Insertion Cursor Looks Like It Has A Flag?

Jul 24, 2012

I was fooling around and added a language to my keyboard. Now when I type in search bars, and even as I input text now, The cursor (blinking line) looks like it has a little triangle on the top right of it. I know this must be easy to fix, and I have since removed the second language, but that did not make a difference.

Again, all I have done is added and removed a second language and now the problem persists.!

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Flickering During Usb Insertion And Removal

Dec 2, 2010

I have win7 ultimate and it will flicker occasionally when removing and inserting USB devices especially flash/thumb drives.I reinstalled latest driver for video card nvidia 260.99.Also i originally used driver from Nvidias site and then reinstalled with international driver from XFX site.Both are WHQL certified.This happens when OCd and stock.

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Small Flag Image Keeps Popping Up?

Sep 15, 2011

As of today, out of nowhere at random times, an image of a small flag will pop up on my computer, always as a different file name. Here is a photo:I checked the properties, and it came up in the Temp folder. I delete them, but it keeps coming back with a different file name...Not sure if its a related issue or not, but as of today there have been a lot of "mevio" related web links on my history that I have not been on.

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Yellow Flag, No Internet Access?

Mar 14, 2012

I am running Windows 7 currently and haven't had any problems up to this point. However, over the last few days, I have been getting a yellow flag over my network connection stating, "No internet access" although it says connected.

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Action Center Flag Disappears?

Jul 14, 2011

the flag disappears particularly if explorer restarts .i have it set to show icons and notifications ,the funny thing is it does the same on the laptop(currently using desktop)occasionally i can get it back by opening Godmode folder but this is a nuisance and not always successful. on the laptop last night i performed a system restore to a point when it was ok ,it didnt work also ran sfc/scannow ,the flag came back but on reboot it was gone again.

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Insertion Point Disappears And Reappears - Can't Type

Oct 22, 2012

System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium, Service Pack 1, 64 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU M 450 @ 2.40GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 37 Stepping 5
Processor Count: 4
RAM: 3956 Mb
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce 310M, 512 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 102399 MB, Free - 21271 MB; D: Total - 359076 MB, Free - 167162 MB;
Motherboard: SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CO., LTD., Q430/Q530
Antivirus: McAfee VirusScan, Disabled

My computer has been overheating and shutting down for a couple months now. The fan is running and I have recently blew out the vents not dusty at all. On or about this same time or after all this occurred whenever I try to type whether it be in this message box, email, internet address bar or MS Word the insertion point will temporarily disappear preventing me from typing until the insertion point returns anywhere from 3 seconds to 10 seconds or so. Sometimes I need to left click to return the pointer faster. I am not using a separate mouse. It took 5 mins. to type this paragraph and it is frustrating. Also I have tried in the mouse changes control panel to check or uncheck the pointer insertion point box but it doesn't make any difference one way or the other.

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Remedy For 'volatile' Insertion Point With Text Writing?

Oct 12, 2011

Has anyone encountered a text-writing issue where one is engrossed in what is being typed without realizing that the insertion point has jumped from sequence--i.e., the latter part of a word currently being typed has located itself after a term on a prior line (the issue always entails a 'jump' back to prior written text)?

I've observed it occurring--the insertion point just reverts/jumps to a prior line--and not always at the beginning of a line, either.

Q: is it feasible that the keyboard has a (for lack of a better term) 'sensitivity' control, to make the keyboard less hyper?

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Can't Keep The Cursor

Apr 13, 2011

I changed my cursor and saved a new scheme for it, but if I shutdown my laptop and turn it back on again it goes back to the Windows cursor default scheme. How can I make the cursor scheme that I made be my using cursor scheme.

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Cursor Keeps Jumping About

Oct 7, 2010

When typing my cursor jumps to a different point which if I dont catch it fast enough makes a nonsense of what I am trying to say. It doesn't matter how fast or slowly I type.

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Cursor Moving By Itself?

May 4, 2012

I have a latitude d830 running with windows 7 professional(SP1, 32bit). The cursor on my computer has been randomly scrolling by itself and hopping into places where i do not intend to type for a while now. I recently had windows xp removed and replaced with windows 7 because of multiple bothersome issues, but behold the cursor issue remains. My files were backed-up and reloaded to the computer and I now wonder if the "suspected" virus was transferred to my system again.

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Cursor Became Very Huge

Mar 18, 2011

Every once in a while, when I go over a link, my cursor will become (for about a tenth of a second) a huge, kind of greenish-orange Link cursor. This has happened for a while... The earliest I can think of it happening was a few days after I installed Office 2010 Beta.

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Spinning Cursor Won't Go Away

Dec 24, 2012

I have an issue where the spinning blue circle that (I suppose) indicates the system is thinking shows up every 10 seconds or so, no matter what I'm doing. I was advised that McAfee antivirus was a likely culprit b/c it often doesn't play well with others. I uninstalled it and went with a freeware solution instead, but the issue remains. [code] My system idle process is at 98, which I understand is a good thing. Also, I read all about SearchIndexer and changed the settings so that there's no unneccessary drag on resources. Question: Is it normal to see processes duplicated like this? My stats: Pentium Dual-Core E5500 2.8 Ghz, 6.00Gb Memory, Windows 7 Home 64-bit. I don't "do" much with the computer, the 1tb hdd is only about 10% used.

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Cursor Keeps Moving Down?

Oct 21, 2010

I have a problem with my mouse cursor. In some games it keeps moving down. It suddenly began doing it. It wasn't a problem when I installed windows 7. It is primarily a problem in the games that come with Windows 7, so I've been ignoring it, but I can't play Fallout New Vegas because the cursor problem occurs in that game as well. I have a Logitech MX 620 mouse. I have tried to pull out the batteries to see if that helped, but it didn't. I tried to unplug the mouse to see if that helped, but it didn't. I tried installing Setpoint, but it didn't change anything.

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Way To Set Size Of Cursor

Oct 24, 2012

How do I enlarge the cursor

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Why Is Cursor Jumpy

Dec 7, 2012

why do i have a jumpy cursor?

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Cursor Keeps Deselecting?

Dec 17, 2012

A while after my new build I noticed that while I type, the active windows will randomly deselect (fade to white). I then have to reselect it again. I've scanned the computer with no results of viruses, deselected "report problems".

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Cursor Moves Without Touching It?

Apr 20, 2011

Windows | Windows 7 | Hardware and Drivers How can I keep my cursor from making random movements on my computer w/o me touching it?It also move whatever webpage I'm on to the bottom of whatever page I'm on whether I want to or notI have lost letters I was typing when I clicked outside the monitor to make it stop moving. It's VERY annoying. So...I installed the Windowns 7 Home Premium update, changed mice (3 different ones now in three to four different usbs. I've run Norton, AVG, and House call and still have the problems.

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Cursor Starts To Run As Activating Something

Nov 21, 2011

My cursor begins to have the little circle/disk start to run as if it is activating a program. The disk runs for about five seconds then stops and restarts again after five seconds and this continues forever. I have restarted the computer, restored from a previous point and yet the cursor still runs the little disk/circle.

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Cursor Keeps Jumping Around - How To Stop It

Mar 25, 2012

cursor keeps jumping around - how to stop it

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Cursor Keeps Blink-loading?

Jun 26, 2012

I got it personalized into a syringe but i dont know if thats it... because its been a syringe for a year now but just now its been having issues.Not sure if there is something just trying to load over and over again or not.. I checked my services and there was nothing totally taking over anything.These 2 weeks my CPU usage was 100% and never ever went down in that time.But today, its in the 20's.Not sure if thats an issue either because its been blinking even before today.

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Cursor Is Irritating And Going Off While Typing

Sep 9, 2012

I'm facing one serious cursor issue.Whenever I'm typing something, the cursor is just going off from it's normal place.

For example: Right now I'm typing in a Notepad and the cursor is just going off the notepad and I have to click again inside the notepad to bring the cursor back to it's position so that I can type.The same thing happens while chatting with someone. I've to click on the chat window again and again to type my messages.I recently got my palm rest replaced which included new touch pad and I'm pretty much sure that it's not touch pad problem.This is really frustrating and annoying.

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Flashing Cursor On Boot?

Nov 9, 2012

Wonder if anyone could help or provide some ideas.I'm trying to get my spare laptop to work.Every time I turn it on it just boots to a flashing cursor on a black screen.The hard drive in it is new - without windows 7 installed yet.I've tried booting from my windows 7 disk. Set optical drive to first in boot order. Just goes to flashing cursor, does not say "press any key to boot from cd" Tried booting from usb. Set usb hard drive to first in boot order. same as above.Mem test says ram is ok, reports cpu and ram amount in bios ok Laptop is hp compaq nc6320

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Have To Click Twice To Get Cursor To Drag?

Dec 4, 2011

Most often, although it is intermittent, I have to click twice to get the cursor to drag a scroll bar or activate a button. This is a new problem and is an issue when surfing the web and in Windows Live Mail and other programs.

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Cursor Frozen On Desktop?

Dec 5, 2011

My HP laptop decided whilst on amazon to just freeze. I closed it down and restarted it and the laptop will let me move the cursor to type in my password but once its on the desktop that is where it stays. I have tried moving the battery and starting it up, also tried the fn button but nothing. I operate on windows 7.

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Black Screen With Cursor Only?

Apr 29, 2012

I'm having black screen with cursor only on my laptop! I just restarted my computer because there was a message prompt from my antivirus (AVG) to restart to finish the update. When it restarted all I got was a black screen with cursor only. Same thing happens when I boot to safe mode. Start up repair and system restore cannot fix it automatically. I even tried the crtl+alt+delete. doesn't work either. I'm using dell n4010, windows 7.

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Blinking Cursor Upon Boot?

Mar 4, 2011

About a month and a half a go my laptop was infected with 2 trojan viruses and ever since I haven't been able to start it up as it stays on a black screen with a blinking cursor after the toshiba splash screen. I am able to use my computer by booting with Hiren's boot cd and have since cleaned up my computer and gotten rid of any viruses..but have to continue booting via disc and it is getting sickening to do so.

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Black Screen With Cursor?

May 8, 2011

I have Sony Vaio which is just 1 yr old. About a week before, I installed the latest updates windows 7. When I started the windows, I was able to log into the windows. But then, the system was very slow. So, I turned down the laptop. After that, a message appeared "A disk error occurred. Press Alt+Ctrl+Del". When I press it, the same message appeared. I tried to go from the safe mode and there is a blank scree with a cursor. I cannot do anything with the cursor. No right click. No task bar and even tried pressing shift 5 times. Every step leads me to the same screen. I even tried to get to the vaio recovery for setting it into the default factory settings.

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Change The Hotspot On The Cursor?

Apr 29, 2012

How does one change the hotspot on the cursor. I really want to make it the middle of my funny little scope reticle that I have as the cursor.

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Blinking Cursor Before Boot?

Nov 3, 2011

I built my own computer last year. The computer boots up just fine but before it bios screen comes up there is a blinking cursor that runs for almost 20 seconds and then bios kicks in and everything goes on normally form there.

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Black Screen With No Cursor

May 18, 2012

i have a hp pavilion dv6z-6c00 running windows 7 home premium 64-bit and it's messed up. a week ago i let the battery run out and when starting it up again, i noticed the windows logo page was in a version close to safe mode. right after, instead of going to the log-in page, all i got was a black screen. left it like that for a while and no change. i then proceeded to restart the laptop numerous times and i still got the same thing. sometimes with a cursor but more so without. i have looked online for solutions and have read multiple incidents where it could be a problem with the start-up with my processes. yet i have not found one closely resembling my situation. some solutions recommended doing some diagnostics and memory tests to find out more info. i would try that with the built-in windows version and it would get hung up at 99%. the bios version to test memory only allowed the short version. some mentioned to go into safe mode, yet i do not even have access to the f8 menu. it just goes through the loading and keeps beeping until i let go of the key. some say to start a system recovery but when i try that, it actually loads with the regular windows logo screen but thats about it; it stays there without doing anything else. i really need help on this because i seriously don't know what else to do. i just got the laptop a couple months ago and to run into this really sucks.

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Text Cursor Disappears In IE?

Nov 18, 2011

Been having an annoying problem on various forums - the text cursor will disappear during typingFrequently when I try to move the cursor around with the arrows (or click to place it with the mouse) it will disappear and I have no idea where I'm about to type.

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