Printer Choice - USB Or Ethernet?

Oct 24, 2012

I'm just about to install my new Canon Pixma Pro-1 printer in Windows 7 Ultimate X64. I had previously run an HP B9180 with an Ethernet connection (XP) but there were one or two issues like, sometimes, the printer going offline for no obvious reason.

I want to access the Canon from two other PC's (both XP) and need to decide the best method of connection to my Windows 7 PC. Ethernet, or USB and share?

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Installing Printer Via Ethernet Cable?

Feb 6, 2010

anyway to use an ethernet cable to directly connect my printer to my computer or is there no such thing?

I have an older printer which has no USB connection. My new computer also does not have the old style printer port which is required for this printer.

My printer does however have an ethernet port and I was wondering if there is anyway to connect directly to my computer using an ethernet cable.

I realise I can connect my printer to my router but this sits on the otherside of my house and it is not practical for me to have my printer so far from my computer.

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Connect Printer Via Ethernet Cable With No Router?

Oct 26, 2011

I have a LaserJetprinter with a bad USB port, and I want to connect it directly to my laptop using the ethernet port. Since there is no internet at this location, I have been using the USB port.If I connect the printer directly to my laptop what type of cable do I use (crossover?) and what kind of port settings do I use (TCP/IP?) and how do I set this up correctly?

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Computer Doesn't Recognize My Printer Or Ethernet Cable

Jul 5, 2012

I just installed a new copy of win 7. My computer doesn't recognize my printer or ethernet cable. What drivers do I need? Any special order?

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Loaded Windows 7 Home X64 Now Printer / Ethernet Cable Not Getting Recognized

Jul 4, 2012

I just loaded a new copy of windows 7 home 64. Now my computer doesn't recognize my printer or Ethernet cable.

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Downloads In IE 9 - Choice Not Given Where File Will Be Saved

May 18, 2011

If you are using IE9 and are trying to save a download, you've probably noticed that your not given a choice where the file will be saved to. It is automatically saved to a specific file. When I want to save a download, I prefer to save it to the desktop. Is it possible to change this setting so I can save a d/l to where ever I choose?

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Why Was The Choice Made To Have Two Drives As Opposed To One

May 24, 2011

I have Windows 7 Home Premium, which has a C drive and a D drive. Two hard drives.I just want to know WHY there are two drives. Why was the choice made to have the two drives as opposed to one?

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Installing Font - No Choice In Dropdown

Oct 24, 2010

When I have tried to install a font there is no "Install" in the drop down. I open the Zip file, then try to install. Not there like it was with Vista.

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Auto-play Won't Remember My Choice

Nov 28, 2010

On Windows 7 Ultimate, when I either power up an external drive, or plug in my phone... windows autoplay pops up every time. I don't mind autoplay, it's not that I want it disabled. I just want it to remember my choice. I always choose 'open explorer to view files' but the choice is forgotten next time, and there's no checkbox to remember it. Found this tool for XP, might it work on 7?

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Dual Boot Choice Invisible

Jul 22, 2009

I have a problem with running Windows 7 (RC, 7100 i think) and XP on the same machine:

I previously had 2 XP installations - one on the C drive for general useage and one on another drive for audio recording (both are SATA) My C drive XP has been slow and rubbish for a while and so I thought I would reinstall windows on that drive, which I've done before a few times. Then I thought I'd like to try Windows 7 so I installed that. During the installation I formatted the C drive (looking back on it maybe not so clever - there was no data I needed on there but maybe I deleted important files?) and installed 7 on there.

Now, my problem is that I can boot into windows 7 fine, but I am having real difficulty in getting XP to work, due to various things. I have used easyBCD to try and sort out my OS choice at startup, as per some walkthroughs on this forum. When I reboot I have a strange problem where I cant see the screen where I choose the OS, but I know its there because the computer waits for a bit, unless I press enter (to choose windows 7) or down and enter (to choose XP) - so its there but not being displayed on screen.

That's not such a problem, but when I choose XP from the OS select (or what I assume is XP given that I can't see it) the computer just restarts right from the beginning. There was no ntldr in the D drive (where the XP installation is) so i copied it from the XP installation disk.

Also, when I used to be able to get into the 'Studio' XP installation, it thought the D: drive was the I: drive, if you see what I mean..

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Windows 7 And XP Twinload Selection Choice

Jul 19, 2010

At present, I'm running a dual-boot of XP Pro and Vista Home Basic. I wan't to overwrite Windows Vista with a clean install of Windows 7, rather than an upgrade. I wan't to know if I go through with this, will XP still be selectable in the Windows 7 boot menu? And if not, how to remedy this.

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How To Change Default Choice When Inserting A Dvd ?

Aug 15, 2009

When I pop in a dvd now, one program seems to have gained control of the dvd and autoplays it. If i uninstall windows media center tries to play it.

How can I get Windows 7 to ask me each time I pop in a disc what to do with it?


64 bit version

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OS Choice Screen Doesn't Appear On Boot

Jan 5, 2013

I have Windows 7 installed alongside Ubuntu 12.04 on my desktop. Recently I've got a problem, when I boot the computer the Motherboard graphic appears and goes black, the OS choice screen doesn't appear. As I know from previous experiences the first choice is windows 7 and the second choice is Ubuntu I use arrow keys to select the OS with the screen still black, the screen appears only when the Log On screen appears (in both OS).

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Windows 7 / Vista No Dual Boot Up Choice

Apr 23, 2011

I have Windows 7installed on one drive and Windows Vista on another drive. When I boot up the computer it goes directly to Windows 7. It recognizes the second hard drive in Windows Explorer but it doesn't give me a choice as to which operating system to run from.

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Dual Boot Choice Of Windows 7 And XP On Different Drives?

Jan 8, 2012

I have RAID 0 on two hardrives booting up 64 bit Win 7 running as SATA 0 and SATA 1.I have a third drive on SATA 2 from my previous Dell XPS which booted 32 bit Windows XP. How can I set up the system to give me a choice of either system?lthough Win 7 64 bit is faster, many of the 32 bit XP software programs will not run very well on Win 7 and in addition Win 7 doesn't allow the setting of of shortcuts the way XP does which means that Win 7 inevitably requires two key strokes to XP's one stroke.

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New Windows 7 Laptop Has ONLY Sleep Mode As Lid Close Choice?

Dec 30, 2010

I have a puzzling problem, my new laptop allows a variety of power adjustment settings, however the only choice *sleep* for the lid closing, it is greyed out so I cannot select anything else, in the advanced settings no matter which configuration I choose for the rest, I am given just one choice.I always set ac connected lid close to do nothing on any laptop I have ever had before so I am mighty confused why I have no choice.

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Windows 7 Does Not Remember Wireless Network Choice Or Password?

Dec 26, 2012

I have 5 different computers running windows 7. I am having a problem with 2 of these computers. Every time I start up the computer or restart it, I have to select my connection and enter my security key. I set it up to automatically connect, but every time the computer starts or restarts, the saved wireless connection information is gone and I have to re-enter it every time.

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Customizing Windows 7 Automatic Memory For User's Choice Only

Feb 26, 2011

With increased use of my Windows 7 I amfinding the automatic memory funtion to be quite conterproductive becauseit simply hogs space on my hard drive which calls for frequent cleaning anddefragging.Maintaining optimum space on my hard drive is important,is it not?Isn't there a way for the user to choose and select what he/she wants the program to store without the automatic memory function hogg-ing up everything ?

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No "Remember Credentials" Choice In XP Mode Setup Wizard

Aug 19, 2012

I've just freshly restored the Windows 7 Ultimate Edition image from the restore DVDs for my Thinkpad. Once I had completely installed all relevant Lenovo and Microsoft updates, I set up Windows XP mode while still logged in as the administrative user, an error. There was the option to remember user credentials in the second panel of the XP Mode Wizard which I selected and verified that the resulting XP Mode VM did autologin as required (integration mode was automatically started as well).

So I logged off that Windows 7 account and started the XP Mode Wizard in my usual standard user account, but this time there was NO "Remember credentials" option available in the second panel of the XP Mode wizard.

I logged back into the administrative Windows 7 account, deleted all the XP Mode files, and started the XP Mode set-up wizard again, and this time there was NO "Remember credentials" in the second panel.

In each case, the VM's "Delete credentials" button in the relevant VM settings page is greyed out, as is the ticked option to remember credentials lower down in that settings page. Integration is auto-started as well.

How can I restore the "remember credentials" function for XP Mode?

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Boot Choice Saying Windows 7 And Another Windows 7

Nov 30, 2009

When I first installed Windows 7 on my computer I used a partition. So I could either boot from vista or from Windows 7.. So when the computer turned on, it gave me a choice from "Vista" or "Windows 7".

Now I deleted the Windows 7 partition and did a clean windows 7 install over the Vista.

The problem is when I boot up the computer, it still gives me the choice saying Windows 7 and also another Windows 7.

Any ideas on how to just have it automatically boot up windows?

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Computer Has "No Sounds" As The Control Panel/Sounds Choice?

Mar 10, 2011

My computer has "No sounds" as the Control Panel/Sounds choice. It still makes a "boing" noise at odd times happens as well. Neither of these sounds are among the Windows Media .wav sounds. I did a search for .wav and listened to every .wav on my computer. The boing isn't one of them. Anyone else have this problem?

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How To Delete Obsolete Printer Listings From The Printer Selection Window

Apr 26, 2011

having moved once and having add and removed computers from my home network, along with other changes, I now have a cluttered Printer Selection Window, by which I mean the window that pops up when I want to print a document. I have five versions of a Brother printer and four versions of an HP printer, and only one of each is actually good. How do I clean up that window by getting rid of those obsolete references that no longer work? It's ridiculous that they don't simply disappear when I select one of them as the default.

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Wireless Printer Giving Printer Error On Shared Folder

Dec 18, 2012

I bought a new wireless Epson Workforce 545 printer. It has worked without flow for quite some time (nearly a year). Now all the suddenly it wont print.I have it as a shared printer. There are three other family members on the network and all three others print without any problem. Mine worked fine and now wont print. It goes through the motions and then times out. All it says is "printer error".

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Printer Driver Printer Model HP Lasejet P1007 For Download?

Jun 25, 2012

download in my computer hp laserjet driver P1007

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Computer No Longer Recognizes Cannon Printer And Cannot Find The Printer

Jul 14, 2012

Why did my computer stop recognizing my printer. I cannot find my printer desk.

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Printer Spooler Keeps Stopping And Printer Drivers Keep Disappearing

Mar 8, 2012

I use Windows 7 Professional 64 bit. My problem is: Whenever I try to print something (word, pdf, or any other file); printer spooler stops working and when I check the Devices and Printers all the printer drivers seem to be disappeared. I checked the Print Spooler" in the Services tool; and set the "Recovery after subsequent failures" option to Restart the Serviceā. Therefore all the printer drives coma back after 1 minute. However the spooler stops immediately again when the uncompleted printing job starts; hence I can not print anything more than a page. Earlier in this forum, someone posted that Microsoft issued a hotfix for this problem ( hotfix 2388142) which can be downloaded from article: [URL]. I downloaded this hotfix and tried to install, however it gives an error message of: The update is not applicable to your computer and quits installation. I did uninstall and reinstall all the printer drives, but this did not help either.

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Can See The Printer In The Add Printer Window But Comes Up With Cannot Connect With Error Of 0x0000000d

Jul 8, 2011

I have 2 computers on my home network. My desktop is running Windows 7 ultimate 32 bit and I have a kodak 5500 Aio connected to it. I also have a laptop that's running windows 7 home premium 64 bit that connects wireless. I was able to print until today and now I can't print from the laptop. I can see the printer in the add printer window but comes up with cannot connect with error of 0x0000000d

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Printer Driver Printer Model HP P1007 For Download?

Jan 12, 2012

i want to download software and driver for hp laser jet p1007 . I am unable to use my printer.

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Aio Printer Listed In Windows 7 Device Manager As Printer And Fax

Aug 22, 2012

my AIO printer is listed in Windows 7 Device manager as printer and fax separately.Printer acts as a fax machine I am not able to use windows fax and scan modem facility in my windows How can I change the present set up

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Printer Driver For Lexmark 5400 Series Printer

Jul 20, 2009

Windows 7 recognizes the printer but has a yellow triangle exclamation point. it will not print, but I cannot find any printer driver for Windows 7. any ideas?


Are yere any more details on what is the matter with the printer in device manager?

You should be able to download the Windows Vista drivers for that printer from here, which should be compatible with Windows 7:

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Printer Icons Are Missing On 'Device And Printer'?

Dec 16, 2012

I downloaded Printers' drivers, one for HP and the other for Epson by accessing their web-sites.Both are USB-connection and working fine, however icons of both printers on, ... Start > Device and Printers,.... there are no printers' icons, even though other devices, such as thumb-drive, monitor, keyboard and others.Just wonder why icons of both printers are missing on 'Device and Printer?'

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