Sleeping System Wakes Up Unnecessarily?

Nov 11, 2011

I have a small network consisting my work system and a HTPC. The HTPC spends all day sleeping, or at least that's the plan. It has a couple of maps to shares on my work machine, but not vice versa. Whenever I open an Explorer window on my main system it wakes up the HTPC, annoyingly. There doesn't appear to be a don't wake on LAN option (it's an Intel DH67GD motherboard). I could understand it if I had mapped some drive letters on my main system to shares on the HTPC, but that's not the case.

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System Does Not Hibernate Just Log Off - Wakes Up After 2 To 3 Hours In Standby

Aug 2, 2010

I have windows 7 Home Premium and I am facing some problems with Hibernate and Standby. The first Problem is that my system doesn't hibernate but instead it just perform a log off. The second problem is that when I put the system in standby, it wakes up automatically after 2 to 3 hours which makes a serious problem if my laptop is in the bag.

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System Insomnia, Wakes Up After 50 Seconds After Going To Sleep?

Jan 21, 2012

My desktop won't stay asleep. It consistenly wakes back up after approximately 50 seconds.This happens regardless of whether I manually select Sleep from the start menu, or if it goes to sleep on its own.

System Specs:

Windows 7 64-bit Service Pack 1 (problem also existed prior to service pack)
ASUS M3N78-VM motherboard.
AMD Phenom II X6 1055T Processor 2.80GHz
8 GB Ram
Samsung SSD 830 Series 64GB SSD drive (boot drive)
2 SATA HDDs mirrored with onboard NVIDIA RAID
AMD Radeon HD 6950 Video Card (problem existed before this was added)

Things I've tried:

BIOS set to S3 Only (previously set to auto)All "Power On By" options in the BIOS set to Disabled Unplugged all USB devices (including KB/Mouse) and Network Cable Unchecked "Allow this device to wake the computer" on Network Interface

powercfg -lastwake reports:

Wake History Count - 1
Wake History [0]
Wake Source Count - 0

All devices in Device Manager appear to have the correct device drivers. No yellow exclamations.

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Windows 7 64 Bit Not Sleeping

May 29, 2012

I found that my Windows 7 64 bit machine was not sleeping reliably. I changed the sleep time by entering "sleep" into the search box which brought me to "Power Options/Edit Plan Settings" and I entered 5 minutes for "turn off display" and 15 minutes for "put the computer to sleep".

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Black Screen After Sleeping

Nov 4, 2009

When my pc sleeps (after i have not be using it for a while), i wake it up and put in my password and press enter, but it doesnt return to my normal screen. Instead i just get an all black screen that wont go away, unless i shut down the pc by holding the power button. Any suggestions?

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Laptop Sleeping Instead Of Shutting Down?

Nov 4, 2011

Laptop Sleeping Instead of Shutting Down?

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Windows 7 Freezes After Being Idle, Or After Sleeping?

Jun 18, 2012


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Blue-screen After Sleeping Laptop?

Oct 17, 2012

I have been having a reoccurring problem for the last week that when I turn my laptop on after being slept, windows boots from scratch and all the programs I had open are gone. A message then pops up with the following info:

Problem signature:
Problem Event Name:BlueScreen
OS Version:6.1.7600.
Locale ID:2057


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Windows 7 Crashes And Reboots While Sleeping?

Jan 31, 2012

I have an Asus Eee Laptop PC with Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit which very often crashes and reboots while it is sleeping (lid closed), but never while running. When I open the lid again the system is back in windows and is showing the sort of "auto search" for solutions but it never finds any.

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Freeze After Idle, Not A Sleeping Issue?

Mar 4, 2012

I had WHS2011 installed on a rig and everything was fine. I decided to turn it into a HTPC and installed Windows 7. It then started freezing on idle. As long as I used it it was fine but when I left it alone it froze up. I tried a few things but finally just wiped the HD and started anew. Immediately the same problem.I turned off every sleep/hibernation setting to no avail. There are no warning flags in Device Manager. My video card has the latest drivers.The strange thing is it runs fine in Safe Mode and for about six hours or so under Diagnostic Boot but then freezes.I am at a loss The system is a i3 CPU with 8 gigs of RAM, GeForce 460GT GPU and a couple of SATA hard drives (350gig and 1.5tb)

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Windows 7 Freezes After Being Idle, Or After Sleeping?

Jun 18, 2012

This suddenly began occurring about a week ago. The system runs fine, however if it is left for a fairly short period of time (15-20 mins) The program am I using will freeze and the cursor will change to loading. The task bar will then freeze if I try and click 'start', and I have to hold down my Power button to turn the PC offI have tried system restore, Defragmentation, and virus checks. Running

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Sleeping Dogs Good Trailer?

Jul 7, 2012

I'm hyped for this can't wait need to buy this but still hasn't came out yet but coming out very soon Really good trailer

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Computer Not Hibernating Or Sleeping Correctly?

Jun 6, 2011

Recently i have been having trouble getting my Dell Studio 1747 laptop to hibernate or sleep. When i go to start and hit either sleep or hibernate, the screen shuts off but the computer never fully goes off. The fans continue to run and the usb power lights are still on. It will stay like this for hours. I have let it go all night before and the only way to shut it off is to hold the power button and do a force restart. I have had this problem before. After a different discussion post we determined it was a power settings problem and after I set hard disks no not shut off the problem was solved. I had to reinstall my OS and when i put the same power settings back, the problem continued to happen. But i still think it may be a power setting. I have all of the current drivers installed and my computer is free of any viruses. Im running Windows 7 Pro x64 but it was also a problem with home edition.

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Sleeping Dogs Not Working On Windows 7

Dec 11, 2012


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How To Prevent Computer From Sleeping When It Is Processing Stuff

Oct 27, 2012

as above. my sleep timer is set to 10minutes. however, i don't expect it to sleep when it is doing important stuff - e.g. adobe/windows updates.. converting files in Lightroom etc. how do i configure that?

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Computer Alarm Went Off While Sleeping Then Shuts Down Intermittently

Mar 11, 2012

I have a HP XW8400, Win 7 x64 Ultimate, 8G Fully Buffered memory.Per instructions of my "computer guy", I leave the computer on almost always. I was awaken at 4AM by the "alarm" on the computer, and a black screen with error codes 922, 923 and 927. See attached picture. Having experienced this error before (maybe a year ago) I shut the computer down, carefully cleaned the contacts on the video card, card reader and memory. I also removed the Hauppauge WinTV 1600 card, as I hadn't used that accessory in years.Since reboot, the computer would run fine for about an hour or so, then it would freeze up, accepting no input from keyboard. A few seconds later mouse input would not be accepted, and then the BSOD with error code 0x000000F4. This procedure went on three or four times, but I was able to do some work in the meantime. My computer tech called back and said I should try a system restore. I did that, but now I am unable to boot at all. I tried several times, one time getting a BSOD - type screen, but the characters were unintelligible. It was acting as if someone had shrunk a screen full of type horizontally, "squishing" the letters.As my computer tech is unavailable, I need to attempt to fix the problem myself, as I use this computer about 12 hours or more daily.

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Computer Disconnects From Internet Upon Waking From Sleeping?

Jan 15, 2013

When my desktop computer wakes from sleeping it takes approx. 20-30 seconds to connect to the internet. From what I remember, several things happened just a little bit prior to my noticing that this was occuring- 1. I installed Skype (I remember installing Skype on one of my computers before and it kept the computer from sleeping, I don't remember if I was able to fix it or had to do a system restore, so Skype has been a problem in the past although not this specific problem), 2. I ran Combofix for a virus infection, and 3. I got a new modem from the phone company after the old one quit working.I'm really not sure what the problem is, ie if it is one of the things above or something else completely, as I uninstalled Skype and the problem persisted (was not able to do a system restore to before Skype being installed due to Combofix deleting my system restore points) and my laptop is connected to the same router that is hooked up to the new modem that my desktop is and my laptop is connected to the internet immediately after waking from sleeping so I'm not sure how it could be a problem with the new modem if my laptop connects but the desktop doesn't. I've tried doing various fixes and tweaks from googling around but haven't been successful in finding anything

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Password To Prevent Sleeping Or Shutting Down Computer?

Jan 22, 2013

I would like to know if there is a way to set a password to stop others from sleeping or shutting down my laptop either through windows or a programs.

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Windows 7 - Network Card Still Sleeping On Idle Despite Settings

Jan 27, 2011

There are several threads about the network card going to sleep when a laptop is idle, but all of them I've seen just suggest the same things regarding various settings. I still have the same problem despite having set the following settings...

In "Change Plan Settings"
Dim display: 5 min
Turn off display: 10 min
Sleep: Never


Are there any other settings I've missed that could be causing my card to shut down as soon as my display cuts off? Or is this a bug in Windows 7 Pro?

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How To Stop Computers From Sleeping/hibernation/etc For Remote Support

Dec 5, 2012

New to Windows 7 and have a question. It seems my test machines keep going into some kind of sleep/hibernate state that prevents me from VNC'ing to them. All I want is for the monitors to go to sleep after 15 minutes, but the machines to stay on. We do a lot of work during off hours, but the few test machines all seem to go night-night on me when I try to access them during those times.

Does anyone know which group policy settings I should use in order to help with my late night VNC'ing?

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Use Secondary Ethernet Adapter To Prevent Windows Sleeping?

Apr 30, 2012

I have an Asus Striker Extreme motherboard. Since I have a PS3 but access to only one ethernet port, I've bridged my two motherboard ethernet adapters and plugged my PS3 into my computer so they can share the connection.I'd like to know if it's at all possible to configure Windows somehow to prevent it from going to sleep while there's any activity over the network bridge. Obviously I prefer to keep Windows' power saver scheme intact or I'd just disable sleeping entirely. However I don't want to have to reach over to the computer and bumping the mouse every ten minutes as I'm playing to prevent it from sleeping and cutting off my PS3's network connection.

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Intel Gigabit Network Connection Keeping PC From Sleeping

Jun 14, 2012

Ever since I built this PC (about 1 month ago now) I haven't been able to put him to sleep. I can set the "time until sleep" for 1 minute and sit next to him watching and waiting, and that works, but anything more than 5 minutes and he just won't sleep.

I did some digging and figured out how to use the Event Viewer and Command Prompt "Lastwake" command to find what's waking him up. It's my Intel 82579V Gigabit Network Connection. I imagine that means that he's getting signals from the internet while trying to sleep. I have Steam and MSN isntalled, but even when I log out of those and close them, the computer still won't sleep.

Now that I've figured out the source of the wake though I'm not sure what's the next step. I'd rather not have to unplug my internet every single time I want the computer to sleep. Aside for simple inconvenience I believe that would put some serious strain on the port over the long term (my last PC's LAN port was one of the first things to fail). So is there a setting that I can change so that the computer ignores the Network Connection's wake signals?

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Computer Becomes Slow And Cranky And Even Crashes After Resuming From The Hibernation Or Sleeping?

Dec 30, 2011

First and foremost, details of my lappy:Asus A43SWIndows 7 64 bitAMD Radeon HD 673Intel core i7 8gb RAMIt is a new lap, just bought 2 mths ago.Noticed the first problem with it is 1) THe computer becomes slow and cranky and even crashes after resuming from the hibernation or sleeping (fall short of a BSOD, eg can't move mouse, etc...and have to hard restart the laptop). Managed to reduce the frequency of i from always to infrequent by setting the hard disk turn off, sleep and hibernate option in the power option to never. Lots of forum explained such similar problem, but despite updating BIOS, display driver, asus ATK utility driver, etc...still persists2) Now coming to the 2nd question which I am wondering is it related to the problems after resuming from sleep/hibernate.

Got repeated BSOD today.....after I update the power4gear hybrid utility (by asus to a newer version) version 1143 to 1150. Managed to generate and use debuggin tool to see the dump file...which shows ntoskrnl.exe as possible cause. MInd you that this also the same culprit that appears in the dump file in my problem number 1(which has once BSOD during resuming from hibernate/sleep)So is number 1 and number 2 related?What is wrong actually with number 1 problem?What is ntoskrnl.exe, and how to fix it?

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PC Wakes But Monitors Don't?

Apr 7, 2012

This problem started a few months ago when I updated the video drivers on my NVIDIA card. What happens is that when the pc goes to sleep, either by my command or after timing out for inactivity, the pc will wake up when prompted by mouse or keyboard, but the monitors don't. I know the pc wakes because when tapping on keys or clicking the mouse button I will occasionally hear pings from the pc. I'm not convinced that the problem is NVIDIA's, but this does coincide with an updated driver of theirs.Ultimately, in order to get my machine working again I have to press the power button and restart cold. Also, and I'm not sure if this is worth noting, upon cold start, my Kaspersky and clock gadgets, which are normally placed in the upper-right corner of the right monitor, display in the left monitor somewhere off-center.

I'm diligent with keeping drivers updated, but I really have no idea what to do now. I'll post the stuff that may be relevant:Logitech wireless mouse M310 (unified w/ keyboard)Logitech wireless Solar keyboard K750 (unified w/ mouse)(2) LG monitors E2050NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 video cardWindows 7 Home Premium (service pack 1)64-bit OSAMD Phenom II x4 945 processor 3.00 GHz8.00 GB ram

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Windows 7 Wakes Up By Itself?

Dec 12, 2010

how can i find out why my Windows 7 wakes up from standby every morning after 6 o'clock? i was thinking the event viewer might help here - but i do not really know what to look for.

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Laptop Wakes Up On Its Own

May 31, 2009

Every night I put my laptop to sleep but lately the laptop wakes up on it's own in the middle of the night every night. Anyone knows what might cause this phenomena ?

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Windows 7 Wakes By Itself?

May 17, 2012

When ever i turn my PC to sleep over night it wakes from sleep at 3:45AM and stays on i did the 'powercfg - lastwake' and this is what i got[SERVICE] Device/Harddiskvolume1/Windows/System32/svchost.exe (wuauserv)I ran task scheduler and no programs start at that time.

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Computer Wakes From Hibernation?

May 28, 2011

My computer wakes from hibernation.I�m using windows 7 x64. My BIOS doesn�t support any configuration settings about wake, and the LAN device driver states that it doesn�t support wake on LAN.It�s a Dell Lattitude laptop, about 2 years old.No events are relevant.This started about 6 months ago when I went out and updated all my drivers, so some driver is apparently having fun. I had already run for long enough when it started that I didn�t want to roll back, although I have tried earlier versions of the LAN, WAN and WLAN drivers. None of them have an option for disabling wake on LAN that can be checked.

C:>powercfg -lastwake
Wake History Count - 1
Wake History [0]
Wake Source Count � 0
C:>powercfg -devicequery wake_armed

gives no output.

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Laptop Wakes Up By Itself After Sleep

Sep 22, 2012

My laptop wakes up for no reason after I put it to sleep. I unplugged my USB things and it still doesn't solve. When I do powercfg -lastwake it gives me this:

Wake History [0]
Wake Source Count - 1
Type: Fixed Feature
Power Button

This does not have to do with an outdated driver(Most likely) It happened when I decided to decrease the brightness.

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Computer Wakes For WMC Update

Dec 30, 2009

Every few days my computer will wake from sleep in the middle of the night and to find out why I check lastwake from the command prompt and got this in attachment. I looked in WMC and didn't find any auto updating turned on. How do I turn this off? I really don't use WMC that much and don't need it waking my computer to update.

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Goes Into Sleep For 45 Seconds Then Wakes Up?

May 30, 2011

It is the most bizarre thing. Either it goes to sleep by the timer setting or I can use the "Start button" then select sleep. It closes up properly and looks all hunky-dori. Then between 30 and 45 seconds later, it wakes up again.

I heard it happening enough last night that I had to turn the computer off. I joke that it only needs 45 seconds of sleep and is ready for work again..

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