Setting Up Junctions Not Working - Folders / Filenames With Spaces?

Dec 4, 2011

I am having trouble setting up junctions and I think it isn't working because some of the folders/filenames have spaces and it messes up the syntax. How to get it to work?

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How To Show JUNCTIONS (folders) In WinExplorer

Oct 11, 2010

When I enter at the command prompt of C:

dir /a

then a (JUNCTION) folder "Documents and Settings" is listed which points to


However this Junction is NOT visible in WinExplorer? How can I tell WinExplorer to show Junctions as well (maybe in different color) ?

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Re-setting All Folders And Files?

Nov 28, 2011

I have 10,000 pictures in a couple of hundred folders so I'm trying to Re-set all folders and files to details or large or whatever and I forgot how to do it because it has been a long time since

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Setting Shell Folders To Network Locations

Oct 16, 2009

I have a number of PCs connecting to a server where we house our personal folders. The server also houses music, basketball games, our photos, applications (like drivers and updates etc). On XP and vista I could update shell folders in registry to point each of the various locations (Like My Videos, My Documents, My Pictures etc), to a location on the server.

I updated the shell folder locations in registry only to find that it says location is unsupported because the network locations are not indexed

I have turned indexing off because it is a total waste of resources. We have everything stored on separate drives by category of item. For us, sedarching is not required, stuff is easy to find.

So how can I point the shell folders to a network location without turning on indexing?

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Setting Up Small Office Network With NAS - Mapping Folders?

Feb 21, 2011

I have 2 lenovo h320 desktop running 7 pro 64 and a dell laptop running 7 pro 32. I have a seagate blackarmor 220 nas as well as a netgear srxn3205 wireless vpn firewall router. My first issue is setting up homegroup. I can create one on any pc and see it to join on the other 2 but when I enter the password it tells me I have a network problem. I can ping each pc's ip address from the others. I have checked all the typical fixes, ipv6 enabled...

Secondly, I need understanding the network layout and how the NAS plays a role in the mapping. When I map the network it shows the 3 pcs all connected to the router and to the internet but it shows the NAS as other devices at the bottom. I have mapped a few folders from the NAS to each pc and can see as well as use them but not sure why it is not part of the map.

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Mac Spaces On Windows 7?

Jul 31, 2012

I have been looking around for a Windows altern eative to mac spaces. I hate everything about the mac os except for spaces. LOL . All I've been able to find are ones that you have to use keyboard shortcuts for, when I really want one that takes advantage of touchpad control. If there is not anything out there like this is there a program that will allow me to record a touchpad gesture and set it to a set of keys (imitating gesture support).

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Language Bar Not Showing Up In Flash Spaces

Nov 1, 2011

It works fine on almost anything except flash spaces.

See, I play this game in which I have to speak Japanese, but since it's a flash space I have to type in the given comment box. Every time I click the comment box, the language bar disappears and switches to roman characters automatically. It's rather inconvenient to copy and paste everything I type. And it's not only about the game, but these live events in which people give their opinions online and if I can only type English, my opinion would be ignored.

I somehow figured out how to get it to work right a few days ago, but after I turned my computer on the next day, everything is back to the way it was.

I thought if I switched the default input language to Japanese, it would work, but nothing is happening still.

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Word Deleting Spaces After Save?

Nov 9, 2011

Since I installed Windows 7 (Home Premium Edition) my Word 2010 program is deleting random spaces when I save a document. This happens whether I am in 2010 mode or 97-2003 compatibility mode. It's been happening on all my documents for over two months and I can't find a way to stop it.

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In Windows 7, How To Search Filenames Contain

Nov 17, 2011

In windows 7 , how to search for filenames contain ^ or $ or @ (i don't want to use cmd for example c: >dir *@*.* /s noting that i tried searching for ^ in cmd it was useless like c: >dir *^*.* /s)

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Add Spaces / Group Between Pinned Shortcuts On Taskbar

Feb 24, 2012

how do I add gaps between pinned shortcuts like the one shown here:

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Remove Last Seven Characters From Multiple Filenames?

Mar 23, 2012

I have a bunch of documents in a data base, all associated with TIFF images, and all having unique DOCIDs. When I batch-print several of the TIFFs to PDFs, the stupid program, instead of just naming them by their DOCIDs, appends a seven-digit serial number to the DOCID, thus: ABCD0000789 --> ABCD00007891234567.PDF I want to delete those last seven digits before the dot.

I know there are free utilities that make this stuff easy, but I'm at work, where I'm not allowed to install programs; so I have to use native DOS or Windows 7 functions. I'm sure it can be done quickly and easily with the REN command in a DOS window, but I don't know how to identify the last seven digits for REN and tell it to delete them.

Unfortunately, what comes before the last seven digits is variable--it's always some letters followed by some numerals, but the number of each can vary, there might be a hyphen or a space among the letters, and there might be a space between the letters and the numerals; so I can't just tell DOS to delete everything after the first n digits, which I gather would be easier.

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Bulk Delete Parts Of Filenames?

Aug 20, 2012

I have a lot of files (songs) which names are of the following type:

xxxx - yyyy

Where x represents the artist's name and y represents the song's name. Now, I need a way to bulk edit these files so that everything left of the hyphen is removed and later on the hyphen itself so that the filenames only consist of the song's name.Is there a way to bulk do this? I have over 660 songs.

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How To Have Windows 7 Search Zip Files For Filenames

Nov 25, 2009

In WinXP, using the standard Windows search, I could search for a filename, and if it was found in a Zip file, that would be shown in the search results. In Win 7 (even after changing search options to search ZIP files) it usually does not find the filename in a Zip file. Occasionally it finds it in one Zip file, but I know it is in several and need to see all of them to find the one I want. I have indexed the drive being searched.

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Cannot Change Filename (Source And Destination Filenames Are The Same)?

May 24, 2011

Let's say " 01 -" (A space at the beginning) is the file name.I am trying to change it to "01 -"(without the space at the beginning).I am coming up with this error: "Source and destination file names are the same".1) Is this fixable? How?2) How can I find all files on my computer (and external drives) with a space at the beginning in the filename (and of course how can I change them with this error coming up)?3) Is it a problem to have a space at the beginning in the filename (These files will be used in Mac and Linux too) ?

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Right Click On Folders Is Not Working?

Jul 20, 2011

after editing my registry this what happen...when i right click on my folders its not working..its say's 'not responding'

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Working With Multiple Files And Folders

Apr 1, 2010

In this tutorial, we'll show you how you can work with multiple files and folders at once. As you become more proficient using your PC, you may start to create and download a large number of files. When dealing with large collections of files, being able to work efficiently with multiple files and folders can be a huge time saver.

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Change The Permissions On The Folders (the Locked Ones) Windows Says The Files/folders Doesn't Exist

Nov 10, 2010

i use BitLord to download random stuff anyways the Downloads Folder Shows up like this : Now when i open Nero up it shows this Weird thing is if i hover over the folder from normal window it says the Downloads folder is only 800mb (as it is only showing me one item) yet from Nero it says the folder is over 9 Gigs. Im set as Owner of the folder and i have all permissions set for me however i am still unable to see these files outside of nero and i don't know why.When i go and try to change the permissions on the folders (the locked ones) windows says the files/folders doesn't exist...

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Moving User Folders - Additional Folders Appear

Jul 9, 2012

I have just done a clean install of Win 7 Pro 64. I have set up four accounts and for each one I have moved the user folders to a separate hard drive by using the Right Click Properties > Location > Move. I have done this for the following folders:

- Desktop
- Downloads
- My Documents
- Favorites
- Links
- My Music
- My Pictures
- Videos

I have done it exactly the same way on each account (and more than once! I've been imaging the disk and have restored backwards a few times.)

The problem is, on three of the accounts, when I move the My Music, My Pictures, and Videos then they do move correctly but three rogue folders appear named Music, Pictures and Videos. And I can't delete then since they are system folders.

But the weird thing is that this does not happen on one of the accounts!

how to get rid of the extra folders as they're cluttering up the users home folder and causing confusion.

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How Do I Change Folders View For Individual Folders ?

Sep 19, 2009

In Windows 7 how can I change "Folders View" for individual folders without changing them system wide. For example if I select "always show icons" all my folders are set this way, and that's fine. But there are a few folders I have containing jpeg images, and I want to view those as "thumbnails" without effecting the others which are set to always show icons.

This was very easy to do in Windows XP but I can't figure out how to do it in Windows 7.

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New Folders Are Created As Video Folders

May 17, 2011

I have problem, recently all new folder are created optimized for video content with big pictures and such. How can I fix that so they are created as normal folders, because this is driving me nuts having to change this for every new folder.

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Batch Renaming Folders And Sub-folders

Apr 16, 2010

The structure of my photos library is Y/Y_M/Y_M_D, e.g. 2010/2010_04/2010_04_16 for today. I want to change all the '_' to '-'. Does anyone know an easy way of doing this?

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Batch Renaming Folders And Sub-folders?

Aug 4, 2011

The structure of my photos library is Y/Y_M/Y_M_D, e.g. 2010/2010_04/2010_04_16 for today.I want to change all the '_' to '-'.

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Power Setting Changes Itself?

Dec 2, 2011

I've been having this trouble on my laptop where the power setting just changes at will. I usually put it at power saving when i use it to write but it just takes 10-20 seconds before it by itself changes to High performance.

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Setting Up 10 Computers The Same?

Feb 28, 2011

We are deploying 10 Toughbook H1's for doing electronic patient care reporting and interfacing with our dispatch center. They are running Windows 7 Professional and will have mobile broadband connections. We'd like to have them setup essentially the same, with all the same settings and restrictions. What is the best and fastest way to do this? I've used the local group policy editor but haven't been able to figure out how to copy those settings from one computer to another. Each computer will have a standard user account. We'd like to prevent the installation of programs (except by admins) and changing of most settings. We're also going to attempt to restrict most internet access except for approved sites.

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Setting Up SSD For Windows?

Oct 3, 2012

I wish to install an SSD and put windows 7 64 bit on it. I don't have a cd/dvd copy of windows just the one on the recovery partition of my Dell Inspiron 580 1TB HD 8GB RAM.Firstly is there more than one cable to connect from the SSD to the motherboard or two like normal HD's?Secondly having fitted the SSD do I then boot up normally from my old HD and then somehow reinstall windows but selecting the SSD>?

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Setting Up A New Window

May 15, 2011

Every time I create a new window, if I happen to already have a window from that same program open, I have to move it back up and left to set it in the top corner of the monitor.Windows off-sets new program interfaces down and to the right. And I move it back up and left.In todays world of multi-tabs and stacking task bars to group like programs, with selectable pop-up previews of programs from the task bar, why on earth do we still have to deal with the extremely irritating mode of "new windows must offset else the user will have no idea where his old window is" mentality.

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Setting Up IP Camera By Cable?

Jan 26, 2012

I want to setup my IP Camera, and of course I need to do it via ethernet cable. So, when I put the IP address e.g. "" in a browser (tried with IE9, Chrome and Firefox) , my Laptop doesn't even load or kept loading.This happens when I'm using Win 7 Home Basic, but with a Win XP laptop works great.

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Recovery After Setting New Profile?

Sep 13, 2012

Does anyone know of a piece of software for use with Windows 7 that will allow one to create a new profile to return the computer to original configuration and then recover programs, files and desktop setting? My computer has slowed down a little and I believe it is time to restore it to original configuration and reinstall everything; however, I don't want to spend a week reinstalling software and setting up the desktop and all my program settings.

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Setting Font To Fit Label?

Dec 31, 2012

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium, Service Pack 1, 64 bit
Processor: AMD A4-3420 APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics, AMD64 Family 18 Model 1 Stepping 0
Processor Count: 2
RAM: 3570 Mb
Graphics Card: AMD Radeon HD 6410D Graphics, 512 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 936682 MB, Free - 884422 MB; D: Total - 17083 MB, Free - 2133 MB;
Antivirus: Kaspersky Internet Security, Updated and Enabled

When using Word to print return mailing labels on Avery 8167 sheets, the font cannot be reduced to fit the label.

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Is There A Setting On Windows 7 That Would Allow To Use MP3 Player

Apr 9, 2011

I'm a new Windows 7 user. I have a Coby 1GB mp3 player that I've been using as a thumb drive for years since the buttons on it broke off. I've put all kinds of files on it from documents to picture files. Yesterday I brought home my new netbook running Windows 7 Starter.. I took the mp3 player and plugged it in the USB port. Windows 7 recognized it with no problem.. but to my surprise, it doesn't show the files on it. So I tried to put files on it.. and it doesn't seem to allow anything but music files (MP3's) to be put on it. It's very odd because my Windows XP desktop computer allowed me to use it as a basic thumb drive and it accepted all types of files to be put on it.. not just MP3s.Is there a setting on Windows 7 that would allow me to use the MP3 player like a regular USB flash drive as I did on my XP system?

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Restore To Factory Setting

Dec 31, 2011

i was havin probs with my pc DELL isnpiron 17R ,,it was about missing of some storage drivers ,, i contacted a dell agent ; after he viewed the device manger and trying to reinstall them he couldn't and he told me that i've ghost or something in my registery and i need to do a restore to factory settings..i tried to shut down pc and turn it on again then i pushed the F8 button and i choosed " Repair Your Computer " and then i got " windows loading files " ,, stuck on it ,,,i tried to restart the pc and do it again but nothing i tried to remove battery and placed it again and retry but nothing i stucked on the same page.i used registry boost program on this site ,, after scan ,, i had a high damaged registery.

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