Recovery After Setting New Profile?

Sep 13, 2012

Does anyone know of a piece of software for use with Windows 7 that will allow one to create a new profile to return the computer to original configuration and then recover programs, files and desktop setting? My computer has slowed down a little and I believe it is time to restore it to original configuration and reinstall everything; however, I don't want to spend a week reinstalling software and setting up the desktop and all my program settings.

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Recovery Of Laptop To Its Factory Setting?

Feb 17, 2013

i want to recover my laptop to its factory setting but i lost all recovery data from my laptop?

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Unable To Load The Factory Setting From The Recovery Disks?

Apr 10, 2012

i am using acer 5745g, when i tried to use the recovery disks created earlier, it is unable to load even i tried everything from the boot menu..

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Deleting Program Files (x86) To Install Recovery-DVD To Factory Setting?

Nov 4, 2012

I was trying to restore the computer the FIRST TIME I got it, but I've found out that the Recovery copy won't make any changes because I have two(2) Program Files for Internet Explorer, one is for 64bit OS, and the other is 32bit (x86).I've tried to enter in the command prompt: takeown /f "C:Program Files (x86)" /r /d n and it displays ERROR: The current logged on user does not have ownership privileges on the file (or folder) "C:Program Files (x86)". But I am the administrator and the owner of this Hitachi Laptop Windows 7 Home Premium, 64-bit OS.I could not play any movies via internet, and I don't know what plug-ins are missing, so I want to restore the computer to its Factory setting.

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Browsers Can't Load Profile Settings On Main Windows Profile

Oct 8, 2011

so I was on my desktop main account and then let my dad log on to a guest account I recently created for him since his laptop isn't working, then when I came back I logged onto my profile I couldn't open any browser, in the case of firefox this came up (firefox can't load host something, missing profile) and chrome (your preferences cannot be read)

then I couln't open some shorcuts (windows cannot find the target. and my utorrent setting reset as well, like if I had never used it, BUT the guest account works perfectly.

I'm able to open firefox with open as administrator but all addons, bookmarks are gone, I can't open the document, picture, and music links on the start menu either

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Big Mess After Creating New Profile And Deleting Original Profile?

Jul 9, 2012

Originally I had all my data files in drive D and only programs in drive C. Somehow my old user profile got corrupted and the Backgound wall paper is not working properly. So I created a new admin profile to fix it but now I have a mess.After I created a new admin profile and moved the old users folder/files to the new user , I decided to delete the old profile after everything seems to be working properly . When deleting the old profile I elected to save old user files to my desktop ( fortunately) . I now have a very fragmented system . Some of the folder/files are still under my old username in D drive, nothing in my new user name in D drive plus almost all of the folder/files from the old user ( in drive D) are now in a folder on the desktop where windows elected to place them when I elected to save the folders/files. I really need all the old user folders.I would like to have the Data in either under my old or new username in Drive D instead of fragmented all over the place. I realize I ended up in this situation because I didnt understand fully what windows will do when creating and deleting user profiles.

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Creating New Profile / Run Program From Another Profile?

May 18, 2012

i have problems with adobe cs6 installing, and it's been suggested i install it under a new profile. no problem with that, however, will i be able to access / run it under my 'normal' profile? finally, will doing this affect any of my existing programs in my 'normal' profile?

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User Profile Service-service Failed Logon-user Profile Cannot Be Loaded

Nov 17, 2012

when i try to create a new user profile ~ with or without a password, it shows up on the main login page, but when i click on it to open, the message "UserProfileService_service failed the logon_user profile cannot be loaded". i have searched microsoft support with little solutions listed. and the ones that are listed seem too technical for me to be trying on my own. there are many posts there with this problem, but they all seem to be several years old.

i am using windows 7. i have never been able to create any accounts other than my administrator account & the one account i use for all my general computer use. i have been using norton 360 with no problems. i have resorted to just using any "log in/log out' links on all the sites my husband wants to use.i am really not all that confident doing anything super technical to fix this, since i don't have a real understanding of different extensions or types of files. i am afraid i could really mess everything up really bad. but, it would just be SO MUCH EASIER & FASTER if i had my account & my husband had his own account.

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User Profile Service Service Failed Logon / User Profile Cannot Be Loaded

Jul 13, 2011

My wife's Dell desktop (after a nighttime thunderstorm) will not permit her to log on. When she enters the password she gets the following message: "The User Profile Service service failed the logon. User profile cannot be loaded". Has anyone encountered this issue and is there a user fix, or should we take the computer back to where it was bought for service?

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Moving Unallocated Space PAST Recovery Partition, OR Destroying Recovery All Together?

Dec 25, 2012

I have Unallocated space at the very end of my hard drive, even after the 25gb Recovery Partition, this is due to copying my old hard drive onto this new one via Clonezilla, and it automatically keeping the unallocated space at the end. Can I either move the unallocated space around the Recovery Partition, or delete the Recovery Partition altogether? Sorry if I am being a little unclear.

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Disc ASUS Recovery Error 1029, Cannot Boot Into That Recovery Partition

Jun 23, 2012

I've gotten to the point where I need to just reinstall windows completely on my Asus G74SX (too many problems, I want to start fresh.). I encounter an error 1029 with Asus's recovery disks that I made when I had windows working: it says it is recovering all the way to 100% then doesnt work. I am in the process of trying it again so I'll see if it actually managed to wipe my hard drive like it said it was doing, and maybe if it did actually work and reinstall windows.However, I'd like to be able to get into the recovery partition because I would prefer restoring it with Asus as they recommend me to. However, when I hit F9, their target to get there, it doesn't do anything and just reloads the boot screen, with the Asus logo on it. I don't have an actual Wndows recovery CD so that's not an option, and at this point since my hard drive has likely been wiped by these recovery DVDs, I don't think going into Ubuntu and fixing the MBR will do me much good anymore.It may be worth noting that before I last restarted, I marked the Windows partition as active because of a tutorial here, making it so that recovery partition isn't active anymore.

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HP Recovery Manager Says That Recovery Partition Has Been Removed?

Jun 26, 2012

is not empty - it is almost 80% full but when i click on it there are no files. Tried - to the extent of my knowledge - to see if the files are hidden but didn't reach anywhere. Tried a restore point but that didnt work either.

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Cannot Log On User Profile

Jul 31, 2011

I cannot log on to either of the accounts on my HP laptop running Windows 7. I get a message saying " The User Profile service failed the logon" User Profile cannot be loaded. I cannot procedd any further with loading up.

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Cannot Log Into My Profile On Windows 7

Dec 7, 2010

I can't log into my profile on windows 7. I changed the name of the user folder by fault and when I logged in, the windows told me that I am logging in with a temporary user, I tried to change the folder name again.

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How To Retrieve Old Profile

Jan 22, 2011

My husband and I just bought a Dell Inspiron with Windows 7 Home on it. He bought it for use at work, and when he took it to work, they upgraded it to Windows 7 Professional. I don't know who they had working on this, but it seems that they didn't make a back-up of anything first, and my husband doesn't know enough about computers to have thought to make one, and he didn't realize that the people doing this to his computer might just not know what they were doing. Anyway, EVERYTHING he had on the computer before is GONE...right down to the drivers for the wireless and the BLU-ray disc drive. I can put that stuff back, but he had also just finished writing a sermon on the computer, and that's gone too, of course. A lot of work that unfortunately he didn't save anywhere else.

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Set Up More Than One Color Profile?

Aug 20, 2011

My monitor seems to be faulty or just crap because when I first switch it on the gamma is way high and then it goes back its normal level after about 20 minutes, it is also too high anyway so I use "color management" to set a profile with less gamma...previously I have set 2 profiles one with less gamma and one with even less for when I first switch the monitor on.

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Only Allows To Log On To Temporary Profile?

Nov 23, 2010

My acer computer with windows 7 64-bit professional home edition will not allow me to log on to my user profile. Only to temporary profile so i cannot access my personal files. It started out not letting me log on at all and then when it finaly did it did what i described earlyer.

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Change My Profile Name?

Feb 12, 2013

I would like to change my profile name.

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Profile Added, But Can't 'see' Network

Dec 13, 2011

I managed to add a wireless network profile to my IBM lenovo T400 laptop which runs on Win 7 OS. However I am not able to see it listed in the list that apperas when I click on the wireless transmission icon on the bottom right of the screen.

I can confirm that the 'wireless radio' button in the said laptop is turned on and is able to see other wireless networks in the vicinity. I can also confirm that the particular wireless network is actually functioning as I am able to access it from my Win XP machine.

In the WinXP machine, my security type is 'WPA2-PSK', I am not able to find the same option in the Win 7 machine, so I selected WPA2-Personal. I also tried playing the with the other 'Security Type' options in the Win 7 machine, but nothing solves the problem.

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User Profile Cannot Be Loaded

Feb 6, 2013

I had to restore my computer. After I did so and it went through the new setup, I supplied a new password. When I went to logon, it accepted my password but then at the next screen, iit read:The User Service service [sic] failed the logon. User profile cannot be loaded.

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Recreate A User's Profile?

Mar 31, 2010

I've already stumbled onto an issue with a users's profile and am trying to apply what I would typically do in XP to Windows 7 but it's stuck on wanting to load the Temporary profile for this user. So as a novice of this sort, how can I recreate a users profile?

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Your Profile Could Not Be Opened Correctly

Jul 4, 2012

OS win 7. This is an issue that I have (Like lots of other people too, I suspect) been having over the last couple of days. My home page is Google and when I boot up the message >Your profile could not be opened correctly. Some features may not be available. Please check that the profile exists and you have permission to read and write its contents< without the arrow heads.I have tried keying the message into Google, but there doesn't seem to be a cure up to now. Does anyone have the same problem? If so, have you been able to find an answer. My pc is clean.

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Firefox Profile Switcher

Dec 22, 2009

Ok so with all the firefox betas, and addons that may or may not work (despite nightly tools) does any one know a decent way of switching on the fly.

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Have Logged On With A Temp Profile?

Mar 11, 2011

well, i have an acer laptop (the small ones, notepad??!!) it went wrong couple of days ago - my background image on desktop was missing ,and was just a black screen with icons on , so it was suggested to do a system restore - which i did do, now when i log on, i get a message saying "you have logged on with a temp profile" etc, and iv logged of and on several times since then, and it still appears

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How To Log In As Admin On A Profile Set To Limited

Jun 16, 2011

I have three profiles on my Windows 7 PC; myself (Administrator), my Wife, and the Kids; both of which are Limited.Every once in a while one of them needs to ask me to install a program or sometimes I log in to their account to clean up their desktop of shortcuts they dont need.My question is when I just log in normally I can't just right click on the icons and delete since it says I need admin privvies. Well I am an admin. Why isn't there a dialog box or some way to work within the "Limited" User Account but with elevated admin privledges? Same goes for installing programs.As of now I have to log into MY account and temporarily change their user statuses to Administrator, log into their accounts, take care of buisness, log out and back into my account, then remove the Admin rights.

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Cannot Copy User Profile

Oct 29, 2011

Windows 7 Home premium. I have done everything I can think of and am stumped. The old XP way of creating the new user account,logging into it to create a profile, then copying one profile to another doesn't work. Perhaps there is a good reason. In desperation I even enabled the built in administrator account in cmd prompt and logged on as that user. But the copy area is still greyed out.

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How To Recover An Overwritten Profile

Jan 18, 2012

i renamed a profile folder in windows 7 and when i tried to login with that user a new folder was created and replaced the one i renamed, now i lost all the data which was in my documents, emails etc, i tried to restore to an earlier point but i didn't recover anything

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Desktop Can Be Copied To New Profile?

Feb 7, 2012

if my current desktop - not just the picture but also the shortcuts and files on there- can be copied to a new profile? If so, how do I do this and have the programs work? Currently just have a new profile but haven't copied any of my files to it yet. Been having admin issues with the existing profile like not being able to do certain deletes, thumbnails not all showing. etc.

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Using A Hidden Profile In Windows 7?

Feb 27, 2012

Is it possible to hide a user profile and still using it by changing the login screen to ask both username and password?I know that usually on the login screen I can only see profiles that aren�t hidden (which makes logging to a hidden account impossible), but if I change the logging on to ask both username and password can I log in to that hidden profile?

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Temp Profile Keeps Creating?

Apr 10, 2012

Everytime I log in to my computer, it keeps putting me on to temp profile.

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How To Remove User V2 Profile

Jul 2, 2012

I've upgraded my desktop system from XP to Vista then to Win 7 Home Premium and now have the infamous User.V2 profile which I would like to get rid of. I've searched for information on how to do this but all of the information I've found is way above my pay grade.

1) Is it OK to remove the User.V2 profile?

2) Simple, but complete, step-by-step instructions on how to to remove it?

This is a home system, I share some files with a Win 7 laptop via a wireless home network but do not connect to any other networks.

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