Random Harddrive Lock-ups

May 5, 2009

I have very annoying problem with 7 #7000/#7100 (not present in XP or Vista) - on random intervals, a couple of times per day the hard drive just blocks with it's LED constantly on. Windows still responds, except for operations involving the hard drive (like opening Explorer) - every program that reads from HDD just becomes "Not responding". Exactly after 2 minutes, everything is back to normal.

Drivers are installed, there are no unknown devices in Device manager.

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Random Lock Ups, Freezes During A Download?

Mar 30, 2012

OK so about 1-2 months ago I got a New CPU and RAM (RMA cuz old ones caused BSOD) so now I em noticing that I get random freezes when I restart (forced to manually shut down) and when I'm downloading this 1 file from 1 website it gets to 99% the my pc Freezes. (this is the site apache friends - xampp for windows only happens when I try to download the .zip file 1) and I was looking at my CPU and Memory etc. in CPUz and noticed a odd thing about my Ram the 2 sticks are running at to different frequency and that it isn't in dual channel mode?

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DELL XPS 420 Random Lock Ups Using Different Applications?

Apr 21, 2012

My Dell XPS 420 has a problem now and again whereby everything stops working, but I can still move the mouse. If I try to click somewhere it'll say not responding. It locked up again just now, and if you look at the log, the time where the PC locked up was around the time of the error 21/4/12 12:54:32PM.I have no idea what is causing the issue as I'm not high level enough to interpret event logs. All I will say is that I have running on my PC: avast, adaware, malware antibytes and advanced system care pro for maintenance so I keep my PC in good health (or not it seems!)I have run the trial version of active smart (hard drive utility) and no errors are being reported for any of my drives. Check disk etc reports no issues.In the past my Crucial Ballistix memory has failed a couple of times, but those were BSOD errors that I identified and fixed by replacing the memory.

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Random System Lock Up - Mouclass Errors?

Jun 3, 2011

my windows 7 system I use for music production randomly freezes. I was looking in the Computer Management Event Viewer and there are ALOT of MOUCLASS error references and also some windows update failures. Could this be causing the random freezes? Also, the system freezes on boot up and I have to reboot then it works fine for a while, but freezes again intermittently. I dont connect this system to the internet except for windows updates and DAW updates.

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Semi-random Partial Lock-ups / Slow Downs

Sep 28, 2011

For the longest time I've had this problem where my computer will be on, everything working, then all of a sudden it stops but it doesn't crash.. no blue screen.. and oddly enough it doesn't completely lock up. I try to move the mouse and it may not move instantly, but a few seconds later it will jump and freeze again. It acts as if it goes from normal speed to then processing everything at about .0000001 frames per second, if that makes sense. Upon forcing down the computer, it will restart and hang at the "detecting IDE Drives" part of my Bios boot, then I fully force it down again and it boots up fine. At first it would only do this when I was downloading or installing with my 1.5TB drive installed so, I "uninstalled" it by disconnecting the power and SATA cable and it worked, didn't have any "slow down" or install/download issues after that.Now, I had plugged it back in a few months ago and everything was working fine, downloads were going perfectly fine, installs worked without a hitch, until today I decided to install XNA 4.0. When trying, it did the whole slow down/lock up and required me to restart. Recognizing it, I unplugged the drive again and rebooted. Tried to reinstall, then XNA 4.0 installer kept crashing saying "invalid Drive F:/" which is the drive I unplugged... why it was continuing to look for that drive I have no idea, anyways. I messed around with it a bit I plugged in a USB stick and renamed it to drive F:/, it would start installing but now still do this lock up. Some how after loading my BIOS on a boot and having only my 150GB raptor plugged in (no 1.5 TB, no USB drive) I was able to boot and install XNA 4.0 without errors. However, at the very end it started to lock up and slow down.

Now, whenever I boot my computer it continues to do this lock up, even with the drives I thought were problematic uninstalled. During start up it will make the windows chime and then start to slow down/lock up and act almost as if it's processing the sound in very, very slow motion. It would do this to video as well back when it would crash while I was playing games, until I initially unplugged the 1.5TB drive. Anyways, I am stumped now since it seems to be something completely different than a drive problem and do not know where to go from here. [code]

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Random Freezes / System Lock Ups When Playing Games Or Watching Videos?

May 3, 2012

The problem is that I will get a system lock up, or freeze when playing games like Portal 2 or FM2012. The freezes are very random however they occur the most when trying to play Co-op in Portal 2 (say about 80% of the time when trying to play it). However with the likes of FM2012 or other games, I can literally play for hours on end without a crash, but other times a crash could happen within about 5 mins.I also seem to randomly crash if I watch a HD video in full screen (1920x1080) however I cannot recall such a problem watching it minimized (using VLC). I also used to get random crashes while browsing the internet on certain websites, however I haven't had this issue since upgrading my RAM.

When the PC does crash, the monitor will just black out and if sound was playing at the time it will usually loop or repeat. The only thing I can do is a hard reboot and upon restarting the PC it will say about the unexpected shut down and to start windows normally however I don't seem to get any minidumps. I've had this problem now for quite awhile, and at first it was something I just overlooked as a random occurance but now its starting to drive me crazy! My system specs are as follows:[CODE]

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External Hard Disk Is Lock And Lock Recovery Key Lost

Nov 7, 2011

my external hard disk is lock and lock recovery key lost?

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2nd Harddrive Not Appearing

Jan 15, 2009

It worked fine on Windows Vista. I just formated the first and installed Windows Seven on it. Now when loading up Seven, it says the 2nd is installed and working, but its not accessible and doesnt even appear.

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Need To Get A New Harddrive Up And Running

Aug 6, 2012

i recently had my hard drive fail and im in need of a new one the one i have is raid 0 500gb hd and i need some prices on what i need to get a new one along with how to set up bios and a new os. i have a windows 7 upgrade disk and a restore disk if that helps.

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How Can I Remove Everything That Is In The Harddrive?

Nov 1, 2009

I installed Windows 7 3days ago and I did not feel comfortable about it. It kept bugging out with almost everything and the performance on my games just became weaker than when I had Vista installed. Well, I tried to uninstall Windows 7 and get back to Windows Vista while using this guide here: How to restore a Windows 7-based computer to a previous Windows installation by using the Windows.old folder I used that command program in the "repair your computer" section in Windows 7 boot menu but I accidentally typed in wrong commands in there so I closed the command program and restarted my computer.

When I did that I actually thought that everything would be fine when I suddenly saw that I had Windows Vista and Windows 7 installed? I runned Windows Vista and hoped that I would work but only a blank screen came up after I clicked on it. Windows 7 did not worked eather because I had already moved my system files when I tried to switch back to Vista. Now I have reinstalled Windows 7 and the old programs that I had are on Windows folders, I now have folders that I should not have a such.

Its really really messy right now and I just want to clean my harddrive and download Windows 7 from scratch. I really need help with deleting everything in my harddrive and I want to know if the "Acer" screen after I start the computer will pop-up if I clean my harddrive because thats the only place I can boot Windows 7 from if I deleted everything in my harddrive.

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Harddrive Enclosures Which One To Buy

Apr 5, 2011

I have a Western Digital Hard-drive that was in my old computer. I would like to buy an enclosure for it. Its interface is SATA; capacity is 80GB; RPM 7200. What kind of hard drive enclosure can I buy? I would like to use it as a backup medium.

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New Harddrive Not Recognized

Oct 19, 2009

I bought a new WD scorpio blue for my hp laptop. backed up all the data on my old hard drive, removed it, and put the new hard drive in. windows is not seeing it, and i'm not sure the bios is either. please help! i'd like to use the new harddrive (bigger capacity) instead of the old, but i don't understand how to have the system know the harddrive is there.

the laptop is an hp compaq 8510w. i had Windows 7 running it on for about 4 months. the new harddrive is the western digital blue scorpio 500gb.

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Reformatting Harddrive

Oct 31, 2009

I read about the fact that windows 7 doesn't reformat the harddrives and leaves all your old clutter on and just creates a new section of clutter.

I read I could pick to repartion if if restarted booting up from Windows 7 on the CD.. Which I did, but never saw any offer to repartion (which I would love to do because my drive on XP had to be spliced into 2 partiions because XP could not handle the size.. I would love to go to one partion.) But I know repartioning also reformats..

Anyway I guess I did a clean install (although I saw nothing that offered the clean install, but I know moving for XP to 7 needed that.)

It just forced me to put everythine into a windows.old folder (which I can't find).. And looking at my drive the either windows 7 is a REAL pig, or yup... my old data is eatting up my space with it's clutter. Although 7 is up, I want a redo.. Can anyone tell me how to do it right with a repartion and format?

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[BSOD] Random Crashes. Startup, Starting Game, Once Fully Random?

Dec 10, 2011

Been having some crashes.At first they occurred on start up. Claiming the computer wasn't properly shut down. Now today, the other crashes started, with the first happening out of nowhere, the second happening upon starting a video game. I've been without crashes for a while now, only having used my browser(Opera) and copying some files to an external hard drive. As well as the SF tool.I only have 2 dump files available. SF tool file should be in attachments, unless I made a mistake somewhere

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Random BLSC 0x50 New Computer, New Install, Random Program Crashes?

Apr 8, 2012

Random BLSC 0x50 New Computer, New Install; Random Program Crashes?

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Missing External Harddrive?

Jun 25, 2011

have a Freecom XS 1.5 TB,External,7200 RPM and im using windows 7 i cannot find the external drive in my computer

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Harddrive Not Showing On Computer?

Aug 14, 2011

i have a verbatim 1tb hardrive have followed the set up guide, and windows is recongnising the hardrive but not showing on 'my computer'?

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Way To Password Protect The Harddrive?

Jan 15, 2012

I have a 1tb harddrive and it contains alot of personal items which i dont want anybody else opening, is there anyway to password protect the Harddrive so that when i click onto it from computer is asks for a password? or is there a way to password protect folders inside? any of these will work

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Windows 7 Reinstall On New HardDrive?

May 23, 2012

I have bought a SSD drive on which i want my OS & programs etc and my main drive now as just data. Now do i have to start again reinstall W7 and the whole sha-bang onto the new SSD-HD? Or is there a easy way around this?

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Windows XP Installed Twice On Same Harddrive

Nov 16, 2012

I would like to install windows 7 on my desktop. It is currently running windows XP. I'm not sure what i did but i wound up installing Windows XP "twice" on the C drive. I booted up windows 7 and installed it sucessfully but the windows XP is still on the drive.

deleting just the Windows XP.

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Re-install On Windows 7 On New Harddrive

Apr 5, 2012

The problem is that they have no copy of back ups for W7 nor I have a OEM copy of W7.

The product key is valid, but I need a the .iso file's so I can reinstall on new hard drive. I need W7 64 bit. Have a link?

I have been downloading from a couple places, I am surprised that W7 wants to charge us for it.

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Installing Windows 7 On New Harddrive?

May 7, 2012

I recently purchased a new HDD drive for my HP laptop. I was able back-up my data and create the restore disc. Once I install the new Harddrive and go through system recovery on the new HDD once the computer reboots to install W7 it does nothing. all it does is displays the HP emblem and the esc key does not do anything.

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Disabling Hp ProtectSmart Harddrive?

May 29, 2012

i play alot of music from my laptop, and everytime i close the lid my music stops and starts and plays for a bit and then stops and starts again, it happens all the time, i read in another forum that its because of the HP PROTECTSMART harddrive that helps ur drive from breaking from too much movement. now i feel its way to sensitive, anyone know how to disable it? ive tried looking it up in the control panel but im completely lost.


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Get My Harddrive Out Of Dell Optiplex 740?

May 10, 2011

I need to get my hard drive out of my dell optiplex 740. I took it apart and realized just how buried it is

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Can Have Two Instances Of Windows 7 On One Harddrive

Oct 13, 2012

Eventually a Windows 7 system will get corrupted. Can I have second instance of Windows 7 already installed on the hard drive for comparison and a fast swap?

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Could Have Reformatted My Portable Harddrive

Nov 29, 2009

I am hoping very much that someone can help me out of a catastrophic situaition after having done a clean installation of Windows 7.

The situation is that I used my 500 GB Fugitsu HandyDrive to save Windows Easy Transfer file but now neither of my two computers will recognise the HandyDrive - they just keep saying “new hardware found - looking for drivers” but don’t find any.

This is devastating as it is (or was!) almost ¾ full of months of hard work - some backed up some not (my fault of course).

I have been using the HandyDrive to work between my 18” and 10” laptops both of which had Vista.

I have the Acer Windows 7 Upgrade Kit for the 18” laptop and after 4 failed upgrade attempts and one failed clean installation, I tried one last clean installation which at last was successful. Each time I ran the Upgrade Advisor and carried out the recommendations. The Handydrive was shown as “USB Mass Storage Device” and shown as being Compatible with Windows 7.

I saved the Windows Easy Transfer file on the Handydrive.

After the successful installation of Windows 7, I carried out the Easy Transfer but was dismayed to find I had very few programs now (I had thought they would be on the Upgrade disc but cant find them). I took the Handydrive out of 18” (now with Windows 7) and plugged it into 10” (Vista) so that I could print the Upgrade Advisor file I had saved, which showed the programs I had before clean install. Disaster - it wouldn’t work! The HandDrive was not in my Ciomputer.

I have written to Fugitsu to see if they can help but in the meantime can anyone on this forum tell me what I’ve done? I will be devastated if I cant recover the data on the HandyDrive

Also how do I get the programs I am missing?

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MAxtor Harddrive Tools

Dec 18, 2009

Can anybody point me in the right direction as to where I can find a Maxtor Drive Diagnostic tool as I seem to be getting a lot of errors on my drive, Have tried Google but got lost in the thousands of links.

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Installing Win 7 On Same Computer With New Harddrive

Dec 18, 2009

My problem in a unique one. I installed Windows 7 on my computer back a few months ago, using the given product key. Since that time, though, I have had to install a new hard drive on my computer. I wasn't able to retain any of the data from my old harddrive -- it was a fresh start. I've installed Windows 7 on this new harddrive with the same disk, but now the product key won't work, because I already used it when I installed it last.

I'd rather not have to buy a new copy of Windows 7, considering I'm not installing it on multiple computers. I'm installing it on one computer. I just didn't uninstall it when I replaced my harddrive. Any suggestions? Do you think Microsoft would be able to revalidate my product key?

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Reallocating HardDrive Space?

May 30, 2011

Im running windows 7 and I would like to reallocate my HD space from my E drive to my C drive. C drive is the main drive of course, after installing Windows 7 I only have 25 GB free and I would like to allocate some of the 250 GB from my E drive. Is this possible without a full wipe on my memory to reinstall windows 7

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Bios Not Detect Harddrive?

Jul 28, 2011

i have Acer computer,was working fine ,yesterday frozen while iam at net, and i turnoff by pressing holding the power buttom, after that comes message: reboot and select proper device i couldnt open the recovery by pressing f10 and the hard drive and the dvd missing from bios not detected.

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Computer Shuts Down Even On New Harddrive?

Aug 15, 2011

my asus pc just started to shut down by its self for a week now.i thought it was a virus but no matter when i tried to the recovery programs...it would still shut down.i just we and bought the exact same hard drive.i wanted to copy my doc music movies before formatting a old drive.. it still shuts down when im doing the copying.well i tired something new and completly disconnected the old drive and boot off the new one.. stills shuts down by it self.

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