Computer Alarm Went Off While Sleeping Then Shuts Down Intermittently
Mar 11, 2012
I have a HP XW8400, Win 7 x64 Ultimate, 8G Fully Buffered memory.Per instructions of my "computer guy", I leave the computer on almost always. I was awaken at 4AM by the "alarm" on the computer, and a black screen with error codes 922, 923 and 927. See attached picture. Having experienced this error before (maybe a year ago) I shut the computer down, carefully cleaned the contacts on the video card, card reader and memory. I also removed the Hauppauge WinTV 1600 card, as I hadn't used that accessory in years.Since reboot, the computer would run fine for about an hour or so, then it would freeze up, accepting no input from keyboard. A few seconds later mouse input would not be accepted, and then the BSOD with error code 0x000000F4. This procedure went on three or four times, but I was able to do some work in the meantime. My computer tech called back and said I should try a system restore. I did that, but now I am unable to boot at all. I tried several times, one time getting a BSOD - type screen, but the characters were unintelligible. It was acting as if someone had shrunk a screen full of type horizontally, "squishing" the letters.As my computer tech is unavailable, I need to attempt to fix the problem myself, as I use this computer about 12 hours or more daily.
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Jun 6, 2011
Recently i have been having trouble getting my Dell Studio 1747 laptop to hibernate or sleep. When i go to start and hit either sleep or hibernate, the screen shuts off but the computer never fully goes off. The fans continue to run and the usb power lights are still on. It will stay like this for hours. I have let it go all night before and the only way to shut it off is to hold the power button and do a force restart. I have had this problem before. After a different discussion post we determined it was a power settings problem and after I set hard disks no not shut off the problem was solved. I had to reinstall my OS and when i put the same power settings back, the problem continued to happen. But i still think it may be a power setting. I have all of the current drivers installed and my computer is free of any viruses. Im running Windows 7 Pro x64 but it was also a problem with home edition.
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Oct 27, 2012
as above. my sleep timer is set to 10minutes. however, i don't expect it to sleep when it is doing important stuff - e.g. adobe/windows updates.. converting files in Lightroom etc. how do i configure that?
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Jan 15, 2013
When my desktop computer wakes from sleeping it takes approx. 20-30 seconds to connect to the internet. From what I remember, several things happened just a little bit prior to my noticing that this was occuring- 1. I installed Skype (I remember installing Skype on one of my computers before and it kept the computer from sleeping, I don't remember if I was able to fix it or had to do a system restore, so Skype has been a problem in the past although not this specific problem), 2. I ran Combofix for a virus infection, and 3. I got a new modem from the phone company after the old one quit working.I'm really not sure what the problem is, ie if it is one of the things above or something else completely, as I uninstalled Skype and the problem persisted (was not able to do a system restore to before Skype being installed due to Combofix deleting my system restore points) and my laptop is connected to the same router that is hooked up to the new modem that my desktop is and my laptop is connected to the internet immediately after waking from sleeping so I'm not sure how it could be a problem with the new modem if my laptop connects but the desktop doesn't. I've tried doing various fixes and tweaks from googling around but haven't been successful in finding anything
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Jan 22, 2013
I would like to know if there is a way to set a password to stop others from sleeping or shutting down my laptop either through windows or a programs.
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Nov 1, 2012
I custom built my computer and I am having problems with intermittent freezing. I had to replace my last wireless adapter because the connection was very slow (only sometimes). I replaced the card and now the speeds are great but sometimes the computer will freeze intermittently freeze for 1-2 secs. The mouse, video, sound and everything freezes and the sound puts out a weird "morphed" sound. To alleviate this problem I have to move the mouse down to the wireless icon in the right area of the task bar, click on it, and then click on the wireless connection. Then it will be fine. My computer is running windows 7 professional and the wireless driver is up to date.
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Dec 30, 2011
First and foremost, details of my lappy:Asus A43SWIndows 7 64 bitAMD Radeon HD 673Intel core i7 8gb RAMIt is a new lap, just bought 2 mths ago.Noticed the first problem with it is 1) THe computer becomes slow and cranky and even crashes after resuming from the hibernation or sleeping (fall short of a BSOD, eg can't move mouse, etc...and have to hard restart the laptop). Managed to reduce the frequency of i from always to infrequent by setting the hard disk turn off, sleep and hibernate option in the power option to never. Lots of forum explained such similar problem, but despite updating BIOS, display driver, asus ATK utility driver, etc...still persists2) Now coming to the 2nd question which I am wondering is it related to the problems after resuming from sleep/hibernate.
Got repeated BSOD today.....after I update the power4gear hybrid utility (by asus to a newer version) version 1143 to 1150. Managed to generate and use debuggin tool to see the dump file...which shows ntoskrnl.exe as possible cause. MInd you that this also the same culprit that appears in the dump file in my problem number 1(which has once BSOD during resuming from hibernate/sleep)So is number 1 and number 2 related?What is wrong actually with number 1 problem?What is ntoskrnl.exe, and how to fix it?
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Aug 5, 2012
I have an HP Pavilion Elite HPE machine, Windows 7, Radeon HD 5700 Series graphics card, connected to an Acer monitor and HDTV. Here's details on my setup:
My Equipment | Building a Home Theater With Your Office PC
My problem is that even though my HDMI cable's plugged into my Radeon graphics card, sometimes the PC only recognizes the Acer monitor and not the receiver (that's connected to the HDMI cable and my HDTV). So I end up having to plug and unplug the HDMI cable several times (sometimes 10+) before it recognizes the HDTV/receiver connection. Is there any setting that would favor the card/PC recognizing the HDMI cable more frequently? I've heard it's a handshake issue, and that maybe using a different type of cable would work. But wondering if there's a setting I could use before switching out cables.
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Sep 15, 2009
any alarm clocks for windows 7?im on x64
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Mar 21, 2010
I am running Windows 7 (Premium Home), on a dell Inspirion 15.attempted to create a scheduled task (and i am used to doing this in Windows XP) and I can not seem to make it work for me.I created a task; and simply put the file (.mp3) in the "Program/Script" box. It plays the file fine, but it is doing so as a "ghost task" as i've come to call it.
The File is played, but WMP is not opened, and a task is not created in the Task Manager. Sadly, it is also looping and i am muting it under the SoundMixer as "unavailable name".
Attempted to fix this by starts Wmp.exe, and using an argument ("C://&&&&/&.Mp3") to give some direction. But no cigar (Event Id 203 &103 [failure to start, failure to run])
I then just simply copied the argument and placed it into the "Start In" box. (with a bit of prayer to get rid of the looping that i must REBOOT to get rid of)So i have used the MP3 without WMP, And attempted to run it THROUGH WMP and have had no luck.
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Jun 14, 2011
I've been wondering if Windows 7 has capabilities to trigger sound alarm when the network connection icon in the bottom right corner changes due to internet/network disconnection. I guess, in theory, Task Scheduler should come in handy, but first, the correct Event ID for the above-mentioned change needs to be determined. I couldn't find it yet. I found a standalone program NetSNSOR that can trigger alarm. However, a built-in process would be more useful.
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Oct 30, 2012
I'm currently under seige from Sandy and my sump pump reservoirs are filling up with water. Fortunately, I still have my power, but I was hoping I could find an alarm that would sound whenever my Laptop switches from AC power to the battery power. When the power goes out I need to immediately run outside and fire up the generator so my basement doesn't flood... and without an alarm, I'll sleep right through the power going out. But, I'm tired. I have a toddler that wore my ass out today... and I can't stay up all night.So, I'm hoping to get some sleep before I lose power. That's why I need this.
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Apr 13, 2012
today i've cleaned my laptop's fan and reinstalled my windows since then my computer starts shutting down by itself without any kind of error apearing on the screen, i had a look in event viewer and founds this: 'The system has rebooted without cleanly shutting down first. This error could be caused if the system stopped responding, crashed, or lost power unexpectedly.' so i checked the details and it showed this: on friendly view :
- Provider
[ Name] Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Power
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Jan 5, 2012
Having problems with the Sleep, Restart, and Shut Down functions after struggling trying to get a defective external disk drive enclosure to work.When I use any of the above functions the computer shuts down. I cannot wake by moving or left clicking the mouse as before. The computer shuts down and will not come on with the front panel power button. Ditto for Restart. I have to pull the power cord for about a minute before reconnecting. Then I press the power button and the computer commences to boot and windows initializes very slowlyI restored the computer to an earlier time before using the defective external drive enclosure, but I still have the same powerup/boot symptoms. stonooka has chosen the best answer to his/her question.Click here to view the answer that was selected.
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Mar 6, 2012
I have 2 computers here. One is a E-Machines, and the other is a custom built. Both units as soon as you power them on, they go thru the boot up process, but anywhere from 2 to 10 seconds later, the unit turns off. I've tried swapping the ram and the power supply. I have disconnected the keyboard, monitor, mouse and speakers with no change. Both of them developed this problem over night. They do not stay booted up long enough to get into the setup or to even try booting from a DVD.
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Mar 18, 2012
For the past month or so, my laptop has been randomly shutting down with no warning whatsoever. It doesn't even restart, it just completely turns off. I can be doing anything and it will happen.
At first I thought it was overheating but then I installed SpeedFan and it's still doing it (and I can tell from feeling under the computer that it's no longer overheating).
I've run virus scan after virus scan (Malwarebyetes and Microsoft Security Essentials) but it's not finding anything wrong with my computer.
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Jan 6, 2013
Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium, 64 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU 650 @ 3.20GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 37 Stepping 2
Processor Count: 4
RAM: 8119 Mb
Graphics Card: ATI Radeon HD 5450, 1024 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 938828 MB, Free - 580455 MB;
Motherboard: Dell Inc., 0T568R
Antivirus: PC Cleaner Pro, Updated: Yes, On-Demand Scanner: Disabled
My computer repeatedly shuts down on me. Yesterday it must have shut down on me 20 times. My virus and malware scans come out clean. It usually goes to a menu asking me if I want to start the computer normally or in safe mode. However sometimes, I have to run start-up repair and sometimes I get a blue screen. The problem is the blue screen doesn't stay up long enough for me to write down error codes or anything else it says.
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Mar 10, 2011
I have HP windows 7 , dsl , laptop and I will be anywhere and it disconnects with internet then about anywhere from 2 - 8 secs it comes back on.
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Mar 3, 2011
My computer randomly shuts down without warning at least once a day. A staticy screen pops up and then it just completely shuts down and restarts itself. Does anyone know what I could possibly do to fix this problem?
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Jul 27, 2011
I have just bought a new PC with Windows 7. Ive only had it four days and today my computer store replaced my MB cos my computer has taken to shutting down and then restarting all on its own. the problem is Ive just got it home and its doing the same thing.
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Nov 23, 2011
3 days ago my PC started shutting down when idle for a short time - apparently when monitor screen goes to black. I have Win 7 and IE 8 and everything was fine for last 2 yrs. I have ran spybot, anti-malwarebytes. and Ccleaner along with MS security essentials. It only shuts down when idle.
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Jan 1, 2012
For some reason my Laptop shuts off randomly. I have no BSOD. Its like I held down the power button. Is there a setting that make your computer shut off after an amount of time or could it be a...
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Sep 24, 2012
My computer has been shutting itself off within 6 hours or so of being turned on. It is always idle when it shuts off.
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Sep 10, 2009
My new computer shuts down completely when playing DirectX games like COD and Crysis. First I thought it was a heating problem but I ruled that out when I kept the case open and monitored the temperatures. It can also happen within the first minute of a game, but it could happen at a later stage as well. There's no real pattern.
My system specs are:
Windows 7 RTM x64
AMD Phenom 9550 Quadcore Black Edition
4GB DDR2 memory
Gigabyte M61PME-S2P with the F4 Bios (latest)
Gigabyte GV-N250 (Geforce 250GTS with 1GB of memory
Latest drivers from Nvidia installed.
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Jul 27, 2011
I have just bought a new PC with Windows 7. Ive only had it four days and today my computer store replaced my MB cos my computer has taken to shutting down and then restarting all on its own. the problem is Ive just got it home and its doing the same thing
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Aug 27, 2009
I just got an HDMI over cat5 extender (HDMI from computer --> wall plate --> cat5 --> wall plate --> HDMI --> Receiver), got it? I plug the HDMI cable into the laptop and it turns off... immediately, like I pulled the battery and power out.
I connected the computer directly (HDMI from computer --> Receiver) and it worked just fine.
I connected my PS3 through HDMI-->cat5 and it worked fine too.
I've updated the ATI drivers, downloaded the new catalyst center for windows 7. Anyone got any ideas?
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Mar 29, 2011
My computer keeps shutting off recently due to overheating (the area near the exhaust feels extremely hot).How can I clean out the fan without voiding the warrenty (even though Im not sure if its still valid anymore).If it isnt, would all I ahve to do is open it up by unscrewing the whole bottom and clean out the dust?
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Jul 12, 2012
my computer is shutting down periodically. This just started today, and it has happened twice now. What noticed when I rebooted was that the CPU temperature was at 90C. Now I know that isn't safe, so I am assuming that the overheating is causing the PC to shut down. Is that a correct assessment?So I opened my case up and layed it on the hard floor. CPU temp according to two different utilities (Core Temp and Speccy) is fluctuating between 24C and 25C. Everything seems very stable now.I ran Avast, but nothing came up. I also made sure that all of the fans are operating, and they are. PSU fan, CPU, etc are all running.
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Aug 19, 2009
Whilst installing Windows 7, my computer will get to the "Expanding Files" part, and it will shut down at around 27-31% every time.
- All of my drivers are up to date.
- I have a brand new PSU and an HDD in my computer.
- I have ran multiple stress test programs to find a flaw in my build, nothing.
I'm at a loss here.
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Jun 17, 2011
I just recently completely wiped my laptop (restored to factory condition) and reinstalled everything because it wouldn't shut down on it's own. It's been working wonderfully with one exception. Now, if it's left unattended for too long it will shut itself down. I suppose it could be a good thing, and I don't necessarily think anything is wrong it's just very annoying because I leave it on sometimes to download something or another and then I'll come back hours later and it shut down. Is there any way I can fix/change this so it doesn't do that? I'd rather shut it down myself. It's a PC, has Windows 7 Home Premium and is a 64-bit.
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Aug 15, 2011
my asus pc just started to shut down by its self for a week now.i thought it was a virus but no matter when i tried to the recovery would still shut down.i just we and bought the exact same hard drive.i wanted to copy my doc music movies before formatting a old drive.. it still shuts down when im doing the copying.well i tired something new and completly disconnected the old drive and boot off the new one.. stills shuts down by it self.
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