Pictures & Documents Folders On E Drive

Aug 21, 2011

I was running out room on C drive so I moved Pictures & Documents folders to E drive. Now I'm planning to do a clean install of 7. Will those folders and contents be safe if I leave them on E drive while I'm reinstalling 7 on C drive?

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Cannot Open Documents, Computer, Videos, Pictures, Etc Folders

Sep 22, 2011

They were working then I rebooted the pc today and went to click on computer and nothing happens, the only thing is the little folder icon comes on the taskbar and that's it, it doesn't open.Also all of a sudden my events viewer doesn't work either, get this error, specified query is invalid 15001BTW system restore wasn't on, I guess when I fixed my booting problem it turned it off, the only drives that had restore enabled where my other 2 drives not the one I needed.

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HomeGroup Setup - Documents / Pictures Folders Visible But Locked

Jul 4, 2011

I have two pc's in my home. One running windows 7 32 BIT, and one running Win 7 64 bit. I created a home group on the laptop, as I want to grab some files from the laptop and bring over to the Desktop unit (the desktop unit is the one running 64 BIT win 7). Both machines have different names and the clock is set with the right time. When I create the home group on my Laptop, and select files that I want to share, the basic libraries ARE viewable on the Desktop machine.

I can see Documents, Picture folders, but I cannot open them! I can also change the password on the Laptop, and then PC will be able to enter the correct password to join the homegroup, so I know they can see each other. But again, not able to open the folders. If I go on my Laptop computer and "right click" on a folder, and then go to "share with"... the default is set to "nobody" with a lock icon next to it. If I select "Homegroup" it does not change! It stays locked with "nobody"?

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Folders Inside Of "Documents" "Pictures" Will Not Open?

Jan 18, 2012

I think I might have picked up a virus. Anyway, after avoiding a crash , when going into my documents and then opening my pictures, there are no folders. But, when check "my pictures" properties, it list that I have 5,032 files using 6.32 gb. I tried to restore to different dates without any luck. I have also look at making sure it is not hidden

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Pictures And Documents Just Up And Closing?

Oct 26, 2011

I load my pictures that are stored on my computer when I go to my documents and after 30 seconds or so the whole program just up and closes out.

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Saving Pictures And Documents / Going To Two Different Locations

May 7, 2012

I just purchased a new desktop computer system.I am using Windows 7.I'm trying to think how to describe this so that it makes sense.I am the only person who uses this computer. The staff member who transferred my data from my damaged computer to the new one apparently gave the computer my full first name and then gave my "nickname" the Admin role. Now I appear to have two My pictures and my documents in the library. My photos are scattered between the two My Pictures. When I save something to my pictures it doesn't end up where I expect it to be. It could be in either My Pictures.Not sure if that makes any sense at all to you ... I don't want two sets of pictures and two sets of documents.When I save a picture I want it to go to the same place every time unless I designate it somewhere else.Before I start deleting/moving anything I need to understand why my pictujres are going to one area sometimes and sometimes the other.

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Transfer Pictures From Documents To Kodak Easy Shsre?

Jun 30, 2012

How do I transfer my pictures from my documents to Kodak Easy Shsre?

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Documents Library In Windows 7 No Longer Working ( Music + Pictures +

Jan 14, 2013

i have an issues with my library file my library its looking like this and i cant open it !and there is no " users "folder in the c:

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How To Combine Several Documents Folders

May 27, 2012

I have several documents folders within documents folders and I'm wondering how I can combine them all into one folder. For instance, if I click on something on my computer desktop and choose send to "documents," and then click on the documents folder in the tray on the bottom of the screen, I find my saved item there. However, within this documents folder there is a folder called "My Documents" and within this folder there is another folder entitled "Documents." Is there a way to combine all of these documents folders?

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Lost Both Documents Folders?

Apr 12, 2011

lost both documents folders. User folder and Public folder. I tried to re-create it but there is now no location. I had moved My Documents to another drive but did not do it correctly (I moved My Pictures etc successfully). I need to recreate the user documents file and re-direct it to the document location. How would I use the solution for Public documents (above) to re-create the User document file.

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Missing Files And Pictures In Folders?

Jun 2, 2011

I am running Windows 7 and have various Folders on the C drive, including Pictures (C://Pictures). When I open it the folders and pictures are not there yet when I right click and look at Properties it tells me there is 17.7Gb of files. I thought I had resolved the issue by going back to the restore point for the main folder (C://Pictures) and indeed they became visible again. On checking the folder this morning they have gone again. I have the same problem with my (C://Users Documents) folder - clicking on Properties tells me there are 697Mb of docuemnts but 'hovering' the cursor I'm told only 497Mb are there & the missing folders and documents are not visible.

The problem began after picking up malware which I have successfully removed from the machine at the weekend. I did use the Restore Points to successfully restore a music folder as the same problem occurred and it is still there! The Restore Point I used has now 'moved on' so I am unable to use this facility.

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Hiding Documents And Files In Folders?

Oct 17, 2010

I notice when I save my edited video to my video folder they will show along with all the video icon blank pages usully title after what i named the video along with 'Index File" 'AVI.Index File' or a 'SCN File'. Im sure they are important but they sure clutter up the folder. Is there a way to hide these kinds of files or documents?

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Managing Folders In Documents Library

Feb 24, 2012

I am not able to find the process to delete a folder from my Documents library. The F1 function says the following, but I cannot find the 'library pane', Includes, nor Locations. When you no longer need to monitor a folder in a library, you can remove it. When you remove a folder from a library, the folder and its contents are not deleted from their original location. In the taskbar, click the Windows Explorer button. In the navigation pane (the left pane), click the library that you want to remove folders from. In the library pane (above the file list), next to Includes, click Locations. In the dialog box that appears, click the folder you want to remove, click Remove, and then click Ok.

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Burning Pictures To DVD-R With Individual Folders?

Apr 6, 2012

I am trying to burn pictures onto dvd-r and would like individual folders of holidays etc, but when I try in windows dvd maker I do not get folders but one long stream of pictures amount in to hundreds on one long slide show and not individual folders.

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Transfer Pictures From The PIC Folder To Other Folders

Nov 29, 2012

I'm trying to figure out how to transfer my pic files from 1 folder to another ..... the only options I have when I click on a pic is SEND: to desktop or compressed file .... I know how to send a pic via email or share it on FB, but for the life of me I can figure out how to make THEME folders . I can copy and paste .... I've got Windows 7 .... have to laugh it says I am 972 years old, one would think with that lifelong experience I could figure this out ..

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Re-establishing Windows 7 Documents Folders?

Jan 8, 2013

A couple of years ago, I moved all the 'My' folders (e.g My Documents, My Music, Downloads, etc.) from my user account to a different drive (i.e. not the system drive). I used the Properties - Location dialog box to do this.The drive these folders was on recently crashed, and was not recoverable. I have a back up of all the files, so no worries there. What I have found though is that now a bunch of programs that I think are looking for something in those (now departed) folders are not working correctly or at all. For example, Windows Explorer no longer lists any Favorites, nor can I make more favorites. Windows Scan wont even start up, etc

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Does Windows 7 Allowing Same Names 2 Documents Folders

Sep 21, 2009

i opened %userprofile% folder and found that there are 2 My Documents folders.Does windows 7 allowing same names now ?Both are exact same name, copy name paste to other has no effect as if they were named differently but not.This making me confused where user data is stored.Is this normal ?And why folders are being created when i removed them ? Folders like my pictures/videos/music ? i dont use media player/dont upload pictures or recording vides so WTF is up with that ?

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Copy Outlook 2010 Folders To My Documents

Oct 30, 2012

i have a collegue at work who is trying to copy some of her folders in her outlook, to a shared area so other members of staff can access them too.

i have not much experience with outlook so i not sure where i would look, i have tried the copy paste but that doesnt work.

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2 Documents Folders, Deleted One, Both Gone, How To Recover Files

Nov 8, 2011

I noticed I had two copies of the My Documents folder, one in my user folder where I want it, and the other buried deep in my pictures folder (I think I accidentally dragged and dropped it there once when I was trying to change the order of icons in the navigation pane). I deleted the one in my pictures folder, and both folders disappeared! I closed the screen out, re-opened "my computer," and see both My Documents folders back, but empty.

1) How can I recover my files? My last backup was last week, and I've written quite a bit since then. I was actually about to back up again when I saw the annoying second folder and deleted it, not realizing they were linked. The folder was too large and bypassed the recycle bin.

2) How can I fix the two folders issue? I have the same problem with my music folder also, and have had problems with the folders under my username seeming to disappear, reappear, and move for no apparent reason. The computer has Windows 7 Professional.

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Can't Open Pictures / Videos And Music Folders

May 3, 2012

I can't open My pictures, my videos and my music folders in my documents.It says the location is not available and access is denied.

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Sharing And Saving Documents In Non-default Folders?

Feb 27, 2011

I have 3 computers. Computer A is a desktop runing Windows 7 Professional. Computer B is a desktop running Windows 7 Home Premium. Computer C is a laptop running Windows 7 Home Premium. FIOS is connected to Computer A. A Network of all 3 computers and a Homegroup have been set up from Computer A.We use Office 2010, mostly Word 2010 for our word processing tasks.I realize that with a Homegroup, you can create a Word 2010 document on Computer A, save it to the default location (Libraries/Documents), then open that document on Computer B, make changes to it, save it to the default location, and then open that same document on Computer A, which will show the saved changes made on Computer B.I would like to know if a Word 2010 document can be created on Computer A, then be saved to a specific folder - not a default saving location - on Computer B, so that the user on Computer B can modify the document, save it to a specific folder - not the default saving location - so that the user on Computer A can open the document from its specific folder and view the saved changes.Would this involve advanced sharing, or permissions, or some type of change on the network?

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Profile Corrupted, Lost Desktop, Documents, Etc Folders?

Jul 20, 2012

OS is Windows 7 Home Premium x64. My friend mentioned that he tried to install a Acer webcam driver/application and after restart, the profile is corrupted.We have already agreed to re install the OS. However, I have noticed that under the User folder of that (supposedly, one and only) account, most of the desktop which my friend's data resides are missing. Namely, desktop, documents, etc.

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Windows 7 Explorer/Documents Folders Locking Up, Not Responding When Using Keyboard?

Feb 9, 2010

I have been searching the internet for the past few days for answers to this problem and haven't found anything yet. Randomly in the past few days Windows 7 explorer/my documents folder/anywhere in my computer locks up and stops responding when I try to use my keyboard. No matter what I try to do, renaming documents, using ctrl-c, pressing shift, using any key on the keyboard, it locks up. I have tried running windows updates, running virus scanning, spyware scanning....nothing will work

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Media Center Deleted All Folders For Pictures / Videos And Music

Aug 25, 2011

On Windows 7 I installed the xbox 360 extender using Media Center, all my media files show up, but after exiting the extender, all my media files do not show anymore on their default windows folders for Pictures, Videos, and Music. Re-enter Media Center, and I am able to see all my media files, but unable to reach them through my PC, even after exiting again, and using my PC normally.

1- Advance searched my files to no avail, restored WMP library to no avail, restarted several times to no avail.
2- Used old Vista tricks in regedit to no avail, files still don't show up, they only do when I start the extender, and I see them through the extender only.
3- Restored to previous point in history on Windows to no avail.
4- Disabled WMP and WMC in Windows services and features, and re-enabled them, to no avail.

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Desktop Erased / Can't Locate 'My Documents' Folder And 'Start Menu' Folders

Jun 22, 2011

I recently restarted my computer only to be met with an empty desktop.Also, My Start Menu is empty. I can't locate any of programs or documents.a Right clicking and going to windows explorer, I could only view : "My Computer", "Windows (C); and when I click on them, they contain few irrelevant files.In other words I can't find my personal saved documents, "my document" folder , recycle bin and all other programs.My wifi still works so the only thing I can do on my system is browse on the internet.However, I can open a microsoft office file, PDF files, if I download it directly from my email or from an external drive.I can save files on my new blank desktop.I presume this is a virus attack.

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Which Backup Software To Backup Pictures/Documents/Videos

Apr 10, 2012

Which backup software to backup Pictures/Documents/Videos so that when you do a fresh install you don't loose anything.apart from your programs of course, just the documents backed up what do you use?

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Misplaced Folders Showing Up In "Documents"?

Jan 4, 2012

Yesterday I was helping someone with a few nits on a HP Laptop with Windows 7 Home Prem x64. He asked me to look into the "My Documents" folder saying he had no idea where "this stuff came from" nor what the value/import might be. I took a look, and sure enough there were a handful of folders in there that I would think should either be in the Programs or Programs Data folders associated with certain Applications. One was a folder "My Stationery" but did not appear to be Windows 7 stationery, but something else.Another had a bunch of system/app files in it associated with the place he purchased the laptop from [office depot] - re: some support maintenance stuff they sold him. There were others just as odd.

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Moved Documents For C To E Drive?

Oct 16, 2012

So leaving my ''C drive'' with only Windows 7 operating system and all rograms,Working okay.But when it becomes to saving items it wants to go to the ''C Drive'' Now can I prevent this from happening.Would it be possible to make the new ''E Drive'' the default drive,Is that possible??, or am I thinking wrong.

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Unable To Send Documents To DVD Drive?

Feb 11, 2011

I used to be able to send any document to the CD/DVD drive by right-clicking the required document and selecting "Send To" and then DVD Drive. Now the "Send To" drop down menu does not include a DVD/CD drive. I accessed the "SendTo" folder and found it did not have the required shortcut. I have added it now. However; it still does not appear in the drop-down menu. A possible clue is that if I go to "Computer"; the drive is listed as CD drive (not DVD/CD). Maybe the computer thinks that I only have a CD "read only" drive. And thus is not offering me the option to send a file to it?

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C:Drive Memory On CRITICAL / 'My Documents' Got Deleted

Feb 26, 2012

I have Windows 7 Home Premium, 32bit laptop. So this started with my accidentally deleting the 'My Documents'. At the time of deleting, i think it showed, My Documents is too large for recycle bin. That's why i can't find it there. (I have tried 'Recuva' to recover deleted files, but 'cause i'm not much of a computer literate, i didn't know what files to retrieve and what to leave. Though, from the files i did bring back, most are corrupted, overwritten or something.) Also, after My Documents got deleted, under 'C:Users', a padlock has appeared on my '(User Name) Folder' - but 'Public Folder' is fine. As i clicked 'User Name' properties, the 'Share With' showed - 'Nobody'. {other options available were 'Homegroup(read), Homegroup (readwrite) and Specific People'}. Shouldn't it be showing - 'Advance sharing' ?Thus, i thought maybe restoring 'User Name' folder to its previous version would work. When i did that, it said - not enough memory. i tried again, 'cause i knew there was more than half of its total capacity available. {I regularly keep a check on it.} But after repeating the restoring process, i again got 'Not Enough Memory'. Later, when i opened the C:Drive it really showed that suddenly the drive was low on space- very, very low. i tried 'disk clean' and deleted most of the things from there. Then i opened C:Drive to check. Instead of making more space, i saw 3.62 GB of Free Space lessen to 2.72 G.B ! However, i still tried for the forth time to restore 'User Name' folder to previous version and got the same regretable 'Not Enough Memory'.

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Possible To Download (My Documents) From XP 32 Bit System To A Flash Drive

Jul 6, 2012

Would it be possible to download (My Documents) from my XP 32 bit system to a flash drive and load it in my Win.7 64 bit system?

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