Previously Installed Windows 7 Fails To Start

Nov 24, 2011

This happened to me a few weeks ago and I haven't been able to resolve it since, so I'm turning here for assistance. One fine evening, I come home and notice that my computer is giving me an error message:

Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the problem.

I am then told to insert my installation CD, reboot, and follow some steps. There is one problem: I do not have an installation CD. I upgraded my erratic copy of Windows Vista to 7 (Premium 32bit I believe) last year as part of the $30 upgrade for students program, and did so online. I tried using friends' installation disks of various editions to no avail, and when I boot directly from the disks it either gives me the option to reinstall or gives me the same error message (0xc0000001, BootBCD). I tried to track down my purchase information, but the email address I used to make the purchase no longer exists and my online banking service doesn't keep records past 6 months (I made the upgrade roughly a year ago). My question is, what can I do to fix this? Do I have to reinstall and lose all my data, is there a problem with the computer itself (this is not the first OS to be bucked off, it rejected Vista last May), or can I get what I need to run a system repair somehow?

Edit: Forgot to mention, the only software change I have made in the last few weeks is uninstalling Firefox and installing Chrome, and I don't think that would be the issue.

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Install Windows 7 On Laptop Where Ubantu Was Installed Previously?

Apr 1, 2012

i install windows 7 on laptop where ubantu was installed previously, now windows 7 don login and messeg appears bios is not updated

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How To Find Boot Path For Previously Installed Os

Feb 10, 2013

how do find the bootpath for windows 7 which was my old OS from recently installed windows XP OS.Since i have installed XP i could boot into my windows 7. It only boots in XP where do i find the boot path so that to add it in startup and recovery in XP

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Windows 7 Home Fails To Start Up

Dec 25, 2011

I was attemping to restore my computer back to previous days and as it was retrieving the data and processing, I got anxious and turned it off during the restoring before it finished and when I attemped to turn the power back on, only the "starting windows" and "gateway" logos flash on and off but no start up process. Please help, I know I screwed up, but I've already tried the SAFE MODE, SAFE MODE in networking, and the "last configuration" attemps and none of them rectify the problem.

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Windows Fails To Start Up Sometimes - Error 6b

Jan 12, 2012

I recently built a new computer and on occasion when I turn the computer on, I'll get a blue screen saying windows failed to load type thing, and then it restarts and i have to recover. Now the weird thing is it doesn't happen all the time It more often than not doesn't work, but still there will be times where it works all day. I can't figure out why it works sometimes and not others. I don't do anything different, just facebook and Star Wars the Old Republic, so I don't think its a program which is causing the issue. Anyway here are my comp specs and the problem details:

Intel i5 2500 3.30GHz
Gigabyte GTX560OC
C/Master Extreme 700W
WD 1TB Black
Gigabyte GA-Z68AP-D3
8GB of RAM

Now the problem
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name: BlueScreen
OS Version: 6.1.7601.
Locale ID: 3081

Additional information about the problem:
BCCode: 6b
BCP1: 0000000000000000
BCP2: 0000000000000000
BCP3: 0000000000000000
BCP4: 0000000000000000
OS Version: 6_1_7601
Service Pack: 1_0
Product: 768_1

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Cannot Load Windows Fails To Start

Jun 25, 2012

My Dell Studio 17 shut down yesterday after sitting idle. Now i cannot boot windows. I get this endless loop that ultimately leads me to startup repair which either hangs or errors out. Attempting to start in safe mode takes me to same place.I know the root of the problem is bsod as I see it flash when attempting to load windows.I was able to launch system restore tool from advanced options (f8) but after selecting restore point the cpu seems to hang after over an hour of Initalizing.I can bring up command prompt by the way.

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Acer Says Windows Fails To Start

Nov 8, 2011

i have an acer and it was working fine and when i turn it on it starts to load up as normal an then it goes to this black screen an at the top it say window error recorvery an then goes on saying windows failed to start. recent hardware or software change might be the cause. if windows files have been damaged or configured incorrectly. startup repair can help daignose and fix problem. if pawer was interrupted during startup choose start wundows normally. then it offer the option to launch startup repair or start window as normally i tried both option an it just goes right back to this screen an i cant figure out whats wrong college student?

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Automatic Services In Windows 7 Fails To Start

Mar 27, 2012

Lately my welcome screen became very slow, it takes 3-4 minutes to load and then a black screen with a mouse cursor comes up for 30 seconds then the actual windows come, when windows start the network icon has a red cross on it and says not connected - no connections available but the internet is just fine, and it says failed to load windows service. Is that a virus? i scanned with AVG 2012 and Malware bytes and problem is still there .

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Windows 7 Fails To Start And Computer Is Blank Except For The Cursor?

Feb 12, 2012

does anyone know what I can do about this problem?

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Windows 7 Start-Up Repair Completes But Window Fails To Boot?

Dec 14, 2012

After rebooting my system, it recommended that i do a start up repair. After the repair completed i recieved the black screen right before choosing USER , so i tried 3x more to repair which each completed but same outcome till the point it just says cant repair automatically . Then i tried to system restore which failed also , but the catch is my system boots fine from Safe Mode.

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Windows 7 Fails To Start - Recent Hardware/Software Change Message

Jan 7, 2012

I'm running Windows 7 64 bit on a gigabyte ga-x58a-ud3r

A few weeks ago, I shut down my PC completely for a regular cleaning. I do a regular cleaning once a month, this was the first time I had an issue.

After I finished, I powered up the machine, and Windows would continually fail to start - rebooting at some point while the Logo load screen was up.

After several Google searches, I tried pretty much everything I could think of or advice i came across - Nothing worked. I could not boot from the Win7 Disk, System Repair did not work, advanced boot options did not work, etc. At this point I thought the HDD might be bad (WD Caviar Black 1 TB).

So I went and purchased a new HDD, the same model actually as it was on sale. Windows installed fine, everything got up and running with no issue.

I then took my HDD which I had believed had failed and plugged it into a Thermaltake BlacX Docking station and I was able to locate the drive in the device manager after scanning for new hardware.

I actually was able to go into the hard drive and recover the few bits of data I hadn't backed up (mostly gaming files). The HDD was completely fine. Fast forward a few weeks, and feel free to laugh at me here - I'm in the exact same situation with the new HDD once again after cleaning my PC case.

So, I'm not sure what is happening. I've rebooted the PC many times without issue but today was the first time that I fully powered down the PC to do a cleaning.

I suspect something is causing Windows to fail to recognize the HDD itself, but honestly this is way beyond my knowledge how to fix. I took a risk and I removed the sata cable from the "GSata" slot on the motherboard and put it into one of the standard ICHR10 - to no effect.

I've once again exhausted every option I actually know how to safely do, advanced boot options, repair attempt from Win7 Disk, etc. Nothing is working. I'm debating running out yet again and grabbing a cheap HDD just to get myself up and running again, but I thought I'd turn to Tom's Hardware first for some ideas - and because I don't want to be going through this issue everytime I want to give the PC case a good cleaning.

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Computer Fails So Start-up Sometimes?

Jan 3, 2012

Basically, my computer fails so start-up sometimes (My motherboard produces a long beeep sound. GPU not running at all, but the rest of the components seems to be running - eg. USB, Ethernet etc).Also, it will sometimes freeze while running some basic programs which are not really RAM or GPU demanding such as web browsers.Finally, BSOD whenever I'm running some graphically intensive games (which theoretically, my computer should be able to handle.I've ran memtest86 for each of my ram and there were no signs of any ram defunct. Therefore, I'm speculating that the problem is either the GPU, CPU or the Motherboard itself. However, I'm not sure which one should I change. I've attached my 3 dump files, all of which seems to point to different sources of error.[CODE]

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Lenovo G560 Laptop Fails To Start - Insert Windows Installation Disk And Restart

Mar 28, 2012

My lenovo G560 laptop fails to start. Its showing one message. Insert your windows installation disc and restart your computer. But I don't have disc..

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Medion Pc Won't Start And Restore Fails

Jan 27, 2012

I switched my medion akoya i3 1tb (running windows 7) pc on this morning and up popped startup repair. When it had finished it gave me the option to do a system restore which I tried to do but then I got a message saying

"system restore did not complete successfully. Your computer's system files and settings were not changed.

Details: system Restore failed while deleting the following file/directory

I dont know what to do as I cant get my pc to startup properly

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Auto-start A Program (fails)?

Jul 30, 2011

I have one program in the start menu that will not start , I have to start it manually when I re-start win 7 . Ideas ? I did have a program to give programs admin permissions so they would start automatically but can't seem to find it ..

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Computer Crashes For No Reason Then Fails To Start?

Feb 5, 2012

Computer crashes for no reason then fails to start. I get half of the post screen which says 1 Keyboard 2 Mice 1Hub then nothing? It should show all the HDD installed next but nothing shows. The only way of getting the computer to boot after this is to disconnect SSD from the motherboard? Any Ideas guys and gals...

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Race Driver - Grid Fails To Start

May 26, 2009

I downloaded the demo of Race Driver - Grid from the Codemaster's web-site. While it installed and lets me create a profile, to start the game it states "Loading", with no hard-disk activity and just stops at that point. Leaving it for 10 minutes results in nothing happening. Anyone else experience this?

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While Installing Windows 7 Loader Laptop Windows Fails To Start

Jan 13, 2013

my laptop dell inspirion windows 7 n5110 64bit is not starting..when i am switching on it repeatedly showing dell logo and not moving to the windows page.

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Created Service Fails To Start: Error 1053

Jan 8, 2013

I have a program running that automatically syncs some of my data online. It is running on a computer with Windows 7 Pro as well as a Windows Server 2003 that I use as for file storage. Unfortunately it does not startup until I log into a profile, but since I don't really use these computers, sometimes this doesn't happen for days on end. I decided to create it as a service (used the sc.exe utility - sc create DataBackup binPath= "C:Program FilesData Deposit Boxackup.exe" DisplayName= "Kineticd Backup" start=auto). The service was created successfully, but when I try to start the service, I get the following error.

Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion

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Scheduled Tasks On Unlock: Start Citrix-Receiver Fails?

Feb 9, 2012

1 have 2 scheduled tasks on my WES7 Thin Clients:

1) On Lock: Execute the following batch: Code: TASKKILL /F /IM "pnamain.exe"

TASKKILL /F /IM "Receiver.exe
TASKKILL /F /IM "WFICA32.EXE" This kills the open Citrix session and shuts down all citrix programs.

2) On Unlock: Reconnect the Citrix Session and open all programs via this batch: Code: start "" "C:Program FilesCitrixICA Clientpnamain.exe" /connect start "" "C:Program FilesCitrixICA ClientReceiverReceiver.exe" If i execute the 2 batch-files manually, everything works perfect. If they are run via the scheduled tasks, the locking works perfectly, but the unlocking behaves as following: pnamain.exe is started Receiver.exe is NOT started EDIT: The task is marked as 'finished without problems' I tried to execute this task with different settings... same problem all the time The Task is executed with the Admin-Account, so this should not be the problem.

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DHCP Client Service Fails To Start (Error 1075)

Jul 13, 2012

On July 12th 2012, my computer installed updates. After rebooting and waiting for me on the login screen, I gave it a hard shutdown to check on the BIOS settings (for a little side project, in the end I did not save any changes). After booting and logging in again, I find that many services are not running. I ran a very thorough check for malware and viruses (took over 24 hours to complete), and still no solutions. I have uninstalled/reinstalled my Broadcom 802.11g Wireless Driver several times.

I now look in the Event Viewer and find that the DHCP Client service is not running! It is set to automatic start in Services.msc, but when I try to manually start it, it gives me error 1075 (some dependencies do not exist or are marked for deletion). Running ipconfig, I notice that my system is using an APIPA-formatted address (169.254.x.x), indicating that the computer couldn't find a DHCP server.

My Event Viewer is peppered with:
Event 7003, Service Control Manager
The DHCP Client service depends the following service: Afd. This service might not be installed.
Event 7001, Service Control Manager
The WinHTTP Web Proxy Auto-Discovery Service service depends on the DHCP CLient service which failed to start because of the following error: The dependcy service does not exist or has been marekd for deletion.

And that keeps repeating many times in a minute (about 30-40 cycles of it).

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Installed Windows 7 On Old HDD, Put In New Computer, Won't Start

Oct 7, 2012

I may have made a boo boo. I bought a used computer today without an HDD or an OS. I had an old XP computer that had two 1TB drives. I installed a legitimate upgrade of Windows 7 on the C: drive over XP and put it in the new computer. Now, it won't start, and startup repair does nothing. I don't have the XP disk since I bought the computer 7 years ago, and it disappeared since.

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Slow Start Up On Newly Installed Windows 7 X64 SP1

Aug 15, 2012

Slow Start Up on Newly Installed Windows 7 X64 Sp1 - Laptop Asus U30JC.

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Can't Start Into Windows 7 After XP Installed (Dual Boot)

Sep 30, 2011

I installed xp pro sp3 on my dell inspiron 1545 on a seperate partition of the same hard drive windows 7 is already installed on. Now the computer will only boot into xp there is no bootmanger screen to choose from.

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Windows 7 Wont Start After Service Pack 1 Is Installed?

Dec 19, 2012

windows 7 wont start after service pack 1 is installed. i have to restore to before i installled everytime ivetriedinstalling it

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Can't Recall Password Previously Used?

Dec 29, 2012

i bought a laptop for my daughter awhile back. I set up a user account as the administrator being me. The issue I am having is the admn password keeps expiring. So I have to reset the password. This time I can't recall the password I previously used? I need to download a antivirus program I recently purchased for the laptop but I can't because the pc is requiring me to do this from my user account(admn account). I can't remember the password for the admn account? On top of that, I thought that the admn user account would say administrator under the account icon? I may be incorrect in recalling that though. Anyhow, I really need some help in figuring out how to reset my password so I can download the antivirus software on the pc. Also, is there a way to disable the password expiring? I am so frustrated over this. I tried everything I could think of to access my user account but no luck.

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Previously Known Networks Now Unidentified?

Jan 22, 2012

I have a windows 7 laptop that is identifying and connection to my router both wirelessly and through a wired connection, but it won't connect to the internet. I have three other computers and two smart phones that all connect to the network, so it isn't my network. I have a dongle that ususally works, but I have the same problem with that. I have tried other networks with the same problem. My husband and I have tried a variety of common sense type solutions but we are both stumped. I really need that particular laptop for my work which is entirely dependant on an internet connection so I am getting desperate now.

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Install/run Previously Downloaded Updates?

Dec 24, 2012

Had a HD crash on a working system. Did an OS repair from boot disk. Works fine (?) now, but now I get msgs to do updates @ 200+ which will take hours to download. Those updates are already downloaded in a previous Windows dir - (Windows.old. How can I install/run the previously downloaded updates without having to do a massive download again? Tried "run", double click and other commands.

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Previously Full Disk Now Empty

Mar 3, 2011

I have two hard disks (c and d, respectively) and recently had a problem with the c drive (which happens to have my windows installation on it) having possible bad sectors and BSOD'ing on windows startup. I unplugged my c drive, installed windows on my d drive (I didn't make a new partition, format one, or delete anything) and now the drive says it's nearly empty. I think the problem is because the MBR is on the other drive, but I'm not too sure.

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Installed Ubuntu, Windows 8 Now If Select Windows 8 In Grub It Won't Start

May 10, 2012

I installed Windows 8. Then created a new partition ad installed Ubuntu on it.But now if I want to select Windows 8 in Grub, it waits a couple of seconds and then restarts Grub. [URL]how to get Win8(Consumer Preview) working again?

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Previously Locked Folder Now Crashing Explorer?

Mar 26, 2012

I had a folder that was set as private to prevent network sharing access. It's located on an internal hard drive other then my main C: partition. I re-formatted my C: and did a clean install of Windows 7 64bit. After words I tried access the same folder, and it said I didn't have permission but windows still gave me full access after it appeared to have indexed the folder. That was about a week ago. Now when I try to open a specific subfolder within, Windows explorer crashes. i really need the data out of it though. I dont see a way to alter the permissions now to revert them back.

PS i have the problem signature below:

Problem signature: Problem Event Name:BEX64
Application Name:explorer.exe
Application Version:6.1.7600.16768
Application Timestamp:4d688122
Fault Module Name:StackHash_8b64
Fault Module Version:


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