Notebook Restarts Without BSOD?

Sep 5, 2012

I have a Acer Aspire 6920G which restarts very suddenly without BSOD. It actually made only two BSODS. analyzing the Bsods to pinpoint the cause of the restarts. It is not memory/heating/harddisk problem - already tested. It happens even when trying to boot Fedora/Ubuntu. So it must be some faulty component/module on the motherboard. In windows the PC either hangs or crashes at desktop. The crash happens the moment I click twice on my computer or just the start icon. I tried without battery and with other power supply - same issue. Safe mode works okay. I disabled all the drivers I could from msconfig but it made no difference.

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Getting Restarts Due To BSOD?

Jul 6, 2012

Im getting restarts due to BSOD which seem to happen pretty much at random. Attaching some diagnostic reports

System: Windows 7 x64
Ram: 6GB 2x3chips

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Got Random BSOD And Restarts

Oct 23, 2012

My computer random show up BSOD than restart.

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Random BSOD / Freezes And Restarts

Oct 17, 2012

I'm getting this random BSOD since 2 or 3 weeks ago. Sometimes when idle, browsing, and gaming. But sometimes I'm not getting any at all for a whole day. And I also getting this random hangs, freezes, and restarts. Can this be caused by bad hardware?

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[CRASH] Random Restarts But No BSoD?

Oct 14, 2012

I just installed a new graphics card and a new power supply... Now I get these random restarts. When I come back, I'm notified rhat Windows has recovered from an unexpected shut down.Really frustrated at this point. What could this be?101412-60060-01.dmp 101412-62962-01.dmp 101412-64241-01.dmp

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Seemingly Random Restarts/BSOD?

Mar 19, 2011

I'm getting a consistant BSOD. At first I thought there might be a problem with the case/jumpers so I unplugged all but the main power, but still got BSOD. Then I thought it might somehow be related to SP1, so I uninstalled it, but still got BSOD. Perhaps there is a physical problem with the power supply or MOBO?

Dump File : 031911-31215-01.dmp
Crash Time : 3/19/2011 4:54:37 PM
Bug Check String :
Bug Check Code : 0x00000101


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BSOD During CHKDSK & Random Restarts

Feb 20, 2012

Windows 7 Home Premium 64, Original Install OEM Hardware ~1 year, 3 months Original OS install

All drivers, BIOS, VBios up to date

Background: Laptop decides to randomly restart from time to time while I am playing poker and using a HUD display/hand reading program, VPN, & poker software. Not a huge load on the system, somewhat HD intensive with the hand reading from the HD.

This is the related error: Source: Kernel-Power Level: Critical Event ID: 41 It's happened 51 times since 9/14/11. No error code I've turned off where it reboots on a critical error, so I can see if I can generate an error code.

I decided to do CHKDSK, fell asleep & woke to the attached BSOD.

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BSOD Randomly Computer Restarts?

Mar 24, 2012

My Compaq Presario GQ60 started BSODing out of nowhere on the 22 Ive tried just about everything

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BSOD And Random Crashes, Restarts?

Jun 21, 2012

my pc randomly bsods, crashes and reboots while watching Internet videos etc.

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No BSOD / Random Restarts - Kernel 41

Oct 9, 2012

System specs:
ASUS AMD 990 FX mobo
AMD fx 6100 3.31Ghz processor
16GB corsair vengence RAM (4X4)
Kingston SSDnow100 128GB
EVGA Geforce GTX580
and of course runnig Windows 7 64 bit OS

I built my first comp last year and it was great, however now, been getting random restarts for no apparent reason. Found that it may be the HD or the PSU, switched out my PSU from a thermaltake 750w to a corsair 850w just in case, I wasn't getting enough power to my components. worked for about a day, tried feeding the power directly from wall thinking it may be the power strip, worked for a few days so I bought a new one from best buy, then a few days later it happened again.

Now I am thinking ok, now it has to be that shiny new kingston SSD!! I had a slave HD figured why not, installed Windows 7 to it, it ran fine for about 2-3 weeks, then last night BAM! instead of shooting the comp i did more research, checked the event viewer found that it is definitely a kernel 41, went to Windows site and followed a tip from them to make sure the auto restart feature was unchecked. Now I am waiting for another restart. the only thing left is the RAM.

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Computer Restarts Without Any BSOD After Exactly An Hour?

Jun 8, 2011

I am using Windows 7 and my computer restarts exactly after an hour. I have recently changed my PSU so its not a PSU problem and no component is over heating. It happens for a day then take a break for a week then starts happening again.

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BSOD - Computer Randomly Restarts, Sometimes Freezes

Apr 6, 2012

my computer has been freezing and randomly restarting the last couple of days.

When it restarts sometimes it has to boot a couple of times, it seems as though it can' boot the BIOS, the bios splash screen is also different, this also changed 2 days ago. The first couple of times it froze, now it just restarts randomly. I suspect the motherboard.

System Info:

- x64 Windows 7 Professional
- Full Retail
-Age of system hardware: 4 years
-Age of OS installation 6 months

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BSOD Occurs Randomly And Restarts Computer

Sep 3, 2012

I can be doing anything (I work on my computer I don't play games) so my normal activity is forums, skype, ftp..etc.I have not been able to identify any particular pattern or software when it happens, but the one thing that does happen is when it first happens, it says "Bad header Pool" then restarts, and it is merely a matter of minutes before it happens again.

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Windows 7 Won't Boot, Hits BSOD And Restarts

May 1, 2011

I run Windows 7 64bit.The other day the computer shut down on it's own. I turned it back on, Windows wouldn't load, it entered a loop of about 2 or 3 reboots and finally it loaded Windows 7. I thought it was just a big hiccup, and after a while i got a prompt to install some updates for Windows, some of which required a restart. After that restart the PC never booted Windows again. It took me to Startup Repair, where it couldn't fix the problem. In the log i could see "boot critical file D: ci.dll is corrupt".
Since then i've installed Windows on another HD i had, and i have accessed the problematic one connecting it as an external HD. This has allowed to scan it with several antivirus and antimalware programs; TDSSKiller found "Rootkit.Win32.TDSS.TDL4" and eliminated it. Malwarebytes found the following:

"e:Users{username}AppDataLocalTemp asdialb.exe (Trojan.Agent) -> Quarantined and deleted successfully."This however hasn't fixed the problem. Startup repair will tell me the computer cannot be fixed automatically, and if i use a recovery disk, Startup repair will tell me it can't find a problem. System restore will tell me there are no restore points (and it lists my HD as being in unit D:, when i'm positive my drive's unit is C: ).I've gone to the command prompt and tried the following:

-Chkdsk --> Found no problems
-sfc /scannow --> It doesn't run, says "system repair pending, please restart" (i've restarted a million times and it still won't run).
-bootrec.exe /fixmbr --> Completed successfully.
-bootrec.exe /fixboot --> Completed succesfully.

The problem has remained unchanged, when i try to load Windows i get the Windows logo while it's loading, then a BSOD for a few tenths of a second (too fast to read, but something about drivers) and it restarts.i can only do a repair install from within Windows, so i guess that's not an option.I've also read that this virus infects the boot sector, so formatting wouldn't help.

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[BSOD] Seemingly Random Event 41 Restarts?

Dec 1, 2011

What is happening: Periodic (typically once a night, different programs, different times) restarts. Event viewer says it is "Log: System / Source: Kernel-Power Event ID: 41. I am inexperienced at reading Minidumps, but one dump suggests "wininit.exe" and another "crss.exe", not a lot of help there. It has not always been doing this, but unfortunately started when I installed a whole slew of software (Adobe Production Premium, a Cintiq tablet, etc) so it's hard to pin that down.

What kind of machine:

Windows 7, fully updated
CP850 psu, p8p67 pro mobo (36c), i7 2600k chip (37c) at stock speed while I'm figuring this out.
4x G.Skill Ripjaw RAM, statistics in CPU-Z and RAMMon included. Passes memtest86.
EVGA GTX 570 card (1), drivers updated
Vertex2 SSD (OS, main programs)
WD Caviar HDD (files)
4x 180mm fans, CM212+ HSF, single optical drive

Steps tried:

Uninstalling/reinstalling major programs, updating drivers
Checking minidumps for obvious file issues
Virus scan, defrag, basic upkeep stuff
Memtest for RAM
Checking temperatures and voltages in CPUZ/Asus AI - defaulting / setting to auto the configurations in BIOS

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Very Frequent Dump Memory BSOD Crashes Then PC Restarts

Jul 26, 2012

I've followed the instructions. I get almost 5-6 BSOD in a day. The blue screen appears and it shows dumping memory... 10% ... 50% 100% then my PC restarts. Another major problem is that I frequently get "Windows Explorer has stopped working". It fixes itself when I restart. But it's hassle to restart everytime.

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Fresh Install Of Windows 7 - No BSOD But Won't Shutdown Only Restarts

Oct 29, 2011

I've spent probably 7 hours trying to figure this out from searches and different potential resolutions and I am completely stumped. This is a fresh install of Windows 7 Home Premium on a fairly basic machine. I can boot in to safe mode, disconnect any connection to the network, ensure WOL is turned off via the CMOS, and still Windows 7 will not shutdown. There is no BSOD.

It simply appears to shutdown, but then the computer reboots with the PC offering a beep in the same way as if I performed a cold boot. If I elect to restart this beep will not be reflected. I've tried different drivers and just about everything I can think of and still nothing. The event viewer appears almost entirely clean as well. I've also restored fail-safe defaults in the BIOS as well as Optimized and the issue persists.

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Random Restarts / Freezing On Computer - BSOD With Error Messages

Aug 5, 2012

I've been having a strange issue with my computer for a while now. A strange combination of random restarts, freezing but most commonly BSOD all with different error messages. I've tried a lot even removing some RAM and changing my keyboard. I've also had it checked 4 times with still no results.

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Windows 7 Wont Complete Install Restarts Install Or Bsod?

Sep 7, 2012

First off this is a newly built computer, all fresh components. aftercleaning/activating the hdd via shift +f10 at Windows 7 setup,(which took me a day to figure out) i was very excited to see my hdd available for Windows 7 installation. as i proceed windows does its thing, after installing its time for the first restart. it restarts right back to the initial windows 7 setup ive done a lot of research, and majority of the problems seem to be the boot priority in bios. so i made sure that it was usb-hdd, then hard drive. (Windows 7 on flash drive for me, no dvd burner available). still the same thing, right back to initial setup. i tried maybe to remove the flash drive during the 10 second countdown to restart, but when it restarts, the windows splash screen comes up and then blue screens and restarts real quick. cant see what the error is on bsodthere have been a couple different start up issues, "windows did not start properly" "select version of windows to start from" (or something to that effect.) but its all the same outcome. windows 7 just wont finish installation

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Pc Restarts Every Day Only Once?

Apr 19, 2011

i have a problem regarding my always restarts everyday but only once (11:30pm,sometimes 12am or 1am) occcurs every day if i reached that tym of using my pc..specs of my pc: intel motherboard with intel core i3 processor ,4g ram, 1 g video card ,500w power using windows 7 home premium 32 bitos

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Notebook 32-bit To 64-bit

Oct 24, 2009

I was just about to buy the Windows 7 upgrade version with the student bundle, when it asked me if I want 32 bit or 64 bit. I thought it would send both, but, sadly, it won't. I do want 64-bit, since Asus decided to pack 4 gigs of ram into my laptop even though they sent it with a 32 bit OS...

So here's my questions:

1. Can I use the 64-bit Windows 7 Home Upgrade Disk to perform a clean install of 64-bit Win7 Home on my notebook that came with 32-bit Windows Vista Home Premium?

I am new to the whole upgrade thing... I am used to buying complete OS's. The price is what caught me here. So, I searched around and found that I can't upgrade directly and keep all my files. That is not a problem, I'll back them up... But can I make the clean install to 64-bit? Do I need to use my product key from Vista or what, and will it work to upgrade to 7 in another bit version?

~~ Just found the answer from a thread that got bumped right after I posted this. Sorry for the duplicate thread~~

2. Can my notebook even support Windows 7? It is an Asus N81Vg:
CPU: Intel Duo P8600
GPU: Nvidia GeForce GT120M

I'm unsure if the drivers will work and everything, although I do think they should as it's a newer model...

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Computer Restarts On Its Own Every Now And Then

Apr 30, 2012

Every now and then my computer shuts down then restarts on its own. I notice that any usernames and passwords that I have set to remember are reset. I get this error in my event viewer I don't know if its related :

"Event filter with query "SELECT * FROM __InstanceModificationEvent WITHIN 60 WHERE TargetInstance ISA "Win32_Processor" AND TargetInstance.LoadPercentage > 99" could not be reactivated in namespace "//./root/CIMV2" because of error 0x80041003. Events cannot be delivered through this filter until the problem is corrected".

OS: Windows 7 Ultimate.

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PC Restarts For No Reason

Dec 5, 2012

About a week ago my PC had restarted on its own when I wasn't there and was stuck on a screen saying "Reboot and Select Proper Boot device or Insert Boot media in Selected Boot device and press any key ". I manually restarted the PC but nothing was shown on the screen. I turned off the PC, disassembled it and took out the BIOS battery and left it there for about 30 minutes. I then put everything back together and booted. The PC started fine but after about one hour it crashed for no reason. Since last week sometimes it crashes or restarts either within minutes from logging into windows either within an hour but never over 2 hours. At first I though it was a power supply issue, I had a Corsair VX550W for the last 4 years and so I replaced it with a brand new Corsair TX650, this has not solved anything though. But since I replaced the PSU the PC now only restarts every 1 hour when I am logged into windows. However, at this moment I have left it open into BIOS and it is working for 2 hours without any restart.


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Windows 7 Restarts Again?

Feb 28, 2012

I started having this problem about 2 hours ago, when suddenly my laptop that worked perfectly fine for nearly 2 years just rebooted itself. It is now rebooting about every 5 mins and I can't do anything about it. I tried to start it in safe mode and it did not reboot.

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PC Restarts Every One Hour?

Aug 19, 2012

My PC restarts every one hour without blue screen. My PC System is :Intel DG33BU_Intel Core2Duo E6550 @ 2.33 GHz (2 CPUs)2 GB RAM160 GB HDATI Radeon HD 5450 (1 GB DDR3)Another thing is that whenever i try to shut down it goes to shutdown mode normally but again it restarts automatically...When i see in Event viewer it shows :" The system has rebooted without cleanly shutting down first. This error could be caused if the system stopped responding, crashed, or lost power unexpectedly. [CODE]

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PC Restarts After Booting From DVD?

Aug 1, 2010

I wanted to upgrade XP to 7, I've upgraded it partially when in XP. So now XP is no more, and I only have to boot from the DVD.But now I have the problem:Every time I insert the Windows 7 DVD the pc says "Press any key to boot from CD or DVD..." (as normal), When I've pressed the any key, the PC does absolutely nothing and just restarts.After that, I fiddled around in my BIOS, "turned a few switches", made a copy on a fresh DVD. Now when I insert the DVD, the PC says:Press any key to boot from CD or DVD...When I've pressed the any key the PC says:Press any key to boot from CD or DVD...When I've pressed the any key the PC does absolutely nothing, no reboot, no loading, no next screen, no nothing, altough the underscore flashes trougout the whole time.I've cleaned the pc from the inside, (with a vacuumcleaner), opened the CD/DVD player, blowed air in it so the dust could come out... Nothing works...Could someone please tell what's wrong?Is it the DVD? Is it the DVD-player? Is it the motherboard? Is it because my keyboard does not have the any key? Is het something wrong with my BIOS settings?

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How To Install In Notebook With No DVD, OS, USB ?

Jul 18, 2009

I have a tough problem that I would really appreciate detailed instructions on how to solve. I recently purchased a Motion Computing M1300 Tablet (originally from Circa 2003). It has a 40GB HDD (internal - IDE I think) that has been wiped so it has no OS - only BIOS.

I do not have any keyboard or mouse (its a pen table) or DVD/CD Rom for this computer. It does have a USB and I follewed instructions to create a bootable USB flash drive with Windows 7 on it, but that procedure gets only a few minutes into it and then fails because computer is unable to find any drivers that it is look for.

I do have access to a second XP computer with DVD. I have a Windows 7 DVD and also an XP DVD as well that I can access on the 2nd computer. I can and have taken out the HDD from the Motion Computer computer and I have a USB Drive attachment that allows me to connect the drive from the Motion table (after taking it out) to my second laptop where I can do all kinds of things to it.

What I want to do is figure out some instructions on what to do to the HDD after removing it from my tablet (maybe starting with a low level format) so that I can put an OS on the HDD (though the USB connected to my XP laptop) and after I put the HDD back in the Motion Computing laptop, everything will start working and the Motion Laptop will be usable with the OS.

I would prefer to have Windows 7 on it, but at this point, I would even accept someway to even get XP working on the machine. Everything I have tried so far just has not worked.

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Get Stereo Mix In Notebook?

Nov 19, 2012

i have Toshiba Satellite L635-S3020BN notbook. i have latest amd high definition audio device driver but still i dont have stereo mix . my stereo mix is not disabled i checked it. i only have microphone Conexant CX20671 SmartAudio HD as my recording device.

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Pes 2012 For Notebook?

May 5, 2012

i love pes 2012

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No Os On A Toshiba Notebook?

Oct 8, 2012

i have a toshiba notebook and when i boot it up it says no operating system. can i boot an os via usb

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Notebook Won't Shutdown

Nov 6, 2012

I have problem with my notebook with Win 7. I can't shutdown using the start menu. Only the sleep or hibernate function.

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