Ntoskrnl.exe Causing BSOD On New 64bit Laptop

Dec 21, 2011

I've got this new laptop last month and after two weeks got my first BSOD. I've done chkdsk, sfc, and last know good config only to have it back again every 3 days or so. I don't have restore point far back enough and don't think I've installed anything that could cause this. The driv'ers are up-to-date, and I don't have Norton or AVG just Kaspersky Internet Security as my antivirus. But I do play LOTRO but at the lowest graphics quality. I don't have any CDs and the laptop didn't come with a Windows disk so I can't repair or reinstall it to its factory settings. Sometimes the BSOD appears when I starting shutting down, otherwise its random.

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Ntoskrnl.exe Causing BSOD

Jul 16, 2012

I've had 2 bsods and one of them was irql_not_less_or_equal and the second was system service exception. They have this common thing which is ntoskrnl.exe You can see all the info in the rar included.

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Ntoskrnl.exe And USBPORT.SYS Causing High CPU Usage

Nov 7, 2011

I just upgraded from Windows XP Pro to Windows 7 Pro x64 last week and I am already experiencing some issues. The most pressing is that I am experiencing stuttering after I have been using the computer for varying lengths of time. It can occur within a few minutes of first booting the computer or it can happen within hours. The time also varies depending on what I am doing, either normal internet use or gaming. I have updated all my chipset and hardware drivers and it was still occuring. So, I looked into it a bit more and found suggestions to run the xperf program to find my high CPU usage. It comes up with ntoskrnl.exe and USBPORT.SYS as causing the highest amount of usage. I also ran LatencyMon after seeing several suggestions for that program as well. It also comes up with ntoskrnl.exe as causing the highest amount of CPU usage. Aside from updating drivers, I have also tried reinstalling Windows a second time with no luck.

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[64-bit] BSOD Ntoskrnl.exe?

Jan 5, 2013

Well, I've got a BSOD a couple of times now and it's really starting to annoy me.It comes a couple of times a week so not every day.I've googled abit and what I've found out was that it's a hardware that's faulty or it's driver.I'll attachprobably all the files you will need tMy current "known" Specs are:Asus Crosshair Formula IV MB2 HDD 256gb/1tb1 sdd 60gbAmd radeon 7970 sapphireCorsair vengeance rams 16 gb, dont know the speed but think atleast 1333mhzCreative x-fi Fatality titanium sound card non-integrated.

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BSOD On Windows 7 64bit Startup On Both Laptop And Desktop?

Mar 27, 2012

I have been getting the blue screen of death on my win 7 Dell desktop for about 2 weeks. I managed to back up all of my files onto an external hard drive , but then today started getting the same BSOD when starting up my toshiba win 7 home premium 64 bit notebook.

Since the BSOD on my desktop , I am unable to connect to the internet as it no longer recognises the wifi card in the PCI slot. So I will continue with the information from my notebook.

My system specs are:

Manufacturer: Toshiba
Model: Satellite L-650
Processor: AMD Phenom II P820 Triple-core 1.80 GHz


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May 26, 2011

I've been getting BSOD's with the POOL_CORRUPTION_IN_FILE_AREA reason and once or twiceMEMORY_MANAGEMENT. I ran memtest86+ and no errors were reported. BlueScreenView shows that it's ntoskrnl.exe causing the crashes. The crashes recently have been happening quicker (1-2 hours) with uTorrent running, and if I load uTorrent after the crash reboot, it crashes almost immediately. In the past, it would crash every couple of days right after clicking on a button in any program.

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BSOD 0x0000000a Ntoskrnl.exe

Sep 22, 2011

I get this bsod occaisonally at random times - i just did a fresh install of Windows x64 Ultimate like two or three days ago and it is still happening.When i look at the Bluescreenviewer application it mentions that ntoskrnl.exe has something to do with it. How do i fix this??

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BSOD WHILE GAMING Ks.sys Ntoskrnl.exe?

Aug 4, 2012

I constantly get BSOD while gaming. ive done a memtest, replaced the ram, replaced the video card, ran chkdsk, uninstalled usual suspects avast daemon tools etc., and nothing. the most prevalent error message isDRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL. ive attached a zip with all my dmp files.

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May 28, 2012

Its a windows 7 home premium.Keep getting blue screen with message PFN_LIST_CORRUPT ntoskrnl.exe

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BSOD At Random Possible Ntoskrnl.exe

Feb 26, 2012

My system is windows 7 home premium x64, Upgrade disk from Vista.The computer is about 4 years.

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Random BSOD Ntoskrnl.exe?

Mar 29, 2012

I just got a new computer about 2 months ago. I got it so i coukd run Star Wars:The old Republic. The first month went well, with absolutely no problems. Then one time in game i got my first BSOD. Since then i have gotten about 3 more, so i reinstalled windows. That went well for about a week, till today i got another one.ystem SpecsWindows 7 64bitWindows 7 came preinstalled (Computer came with Windows disc also)Computer is 2 months oldI reinstalled Windows 7 1 week ago.

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Random BSOD--ntoskrnl.exe?

Apr 11, 2012

I get random BSOD the only thing in common is the Crash Address: ntoskrnl.exe+7cd40.I have already ran memtest86 for 7 hours which gave no errors (7 Passes) so dont think its a hardware problem. Link to my system

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BSOD - IRQ NOT LESS OR EQUAL - Ntoskrnl.exe?

Jul 7, 2012

I've been getting this bluescreen error sometimes when watching videos and I can also get it every time I try to install a specific game (it plays music in the background when installing) when clicking the next button after inputting the serial. I think this has something to do with the drivers but am not sure which one. I have updated all of the drivers I can from the Asus page a few months ago. I have checked for newer ones but I can't find any on the manufacturer's page.Laptop Model: Asus N53JQ-XR1 The OS is Win 7x64 OEM.The system is about 2 years old.The OS has not been reinstalled.

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BSOD Web Browsing Ntoskrnl?

Jul 22, 2012

I am getting BSOD while doing average tasks like web browsing or playing solitaire. I have already done a memtest 86 for 7 passes with no errors, chkdisk, repair files from install disk with no errors found, updated bios, and windows update.

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Aug 20, 2012

BSOD happened twice recently when i was playing starcraft 2 , i've been searching everywhere to find the solution but there's no luck

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Windows 7 64bit - Hibernation Causing Boot Record Corruption?

Oct 3, 2011

I had a very strange problem today when I was waking my machine up from hibernation. Here's my set up:

Windows 7 x64
Windows 7 is on a SSD drive
Apple Mac Pro

I also have two other drives in, one for OSX and one with an old Vista x64 on it. I mainly work in Win 7, I never shut this computer off, I just restart sometimes. But today I put it in hibernation. When I was supposed to wake it back up the win 7 drive had just disappeared. I booted in Vista 64 and had a look in the disk manager, it tells me that the SSD drive isn't initialized (see attached screenshot).

As you may guess I can't browse this disk, and it does not show up during boot up. I did try to start from the Windows 7 CD and do a recovery, but it can't find my Windows 7 installation and so I guess I can't repair. What I could try to recover? Since I can boot my old OSX and my old Vista I'm quite sure it's not the rest of the hardware, I figure it's the Windows 7 drive or maybe its MBR.

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Tdx.sys Causing BSOD

Jan 12, 2009

I have Windows 7 installed on two laptops. One is a Dell Latitude D803 and the other a HP Compaq 6710b. Both would BSOD approximately every 5 minutes. 'TDX.SYS' was the culprit. After running WinDBG I noticed that it was a issue with my network adapter driver 'b57nd60a.sys'. Both laptops have the same network adapter (Broadcom NetLink Gigabit Ethernet) and both were crashing (x32 & x64 versions). I finally went to Broadcom's website and found drivers at the following links:

Broadcom Corporation - Download NetLink Drivers


Broadcom Corporation - Download NetLink Drivers

If one doesn't work they other will. Basically when 'TDX.SYS' causes a BSOD it is usually the result of a driver(s) (and some antivirus apps) that aren't fully compatible with Windows 7. You should run WinDBG and find out what driver is causing the error. It's not as hard as you think!

Microsoft's site for using WinDBG:

How to read the small memory dump files that Windows creates for debugging

P.S. Don't worry if you can't get the symbols to install properly. You should still see the file that is probably causing the error listed. If you Google the file(s) you will be on your way to fixing the issue.

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BSOD While Playing Games - Ntoskrnl.exe?

Sep 13, 2011

I was playing some games today and i got a BSoD.I attached the minidump to the post.I opened it with a debugger tool and it said that ntoskrnl.exe might be at fault.

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BSOD Caused By Driver: Ntoskrnl.exe

Jan 2, 2012

So I've gotten a BSOD twice and decided to use a diagnosing program to see why it was happening. It picked up that ntoskrnl.exe is causing the BSOD. Why is it happening? What do I do from here?

I attached the .dmp file.

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[BSOD] Keep Getting Random Crashing With Ntoskrnl.exe

Jul 27, 2012

My PC crashes at random times, I have tried every thing I can think of to repair the problem.

AMD Phenom(tm) II X6 1090T Processor
Speed: 3210
Installed RAM: 16GB MB that runs at 1600mhz
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560
Asus Crosshair IV Formula

I use kasperksy internet security.

I use a Razer Mouse and keyboard.
I have 2 Screens Running.
I use display fusion.

sfc /scannow (done no errors) spybot, combofix and kasperksy (scans not a thing found) Ccleaner and Glary Registry Repairs (done and fixed) All drivers updated and checked with Driver Genius Professional Edition (done) Scanned my HDD for Errors (done) Ran a Memtest for Errors (done) Reinstalled Windows (done) Driver Verifier (done) (Random BSOD errors ntoskrnl.exe and wdf01000.sys - Windows 7 Forums)

Replaced Graphic Card because of over heating but error form before I placed it. Ram is set to 1600MHz and 1.5v like the manufacturer website says.

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BSOD Caused By Driver Ntoskrnl.exe?

Jan 6, 2012

I just built my girlfriend's PC a few days ago, all was well but now a BSOD appears randomly, so after using BlueScreenView on the dump files it all originates from one driver.The PC in questions specs are almost identical to my own (minus the 1TB HDD and her MOBO is the Rev 3.1 version of the same MOBO).

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Random BSOD's And Can't Do .dmp Ntoskrnl.exe ( Nt+7cc40 )

Jan 15, 2012

BSOD at random times, seems to occur more often though, when referencing hard drive memory.My first problem I need help with is when i try to access a .dmp file i get told something about symbols referencing the following:

ntoskrnl.exe ( nt+7cc40 )

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BSOD During Firefox Use, Ntoskrnl.exe+4b16cc

Jan 31, 2012

Have only observed crashes during internet use with firefox.

013112-20359-01.dmp 1/31/2012 1:51:35 PM 0x00000124 00000000`00000000 fffffa80`0733c8f8 00000000`00000000 00000000`00000000 ntoskrnl.exe ntoskrnl.exe+4b16cc NT Kernel & System Microsoft� Windows� Operating System Microsoft Corporation 6.1.7601.17640 (win7sp1_gdr.110622-1506) x64 ntoskrnl.exe+4b16cc C:WindowsMinidump�13112-20359-01.dmp 4 15 7601 262,144


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BSOD - Error IRQL_NOT_LESS_EQUAL Ntoskrnl.exe

Feb 15, 2012

I am getting BSOD with error Error IRQL_NOT_LESS_EQUAL. When checked with Blue Screen view, I am seeing it is caused by ntoskrnl.exe driver. All system specs are listed on my profile.

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BSOD From Ntoskrnl.exe, Multiple Errors?

Mar 7, 2012

Computer is a few years old, a home build, running Windows 7 Home Premium x64. Haven't really had too many problems other than the occasional BSOD or random restart, but it's gotten a lot worse lately so I wanna get to the bottom of it.The two errors I've gotten are Memory Management and System Service Exception, both seem to be linked to the ntoskrnl.exe file. I also ran the System File Checker and got the following error reported: "Cannot repair member file [l:24{12}]"kerberos.dll" of Microsoft-Windows-Security-Kerberos". Lastly I ran the windows memory diagnostic and it detected several hardware errors.

1)A system restore to a couple weeks ago
2)Repair the system/OS with my Windows 7 disc
3)Replace the RAM

Wanted to post here before I try any of those though. Whew ok sorry to be long winded but wanted to provide as much info as possible.

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BSOD Because Of Tdx.sys And Ntoskrnl.exe, Code 0x000000c5?

Apr 24, 2012

I wasn't really doing anything when it happened. I ran a memory check, checked for updates to my network driver, and did various Malware scans, but none of these seemed to find any problems, so I'm at a loss ATM. Dump files are attached.[CODE]

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BSOD Ntoskrnl.exe-7f1c0 While Idling?

May 9, 2012

I have been getting a BSOD in my newly installed systemand ive included the files in this post as you asked for before postingI am running Win 7 x64 OEM i bought it together with the parts for my system which you can see in my signature. it is only nearly 4 weeks old, i did put the system together myself for the first timeBtw the OS is installed on my Corsair SSD.

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Multiple BSOD - Appears To Be From Ntoskrnl.exe

May 19, 2012

initially my comp would just crash and i would have to power off to reboot. now im getting bsods instead, i have tried to work out the cause of these by myself but they all apear to be caused by different problems. i have looked at a lot of other bsod threads and i have used verifier.exe which created one of the memdumps.

i seem to get them whilst playing games such as lol or fallout or watching Internet videos, but sometimes i have had them for no reason at startup. i have done a fair amount of virus and malware scanning just incase it was somthing like that but its most probably a driver? i have uploaded the bsod files,

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BSOD While Playing Battlefield 3, Ntoskrnl.exe?

May 26, 2012

I play Battlefield 3 for anywhere from 5-25 minutes and get a BSOD I attached the minidumps.

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Intermittent BSOD - Ntoskrnl.exe At Fault?

Aug 14, 2012

I fitted a new hard drive and re-installed the OS for this client. After a couple of weeks it started to blue screen. At first I thought their usb wireless adapter was at fault. I removed it and everything was ok for another week or so. Then the BSODs started again.

I have tested the RAM and HDD - both fine. I have used Eurosoft PC-Check to stress test the machine and it was fine. I used the same software to test the motherboard and it passed fine. I used Prime95 64 bit to torture test the machine and again it wouldn't crash. Also I have run mbam and superantispyware and the machine is spyware free. It also has the latest video drivers installed. Typically since I brought it back to the office it has behaved impeccably in every way

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BSOD Randomly Caused By Ntoskrnl.exe?

Oct 15, 2012

my Windows 7 Ultimate started bugging out of me a couple days ago. Problem first started right after an windows update I believe, and originally presented as no desktop loading after log on, only a black screen with a cursor. Restored, ran chkdsk and repair and they problem disappeared but now these unexpected crashes keep popping up. Have never actually seen the BSOD yet, computer is always rebooted when I come back to it.

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