System Has Not Been Modified Error When Loading ITunes 10.5

Dec 26, 2011

I am using windows 7. When load itunes 10.5 I receive message system has not been modified.

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Error Loading Operating System?

May 30, 2011

I have an Asus laptop computer with Windows 7 and when I turn it on I get this message, "error loading operating system." Just those white letters on a black screen, nothing else. I have had the computer for about a year and a half, and have not recently loaded anything new onto it.

The only thing I have found I can do is press F2 when the Asus logo pops up and this takes me to BIOS setup utility.

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Error Loading Operating System

Sep 19, 2011

When I turn on my computer it comes to verifying dmi pool data and after about 10 seconds it says error loading operating system. than i restart my computer and it boots normally. it happens over and over again.

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Error Loading Operating System

Oct 31, 2009

I have been trying all day to dual boot using the tutorial and no success.

I have windows 7 install on my computer. I want to have windows xp.

Now I have shrink my hard drive so I have 2 partitions now. Ok the problem is When I boot xp I goto install on D:/ the new partition it then copies all the files to that hard drive all good so then it wants to restart which is normal.

Then When it reboots it will say error loading operating system or just nothing.

Then I cant even Run windows 7 I have to delete that partition on windows xp and then put windows 7 and repair startup and Im back on again. It has to do something with the boot loader or something because I reckon Its trying to do start windows 7 but there is xp trying to install it self. Im not sure but I think I have tried every idea.

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Loading Operating System Error

Dec 12, 2009

So I tried installing Windows XP Professional alongside my existing Windows 7 Home Premium as a dual boot, but when my PC restarted following XP's text-based installation phase, I got the annoying "Error loading operating system error. I've tried:

- Using the Windows 7 Startup Recovery feature from the Windows 7 DVD, but it didn't work.

- Deleting the incomplete XP partition. That hasn't worked either.

- Using the Windows XP CD to enter Recovery Console and run fixmbr. Unfortunately it asks me to log into my Windows 7 installation using the Administrator password, which is wrong every time I enter it. So I can't do that either.

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Error Loading Operating System For Windows 7?

Aug 5, 2010

I had to mess about getting rid of the virus but it left residual files that were causing me even more problems. One of those files, veawi.sys, refused to go away as everytime i tried to delete it i would get a message stating that "a device attached to the system is not working" or something along that line.

Anyway, i tried to get rid of it by installing Windows XP to a USB hard drive that i have lying around so that i could use the command prompt to delete the file from the windowssystem32drivers directory. That didn't work as i would get the message "NTLDR is missing" and my Windows 7 installation wouldn't boot either as i'd get the message "Error loading operating system". To add insult to injury i found, after using the installion disc for Windows 7, that i could have just used the command prompt in the repair section of the disc which allowed me to get rid of the culprit file.

I've tried running the startup repair from the Windows 7 disc and it states that there are no errors found. For the first time in ages i'm stuck and i get the feeling that i'm going to have to reinstall Windows 7 all over again.

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Laptop Encounter An Error Loading Operating System?

Sep 27, 2011

my laptop encounter an error loading operating system; so what shall I do?

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System Keeps Saying Your System Has Not Been Modified

Mar 28, 2012

my system keeps saying your system has not been modified when i try to install solid edge

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Windows Not Loading After Update, Hangs On "Loading Operating System."

May 1, 2012

During a recent windows update my pc froze, (mid-update) and I restarted my machine. Now windows gets stuck at the black" Loading operating system..."screen. After a long wait it will eventually display boot from cd/. When I boot from my windows dvd my os is not shown in system recovery. I Have also tried running start up repair from recovery with no luck.

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ITunes - How To Use On Dual Boot System ?

Jan 18, 2009

I have Vista and W7 dual-booting. I was using iTunes on Vista, and now wish to use it in W7, using the same library. Has anyone achieved this? If so, how?

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Free ITunes Alternative - Manage IPod IPhone Without ITunes?

Aug 16, 2012

looking for alternative for itunes for a while.I have an ipod touch 8gb.Now been looking at this piece of software and wondering will it recognise my ipod touch or will I have to stick to itunes,I have music photos & video clips on it now. This is what I've been looking at but will it recognise the ipotouch?? Link..... Free iTunes alternative - Manage iPod iPhone without iTunes

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Error Message When Opening Up Itunes?

Jul 14, 2011

I just started getting this message when I open Itunes - "The folder "itunes" is on a locked disk or you do not have wriet permission for this folder"

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Itunes Error Leading To Brief BSOD?

Jan 27, 2012

Windows Startup repair occasionally pops up on startup though it can never find what the problem was. Interestingly its occurence dimininished rapidly when I replaced MSE with Avast.Anyway - loaded up as normal and then got a pop up concerning Itunes. The pop up said "Itunes not installed correctly. Please Re-install. Error 7 (Win error 193).The screen then flashed up with lines down it (very quickly) then onto a blue screen with various data. Windows then reloaded and everything was fine.The latter part has happened once or twice before a while ago. I had Windows reinstalled less than a year ago. I have replaced my grpahics card in the summer.I'm just concerned that one day the pc won't work. I'm unemployed as use the PC daily to search and apply for it would be sod's law if this went down.

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Network Error On Itunes 10.5 Installation

Oct 13, 2011

I'm running Windows 7 64bit and have tried several times to install iTunes 10.5, both over iTunes 10.4 and separately. Everytime I get the error message - "a network error occurred while attempting to read from the file:C:|windowsinstallerapplesoftwareupdate.msi".

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BSOD After Closing ITunes Error 0x0000007e?

Dec 31, 2011

I have:

Dell Laptop Inspiron 1440
Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit OEM Full
3 GB Memory (2 Gb and 1 Gb sticks)
On board video
On board sound
Intel Dual Core Processor

After I removed an iPod from my laptop I never had installed before I got the BSOD after I restarted the computer. The message stated "Windows failed to start a recent hardware or software change may be the cause". I have tried startup repair from the OEM disc and have had no luck after 5 or more tries. I can boot into safe mode fine and connect to the internet. It will not start normally. The two options you get are start normally or launch startup repair and both of these fail when attempting. It always shows the error code 0x0000007e but some of the code in the parathensis change each time I boot the computer.

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Error Getting File Security When Installing Itunes

Sep 10, 2009

I went to install the newest itunes last night, and during the instalation I got the message "error getting file security". I right clicked the installation file and ran as administrator, and have my UAC all the way down.

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Downgrading ITunes Without Losing ITunes Library?

Sep 18, 2011

I'm trying to downgrade from iTunes 10.5 to a version that doesn't crash (see my previous thread). However, whenever I do this, I cannot import my Library file (.itl) because it was created by a newer version of iTunes.

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Ipod Touch - An Error Message Saying .It Wont Charge Or Connect To ITunes?

Apr 7, 2012

I have a problem with my iPod touch. It is a new iPod touch and i had no problem with it for a long time then one day it just started to not work. every time i plug it in it comes up with a error message saying .It wont charge or connect to iTunes so i cannot sync any music.

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Stuck At Loading Operating System?

Jul 25, 2012

So I popped the top off my desktop, removed my wireless card and was checking to see if the card would fit in a PCI slot (it's a PCI-E and it does not). I then re installed it and started my computer up. I was prompted with a hard drive option (a Y/N option) of which I chose N. I don't know exactly what it was asking but I am trying to get it to re prompt the menu.This lead to me getting stuck at the Loading Operating System screen. I was able to boot to windows by manually booting via F12 to my 128gb SSD. This successfully booted to Windows. I noticed that the interface was a little buggy (The date was 3 years off and not all the icons were appearing). I re booted, was prompted with the same Y/N, Chose Y, and was still stuck at the Loading Operating System.I can boot manually to Windows using F12 but something feels wrong due to the date, ect.Is this a MOBO failure? The NIC Port of the MOBO recently died on me so I don't know if the MOBO itself is dying on me. The computer is less than a year old and was built by me.

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System Prompt After Boot Up - DLL Files Not Loading

Mar 10, 2011

Just after booting-up my system is prompting me that two dll files are not loading. I have investigated the necessity of the dll files and they have no relevance to the OS or anything I am using. How would I stop the system from attempting to load these files?

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Can't Get Past Loading Operating System After Restart?

Mar 24, 2011

i was on my computer surfing the internet when i got a BOSD and restarted my computer it kept happening when i was on the internet so i ran a chkdsk and mem testto see what it could they oth came out clean and i was stumped. i left my computer alone but after a few days i turned it on and decided to try plaing a game and it worked i played the game fora few hours and when i turned it off i was bombarded with messages from this program called win 7 home security that somehow turned off my windows defender 'i tried running a scan with my nod32 antivirus software but it came up clean. this program wouldnt let me go on the internet it kept saying i was unprotected and that it wld save my computeri tried to find a way to uninstall it and i looked for the directory that it was in but i couldn't. so i decided to restart my computer and go into safe mode but when i restarted my comuputer

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Windows 7 Not Loading On Dual Boot System

Jun 23, 2010

I have sony vaio laptop and i was running windows vista on it. I did a partition and dual boot the system with ubuntu 10.4. Then i download easybcd tool to set windows vista as a default OS to boot with, but accidently in easybcd software i unistalled vista boot loader. now when i reboot the system ubuntu works fine but when i try to load vista its says NTLDR is missing Press Ctrl+Alt and Delete to restart. Then tried to boot from cdrom because i have a fresh copy of Windows 7. the system doesnt boot from cdrom. So now i am stuck with ubuntu on my system.

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Computer Stuck At Loading Operating System

Mar 21, 2012

my computer started laggin really bad, couldnt even move mouse without major lag. Anyways so i got sick of it and reinstalled windows 7 64 bit, now my computer gets stuck at loading operating system. Thought it was SSD so took it out and put in a 500gp wd hard drive (I know it works fine, becuase had it run on company server all week before i used it) so then i installed it on their and still was stuck so then i took out my other 500gb wd hard drive where i store all my files, just so i could make sure that my OS can only install on one item and not be corrupted by any other drives. So now the problem still presit and i have tried resetting my bios by taking out battery for 10 min, still no results, so then i ran startup repair (Had no hope) and it still didnt work. Need help and bellow I will post all my hardware, by the way my computer is a custom build and has been working fine for 2-3 months. Also I do overclock, but i doubt that had anything to do with it, because it started to lag weeks after i started overclocking. [code]

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Error In Loading Dll

Nov 7, 2009

I am very new to computers and have just purchased a dell lap top with windows 7.

Every time I start up I get a message saying "error loading dll file dell support centre common". I have clicked yes to run script to enable me to continue, but would love to stop this message appearing every time I swith on.

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"iTunes Cannot Run Because Some Of Its Required Files Are Missing. Please Reinstall ITunes"

Aug 8, 2011

I use iTunes on my Windows 7 computer to sync with my iPhone, and the last time I went to open iTunes it gave me the error message "iTunes cannot run because some of its required files are missing. Please reinstall iTunes."I had heard that if I uninstalled Quicktime (which is bundled with iTunes when that is downloaded), then reinstalled it separately, it would work again, but after trying that it didn't. So I decided to just uninstall iTunes, then reinstall it. However, every time I try to uninstall it in Add/Remove Programs, it just sits there saying it'll be about eight more seconds to go to finish deleting, but it just sits, and sits, and sits...... Nothing. I also tried to just install the newest iTunes on top of the existing one, but every time I try it tells me that it's already installed and to click "Ok." So I can't uninstall it, nor can I install it, nor will iTunes open on its own. I had done a system restore recently, so I don't know if that had anything to do with it.

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Loading Operating System... Then Black Screen Of Silence?

Sep 9, 2011

I left for work this morning, and my computer remained on as per normal. Nothing stressful left running only skype and a browser as far as I can remember. Come home and find that the screen won't move from being black. Restart and it loads up normal until it says "Loading Operating System..." It then moves to a black screen which after a few seconds fades out to an even darker black. Then nothing happens. I have/am trying to run the repair tool via CD boot of my Win7 disk but it is incredibly sluggish. I've been waiting to even see the repair tool for an hour each time before I get frustrated and retry. Also I cannot enter safe mode via spamming F8. It seems that my Win7 went rogue and decided to move out

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Cannot Boot Into Windows 7- Stuck On Loading Operating System

Mar 14, 2012

The first problem was that it kept booting into the windows startup repair. For a split second i can see windows 7 loading but then it automatically went to the startup repair , after many many reboots i opened the command prompt in windows startup repair and tried fixing the master reboot.Now it gets stuck at loading operating system.Even when i try to boot from the windows 7 CD and Truecrypt rescue disk it still gets stuck at loading operating system.The whole harddrive was encrypted with truecrypt and it use to go to truecrypt bootloader after loading the operating system but it doesn't do that anymore.

Specs :

mobo : Gigabyte GA-890FXA-UD5
cpu: phenom ii x6 1090t
gpu : radeon hd 6950
hard drive : western digital black caviar 1TB

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Reinstalling Windows 7 - Loading Operating System Boot From CD / DVD

Jan 29, 2013

I am attempting to reinstall windows with files burned from an .iso onto a blank disc but when I press f12 then go into CD-ROM it goes to the next screen and says: 'Loading Operating System... Boot from CD/DVD..' Then it will boot normally.

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Error Loading Dll File?

Jul 1, 2012

I get a "error loading DLL" message several times when on line.

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Hard Disk Partitioned - Windows 7 Loading Only With System Drive

Dec 20, 2010

I have one hard disk 150GB on my computer. I want to install Windows 7 and divide the drive into two partitions. When I did it using the instructions that I had during setup, Windows 7 load only with the system drive! Where did all the other memory gone? Can I return the lost memory without installing again Windows 7?

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GRUB Loading Stage 1.5 Error 17?

Oct 29, 2011

I had Backtrack and Windows 7 in separate partitions, i just deleted the partion of Backtrack in Windows 7 using diskmgmt. When i restarted the computer it is showing GRUB loading stage 1.5 error 17

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