Installation Doesn't See Hard Drives

Jun 1, 2011

I am installing windows 7. but the installation cd won't recognized the hard drives but my bios does. i went to the website and looked up drivers for the wd2500s but they don't have them. they said that they use the software in windows to work. so is there any way to get the drives to work? i have three set up on raid 0

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Motherboard Doesn't See Hard Drives After Flash

Jun 8, 2011

I got a new motherboard yesterday, installed it, and installed windows. This morning, I decided it would be a good idea to flash the UEFI (BIOS) to the newest version. Now, when I try to boot, it just sits with a gray cursor at the top left of the screen. I went into the UEFI and went to boot order, but it only shows my 1TB hard drive and my dvd drive. But I had a 750GB hard drive with windows installed. I think this is the reason it won't boot, because it doesn't see the drive with the OS installed.

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External Hard Drives Doesn't Show In My Computer?

Nov 13, 2012

I recently noticed an issue when trying to connect to external hard drives. Initially noted that it wasn't showing in 'my computer' and so assumed I had driver issues and sought to update them from Dell's site. After doing so there was still no change, but noted that It was appearing in 'device manager'.I even tried updating the USB hubs from the Device Manager, and it states that they are all up-to-date with the correct drivers. Both external hard drives that i have tried has worked on other PC's so i assume that mine is the issue.

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Set Up Did Not Find Any Hard Disk Drives During Installation?

Feb 20, 2012

Set up did not find any hard disk drives during installation?

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Using Two Hard Drives Operating System Installation

Jun 14, 2012

I have two hard drives, one is SATA 500gb and the other is IDE 150gb. I had Windows 7 on the SATA and an old Ubuntu on the IDE hard drive. I hardly ever used Ubuntu and got tired of GRUB coming up every time I booted asking which OS I want so I decided to uninstall it. I wanted to go ahead and reformat the drive so I used an old Windows XP cd I have to reformat the 150g IDE drive. It wouldn't let me just reformat without installing XP so I went ahead and did that.So now whenever I turn on the PC it automatically boots into Windows XP. In XP I can see both drives, my 500gb with all my files and Windows 7 and the 150gb with just XP on it. In my BIOS the SATA 500gb is set as the main hdd, and is set as #1 in the boot priority (IDE hdd is not anywhere in boot priority). When I bring up the boot list and choose the SATA HDD it just brings up a BIOS flasher, no Windows 7.

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No Data On Existing Hard Drives After Windows 7 Installation?

Dec 26, 2011

I have a system with three hard disks on them. The Primary one has the OS and some programs. Secondary one has programs and data (like pictures and such). Third one has data and backup data.I recently formatted the Primary drive which had Windows Vista on it, and did a full install of Windows 7 Pro.After the install, the Secondary and Tertiary disks showed up in disk management; I just had to assign drive letters to them.The issue: I can see the existing Secondary and Tertiary disks in windows explorer. I can go into properties on each hard disk and see that there is used disk space on them (so the data is still there). But Windows Explorer shows both hard disks as empty. I can't actually see any of the data. What can I do to fix this...obviously without formatting the disks and losing the existing data on there? Is this perhaps a driver issue?

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Installation Doesn't Detect Hard Drive

May 14, 2009

Install everything, the bios detect the hard drive (it's a new hard drive, never been use) but when installing the Windows 7 64, the hard drive list is empty.

Here my spec

Phenom II 940BE | Gigabyte 790X-UD4P | Seagate Barracuda 7200.12 500GB | XFX HD4770 512MB | OCZ StealthXStream 600W | NZXT Tempest

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Windows 7 Installation Doesn't Recognize Hard Drive

Oct 1, 2010

My mother asked me to fix her computer, his window XP is badly corrupted, so I tried to install Window 7 on her computer. However, the hard drive didn't show on the screen. I found it quite odd because BIOS detected it as IDE driver, and it's a SATA driver. I tried to install with old Window XP installation CD. Same thing, doesn't show on the window XP installation screen either.

I tried to hook hard drive on other computer, and was testing with Window 7 XD and see if it was working, and it did. It shown on the disk screen. My guess that it's probably the BIOS that occurred, or perhaps other things. I have one hard drive, nothing more.

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Hard-drives Apparently Corrupted After Attempted To Install A Second Hard Drive?

Oct 8, 2011

make a dualboot comp by adding windows XP to a new partition. I created the new partition with 20gb. (From the 500 of my actual harddrive)But before I actually installed on that, I got distracted with a second harddrive that my dad got(for no reason). It had a full copy of Windows XP backed up on it from another computer, so I figured I would just use that for the dualboot. I plugged it in (wired the same way as my old harddrive, but different data slot), restarted, checked the harddrive in explorer - all the data was there / reading correctly / etc, and I used 'easyBCD' to add the new harddrive to the boot list.(Which, of course, crashes if I try to start it. I just wanted to see what it would do). For a reason I can't remember, I unplugged the second harddrive for a bit, started the computer on accident (I don't know if anything loaded before I shut it off), and then when I plugged it back in.Windows 7 would not launch. It goes to a DOS-like window, except it's just a flashing _ and it never does anything even after a few minutes. XP didn't work still.. so I decided to reinstall XP (as I couldn't tell which harddrive was which on the list, I unplugged the main harddrive while installing onto the new).. and when I did this.. it formatted and installed fully... then restarted.. then restarted.. and restarted.. and just kept restarting, never showing any thing past the manufacturer logo/BIOS load-button-message-thing. So, I then try to use my 3-disk Windows7Recovery disk(burned myself with a program apparently included by the manufacturer.) It installed fully, appearing to work.. but when I launched it, it said "Invalid Partition Table" and wouldn't boot past that. When I insert my driver installer disk, it gives me a basic DOS window thing. dir A: shows the files in the disk. dir B: for some reason shows the same. C: says "Error reading from drive C: DOS area: general failure". All other letter:'s just say "invalid drive". (I'm doing this with both harddrives in.) I attempted connecting the harddrives to an old computer, but it gave an error for both. (It detected the harddrives, but said it had an error reading from it. Windows Explorer asked me to format it... {i'm willing to format one of the drives if anybody thinks it will help, but the old harddrive has data I'd prefer not to lose.} ) Looking on google, I saw several problems that all have similar problems (less overdescripptive than I am though) but none of the fixes suggested worked for me. Also - as I have two different with different errors, I only need to make one of them work.)Also - my other available computer has a CD burner / floppy drive if either are required. I also have several USB's. The computer can boot from USB's and CD's (tested), and I could easily take the floppy thingy and connect it to the computer.also - this computer is probably still under warranty unless unscrewing the hard drive voids it. .. does that count as modification of the computer?

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Windows 7 Doesn't See One Of Drives?

Jan 9, 2013

Had to rebuild my DAW after my old mother board ate it. Got a new mobo and ram and put it together today. Installed Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit. In My Computer, Windows only sees 2 of my drives. The 3rd drive with my projects on it isn't there. It shows up in the BIOS and the System Management Storage app as healthy and active

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Win 7 Sometimes Doesn't Let Me Access Other Drives

Apr 11, 2009

This is sort of an extension of a previous problem, which I never found a solution for. Thread: Accessing drives in Windows Explorer takes a long time

Basically, I sometimes can't access other drives/partitions on my computer. If I look at my drives in Windows Explorer, I can see them all listed. If I double-click on the drive, the progress bar at the top of the window moves along very slowly, but the drive never actually opens.

Sometimes I can access a folder on the problem drive by running e:stuff, while other times it will just open an empty Windows Explorer window. Sometimes I can access a folder, but if I try to access the same folder a few minutes later, I run into the same problem again.

Indexing is turned off for all but a few folders (library folders).

Any ideas?

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Windows 7 Recognizes But Doesn't Show Drives?

Feb 23, 2013

I just installed Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit OS. The BIOS sees both hard drives and the CD and DVD drive and the Windows Device Manager shows the extra hard drive and both optical drives. When I click the folder in the task bar (Libraries) I can only see "C" drive and no optical drives either. When I click on the CD drive I get the right menues for it, but it does not work at all. If I put a CD in the drive it locks up the system and I have to power off the computer before I can eject it.

System Info:
Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate, Service Pack 1, 64 bit


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Windows 7 Doesn't Work With All Network Drives

Mar 22, 2011

When I boot up my Windows 7 Professional x64 machine I get that balloon that states "Could not reconnect all network drives". How do I get rid of this? I am hard wired into the network (not wireless) and I cannot find a way around it.

All the solutions I have found state its either due to wireless network authentication occuring late in the boot process (but im hard wired) or that you need to upgrade to a Pro edition of windows (which I cam using).

It is not disasterous if I am being honest its just mildly irritating

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Toshiba Laptop Doesn't Read Pen Drives

Aug 5, 2012

I purchased a Toshiba Lap Top from a lady. She said that she had the system completely restored....she sure did. I have no internal sound and my pen drives will not work in any of the USB ports. What do I have to do to get them to work? I have all of my work on these pen drives.

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Windows 7 Laptop Doesn't Recognize All Of Flash Drives

Jul 16, 2012

My netbook that uses windows 7 starter cannot detect any of the flash drives and has display troubles cause everytime restart its display will be in windows classic. Should I take it to be repaired??

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Windows 7 Installation Drives Could Not Found

Sep 26, 2012

No partition appear when i install win 7 in my system.

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Windows 7 Cannot Load Drives During Installation

Jul 23, 2010

after installation of linux mint 7 gloria when i tried to perfoam a new installation windows 7 cant't load drives as well as other operating system i tried

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Can't Find Drives During Installation -- Bootmgr Is Missing

Nov 7, 2012

I purchased a vizio all in one desktop model CA24-A2 , with windows 7 installed. I upgraded it to windows 8, but decided to return back to windows 7 because the Metro UI always crashes on me. I purchased a windows 7 disc and booted the computer off the disc. When the installation asks which drive to install it to, nothing appears. For some reason, the installation disc is not reading the drives. I've checked vizio's page, but didn't find any drivers for the hard drive that would work. I check the Bios menu and both drives appear. I've read on other forum about changing the bios mode (AHCI,IDE), but my bios menu is very restricted, and i dont have that option available. I used MiniTool Partition wizard on a bootable cd, and it was able to see my hard drives as well. I added some pictures below. When i try to boot windows with windows 8, "bootmgr is missing" error appears. After restarting my computer several times it seems i only have access to the bios menu f2, and not f8 for recovery.

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Installation Won't Detect PCI Adapter For IDE And SATA Drives

Apr 12, 2012

Just built a moderate spec gaming PC from scratch, and all has went according to plan except when I try to install Windows 7, my hard drive won't show up. My new motherboard doesn't have any IDE slots, but I only have an IDE hard drive. I am using a 'Pluscom Serial ATA PCI Adapter' to connect my hard drive to the computer as it has 1 IDE slot on it. I don't have a disc for drivers and don't know where to start. I am running Ubuntu on it at the moment so I can download any drivers I may need.

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No Drives Were Found Windows 7 64bit Installation

Dec 22, 2010

My system crashed and i get the blue dead screen. Now i want to install windows 7 (legal) from usb. When i get to the 'where do you want to install windows?' it gives me the following message: No drives were found. Click Load Driver to provide a mass storage driver for installation.I tried to go to my bios and change some things i read from other treads, but it didn't work out for me. I just don't know where in the bios i can change things, maybe my bios is different than others.This is my laptop: MSI GX700 Intel Core 2 Duo T7500-processor @ 2,2 GHz This is what my BIOS tells me:

Market name: GX700
Model Name: MS-1719x
Primary IDE Master [hard disk]
Secondary IDE Master [ATAPI CDROM]
System Information


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Windows 7 Installation Reports No Drives Found

Nov 6, 2012

Its my own fault, I was doing this in a daze. Having installed the new SSD and gone into Windows 7 setup, I thought id created a new partition on the drive for Windows to go on. Anyways, Windows was saying there was some sort of problem, so I thought, ok , rinse & repeat - and so I hit delete...Now nothing is showing up in the drive list. It is visible in bios - and I've since used the OCZ boot disk and did a secure wipe. Still nothing. So I used a PartitionWizard boot disc, and created a brand new NTFS system partition. Still nothing. Do I need some drivers or something? Setup does say I could use a disk to find some...

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No Drives Detected - Message During Win7 Installation

Aug 19, 2009

I'm using Win 7 Professional x64 rtm from MSDNAA.

When i try to create a clean install, everything goes smooth untill the Partition selection screen. I get a "no drives were detected" notice and the list is empty. It offers the Load drivers option but i dont really know where to get them.

I have Striker Extreme motherboard, and a wdc wd5000aaks SCSI hard drive (connected via SATA).

Im running Vista Ultimate x64 at the moment. If i use vista's install dvd to see if it finds hdd drive during installation, it does find them. Also if i try to use Windows 7 installer from within Vista, win 7 installer finds my hdd normally.

What should i do?

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Two Hard Drives Same CPU?

Apr 6, 2011

i built me a gaming computer with windows 7, its up and running. I have a old Dell with Windows Xp that i have had for 5 years. I want to put that hard drive in my new computer. is this possible? will there be any conflicts? I want to make it so maybe in bios i can select witch OS to boot up. Or maybe it defaults to Win7 and i can switch to WinXp whenever i wanted.

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Use 2 PC Hard Drives?

May 16, 2011

I've recently purchased a PC with 1 64GB SSD and 1TB HD. Contrary to instructions the seller uploaded everything onto the SSD at C: and not just the OS. He now says I should use a disk partitioner to transfer the files. Also to reset my BIOS.

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Win 7 And 2 Hard Drives

Dec 16, 2009

I currently have a dual boot of Windows Vista Ultimate on one hard drive and Windows 7 RC1 on the other and was planning on

upgrading to Windows 7 ultimate. I have could either upgrade my Vista hard drive which would be easy or I could upgrade the release candidate Windows 7 which is a fresh install on a new drive. Which should I put Windows 7 on?

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How To Use 2 Hard Drives As 1

Feb 5, 2013

If I Format my Hard drives ,do I lose all my systems ,Like Windows???

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Windows XP Installation Doesn't Work?

Dec 2, 2012

want to downgrade to Windows XP Professional because Windows 8 and Windows 7 is nothing good for me, I like classic more

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Windows 7 Installation Doesn't Recognize HDD?

Jan 15, 2013

I'm trying to do a clean install of windows 7 (by booting the computer into the CD) but no drives show up. This usually happens to me so no big deal. The problem is.. recently I got a "new" computer, made out of old parts of other computers. SO i have no drivers CD.. So i have no SATA drivers...I tried to download about 30 so far with no luck. Simply because I have no idea what I should download.I simply don't know if sata drivers come from the HDD i have, from the motherboard, from the chip of the motherboard.. i have no clue.Here's my computer info you may need:I've seen posts saying to in the bios change from whatever I have to IDE or to something else, but I have no clue what that does so i would rather avoid it if possible. If there's no other solution, what does it actually do if i change from SATA to something else? (if its even SATA what I have).

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Windows 7 Doesn't Recognize WD HDD During Installation

Jan 4, 2012

Windows 7 doesn't recognize my WD HDD during installation?trouble shooting:This is what i did..... I took a laptop hdd and placed it into my desktop. I booted my desktop with the laptop hdd. I then placed the WD HDD ( the one that i've been having trouble with) as a second hard drive. I noticed that windows recognized the WD HDD and could write to it. I also reformatted the WD HDD. I then tried to run the windows installation from my laptop hdd so i could install it on my WD HDD and once again it didn't recognize it. I thought maybe i could clone my laptop HDD to my WD HDD with Acronis "clone software" and it couldn't recognize the WD HDD as well. This is frustrating...... Why can i write to the WD HDD but cant install the OS.

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Installation Doesn't Ask To Press Any Key To Boot From CD

Apr 4, 2012

I am experiencing a big problem in installing any operating system on my computer, it doesn't ask me to "Press any key to boot from CD" and it directly shows as it is installing the software but after completing the installation it reboots and again re-starts installation.

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How To Swap Hard Drives

Jun 3, 2011

I have two laptops that are identical...HP Compaq nw9440. I have a 100gig drive in LAPTOP#1, and a 750gig drive in LAPTOP#2. Both drives are running an identical Windows 7 Enterprise typical install. Can I put the 750gig drive in to LAPTOP#1? Can I create and save an NTBTLOG.txt file from each laptop (I.E. ntbtlog-LP1.txt) and select either one during the boot-up? The reason is LAPTOP#2 is not running very well. It has been dropped and I fear the motherboard may have a crack in it causing random boot problems. Sometimes the laptop doesn't even recognize the hard drive.

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