Sleep Function Freezing?

Sep 19, 2011

When my computer running (Windows 7 64 bit) tries to sleep I have found that Windows cannot sleep but it freezes the computer and I get white noise from the speakers. The keyboard or mouse do not work. The only thing I can do is do a restart by pressing the restart button. It hasn't actually blue screened so there is no error report and it is hard to pin down what the error is. A restart error is given in critical errors but no more information than that. I have made sure all of my hardware drivers are completely up to date, checked power settings in the BIOS and turned off various settings in SandyBridge settings. I am at a loss as to what the problem is

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Sleep Function Do Not Work

Feb 13, 2011

I am using Windows 7 Home edition. I have found that the turn off monitor and sleep functions do not work.When I set these from edit plan settings and save changes it does not do anything. I have tried restarting my computer to see if this would work but to no avail. I have no programs on the task bar which might be keeping the computer awake

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Windows 7 Sleep Function

May 19, 2012

I put this on the wrong forum, so here it is on the correct one. Lately the Del Desktop PC with Windows 7 64 bit refuses to come out of sleep when it has been left for a period of hours. When I manually send it to sleep it does so and the mouse and keyboard are set to revive it. It revives as it should do if I move the mouse or hit a key. However whenever I leave it asleep for a long period such as several hours, it refuses to awake and I have to force a reboot with the power button. That produces the black screen which you get after a crash.

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Sleep Function Disabled / How To Enable

Aug 24, 2009

I downloaded the RC over the summer to try it out, alongside linux mint. I like it so much that I've decided to abandon the linux distro for now and let Windows 7 take over my whole hard drive. The one thing remaining before falling in love is the lack of standby mode. The sleep function is grayed out in the start menu, so I can't even put it to sleep. This is annoying because I'm using a laptop at school, which I would like to put on standby (instead of hibernating) between classes. This is a 100% fresh install. It was the first thing I tried once the install finished, because I had trouble with the previous Windows 7 install.

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Freezing On Shutdown And When Going To Sleep?

Nov 9, 2012

Nearly every time I shut down my computer it goes fine until reaching the ring that says shutting down then the ring freezes and nothing happens. I have to hard boot it every time. When i put it to sleep or hibernation similar thing happens: screen goes black, the hard drive is working, and then nothing changes, everything is still on hard drives and all. I leave it alone for awhile to see if that helps but nothing happens while i leave it. It happens 90% of the time. Computer specs are uploaded with the profile, on that computer icon.

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BSOD After Waking Up From Sleep Mode, Freezing When Idle

Mar 12, 2012

my computer has all of a sudden started to give me a BSOD about a minute after I wake the computer up from Sleep Mode. Also, if I leave the computer for more than 15 minutes I come back and the computer has frozen so I have to manually restart it. Every once in a while I've gotten the BSOD while I'm in the middle of doing something and it's been hours since it was in sleep mode.

So far I've tried to Restore my computer back to before the trouble started, and I've also fully uninstalled my video drivers (ATI Radeon HD 5470), and then installed the newest version from ATI's website.

My computer is Windows 7 64-bit, OEM version from Acer.

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Computer Is Freezing Up Randomly And Takes Forever To Go To Sleep

Jan 9, 2013

My laptop is an Asus G74-SX running Windows 7 Home Premium 64. [code] My computer randomly freezes (even as I was writing this post it froze for a while and i had to wait for it to come back to life). I am not sure why this is happening as it has been great for over a year. Also the when I put it to SLEEP (not hybrid or hibernation) it takes a LONG time (over 2 mins to hours).I have restarted my computer 5 times yesterday and a couple times today, because it just stops working. If i open Task manager I get (NOT RESPONDING).. which has only happened this week.. not sure why.Even by right clicking on My Computer to see my specs all I can see is Installed Memory: Not Available (Should say 12gb)Processor: Not Available (should say 2.0ghz)it's happened twice that Windows Explorer is not responding (as in the windows viewer not the browser)I am running 2013 AVG Free Anit Virus - and it's never been an issue.

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Newly Built Computer Random Freezing And Freezing On Starting Windows 7

Aug 17, 2012

I recently built my first PC three days ago...

i7 bloomfield 960 processor
4x4 vengeance ram
crosair hx850 PSU
evga x58 ftw3 mobo
hd 6870 radeon graphics xfx

When I first installed windows it started to work just fine but I soon noticed that it would randomly freeze every 15-30 minutes of use, but not on a particular program or anything. I assumed it was drivers so I installed the latest drivers for my GPU and MOBO and keyboard. It seemed fine again until it started crashing again. I ran a GPU burn test and a CPU burn test it passed both. (I tried runing memtest86+ but it froze at like 12%) Then I tried fixing the registry so I downloaded ccleaner and fixed the registry problems. Freezes continued. I finally decided to re install windows so I did and the problems still continued. I am at a loss of what to do and can't think of anything else.

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Persistent Freezing Blue Screens And Freezing

Mar 14, 2012

Computer is currently suffering from persistent freezing and bluescreens. It seems to happen almost randomly, and usually very soon after startup and loading of Windows. System restore has not helped.'fraid that's all the info I can give right now. Any recommendations? If anyone wants me to run hijackthis or dxdiag and post results I'd be more than happy to (assuming I can get that far before it freezes!). Safe mode does work, and the problem does not occur while in safe mode.

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BSOD When Computer Goes To Sleep Or Press The Sleep Button?

Jun 21, 2012

Whenever I press the sleep button on my computer, or when I leave it idle and it goes to sleep by itself, I get a blue screen of death. I would really like to solve thiNow, this computer came with an AMD video card, but I uninstalled those drivers and took out the video card and installed a GTX 570 from EVGA. The drivers are up to date, so I am pretty sure the new hardware is installed correctly. Furthermore, it was not doing this for the first few months of having the video card installed. This is very recent, so I don't understand what it could be

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Sleep Doesn't Sleep Anymore - Just Goes To Login Screen

Jul 30, 2009

For some reason, my 'sleep' has stopped working - either from the sleep button, or on the Start button option.

Now it just goes to the user login screen.

Has always worked perefctly until today.

Weird. Any ideas?

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Won't Sleep From Start Menu But Sleep Timer Works?

Apr 1, 2012

I know there are a bunch of sleep problems out there but I couldn't fine one similar to this after doing a forum search. Running Windows 7 Ultimate. Sleep used to work ok but now when I choose sleep from the start menu, the screen blacks out but the computer doesn't actually go to sleep. The fans, activity lights, hdd lights are all still running. If I move the mouse the screen comes back. However, if I just wait for the sleep timer to kick in then the computer does go to sleep (all fans stop running and all lights go out). I'm not sure what caused this. I use my pc as an HTCP and now when I push the power button on the remote the pc does not go to sleep.

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Slow Resume From Sleep If Sleep For Long Time

Apr 21, 2011

I currently run Windows 7 ultimate 64bit, 8gig ram, intel i7-2600k cpu, and my OS runs on an OCZ SSD (all specs are in my profile)Sleep mode is set to S3 in BIOS, I have hibernation disabled (so no hibernation.sys file on my c drive)When I put my computer to sleep then immediately wake it up, the login screen shows instantly, I type in my pass and it loads in like 0.5 seconds.When I put my computer to sleep but wait for around 1-2 hrs before waking it, it shows the login screen instantly but after i hit login, it gives me the Welcome spinning circle thingy for like 20 seconds before I can see my desktop. That's like longer than my entire boot-up time excluding POST.Event viewer doesnt show any performance delay, and I dont think my OS drive (OCZ vertex 2) has a cache so I have it disabled. I'm sure all my mobo drivers and graphic drivers are up to date.

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Click Start And Sleep Computer / Monitor Will Go To Sleep But Computer Is Still Running

May 20, 2012

Sometimes when I click start and sleep on my computer (windows 7) the monitor will go to sleep but the computer is still running. I cannot wake my monitor up so there is nothing I can do to wake it up besides manually turning it off using the button on the computer case.

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Dvd Will Not Function Correctly

Sep 26, 2011

dvd will not function correctly, tired seven dvd player/writers all from working units. it telling me no disc then said checking disc. I have used writeables rewriteables then put them in a unit with xp on it works fine format try again works fine again. I have installed 7 on this machine and it will not work. all the other systems work. JUST will not write or read a DVD HELP!!!!

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Audio And Web Cam Cannot Function

Dec 11, 2011

I am using compaq presario f700 running window 7. my audio and web cam cannot function and have tried many software but failed.

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Search Function Is Completely Gone?

Apr 2, 2011

when i tried to search for something, I noticed my search bar was gone from my start menu.So I went to google, searching for an answer, and...No go.I looked in my "Windows Features", and it is completely gone.without doing a system restore, or re-installing?

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Sort By Extension Function?

Jan 18, 2010

this function (sort by file Extension) didn't add to windows 7 , So when I use xp I used small free tool called cpext but when I try to add it with windows 7 nothing happen So I need this tool or any alternative do the same job (add option to sort by extension)

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How To Enable Tablet Function

Feb 13, 2011

I've been using my tablet pretty well stationary on my desk or the last year. When I installed windows 7 beta, I enabled the tablet function and it worked fine. Fast forward a few months; I installed windows 7 professional, but never could figure out how to enable tablet functionality, but I haven't really missed it until now. The computer doesn't detect the stylus near the screen. I've enable, disabled and re-enabled Tablet PC Components. I don't know what to do...

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Camera And Fn Function Drivers ..

Nov 25, 2009

I installed Windows 7 earlier, along with a dual boot with Vista, but it appears to have stopped both the camera and the Fn functions working in both 7 and Vista.

I have tried using the drivers from the Samsung site, to no avail.

Any ideas ?

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Toshiba Function Keys

Dec 23, 2009

i have Toshiba a350-13a laptop , i installed windows 7 from 2 weeks . the function keys isn't working although i installed the Toshiba value added package which is responsible for activating function keys.

what the solution for this problem ???

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How Does Consent.exe Function In Windows 7

Feb 3, 2011

I noticed that on Win 7 a process called consent.exe runs when i try to install any application. From the consent.exe description i understood that it is the consent UI for administrative apps and i believe it is related to the UAC since when UAC is disabled, this process does not run. Does anyone know what this exe exactly do in the background? I mean what checks does it perform? Does it connect to the internet to validate something? I have a 1.8 GB setup and it takes almost 2 mins for it to reach the UAC screen when i start installing it.

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Getting Windows 7 To Function With 2 Displays

Jul 7, 2009

i have some problems getting windows 7 to function with 2 displays

if i clone they both run on 1650* and i want the HDTV to run on 1920*

i know it worked before in windows 7 beta.. no clue how i solved it.. any hints?

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Install Hp Multi Function?

Apr 8, 2011

I have a hp multi function hooked up to a win7pc by usb connection, I also have a laserjet hooked up to my ethernet lan. I am trying to install a hp 3310 with a ethernet connection. The latest Windows 7 hp software gets almost to the end of the install routine until it asks how I want to connect it. I choose ethernet and it checks whatever, it shows my 3310 connections correctly and then tells me it cant connect. Windows 7 add a device cant find it. I can ping the unit ok, and I can connect to it through the ip address, and i can scan through the browser. If i go to win7s add a printer it installs a basic print driver and allows me to print as normal. All other xp pcs on the lan can print to it.I would dearly love to use the scanner on the 3310.
By the way the 3310 worked with all functions when it was connected via usb to a xp pc.

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No USB Function Once Windows 7 Loads

Apr 12, 2012

Ran my Uniblue application to update drivers; after that cannot run mouse or keyboard once Windows loads (I have tried different USB ports--none seem to work).

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Windows 7 Invalid MS-DOS Function

Nov 12, 2010

I am trying to install a copy of Windows 7 Professional x64, obtained through my university's MSDNAA program, on my desktop. Through research, and another thread on this forum i have attempted to make a USB disk to load the .iso onto the desktop, however when moving the files from the iso onto the flash disk it returns the error "Invalid MS-DOS Function" when trying to copy/move the install.wim, install_Windows7 PROFESSIONAL.clg, as well as the other .clg files. What can I do to remedy this issue and get this thing to install? The computer I am attempting to do this on is my Windows 7Pro x86 laptop.

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The Wubi Has Disabled F8 Function

Jun 23, 2010

Recently I have bought window's 7. I have extracted the file from the CD on a different PC. & i have installed it successfully. & now, I have tested out Linux 10.04 which I have dual booted with Window's 7. But when I have dual booted with a program called "Wubi", It has disable my function for f8 to show the grub menu. I have posted this in the ubuntuforums but they told me to come here. So I am asking, How many I reinstall Window's 7 without a CD-rom? & My bios doesn't show my USB in the boot tab. So what do i do? I was thinking of installing through network.

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Is XP Mode Function In Windows 7 Pro

Feb 17, 2012

Can I choose which version of Windows XP I want to install during the installation of XP Mode?

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Search Function Not Working?

Mar 2, 2011

So I just did a fresh install of windows 7 and now all of the sudden the search function, as far as I can tell, does not work. At all. I tell it to search for a simple file I KNOW is there and it does not bring it up. It brings up nothing. Infact it wont find anything on my computer at all. Seems 100% useless. So whats up with that? I never had issues with Windows search before, not with Vista, XP, or any other. is there a 3rd party search engine I can use to find stuff on my computer? I have almost 3TB of stuff, I can rarely remember where I have stored every single thing I would use.

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Where Is Copy And Paste Function

Mar 18, 2011

I dowloaded Explorer 9 and now there is no copy and past function. I use it regularly and it really bothers me that it is not available.

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Want To Change Priority Of Function Key?

Jul 19, 2011

i am using Dell inspiron N5010 laptop, here i want to use directly function keys like F5,F8.... without pressiing FN key with that.

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