Possible Video Error Causing Occasional BSoD

Nov 9, 2011

it'll say video error occured and driver reset. this only occured during the previous nvidia driver. once updated it didnt happen.however, i was playing battlefield 3 and had a Internet video running in the background and the sound stuttered as before and my screen black and my machine restarted saying thee was some hyper thing problem on restart. i started in safe mode to get all my dump files. the problem on the 10/28/2011 is before i updated the new driver.the text file is what part of the message said.

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Occasional BSOD During Shutdown?

Feb 11, 2012

Occasionally my computer will BSOD during shutdown. Before the BSOD, it will stay on the shutting down screen for a couple of minutes. This time I didn't even see the BSOD - after staying on the shutting down screen, the screen went blank and eventually I just did a hard shut down. When I logged in, I received a dialog stating that the computer had BSOD'd.zip file is attached-Windows 7 Professional SP1 x64-Not the original OS, from MSDNAA-Age of system varies: graphics card - 2 months, CPU/motherboard/RAM - 6 months, power supply - 1 year, hard drives/network adapter/cdrom drive - 5 years-Age of OS installation - less than 2 months, I had the issue on a previous installation of the same OS as well

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Occasional BSOD - CPU / RAM And GPU Overclocked

Sep 15, 2012

My desktop sometimes crashes when I'm playing a game. I have the latest drivers for everything but still crashed after updates. I have overclocked the cpu, ram, and gpu but I'm not sure if that's the source of the problem.

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Occasional BSOD After Bios Update?

Jan 25, 2012

Ever since I updated my bios after being advised to by a Ubisoft employee, my system occasionally crashes to a BSOD. Sometimes it happens twice a day, sometimes not for a week. I'm not sure what's causing it, but I'm rather bumped, because I love my current system. Attached you find my BSOD file (the health report is in Dutch, but hopefully you can manage).

My system specs:Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit; Full retail version installed this a half year ago.The original windows was Vista, 32 bit which in turn was updated to 7, 32 bit. After installing extra ram I switched to 64.

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Occasional BSOD, Firefox Always Open?

Jul 6, 2012

I've got a new system, and almost at random I get a BSOD on occasion. No excessive system load, and the only correlation I can see is that Firefox had been open each time. I've included CPUZ screen shots in addition to the dump files.

System:i5 3570k, Gigabyte GA-Z77X-UD5H (F7 BIOS), Corsair Vengeance DDR3 1600 CAS9 2 x 4GB (Running XMP profile), EVGA GTX 480,SeaSonic Platinum 860w PSU, Cooler Master Hyper 612 PWM, Cooler Master HAF XM case with 2 extra 140mm side intake fans.

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Occasional BSOD On Dell Inspiron 6400?

May 25, 2012

Lately I have been getting BSOD on a old but reliable Dell Inspiron 6400 laptop. The BSOD message I get is "Driver Power State failure". It does not happen regularly or follow a pattern. It is random (but follows Murphy's law and happens when I have not saved an important document

Perfmon.html and Windows_NT6_BSOD_jcgriff2.zip file is attached as a single .zip package.

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BSOD And Occasional Screen Freeze (especially When Playing Games)?

Aug 1, 2012

i've been getting occasional screen freezes and more recently BSOD, mostly when playing gamesyou can offer from the files i have attached as i'm not able to read any of the crash dump files.

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Potential Virus - Occasional Startup Failure / BSOD

Jan 29, 2013

For sometime now I've been attempting to fix a laptop that I have that was used by my sister. The laptop is a Compaq Presario CQ61 running Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit. I believe the computer has a virus but cannot actually find out for sure if it does or not. I have ran many virus scans with multiple virus protections and still I'm getting blue screens of death, major jamming, as well as occasional start up fails. The computer jams up so badly that I can't use it for even simple tasks. If I try to up the start menu or any folders the computer jams up for about a minute before it responds. If I try to get on the web nothing at all will load no matter what web browser I'm using. The computer will also freeze up completely at random times and the only way to get it to respond is to restart it.

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Computer Will Not Boot Up To The Login Screen, Occasional BSOD Flashes?

Dec 12, 2011

My computer is running on a Windows 7 Home Premium OS, it's about two years old, Lenovo brand. I won the computer a while back, and do not have a Windows 7 Op.disk. The problem is, a while back I got this virus called Wolfram Antivirus software, and tried to do everything I could to remove it. It was a pain. The thing is, I think I might have accidentally deleted something in RegEdit, and now my computer (on the ultra rare occasion that it gets to and past the login screen) will tell me that it has encountered a critical error, and will restart in 1 minute.When it does reboot, what will happen, is it will get to the picture of the swirling Windows symbol, but then reboot before making it to login screen. Then it will ask me to do a system repair or start up normally, because it shut down unusually

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Occasional BSOD During Hibernation - Driver Power State Failure

Jan 10, 2013

My laptop was working fine until I replaced the 4GB with 2 x 4GB about 2 months ago. I also installed iCloud the following day. I was getting numerous BSODs during the day and so uninstalled iCloud (using their uninstaller) but was still getting BSOD. I ran some memory tests and found one of the DIMMs to be faulty, got that replaced and now no more BSOD during the day. I do however get the occasional BSOD when I try to Hibernate manually or the laptop Hibernates itself and I am struggling to troubleshoot the cause.

BlueScreenView is telling me that there is a "DRIVER_POWER_STATE_FAILURE" from ntoskrnl.exe with "ntoskrnl.exe+1040b" in the Address in Stack. I've checked the event logs but maybe I'm not reading it properly but I really would like to know what the system is doing just before it tries to go into Hibernation. Personally, I think it may have to do with iCloud or some form of network syncage but I could be completely wrong.

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Video Causing 100% CPU, Followed By Freezes

Jun 8, 2011

I can reproduce freezes - 100% CPU usage, which occasionally lead to crashes pretty consistently just by viewing any video, say bloomberg.com/tv/. CPU usage quickly runs up to 100% on Task Manager and the freeze occurs. No issues when running all my other programs, including streaming radio. I can reproduce this on IE9, as well as Chrome and on Firefox. I had assumed this was a Shockwave Flash item only, but I notice it freezes on Skype video. The only changes I can point to recently are a ton of Windows updates in the last 2 months including SP1. At the time, SP1 failed a couple of times, until I applied a hotfix, now it's on, but I still have the video issues.

I have also by the way downloaded the latest video drivers (accelerated media), bios, and chipset drivers, but this has not helped.

I run Windows 7 64-bit SP1. I have application hang errors in the windows event logs, but not crashes, so I don't see any crash id's

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Video Drivers Causing Certain Games To Not Run

Jan 15, 2009

I found out earlier that there are a few video drivers that are causing certain games to not run. I need to know how to uninstall them, but cant figure it out.

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BSOD When Playing Video - Error 0x0000101

May 23, 2012

I have recently bought a PC second hand so not sure of past;

Biostar TA690G Ver5.2
AMD Athlon X64 6000+
3Gb PC6400 Ram
Nvidia Geforce 8400 GS 256Mb
Windows 7 Ultimate x64 SP1

I have shut off cache in CPU as blue screen states and problem stops, problem has happened in gameplay too. After a little bit of research I have noticed that I am missing a non plug and play driver TCP/IP Protocol Driver.

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BSOD - Streaming Video Error On Windows 7 Computer

Apr 4, 2012

when my girlfriend was trying to watch a Internet video, the computer would freeze and go to a blank screen. this also happened when she tried to sign into myspace? when i was putting 7 on, there was no problem. i updated flash, java, etc. is windows 7 . . . - x86 (32-bit) - the original installed os on the system? no, vista was - an oem or full retail version? full retail - what is the age of system (hardware)? 4-5 years old? - what is the age of os installation (have you re-installed the os?) 1 month, no.

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Windows 7x64 Bsod Cant' Find Video Drive Error

Sep 21, 2012

i just bought a new Asus laptop a few months ago everything seemed well until it started crashing saying that it faield to initialize video drive.i tried a couple of methods using gparted testdsk chkdsk,it wont boot into safe mode but i managed to boot from cd.

I tried all tools from system recovery like startup repair system restore and none seem to work also i get a message in the system recovery box Operating system:Unknown on(Unknown)Local Disk

my laptop is an asus k53s model with a 750hdd ntfs format i used gparted to make new partitions out of the 750hdd.

Nothing seems to work and id rather not make a clean install because i have very important files on it that i cant afford to lose.

Also when i boot into gparted i can see all partitions,but yellow triangle with a ! is shown near my C partition where i have windows installed.I have no idea what to do to make it see my C:

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Tdx.sys Causing BSOD

Jan 12, 2009

I have Windows 7 installed on two laptops. One is a Dell Latitude D803 and the other a HP Compaq 6710b. Both would BSOD approximately every 5 minutes. 'TDX.SYS' was the culprit. After running WinDBG I noticed that it was a issue with my network adapter driver 'b57nd60a.sys'. Both laptops have the same network adapter (Broadcom NetLink Gigabit Ethernet) and both were crashing (x32 & x64 versions). I finally went to Broadcom's website and found drivers at the following links:

Broadcom Corporation - Download NetLink Drivers


Broadcom Corporation - Download NetLink Drivers

If one doesn't work they other will. Basically when 'TDX.SYS' causes a BSOD it is usually the result of a driver(s) (and some antivirus apps) that aren't fully compatible with Windows 7. You should run WinDBG and find out what driver is causing the error. It's not as hard as you think!

Microsoft's site for using WinDBG:

How to read the small memory dump files that Windows creates for debugging

P.S. Don't worry if you can't get the symbols to install properly. You should still see the file that is probably causing the error listed. If you Google the file(s) you will be on your way to fixing the issue.

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Can't Work Out Causing BSOD?

Feb 18, 2012

I can't work out what is causing the BSOD. I've overclocked most of my components and they are all appropriately cooled. Not sure if this is a software issue or not.

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Ntoskrnl.exe Causing BSOD

Jul 16, 2012

I've had 2 bsods and one of them was irql_not_less_or_equal and the second was system service exception. They have this common thing which is ntoskrnl.exe You can see all the info in the rar included.

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Dec 12, 2009

I just upgraded to Windows 7 (64 bit) last weekend by doing a clean install from a win741.com purchase. I am currently using a HP Pavilion a6500f computer with a 500GB hard drive. I have been getting BSOD errors over the last several days and it is driving me crazy. I am considering going back to XP or Vista if I can't get this fixed soon.

All of the mindump files mention USBPORT.SYS. I'm assuming that has something to do with my usb ports which only have the following items attached:

HP Deskjet F4280 Printer Linksys USB Network Adapter WD 500GB My Passport (plugged in some of the time) I ran Driver Detective to see if there was an out of date USB driver, but nothing showed. I've included some screenshots of the scan.

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Determining Which Driver Is Causing BSOD?

Jan 31, 2011

How do I go about determining which driver is causing my BSOD?

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Unable To Find Out What Is Causing Bsod

Jan 16, 2013

I recently got 2 BSOD referring to Acpi.sys. I couldn't found out what were causing these BSOD's and I'm asking for Your support. Just before the BSOD appears, the PC is sluggish. My computer is a DELL PRECISION T5500, hex core processor XEON 5675, video card: Quadro 4000, 12GB RAM ECC, 1.5 TB HDD and Im running Windows 7-64 bit I have the latest drivers.

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Webcam Causing PC To Reboot With BSOD

Dec 26, 2011

My webcam is causing my pc to reboot with the BSOD, every time I exit the webcam this happens. I have searched around with google and found out that this happens alot and can be diagnosed with Memory Test and Verifier, I have tried these two methods and it did not work for me.

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Audio Devices Causing BSOD

Feb 20, 2012

Today I noticed all my audio-devices in the audio menu were gone except for my USB Headset, I have my speakers connected with a normal cable and these did not show up. I checked my device manager and indeed it showed yellow exclamation marks on the Realtek high definition audio and AMD HD audio drivers. Strange, so I installed the newest realtek drivers, and at the end of the installation this caused a "ks.sys error" blue screen. Trying to reinstall the drivers in safe mode works fine, but when logging back into windows I get the blue screen. I can use windows just fine with my headset plugged in, but I'd like to be able to use my speakers again.

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Virtual PC Beta Causing BSOD

May 14, 2009

When I shut down my VPC at the end of the day after a good few hours use, it causes a BSOD of the laptop reboots.

The error is something along the lines of "An application attempted to release a resource that did not belong to it", that isn't the exact phrase but something very close to it.

Edit: It's done this a few times now, the second it's finished shutting down. One thing I have also noticed is that I can't shut it down correctly too, it informs me that the VPC is locked. So I have to shut down via the task manager, maybe this is what is causing the problem?

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Ntoskrnl.exe Causing BSOD On New 64bit Laptop

Dec 21, 2011

I've got this new laptop last month and after two weeks got my first BSOD. I've done chkdsk, sfc, and last know good config only to have it back again every 3 days or so. I don't have restore point far back enough and don't think I've installed anything that could cause this. The driv'ers are up-to-date, and I don't have Norton or AVG just Kaspersky Internet Security as my antivirus. But I do play LOTRO but at the lowest graphics quality. I don't have any CDs and the laptop didn't come with a Windows disk so I can't repair or reinstall it to its factory settings. Sometimes the BSOD appears when I starting shutting down, otherwise its random.

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BSOD Causing Repetitive Windows 7 Failure?

Dec 31, 2011

My laptop, since a few monthes has been having BSOD crashes repeatidly. I have tried and installed windows many times, and after each install, it would run properly for 3 weeks, then blue screens start to appear. Eventually i recieve BSOD errors and their rate of appearence increases with time, untill windows completely fails to start and crashes just when the microsoft logo appears. I then install a new windows, and the problem repeats itself. I have tried to look for online help, but i find that each forumsite gives a different reason. This time bluescreens have started to appear and just as i log into windows, a BSOD appears, so i had no solution other than copying the minidump files and generating a report (see attachments), although i know it wouldn't be as accurate.Info (failing windows): 7 Proffesional 64 bit, Toshiba E205.Note: The drivers of devices in that windows were all installed. I ran a memory diagnostics test and therefore i don;t suspect faulty ram to be the reason.

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Hotspot Shield Keeps Causing Bad_Pool_Caller BSOD?

Mar 12, 2012

I run HotSpot Shield because my college has a network security that logs your activity (Sonicwall), and I find it to be a little too invading on my privacy.However, I find that HSS keeps causing BSODs while waking from hibernate (whether I'm running 7 or 8). I don't know if this is due to dual booting or simply because HSS runs a virtual network adapter, but I'd like to get it to work properly.

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AHCI Version 6.0 Outdated Causing BSOD?

Feb 22, 2011

I found the my AHCI version driver is 6.x where as the latest version is 9.x. This is concering with BSOD's.A few errors I can remember are BSOD stop errors:


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Wlan Driver Causing BSOD On Sleep/hibernate?

Nov 6, 2011

I am running Win 7 x64 at my notebook Acer 5820TG (i5 430M, ATI Mobility Radeon 5650, 4GB RAM, 640 GB HDD). On a different forum someone checked my crash dumps and figured out that my BSODs are being caused by my Broadcom wireless driver (BCM43225).Basically, I get a BSOD whenever I put the computer to sleep/hibernate. NTB is trying for around 10 minutes go to the sleep/hibernate mode but after this time BSOD appears.I have tried a few different versions of my broadcom driver. Regardless, I still get a BSOD error. I have been using Windows 7 for over a year, and this only started happening on my last update of my notebook (SP1, VGA drivers, ...).

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BSOD - Second Hard Drive Causing Blue Screen

Mar 30, 2012

I have a WD 320Gb 3.5inch hard drive that was originally bought as an external drive in an enclosure. A few months ago, while booting, my computer would go through blue screens one after another if the external hard drive was switched on from the enclosure when the computer was started. I never really did anything about that, just left it off and turned it on when i needed it. Mind you, it and the computer still seemed to work fine.

Now i have decided to keep it internally. So, as soon as i booted up after connecting up the same drive, i'm going through these exact same blue screens again. I'm not 100% sure if that is the cause but signs point to it.

Here's the blue screen info:
The error message is:
and the stop info is:
STOP: 0x0000000A (0x000000B0, 0x00000002, 0x00000000, 0x82250B04)

and finally, here's the picture i took of the blue screen, a bit is cut of but i know it says "IRQL" on the left hand side.

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BSOD Causing Intermittent Power To Monitor On Boot?

May 7, 2012

OS: Windows 7 Home Premium x64
i7-2600K CPU @ 3.40 Ghz
Asus P8P67Pro
Harware & software build around 6 months old
BIOS, Windows updates and Driver updates applied regularly.

A couple of weeks ago i had a BSOD. Since, when trying to boot, most of the time my monitor turns ON, OFF, ON, OFF, etc...for some time, very rarely leading to a successful boot. No problem accessing Recovery options or BIOS.sometimes (very rarely), it does boot up normally.I have tried everything i can think of (with my limited knowledge).

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