Messed Up Drives And Partitions

Oct 23, 2009

I seem to have messed up my drives big time.

I had Windows XP installed on C:

Partitioned that drive, installed Windows 7 Beta on D:

Bought a second hard drive

Partitioned it to to drives, E and F

I just bought the Windows 7 Pro Upgrade, made a fresh install on E: with the hopes that it would change E: to C: like the beta did on my primary drive.

It didn't, now my drive lettering looks awful and it's confusing me lol.

I don't need the Windows XP or the Windows 7 Beta installation (on disk0), I would like to combine those partitions back into 1 drive.

Is there any way I can fix this mess? maybe make my current windows location C: ?

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Partitions And Drives

Dec 1, 2009

Dont ask me why I want to know, I am not really sure.

A single physical hd can be split into multiple partitions and so multiple drives if you wish.

Q. Can you partition(?) 2 physical hd`s into 1 virtual drive ?

Just curious is all.

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Mount Drives Or Partitions As A Folder

May 27, 2009

How to Mount a Hard Drive or Partition as a Folder in Windows 7 ?

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Hide Specific Drives/partitions In Windows 7?

May 30, 2009

I have a PC which shows not only my C: drive for Windows 7 but also various Vista drives & partitions - when I boot into Windows 7.So, how do I hide my D:, E:, F:, etc. drives which are for Vista? I don't want to see them when I'm in Windows 7.

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Moving Windows 7 Install Between Partitions / Drives Or Controllers?

Sep 17, 2012

Is it possible to move my Windows 7 installation from the partition (both the Sys. Reserved & OS partitions) of one drive on one controller to the partition of another drive on a different controller, AND have it boot? I know "something" would have to altered, but I'm not sure "what" or "how". Is this even possible without going through a lot of hoops. Specifically I have an installation of W7x64 installed on the 1st partition of the master drive on a PATA controller. I want to move it to the 1st partition of the master drive on my SATA controller.

FROM PATA0 {sys reserved}{OS install}{data}
TO SATA0 {sys reserved}{OS install}{data}

I also have another install on the 2nd partition of my SATA4 controller and want to move it to the 1st partition of my SATA0 controller

FROM SATA4 {data}{sys reserved}{OS install}
TO SATA0 {sys reserved}{OS install}{data}

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External Hard Drives Partitions Are Hidden In Windows 7

Jul 29, 2011

My external hard drives partitions are hidden in windows 7

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Cannot Copy / Backup To Or Encrypt Partitions On External Hard Drives

Dec 9, 2011

I have Asus N55SF laptop, with Windows 7 SP1 64 bit. Also, I have 2 external hard drives. One with USB 3.0, and one USB 2.0. Following problems, I am going to describe below, happen to the both of them. Just to mention, external drives are tested on desktop computer and following problems do not happen.

Let me now describe what happens when I try certain actions:
- When I try to copy large files (10 or more GB) I get an error that destination is no longer visible. External drives disappear from My Computer and I can't do safe remove. But when I copy files using programs FastCopy or TeraCopy everything copies well and drives do not disappear.
- When I try to do Windows Backup and encrypt them using BitLocker drives also disappear, and are not visible within OS.

There is a difference between external hard with USB 3.0 port and the one with 2.0 port:
- When one with 3.0 disappears after described actions I can't see it from Device Manager, I can see it only after windows reboot. USB 3.0 disk connects to one USB 3.0 port on laptop.
- When one with 2.0 port disappears I can see it from Device Manager, and I only have to unplug it, and plug it in again to see it. USB 2.0 disk connects to 2 USB 2.0 ports on laptop.

Common to both disks is that when then disappear from My computer the diode on the external disk cases are still flashing, what probably means that they have some power. Both disk are formated to NTFS, and Allocation unit size is set to: Default. Their removal policy is set to: Better performance (default). On laptop I only have Windows, Office and Asus drivers. Antivirus is: MSE.

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Low Disk Space / Installing Steam Games / Sharing Drives / Partitions

Mar 7, 2011

i own Garrysmod, a steam source-mod. It is a game that grows dynamically as I connect to server's, download addons, and receive mandatory game updates.The game file has exceeded 50Gb before.After getting infected with "Windows 7 Antivirus Pro" and making (I freely admit it, and I REALLY should have known better) a terrible mistake and breaking all .exe's while removing the infection, I was forced to re-install windows. However, for whatever reason (another stupid mistake) I re-installed windows on the wrong hard-drive. So now my C: drive is only 150 Gb, and my backup (both of them) are 1TB.I do not have the space to have garrysmod on my C: drive, which is where steam is installed (Last time I tried installing it somewhere else it would not work.)Now that the background information is done lets move on to what you can help me with!

I have been looking for a way to install garrysmod on another hard-drive without reinstalling steam and trying to get it to work on another hard-drive. I believe I have found one, but I am really a coward when it comes to this sort of thing, (I HATE re-formatting) the solution I have found apparently tells the computer that the directory/file is on C: when it is actually on another hard-drive, but I found it in an old forum thread, and the member that had posted it was banned.

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Create Home Partitions And Partitions For The OS With Programs?

Dec 9, 2012

One of my friends has a windows 7 computer with an account for himself, his mother and his 2 sisters. All the home directorys are stored in drive C. Partition D is shared. The question is, how to get a partition layout like this?

Partition 1: OS + programs
Partition 2: home partition for himself
Partition 3: home partition for his mother
Partition 4: home partition for his sister
Partition 5: home partition for his other sister
Partition 6: shared partition for some photos.

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Messed With The Registry?

Jun 6, 2011

About a week ago I tried to install Cyberlink Power DVD 10.I kept getting error message 1625,this installation not allowed due to system policy. I've gotten conflicting solutions and still no luck. As of today I tried messing with the registry and local policies etc...long story short, I cannot get past my "Starting Windows" window. It powers down, then powers back up and gives me the options of 'start windows normally' or 'repairs'. It will not start normally nor can it repair the problem. Have I done something heinous and can it be reversed? Is there a way to get it into safe mode, back to my desktop so I can restore the backed up registry.

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Icon Is Messed Up

Nov 29, 2012

I tried rebuilding the icons cache, but it didn't work. I also tried system restore, but it didn't work also.

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New Bios Driver Messed Up

May 22, 2009

so i installed new bios software for my compaq laptop from the offical site (exidently i wanted to install new wireless network adapter drivers but i didn't read carefull enough) and now my laptop starts up i see the light burning and hear him running and everything but my screen isn't showing anything. From the biggining my screen stays black and i can't enter anything, i got a backup on a external harddrive and there is also a backup from compaq itself on a partition with vista on it. But i have no single clue on how to acces them with a black screen.

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Screen Colors Messed Up?

Sep 1, 2011

so i've had this problem before but this time i want to handle it myself, so i have these wierd dots on the screen, Where it used to be white its not pink dots, and where it used to be black, it's green.i can still use my computer, but it's really annoying.i tryed to use Acer eRecovery but that didnt work.

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Messed Up Icons On Desktop?

Dec 28, 2012

I bought a Toshiba laptop running Windows 7 2 years ago and icons on the desktop are changing. What I mean is that, say for example, if I have a PDF on my desktop, it will show a thumbnail of the PDF and the Adobe logo in the bottom right corner.The Adobe logo changed to a different logo. This also happened with every file, PowerPoint icons on the bottom of thumbnails changing to Windows Defender icons.I have had an outdated Sophos running on it since I got it as well ad Windows Defender, then 2 years later I bought a Norton disc and that's up-to-date right now. None of the antivirus programs have detected anything.Could you guys please tell me if there is any viruses that do anything like what I am experiencing, because I feel uncomfortable knowing that there might be a virus on my computer.

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Screen Resolution Got Messed Up?

Sep 9, 2011

So today, (9/9/2011) I noticed my Catalyst Control Center had an update from my version 6 to version 8. So I clicked install and all of a sudden my screen resolution get messed up. Now when I switch to my default resolution 1920x1080, my taskbar gets covered 80%. Now I'm using 1680x1050; my taskbar isn't covered now but when I start up the browser, I can't see the scroll bar on the right and the top part is covered a little now.

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How Can I Fix My Messed Up Screen Resolution ?

Feb 1, 2009

Today I installed some updates and right before they were over the screen got all big. I restarted now its like this always.. I have gone and tried changing the screen solution (right click desktop and doing it that way) but it just makes everything look small and nothing like what it was originally.

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Partition Table Messed Up

Jun 14, 2010

Im having some problems putting windows 7 on my iMac. At first, it worked fine. But i lost the reinstall disk so i made an image backup on my external hard drive. Before, i was triple booting Ubuntu, OS X, and Windows 7. I had a huge problem in windows so i restored from a backup. But now, my bootloader rEFIt keeps trying to change my mbr. whenever i try to, it makes windows unbootable. I have the MBR contents, and i noticed that it says theres 2 NTFS partitions. and when i try to install ubuntu, it wants to format the NTFS Partition and delete windows. Is there a way to fix it so i can have all three booting?

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Logitech 5.1 Speakers Messed Up

Feb 4, 2010

I have windows 7 and a realtek HD soundcard which supports 5.1 with dolby home theatre.I bought the logitech x530 5.1 surround sound speakers and when doing the test int he realtek control panel, the sounds for the front speakers are coming from the rear speakers and visa versa. I double checked the manual and I have them in the right place.Is there anything I can do to fix? (apart from switching the front speakers with the rear speakers. As the wires on the front speakers are shorter than thoses for the front so they don't really reach.

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[PERMISSIONS] Security Permission Are Messed Up?

Jul 4, 2012

i've been having problems with folders sometimes i can't delete them saying i don't have permission when i'm the admin.i did some research and used a program lockhunter to see what is locking the folder and it came up with svchost. it wouldn't unlock it seems that security permissions is messed up some how and i can't figure out how to fix it.

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System Slows Down And Sound Gets Messed Up

Dec 20, 2010

This seems to happen to me a lot, from what seems to be games. Researching some more, It could be resolution changes (seeing as it also happens when I plug another monitor in) however, I can't find a fix (other than at that link, but I don't want to install software I haven't heard of, much less an antivirus as it may come in conflict with MSE)

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Windows 7 System Messed Up After Restart

May 11, 2011

During the day I clicked on a link saying I needed to check for updates or restart my computer. Don't remember exactly which program it was or in what order.

However, now when my computer starts up my desktop has reverted to some default desktop which is misssing a lot of my icons I had previously. Some of my shortcuts are still there, but most are missing.

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Windows 7 Drive Letters Messed Up?

Oct 26, 2011

until recently I had a ubuntu/Windows 7 dual boot. i got a laptop with ubuntu so i decided to remove it from my pc. after that i had tremendous problems as grub decided to delete my partition table. anyway i got that i have 3 hdd's in my pc. 1x 500gb sata, 1x 500gb ide & 1x 1tb sata. i did a fresh install after my boot problem, everything was fine again until today. i installed windows on drive c: on my 500gb sata hdd. the 1tb sata is for data, the ide will be used as a network as i turned on my pc today, it didnt boot and just showed a prompt. so i booted from another drive. to my surprise i got a grub command line despite me uninstalling it and doing a fresh install.anyway i booted into the recovery dvd, did startup repair without sucess. so i looked around cmd to find that now my windows partition got assigned the drive letter.i dont know if i recall correctly but i think my teacher said that Windows 7 can only boot from c:. so i think that this is basically my do i get drive d: to show up as c: again? please npte that i CANNOT boot into windows

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VPN Client Messed Up Sound Settings?

Jun 6, 2010

Recently I was setting up a VPN client (PacketIX), and the setup wizard suggested some Audio/Video Streaming "Optimization" tweaks. I didn't pay attention and confirmed.Since then, I often hear some crackling / popping noises. For instance, this systematically occurs when I Alt/Tab between a running game and my desktop.An obvious guess is that the damn VPN client messed up some sound settings, but I can't figure out what to do. I've found a good deal of DPC latency workarounds around here which I tried in vain.

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Messed Up With Permissions On External Drive

Nov 9, 2009

I was trying out the admin permissions for my external drive and I messed up. It took all of my privileges away and I wasn't able to access it at all. I was able to get some of it back, but I am still having problems getting full control of the drive. I am seeing a pad lock on the first tier of folders. How do I remove that padlock showing?

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Windows Vista Is Messed Up When Booting

May 18, 2012

I have a 2005 Windows Vista, and it may seem old, but I need to for school. When I start up my laptop it does the normal loading screen, then a different screen appears.


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Hard Drive Messed By Trojan?

Apr 2, 2012

I have a Seagate ST9833A 75 GB hard drive, which I took to a friend's to copy some files. After coming back to my computer, all my folders are missing! When I checked with RECUVA, it shows them as .ink files, which when I recover avast stop me by reporting as a Trojan(LNKBADDST-AC). When I tried typing the address in the bar, It does go to the folder, but sadly Now I can't delete any of them to save space! Can i recover the folders?

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Resolution Messed Up After SSP1 Install In Windows 7

Feb 26, 2011

Today I installed SP1 in Win 7, and lost my widescreen (1920x1080) resolution which appeared automatically upon Win install. I have a Philips 244E WS LCD, and the resolution I have right now is the max I can choose from at1280x1024, which makes the screen look "Squoozshed" and gives me a headache to look at! I tried installing the NVIDIA drivers but they made no change in the resolution. I have the GeForce 6600 GT card btw.

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Laptop Battery Messed Up Date / Time

Dec 4, 2009

Okay, so it's been over a year, and my 6cell battery is beginning to die out. I ordered a replacement battery from eBay rather than Dell. I'm a college student, and paying $50 sounded better than paying $200. Anyways, I bought a 9cell battery for my XPS. So here's what happens when I plug in the new battery:

AC Charger with NO battery: Computer runs perfectly fine

AC Charger with battery: Computer runs perfectly fine

Battery with NO AC charger: Problems...

When I plugged in just the battery alone, I went into BIOS and saw that the system's date and time were screwed up; it was showing some weird date in the year 1901. With this new battery, sometimes the hard drive wouldn't load. For example, when I turn my computer on, I can hear the hard drive spinning, but after a couple of seconds, the whole system just...freezes.

I initially thought it was a problem with my hard drive, since a screen kept coming up saying that some of the Windows files were corrupt. I did a clean install of Windows 7, and even tried Vista, but still nothing. With Vista, the date and time would still mess up, and sometimes nothing would load. I even tried system restoring after booting from the CD drive, but I received an error message that I had no shadow copies to restore from. I tried starting up with another hard drive, but still had the same issues.

Right now I'm using my old battery, and I get the message "Consider Replacing Your Battery." Can anyone help shed some light on this issue? Does the problem seem to be with the new battery?

laptop specifications:


XPS M1330, Intel Core 2 Duo T9300(2.5GHz, 800Mhz, 6M L2 Cache)

Matte Black Casing XPS M1330

4GB, DDR2, 667MHz 2 Dimm, for XPS M1330

13.3 Inch Wide Screen WXGA TL WLED Backlit LCD with Camera

128MB NVIDIA GeForce 8400M GS

56 WHr 6-cell Lithium Ion Primary Battery

BIOS Revision A15

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Messed Up External Hard Drive Icon

Apr 15, 2009

The icon for my USB External Hard Drive (labeled as USBEXT) is messed up. In the Send To context menu, as well as in the Computer folder, and the sidebar of Windows Explorer, it shows up as if the proper icon is missing?

Anyone know of a possible solution? Just the default drive icon next to the label would be nice but I'm also wondering how I could customize all of the icons in Windows 7 for hard drives, folders, music files, etc. I remember there were programs that did such things in previous versions of Windows and didn't know which of them, if any, would work with Windows 7 (Build 7077).

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Windows 7 Live Mail Keyboard Characters Messed Up?

Feb 7, 2010

We purchased a HP Pavilion p6242f Desktop with Windows 7 in late December 2009. The computer was set up by the store tech who among other things downloaded and installed Window Live Mail now that Outook Express is no more.We are having persistent problems with the keyboard in Live Mail only. If you enclose certain characters in ( ) or " ", you get stupid emoticons or strange letters with peculiar accent marks. The tech came back and checked: the language is set to English/US Canada. He couldn't find the cause. I have read a similar complaint on Microsoft's Vista Forum but didn't see a solution. This is a brand-new computer: why is this happening?

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Keyboard Messed Up - Letters Typed But Showing Numbers

Sep 8, 2012

I have HP laptop with windows 7 ultimate. Sometimes my keyboard is messed up (i.e. typing letters shows numbers) and after restart or log off and log in again, the keyboard goes back to normal. The problem has repeated several times and I don't know the reason

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