PC Stutters At 12am Everyday?

Feb 28, 2011

For the last few weeks I've had an issue that occurs the same exact time every day. At exactly 12am, any game that I'm playing or video that I'm watching stutters for about 3 secs. Both the video (FPS if a game) and audio are affected. I've done a search in the event viewer custom views, windows logs, and application and service logs and can't find any warning or event that happens at 12am.

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Sometimes Everyday,can't Get On A Website?

Dec 25, 2012

There is a guitar forum that I like,and I can always get on the site when I first get on computer,but after a few times, I can't get on, I will get a thing that says can't connect, with a bunch of reasons, it happens more frequently.

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Freezes Everyday

Sep 25, 2009

have a big issue with Windows 7. It freezes all the time, multiple times every single day since i've installed.

I'm running x64 Build 7600 with a plenty good enough computer.

It seems to freeze at the most random times for small things, mostly when browsing the internet, doesn't matter which browser i'm using it will freeze randomly while loading a page. Sometimes it will freeze while opening a folder, or picture. And my screen will not wake up after sitting for about a hour or so.

I have the latest motherboard and video card drivers, i put the newest firmware on my Intel SSD, i've updated my Bios, Reinstalled 7 many times.

Also i've pulled the Cmos battery and completely reset my bios, thought that could of helped, but did nothing. Is 7 not working well with my SSD or what?

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Windows 7 95-99% RAM Usage Everyday?

Feb 22, 2011

My computer uses 95-99% RAM everyday even with no windows open. It's very annoying because it cause the computer to run very very slow. I currently have an Acer Aspire 7540 with 2 or 3 GB of ram. Task Manager currently says I'm using 2.69 GB.

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BSOD Playing Everyday One Or Two Times?

Feb 20, 2012

the attachment is the file by Windows_NT6_BSOD_jcgriff2.

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Computer Freezing And Crashing Everyday

Oct 12, 2012

Everyday or two days my computer crashes and freezes. My system specs:
Windows 7 64bit
Geforce GT 520
8 gb ram
AMD Phenom II X4 BE50 (I unlocked 3 cores not 4)

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Windows 7 Boots Up At 3am Everyday From Shutdown?

Dec 27, 2012

I've checked the bios, task scheduler, power settings. I can'y figure out why it is booting up every day at 3am. I can replicate by changing the clock to just befor 3am and then shutdown.

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Computer Shuts Down Everyday At A Certain Time?

Dec 2, 2011

My computer shuts down everyday at 12 am and then I turn it back on manually. It is no the antivirus scans, I checked the times. hat this could be and how do I turn it off ?

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BSOD Bad Pool Header Encountering Everyday?

Sep 4, 2012

why i am getting bluescreen everyday.I tried to reinstall everything on my end also had a new hardware replaced with the same model and still i am getting the bluescreen error.

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Keep Getting Stutters In Games

Jun 18, 2012

I have a very new system in terms of hardware (6950 graphics, Core i5 processor, 8GB DDR3 RAM, etc), yet I get consistent stuttering in games. By stutter, I mean a 3-5 second freeze, that happens every few minutes. These only started up about 2 months ago (have had the computer for about 8 months).

The odd thing though, is that when I leave the computer on for a long time, and have run a number of programs/games already, the stuttering disappears. It only really shows up after I freshly restart the computer. When I put the computer to sleep (even for many many hours) instead of shutting it down, I don't have the stuttering when I bring it back awake, like I would if I had shut it down/ started it up.

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Network Stutters

Apr 25, 2009

every once and a while when i go and try to browse the internet i have to wait a few min to use it, i mean it says it loads then fails then i press refresh and it works, also in games i play online i stutter, wat i mean is my ping is low however, every few sec or min my screen will just freeze network wise not fps wise, the ppl are moving but in place as in my network doesnt no what to do with them u no what i mean?

how can i fix it i have been using one of these for about 3 years now and it works great and has worked fine in other builds. it doestn require drivers except my ethernet port drivers which 7 installs or has i mean automatically


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Create Restore Point Everyday Since Computer Is Not Automatically Doing It

Feb 4, 2013

I create a restore point everyday since my computer is not automatically doing it. And the next day I have no restore point.

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System Getting Multiple BSOD Everyday With Varying Messages On Them

Sep 11, 2012

I had been having problems previously with this same system getting multiple BSOD everyday with varying messages on them. I was told after it was looked at that I had corruption in my registry and the easiest solution was to just re-install Windows. I went ahead and did that and even after a fresh install i'm still getting BSOD. I tried several re-installs and have been getting the same issues every time. There doesn't seem to be any kind of pattern to it doing it, just happens here and there. It doesn't seem to be the same frequency it used to but it's still happening. The only message i've seen thus far is "Memory_Management". During this last re-install, all I did was install Windows 7 Ultimate x64, loaded the necessary, updated drivers for my graphics card and motherboard and just left it, still got the blue screen.

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Fallout 3 GOTY Stutters

Dec 6, 2009

I've just upgraded to Windows 7 Home Premium from XP and while I love the OS for the most part, I am having issues with a slight stutter or hesitation when playing this game. Happens every 3-5 seconds or so and it's just a quick blip if you will. Never had any issues with this title before and I can play Borderlands and Crysis smooth as butter. Anyone know if Fallout has some issue with Windows 7?

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Media Stutters Every 30 Seconds?

Dec 13, 2011

I have a Dell Inspiron laptop. Two years old. I'll be watching a movie or listening to audio and it will stutter for 1-3 seconds every 30seconds to two minutes. I did a memory diagnosis and there was no error to be found. It only started yesterday after I uninstalled a few unnecessary programs and turned a few things off in command prompt. I undid what I did yesterday and it made no difference.

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Cursor Stutters On Top Right Of Screen?

Jan 14, 2011

I recently built a new computer (running Windows 7 ultimate 64 bit), and I recently noticed that my mouse cursor is stuttering/slowing down at the top right corner of the screen (about where the close button is). This occurs regardless of what programs I have open. It feels as if there is a magnet in that corner of the screen that is screwing with the cursor.I am using a logitech mouse and checked the Setpoint settings, but acceleration is turned off so I think it is a Windows-related issue.Is there some kind of multiple-monitor setting to prevent one from overshooting the close button?

My specs:

Windows 7 ultimate 64 bit
MSI H55M-E33 Motherboard
Intel i5 750 LGA 1156
ATI 5770 HD 1GB DDR5 PCI Express
G-Skill Ripjaw Series 4GB DDR3 RAM
Logitech G5 Laser Mouse

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Computer Stutters Every Few Seconds?

Oct 20, 2012

recently my computer started having this issue where it stutters. as in ever few seconds, the screen freezes and my mouse jumps. sound and video also have the stutter as well. this stutter is ongoing no matter how many or few programs i have open, even while sitting on just desktop.

what i'm working off of:

8gigs of ram
amd 6800 x 2
samsung 1T 7200rpm
corsair 650W

all my cores are <40C, but i do notice that difference cores will randomly just to 100%. I opened up tasks manager and put update speed to fast. I and can see that my overall cpu jumps to 100% for a fraction of a second, yet indivual cores are jumping all over the place from 0 to 100 and back. i have defragged the disk and done a full virus and malware sweep with no results.

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Infamous Update KB2677070 Keeps Failing To Install And Everyday Repeats?

Jul 18, 2012

The infamous update KB2677070 keeps failing to install and everyday repeats. Anyone else experiencing this?

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Left Click Causing Stutters?

Nov 24, 2012

going to be as detailed as possible.About 6 months ago I bought and installed a laptop SSD into my PC. I am using the SSD as my primary drive with Win7, and a secondary HDD as having almost everything else.Whenever I try and play a game off the SSD, or HDD, only left clicking causes this split seconds flash, stutter, and in some games, even though the game is full screen, i click and it clicks through the game, forcing it to minimize and show me the desktop.The first oddity is this does not happen with all games only some, and it does not matter which drive they are on.WoW on my SSD - has this problem on first load, but when I change from Windowed Fullscreen to full screen, and then back to windowed full screen, it stops and does not do it again until I close and load it back up again.Trying to play Amnesia through Steam, both programs on the HDD, clicking on either video setting causes stutters, or click-through to show the desktop, even though it thinks I am still seeing the game. The issue with Amnesia is changing between full/windowed full forces a restart of the game.It is only left click that causes it too, right click does nothing and causes no stuttering. There are other games than the ones listed that it has happened for as well.Again, this only started when I had that SSD installed, and the drive itself has had no problems what-so-ever, just this clicking issue, and SSD install was the only change made prior to having it, where the HDD never did this.

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Mouse Lags (or Stutters) Every 5 Seconds?

Dec 27, 2012

I've been having this problem for the past couple of months and it's driving me insane. I've searched for hours on end without any luck of a fix.The problem is that my mouse lags (or stutters) every 5 seconds. The lag can sometimes be so bad that the mouse completely stops working for a few seconds.I've gone through 3 mice and they've all had the same problem so it can't be because of the mouse.The mouse I'm currently using is the Logitech Anywhere MX.

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Computer Seems To Be Getting Slower Over Time - Sound Stutters

Jan 17, 2013

I have a samsung npqx411w01 with i5 and 6gb, It also has NvidiaGeforce graphics with 1gb dedicated as I enjoy playing BF3. I have had this computer for about 6 months now, and its been great, but over time, despite antivirus/malware/disk cleanups. It just seems to be getting slower. I am at the point now where the audio sounds cracky, and even stutters, I cant play any games since there is a significant lag, as well as with streaming of any kind and Although I thought it may only be with the wifi, it is still limited with an Ethernet cable(the internet may be a separate problem). There was an incident nearly a month ago in which my system completely shut out. I couldn't open windows without safe mode or else I would get a windows error a few seconds after logging in. I was able to restore, but I feel things haven't been the same.

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Installing Windows 7 (64 Bits) My Mouse Stutters

Jul 19, 2012

Ever since installing Windows 7 (64 bits) my mouse stutters. Skipping every now and then, staying in one position while I move the mouse, etc. I do a lot of photo editing and it's really annoying and makes my work almost impossible. [code]

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WMC7 Stutters During Playback - HTPC Box Freezes Sometimes

Jun 25, 2011

I am experiencing a unique issue with my WMC HTPC box. Anytime I watch content from either WMC7 or WMP7 I get audio and video stuttering every minute. Sometimes, the stuttering will cause the box to freeze up, forcing a restart. At no time do I receive memory warnings prior to or after each event. I've tried restarting the computer in the hopes of clearing the RAM, clearing the Temp Files, and running ChkDsk (at the time of this posting, the process has taken over 1 hour to complete - not sure if this is normal). I also installed Process Explorer to see if the issue was memory related. While it appears that WMC is hogging up to 3/4 of my RAM at some points, usage is mostly confined between 1.3-1.7 GB.

The spikes occur regardless of the RAM usage but not when WMC is running idle (meaning ON but not displaying content other than the main menu). Process Explorer appears to show that the issue is possibly related to SVCHOST - when I place my mouse over each spike, it displays SVCHOST but not the programs which that particular version of HOST is running. I am running WMC7 64-bit, with two 500GB drives (one mirrored), a third drive (2TB internal) for video and music, 4GB of RAM, an Intel i3, a Hauppauge 1850 Dual Tuner, and a ASUS P7H55-M PRO motherboard. I will update with ChkDsk info when it finishes.

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Skyrim Stutters (Freezes Then Resumes) Every 5 Seconds

May 23, 2012

I played the game for 100 + hours without problem, then this problem appears. Skyrim freezes then resumes then freezes every 5 seconds after playing for a few minutes. I tried re-installing the game, lowering the graphics to low, removing all mods. This is also not a savegame issue, it happens even in a new game. Also tried running in windowed mode, did not fix the issue. I also tried using game booster(to see if a background is causing this). I also tried running the game in my Windows XP partition, got the same problem. I do have the latest drivers and patch. One thing I have noticed is my CPU load goes from around 90% to 30% during the freezing.

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Sound Stutters Resulting Windows 7 Computer To Freeze

Jun 25, 2011

I've installed Win 7 Ultimate x86. The problem I'm facing is that whenever I enable my sound card driver and try playing an audio, the audio stutters and the computer freezes. I have to restart, use safe mode to disable the sound card and then use my pc. I've looked all over the net for solutions and these are what I have done so far...

- Downloaded and installed codecs for High Definition Audio Device
- Downloaded and installed Windows 7 x86 compatible driver for my sound card (Creative SB Audigy Value).
- Disabled all audio enhancements
- Changed playback sound to come through speakers (this one automatically happens if I re-enable the sound card).

The problem still persists.

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Installed Windows 7 Now Mouse Stutters / Freezes Or Disconnects?

Feb 26, 2012

Just got windows 7 on my computer. Was running windows xp before. Ive been using the mouse i am now for over a year with no problems. Now since i went to windows 7, it often stutters when doing anything on my computer. The stutters usually are about a second long and are completely random. I could be playing a game, browsing the web, or anything else and it will stutter. When it does stutter, i do hear the "bu-dum" sound as if it was being disconnected/reconnected instantly. Sometimes the stutters dont happen for an hour, sometimes i get 5 within 15 seconds. I've tried installing drivers and what not.

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Getting Little Audio And Video Stutters Playing Movies / Games

May 1, 2012

i get a little stutter every 2-3 seconds with everything that involves motion pictures e.g games, movies, online games, Internet etc. my music does the same too.happened when i fell asleep watching a movie on Internet, woke up and my screen was black but the pc was still running. turned pc off and back on at the wall, started Internet to watch movie from when i fell asleep.

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My Computer Stutters When Streaming Music / Video Online And Offline

Jan 14, 2012

my computer stutters when i listen to music or plaly videos from Internet dondt know why i all ready did a system restore to factory settings. [code]

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