Cursor Randomly Jumps To Previously Entered Lines While Typing

Jun 7, 2011

whenever i'm typing a text on this laptop (fujitsu siemens amilo li 1818) the cursor () changes it's position randomly i.e. to: .

it is very frustrating as i need to put the cursor back in it's original place again, due to the fact that it jumps to previously typed text. sometimes it goes back a few words, sometimes it jumps up a few lines. whenever it jumps back, it jumps in between words or randomly in words like you can see on the second image.

it happens alot (the more i type, the faster it occurs again). i am 100% sure that it's not caused by me touching the touchpad while typing, as i've been looking for 10 minutes now while typing and i can't spot myself touching the pad with my hand, finger or anything else. i tried covering the touchpad with random objects such as a sheet of paper or a creditcard but the problem still occurs.

it happens in any program (firefox, internet explorer, microsoft office, notepad,...), even when i'm watching a Internet-video browsing the comments it's scrolling the page up (never scrolls down).

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Cursor Jumps Backwards Unexpectedly When Typing Message

Jan 13, 2012

When typing message cursor jumps backwards and seems the margins are not set correctly. It has been doing this about 2 months.

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Cursor Jumps To Another Spot In Text And Continue Typing

Aug 16, 2011

This problem is happening on two different laptops, both Windows 7, so I'm wondering if it's a virus. On many occasions, but not every time, my cursor will jump to another spot in the text and continue typing in the middle of another word. It seems to happen when a word ends in "t".

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Cursor Randomly Jumps Whenever Type?

Jan 17, 2012

My cursor randomly jumps whenever I type. How do I get this to stop?

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Curser Jumps Position While Typing Text

Feb 17, 2012

I'm having an issue when typing text. It occurs when typing emails in Google and when typing in Word documents. It happens whether I'm connected to the Internet or not. As I type, the position of the cursor jumps positions, either to a previous point in the text (which results in text being inserted at this earlier point in the doc) or it jumps out of the text window compeltely (i.e. while typing an email or on Facebook). Does this sound like a familiar virus problem? what can I do?

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Curser Jumps All Over The Page About Every 8th Word While Typing?

Dec 30, 2011

I have a M17-R1 from Alienward, quad core, 8 megs of ram. Ipt jumped 5 times while typing this short message. Also have not been able to load touchpvad drivers from Alienware as well.

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Cursor Jumps All Over After Upgrade, NOT The Touch Pad?

Oct 23, 2012

Dell Inspiron 1525 was freezing up as I type job apps (I was laid off so I need this fixed quickly) so a repair service we use (1 person) looked and upgraded me to Windows 7 from Vista. I have two issues now. It no longer locks up but the cursor jumps all over the page causing me to make mistakes typing and garbling sentences. It is not the touch pad. I have even covered it with cardboard and it still does it. The repair tech doesn't seem interested in finding the cause so I am stuck. Spell check is now saying portions of words are wrong such as the "ood" in Good Evening in this post. It is doing this for both times I have written the word. I have researched this and find similar but not close enough possible solutions.

Here is what I have found and tried. I have lowered the cursor speed to the third line. It seemed to help somewhat but now it is back to the same problem. I have scanned with Malwarebytes and my AVG antivirus. Both are up to date and nothing has been found. I performed a disk cleanup and defrag, it did noI am not a computer expert so this is the extent of my attemptsThis happened once a year ago with Vista and the service tech found it to be a driver issue on a forum and fixed it. He does not remember doing this and I believe he thinks I am insane.

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Cursor Jumps When Right Or Middle Mouse Click?

Dec 13, 2010

I've had this problem with my mouse since I upgraded to windows 7. Whenever I'm playing a game, or anything fullscreen and I right click or click the middle mouse button, the cursor jumps across my screen, sometimes down or to the left. and sometimes, both.

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Moving From Vista To Windows 7 Cursor Now Jumps Around

Sep 12, 2011

I have recently upgraded from Windows Vista to Windows 7.Most things are working fine except that my cursor seems to be hyper-sensitive, jumps around without any apparent cause and makes using any typing programme a real chore as it will erase things onscreen if I don't watch every word I am typing or it will jump to another line and carry on typing there.

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Cursor Jumps All Over Screen - Windows 7 Almost Unusable

Jan 2, 2010

I noticed something similar happening in my previous laptop using Vista, but in Windows 7 it's almost unusable. As I'm typing the cursor will change positions either on the application (to another area of same application), or will jump to another document. At times I'll start to highlight something in Word to delete it, and as I hit "delete" the cursor switches to another part of the document, highlighting another paragraph and deleting it instead of what I was trying to delete.

At other times I see the cursor leave the document, go to one of the icons of another application at the bottom of the screen. Just as I hit "return" the cursor is now in another document and that document comes up on the screen instead of the one I was using. At first I was losing whole documents. But then I got smart enough to realize that they had been closed, or stuck somewhere, and I eventually could find them instead of losing all of the work I had done.

I've been composing emails and suddenly the email disappears. It was sent before I finished composing it. This happens about one every minute or so, and sometimes even more often. I can see the hourglass pop up on the screne as I move the mouse. When it pops up either the screen zoom changes, screen size changes, or jumps off to one of the other icons as I mentioned above. It looks to me as if the operating system is doing something else at those times, and if I'm going very fast (I type at about 100 wpm and up) that keystrokes get stuck somewhere I didn't intend for them to be.

I make that assumption because when I move the mouse fast and see the hourglass pop up that's when it happens with the mouse, so I'm assuming that it happens with keystrokes as well. But that's a guess. I also notice that if my finger drags across the mousepad on the laptop that sometimes that can cause this erratic behavior. Or if as I move the mouse instead of being in the center of the sensor pad I'm at the edge, that can create some real weird results.

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Previously Got BSOD, No Longer Happens However Computer Randomly Slows

Dec 22, 2011

Basically, my problem is that randomly next to EVERYTHING will stop responding for about five minutes, except the lower profile applications such as teamspeak and mIRC, and its been happening since july. Then, it will work again for a bit and then it will happen again. I got windows 7 home premium 64 bit.

When it first started, it would freeze so bad that it would BSOD, but that has not happened recently, however sometimes even TS and mIRC won't respond, and you can't open any new programs up while its in this cycle plus 99% of the time explorer.exe stops responding as well. We think the problem started happening when we did the windows updates, we didn't do all of them but we did the majority of them at that time, but it may of just been a coincidence. It will happen basically no matter what i got open, if its just Fire Fox or if i got FireFox, WoW, Diablo 2, TS, mIRC all open.

I just recently upgraded to service pack 1, and the problem still occurs. I've ran CCleaner, malwarebyes, anti virus, and all came up with little to no malicious activity

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Cursor Is Irritating And Going Off While Typing

Sep 9, 2012

I'm facing one serious cursor issue.Whenever I'm typing something, the cursor is just going off from it's normal place.

For example: Right now I'm typing in a Notepad and the cursor is just going off the notepad and I have to click again inside the notepad to bring the cursor back to it's position so that I can type.The same thing happens while chatting with someone. I've to click on the chat window again and again to type my messages.I recently got my palm rest replaced which included new touch pad and I'm pretty much sure that it's not touch pad problem.This is really frustrating and annoying.

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Cursor Keeps Typing [] Boxes?

Sep 11, 2010

I am having an issue with my computer reading boxes from my input that look similar to []. When I use a readkey method in a program it will display that the input it is reading is a 255 which is ancii for 'blank' if I understand right. I believe the boxes are the visual representation of a blank?

I am using windows 7 ultimate on a dell inspiron 1501. what in the world would cause it to continue reading this input? The thing that is strange is it only happens during a readkey call in code or a program that uses a similar method to type with such as a java application that is used to show work for homework. Things such as threads like this, or word processors or notepad etc don't do this.

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Why Cursor Keeps Moving When Typing

Mar 24, 2011

why my cursor keeps moving when typing. I am using Microsoft word 2007

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Cursor Jumping Around While Typing?

Feb 10, 2012

My cursor keeps jumping around when I am typing so I end up typing on another line half way through.

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Cursor Disappear While Typing?

May 20, 2012

I am totally tired because cursor is disappearing after few seconds while typing. I have to click anywhere on the working page to bring back the cursor again. I am using window 7.

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Possible To Change Typing Cursor

Jul 10, 2012

Is there a way to change the blinking cursor that you type with, like swapping a small image around somewhere deep in a file?

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Cursor Gets Missed When Typing Posts

Dec 31, 2011

When typing a post the cursor is blinking away as I type.After a few lines it stops blinkingEventually it disappears and can make editing a headache as you can never be sure where the cursor is.As this is a fairly new phenomenon can any one tell me if it is something I have done, or can do, to stop this odd behaviour?, I am using Windows 7 and IE 9 with all updates offered installed.

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Cursor Is Disappearing After Few Seconds While Typing?

May 20, 2012

Cursor is disappearing after few seconds while typing. I have to click again on the working page to bring back the cursor. I am totally tired in this.

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How To Hide Mouse Cursor While Typing Control Panel Check Box

Sep 1, 2012

Most of the returns are for solutions for the exact opposite (cursor hidden not showing) The ones that are for my trouble send me to control panel check box that I have checked.

I am using a Logitech G500 mouse, the bloatware (SetPoint) has no cursor "hide" option. Though it does not seem to matter the driver (win 7 ultimate standard system or Logitech) I use.

Seems a trivial issue other than I have a gift for clicking the dialogue box right where I prefer to see a word that the cursor obfuscates.

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Cursor Freezing Up In Typing An Email Using Yahoo Inside Windows 7

Oct 11, 2011

Cursor freezing up in typing an email using my yahoo inside windows 7

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Cursor Slows Down Randomly

Feb 16, 2013

I have a little problem with my mouse for about a month now. I've tried looking around the internet but found no solution. During normal usage the mouse cursor would randomly slow down to a crawl then a split second later the cursor would twitch back in to "position" to where it was suppose to be. (I've noticed this is more likely to happen if the processor is busy ie: click on a link, loading page etc) I've tried everything I could think of, changing mouses, re-installing the drivers, resetting and even reformatting. But the issue always seems to come back. I am currently using my logitech G500, however this issue is present with the razer deathadder that I borrowed from a friend.

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Windows 7 X64 Laptop Randomly Stops Responding With Busy Cursor Shown

Sep 16, 2012

The computer will stop responding, the cursor shows the busy blue ring (spinning, not frozen), and I can still move the blue ring around, but unable to click on anything. CTRL+ALT+DEL doesn't work, nothing works. Tried leaving it overnight but it didn't solve the problem. I had to force shut down by holding the Power button.This problem happens at random times, while using random applications, online or not, sometimes within a few minutes after turning on the computer, sometimes hours, but it happens almost every time. I have also tried turning on the computer and left it without using anything, and the same problem will happen.

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Could Not Find The Environment That Was Entered?

Aug 9, 2010

I keep getting this error when trying to install and exe I have tried safe mode and system restore but can get no joy I get this error message when I try system restore.

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Cannot Connect To Network Even With Key Entered

Apr 12, 2009

Anyone have trouble connecting to a secured network? I setup WPA security on my network and can't connect even with the key entered. At the moment I can only connect via unsecured, cause I haven't figured how to manually change security type as in Vista. I'm using build 7068 x86.

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Sharing Requires A User Name Entered?

Sep 5, 2011

On my Windows 7 PCs I must type a user name to access the shares it can be 1 letter or anything is there a way to remove that so access doesn't require any type of additional input?

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Can't Recall Password Previously Used?

Dec 29, 2012

i bought a laptop for my daughter awhile back. I set up a user account as the administrator being me. The issue I am having is the admn password keeps expiring. So I have to reset the password. This time I can't recall the password I previously used? I need to download a antivirus program I recently purchased for the laptop but I can't because the pc is requiring me to do this from my user account(admn account). I can't remember the password for the admn account? On top of that, I thought that the admn user account would say administrator under the account icon? I may be incorrect in recalling that though. Anyhow, I really need some help in figuring out how to reset my password so I can download the antivirus software on the pc. Also, is there a way to disable the password expiring? I am so frustrated over this. I tried everything I could think of to access my user account but no luck.

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Previously Known Networks Now Unidentified?

Jan 22, 2012

I have a windows 7 laptop that is identifying and connection to my router both wirelessly and through a wired connection, but it won't connect to the internet. I have three other computers and two smart phones that all connect to the network, so it isn't my network. I have a dongle that ususally works, but I have the same problem with that. I have tried other networks with the same problem. My husband and I have tried a variety of common sense type solutions but we are both stumped. I really need that particular laptop for my work which is entirely dependant on an internet connection so I am getting desperate now.

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System Could Not Find Entered Environment Option

May 8, 2011

I think I have some kind of malware. I am unable to use many functions on my computer, I always get the same error message "C:windowssystem32 strui.exe. The system could not find the environment option that was entered." I can't open system restore, because I get that same error message. I think its any .exe operations that I cannot use. My malware program won't open normally but when I tried it in safe mode, it didnt find any problems.

I also tried system restore in safe mode and from the boot screen, and it told me system protection was turned off, so I tried to turn it back on and the security tab that was needed to do this was missing. I don't have the windows 7 install disc because it was a factory install. I can't install any new programs and now I keep getting error messages saying I may have counterfeit software. In the bottom right corner of the desktop it says "Windows 7 Build 7600 This copy of Windows is not genuine".

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Entered Wrong Password, Now Can't Map Network Drive

Dec 31, 2009

I have set up a Windows 7 machine that shares out a hard drive as a network share along with printers to our network. On another computer I was mapping the network drive and accidentally entered the wrong credentials (wrong user name) and choose the remember credentials setting, and it would not let me map the drive.

I tried to go back in and remap the drive again but Windows is remembering the user name/password and I can't map it. I can map the drive from any other computer just fine. Does anyone know how to make Windows forget the credentials so I can map the drive?

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Unknown 30 Second Boot Delay After Password Entered?

Oct 11, 2012

Here's the issue:The boot time on the Dell box (XPS 430 Core 2 Quad - 8GB Ram - Radeon 4000x series) was virtually instantaneous from the time I hit enter on the password screen till I see the desktop.However, the new box...Intel Core i7-3770K 3.50 GHz 8MB Cache/Gigabyte GA-Z77X-UD5H Motherboard/VisionTek 900339 Radeon HD 6850 Video Card - 1024MB, GDDR5, PCI-Express 2.0/Seagate Barracuda 3.5" 1TB 7200 rpm 64 mb cache/16 GB Dual Channel DDR3 PNY SDRAM at 1067MHz/1333MHz...takes almost 33 seconds from the time I hit enter on the password till I see the desktop!Now here's what really doesn't compute. There is less data in the new install, and the page file is on another hdd, in additon to the 8 core processor with 16 GB of faster ram & an 80% free 1TB HDD.

I've been trying to all sorts of different approaches to try to resolve the 33 second problem:1. Event viewer per this TechRepublic video: TR Dojo: Diagnose slow Windows 7 boot with Event Viewer | TechRepublic (no processes or programsindicated)2. Clean booting per this page: How to perform a clean boot to troubleshoot a problem in Windows Vista or Windows 73. Bios default settings (not many changes anyways)4. Manually checking ALL entries in the Device Manager for driver updates5. Checking all manuf websites for new drivers or windows updates6. Defragging7. Avast full scans and MalwareBytes full scans (always clean) x 58. Blowing out old restore points 9. CCcleaner Registry scrubs10. sfc/verifyonly - no problems foundBut nothing seems to work. Given that a clean boot didn't resolve the issue, I have a feeling it might be a hardware timeout, but I have no idea if that's right, or how to trace it (the stuff I google is way above my head).

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