your systems time back up for 2-3 days back?

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Windows Explorer ( Not Internet Explorer) Starts Up When Turn On Computer?

Dec 22, 2011

Windows Explorer ( not internet Explorer) starts up when I turn on my computer ( without my request). This just started to occur yesterday. It must be in some startup menu . Where do I look for this to remove it ?

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