Installing Windows 7 - Can Only See One Partition Available

Jun 11, 2012

I want to install Windows7 on my laptop. I would like to have several partitions, but when I started installation process I can see only one partition available and option "new" is not active. How can I create new partition. I have I have a hard drive 500Gb, but while installing OS it only shows about 465 Gb. Also the question about drivers. when can I install them? after installing OS or before that as I see an option "drivers" just at the beginning of installation.

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Installing Windows 7 With One Partition?

Apr 30, 2012

My first post and quick question please to the experienced community here. I have Windows 7 64 bit Home Preminum installed and did a �standard� clean installation on the computer I just built. This was a novice mistake of course. First time Windows 7 user and I was uninitiated about the �System Reserved Partition� that joyfully comes with each installation unless steps are performed during/prior the installation to consolidate the installation into one partition...which is my preference. I found the following excellent tutorial on how to perform a clean installation of Windows 7 that also addresses how to install with a single partition: [URL] Just below is an explanation of how to install Win 7 with one partition: If you do not want to have the 100 MB System Reserved partition and only the Windows 7 C: partition on a HDD after installation, then select a formatted partition or drive to install Windows 7 on. If there are any partitions on the disk, you won't get the 100 MB System Reserved.

So my simple questions are after performing the following: Install fresh unformatted hard drive. Perform full format of hard drive with a single partition. Do I? a. Make sure Disk Management has assigned a letter to this single partition? b. Do I mark this partition as active ? should I also perform steps a & b prior to installing Windows 7?

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Installing Windows 7 In A Partition

Nov 4, 2009

I have one more Win 7 license to install from my retail "Family Pack."

I have created an 80GB partition on drive 0, which contains the drive C partition and Windows XP. Will this upgrade license allow me to install Windows 7 in the new partition and keep XP in the other?

In short, a duel boot choice on booting the system?

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Installing Windows 7 On New Partition With Raid0?

Mar 4, 2012

So i wanted to do a fresh W7 install on a new partition today. My setup uses two 500gb drives in raid0 with Windows 7 64bit installed. Using the windows 7 disk management tool i resized the main partition to give space to the new partition. I didn't reformat thinking i could do it before installation.So I used the microsoft tool to create a bootable usb drive. restarted, went into boot menu and set it to boot from usb first and booted into windows 7 installation from the usb drive.The computer was set up in raid0 when i got it and i did a fresh install of W7 and that time i remember it picked up the raid drivers and used those. this time however it didn't pickup any drives. I went to install and did custom install but there was no drives to choose from and after a scan it didn't find any either. i went back and booted into my main OS and used the disk management tool to format the unallocated partition. formatted as NTFS and set it to drive D. booted up from the USB drive again and there was still no drives in the list that i could install too.

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Can't Access 2nd Partition After Installing Windows 7 On First One

May 29, 2010

Drive is not accessible in windows 7. I installed W7 on Drive C and Drive D is visible but not accessible. Both C and D are partitions on the same HD. I had Windows XP on drive C before and formatted it and installed W7 on it. I have a lot of material saved on Drive D and cannot afford to lose them. What can I do to let windows 7 access drive D?

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Windows 7 On Installing ,sata And Ide Disk Partition?

May 10, 2011

I want to install win 7 professional x64,i have a Dvd iso...Problem i want to solve is next,i have 1 sata disk ,and 1 ide disk...I want to divide Sata on two partition,c and d,and to install system on c..Next,my Ide disk ,has jumper on cable select,i think it could be the only way that is to pc work properly.Problem is ,when i install win 7 on partition c,next happens ,on My Computer,disk drives are not shown as Sataartitions c: and d: but its mixed somewhat,if i recall,itc c: of sata,and d is given t ide disk... i really want to know is there a solution to have primary sata c: and d: ,and than ide diskProcessorModel : AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 4600+Speed : 2.57GHzCores per Processor : 2 Unit(s)Threads per Core : 1 Unit(s)Type : Dual-CoreIntegrated Data Cache : 2x 64kB, Synchronous, Write-Back, 2-way, Exclusive, 64 byte line sizeL2 Cache : 2x 512kB, ECC, Synchronous, Write-Back, 16-way, Exclusive, 64 byte line size[CODE]

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Recover Lost Windows 7 Partition After Installing Ubuntu?

May 25, 2011

So the other day I decided that I wanted to try dual-booting Ubuntu 10.04 on my HP Pavilion dv7-4083cl Entertainment Notebook that already had Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit installed. I shrank the main (biggest) partition by 100Gigs and then installed Ubuntu 10.04 on that 100Gigs of unallocated space. All worked fine, except when I tried to boot Windows 7 from the grub menu, it would come up to the beginning Windows 7 animation and then it would crash. So, I downloaded a Windows 7 Recovery CD and tried a few of the tools there. I did not create a system recover image prior to my troubles, so I could not recover the easy way.

After that, I tried the Startup Repair tool, which did not work. I read somewhere to try that Startup Repair tool 2 or 3 times, which I did. The third time, it seemed to freeze; it was "working" for about 6 hours, at which point I decided that it was enough and shut down the PC. That was a mistake... From that point forward, I still could not boot into Windows, but also every time I tried to boot into Ubuntu, I had to perform a disk check, which always failed! After trying that a few times, I had had enough yet again and decided to just reinstall Ubuntu. The install seemed to work fine, but once I rebooted I could not boot into Ubuntu (or Windows 7). No matter what option I select from the grub menu (or if I push F11 to go into recovery partition), it gives me an error that says "Error: No such partition" and dumps me into a grub rescue prompt...

After releasing multiple bouts of turrets, I tried booting from my Ubuntu LiveUSB again (same one I installed Ubuntu with twice) and ran Gparted to look at my partitions. It only showed me the one 100Gig partition and said the remaining ~350Gigs were unallocated! So now I'm stuck with no bootable operating system (on my HD), and to top it off, HP just sent me their "official" recovery disks that are trying to reformat my HD and erase all my data...

I know there has to be a way to restore my partitions and replace the grub bootloader with the Windows 7 bootloader. At this point I don't care about Ubuntu at all. All of my data was on the Windows 7 partition (which I cannot access from Ubuntu to grab it).

I can provide any information that you need, but remember that I can only do so via either BIOS or by booting Ubuntu from the LiveUSB. I cannot access Windows 7. I also do not have a Windows 7 install disk as this was a refurbished HP laptop that I bought from Costco...

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Non-system Partition No Longer Formatted After Re-installing Windows 7?

Dec 29, 2011

I have an Asus 1215n netbook. It came with Windows 7 Home Premium installed. The drive came with the following partitions:

100 GB Windows 7
15 GB Asus Expressgate (a quick-boot minimal OS)
118 GB Empty partition
15 MB (unknown)

I had been using TrueCrypt to encrypt the 100 GB system partition, which required that I enter a password before booting into windows.Other than that I never touched it until now. Today I decided to upgrade to Windows 7 Ultimate, so after making sure everything I wanted to keep was on the 118 GB partition, I booted into the Windows 7 setup, formatted *only the 100 GB partition* from within the setup, and selected it as the volume to which to install.Upon restarting, the third partition wasn't shown in My Computer. I went to Administrative Tools -> Computer Management -> Storage -> Disk Management, which shows the following partitions:

100 GB Healthy
15 GB Healthy
118 GB Free space
20 MB Healthy

I've done these exact steps in the past with similar configurations, and have never had this happen to me before. I can only surmise that this is due to having had a TrueCrypt boot manager, but beyond that I am uncertain. how I might be able to recover this partition?

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Installing Windows 7 Onto New System With 3 Hard Drives - MBR Or GPT Partition?

Apr 30, 2012

I'm about to install windows 7 64bit, onto a new system, with 3 hard drives. One for OS and Data. Second one (SSD) will only be used for caching - fast boot. Third one for -printer-pagefile etc. System is ASUS P8Z77-V deluxe, which has UEFI. Do I need MBR partitions or GPT Partitions.

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Dual Boot Windows 7 / Installing XP On Separate Partition - Chkdsk Error

Oct 17, 2012

My computer has windows 7. I created a separate partition on my hard drive to install windows xp, but now when I try to install it I get an chkdsk /f error.

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Re-installing OS Partition?

Nov 15, 2011

I bought a laptop recently and when it arrived i turned it and on the install started but i didn't have the time to go through this properly as i had to go out and when it got to the part about creating partitions i switched it off. I thought when i turned it on again i'd be able to setup the partitions but this was done and now there are two partitions on the laptop: C 49.9 GB and D 624 GB. The C drive has the OS on it and the program files but i think this is a bit small and only has 9.33 GB free, i'm wondering if i re-install windows using the CD does this let me create the partitions again and if so what size should i make them?

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Installing Win 7 On A Partition

Jun 24, 2009

I currently use Ubuntu 9.04 as my primary OS, but having used Vista x64, Windows 7 x64 beta and having a copy of the RC i want to install it...

...but i don't want to frakk up my existing partitions etc.

Will Windows happily see and install to a 40GB partition i have on the drive, or will it demand to wipe it all or refuse to install. I always encountered this problem when installing Vista which resulted in having to chop up and delete partitions.

I'm aware my GRUB will get fryed, but that's a command or two away from being re-installed so no worries there.

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Installing A Second OS On Partition?

Oct 24, 2012

I have windows 7 os, Iwould like to install xp because i am not happy about win 7 will not let me install some programs that i use, but i would like to leave 7 as is.

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Error After Installing Win XP On Partition

Sep 16, 2009

I have Windows 7 64 bit installed on my computer but needed to install a program only compatible with 32 bit, so decided to create a new 3GB partition using the in-built feature in Windows 7 and install Windows XP on it.

I booted up XP, formatted the partition again,a nd let it run through the set up, but as soon as it had copied the files and rebooted, I got the error message 'error loading operating system'.

I really don't know how to fix this - I'm not bothered about installing XP, I can do without it, but the main thing is getting back onto Windows 7 as I have all my files there. I didn't bother making a back up as I thought any problems that could occur would be limited to the partition that I installed Win XP on.

I tried the 'start up repair' utility on the Windows 7 boot disk, and although that said it had repaired a problem, I still get the same error. Although one strange thing I've noticed is that it says that Windows 7 is located on '(E: ) Local Disk' when it was definitely installed on the D: drive - E: was the new partition of size 3GB with Win XP installed, but according to this it is 400GB + with Windows 7.

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Installing Programs Which Partition ?

Nov 11, 2009

When installing programs onto your new system, do you guys install them on the same partition that you have Windows 7 on, or do you put them on another partition?

My current setup is 1 HDD with 2 partitions. I have windows 7 installed on a 40gb partition, and the 2nd partition is all the remaining space on my HDD.

Right now, as I've started installing my programs, I'm putting my programs onto the 2nd partition. I figure the system may run a little smoother if the OS is located in one place with nothing else, and all my programs, docs, pics, music, etc... are in a different place.

Does this make sense?

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Does Installing A New OS Only Format One Partition

Dec 17, 2011

I am looking to upgrade my current 4GB of ram to 8GB. For this I understand that I need the 64 bit version of Windows XP. I have a hard drive with 3 partitions and I was wondering whether it was possible to back up all of my stuff on another partition rather than using an external hard drive. Does installing a new OS only format one partition?

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Installing On 500GB Partition On 2TB HDD?

Aug 14, 2012

I have a Hitachi 2TB Hard drive with about 1.2 TB worth of data (it was my data drive for my SSD). I've recently had to temporarily move motherboards (from a Z77 Motherboard to a Dell Foxconn from 2007). However, I can't use my SSD on the Foxconn (G33M) so I made a 500GB partition to use for WIn7 until I get my mobo back. However, I can't install because Windows keeps saying I can't install on a GPT partition. Before I would just change the mboo into EFI/UEFI mode to fix it, but my 2007 board doesn't support it.

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Installing PC Games On Data Partition D

Sep 17, 2011

I've got my 500gb laptop hdd partitioned with majority on d data partition (have not installed anything ever to d - only c). I do have my user folders relocated to the d part. Where should I install or set up game directory for my d partition? (Current game I'm installing is recommending c/prog files(x86)/published/game title) should I just change c: to d: even though those folders don't exist, installation will create them? Are steam games installed to different path normally than x/program files. How might future steam game installs affect where/what directory folders? Any program for remapping or whatever would be needed to use an xbox 360 controller for pc games?

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Installing Bootable Recovery Partition In Win 7

Nov 19, 2009

I would like to create a Bootable Recovery Partition On my laptop, just like the one that came from the manufacturer, except since I am migrating to Windows 7 I need to have that recovery partition be Windows 7 as well. The laptop came with Vista Home Basic Edition.

Does anyone know how to do this?

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Increase The Partition Size After Installing Win 7

Nov 25, 2009

I made a mistake when installing Windows 7 on a 150GB hard drive which previously had three partitions.I formatted all three and chose to install the OS to a 75 gb partition.

Everything installed ok but I am 75 GB down on hard disc space.

Is there any simple ways to amalgamate the other 75GB partition to give me back my original size of 150GB?

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Installing Win 7 64 Bit While Keeping A Partition With Data

Nov 27, 2009

currently i have vista 32 b with 2 partitions one for system and one for data

if i want to do a fresh install to 64 b Windows 7 and keep the data on

my data partition, can it be done ? or must backup my data on external

source and format both partitions?

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Installing OS On A Small Partition-virtues ?

Dec 1, 2009

Presently I'm running a dual boot with Vista x64 and Windows 7 x64 on two partitions. Both OSs have programmes and games installed with them on their respective partitions.

Today I'm receiving a new Samsung F3 1TB HDD.

I've read that it is advantageous to install the OS on a small partition and put the programmes, games etc on a seperate partition.

This supposedly has various advantages- speed, security etc.

Can anybody clarify this for me as I'm thinking of making my new drive my c:/ drive and putting Windows 7 on that (dropping Vista altogether) as it will be faster than my current main drive.

Would it be a good idea to put Windows 7 on a small partition and everything else on the main body of the drive?

If so how do I go about it. I can install and partition but how do I install programmes and games on a separate partition and access them?

I know this is a dumb question but I've never done it this way before.

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Partition Lost After Installing Xp As Dual Boot

Aug 9, 2009

i used win 7 and wanted to install xp as a multi-boot on my laptop for trying an xp based encyclopedia but when i installed xp i got error "ERROR LOADING OPERATING SYSTEM" so i reinstalled xp and realized that i cant see my 2 25 gb partitions full of data,so kindly guide me to get my partitions back i have currently reinstall win 7.

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Why Does Windows 7 Create A 100 MB "system Reserved" Partition When Installing

Apr 9, 2012

I've had W7 on two computers that I built: My old one and my new one On the old comuter, W7 installed itself, boot loader and all, on a single partition. However, on my new build, W7 created a 100 mb "system reserved" partition leaving 111 G for data on one of my SSD's which I decided to use for other purposes ( W7 is installed on a second SSD which is partitioned as mentioned). Then, Using "disk management", I deleted the 100 mb partition on the SSD that I wish to use for other purposes, then tried to expand the 111 GB. I got some kind of useless message that said "object does not support this operation". So, the 100 mb "System Reserved" partition is not shown in "disk management" and is not available, nor can I restore it to use.

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Unused Free-dos Partition - Can Merge It With Windows Partition

Jul 1, 2012

When I installed Windows 7 on to my new laptop I think I did it on to the wrong partition as there is still a 30GB freedos one.Can I merge it with the partition Windows 7 is installed onto as it is getting full?I don't want to have to reinstall Windows again.

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Copy Laptop HDD To Boot From One Partition And Run A New Windows 7 Pro OS From The Second Partition?

Dec 19, 2012

I'm building a new computer. Can I partition the hard disk, copy my laptop HD to boot from one partition and run a new windows 7 pro os from the second partition?

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Change The System Partition From XP Partition To Windows 7?

Apr 10, 2012

I currently have a dual boot on my computer with Windows 7 and XP. Unfortunately as my computer is quite old my hard drive is not very big and with it being partitioned I am fast running out of disk space. So I tried to shrink the XP partition to allow me more disk space for Windows 7. Unfortunatley this would only let me shrink it by 83mb for some reason. I decided that since I barely use XP anymore that I would simply reformat the XP drive then try and merge them together. When I tried to format the partition it just gave the error "Windows was unable to complete the format". I then discovered in Disk Management that the Windows XP partition was the system partition which was causing the problem.

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Free Partition Manager For Make Partition From Free Space Of Existing Partition?

Jan 23, 2013

I install Windows 7 64 bit in a 60 gb partition of my HDD (C drive). I have about 200 GB free space in D drive. Now I want to make a 60 GB partition from the free space of D drive.

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Installing Updates And Installing Features Part Of Windows Setup Menu?

Sep 3, 2010

How do I installing something during the Windows Setup Menu's Installing features and Installing updates?

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When Installing Windows 7 On New SSD It Always Stops At Installing Updates?

Oct 28, 2011

I have tried installing on 1 stick of ram, the old HDD is unplugged, have deleted the partitions, running bios in AHCI mode using 6gb/sec cable, when I look in the drive some windows files have been copied onto the SSD and it is accessable. It is a Corsair Force series 3 120Gb.

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Created A 20gb Partition On External Hard Drive / No Longer Require Partition

May 9, 2011

I created a 20gb partition on my external hard drive and no longer require the partition. It is currently unallocated space so I want to format it into NFTS. Using computer management the partition was selected and and I went through the steps to format but i keep on getting an error message saying there is not enough space on the disk to complete this operation.

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