How To Schedule Folder Content Deleting Task

Jun 13, 2012

In my office , a program to launch we need to deleted the contents of the folderC: users >local> app data > isolated stoarge > Delete Contentsow can i schedule this Task . so no need to go to every system and delete this files automatically.

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Schedule A Task For When Computer Is Idle?

Jun 22, 2011

I'm having difficulties scheduling a task for when computer is idle. What I want to do is run a task after the computer has been idle for five minutes. I've tried creating a scheduled task in different ways, which will do this, but to no avail.I go to Task scheduler to create a task:

General Tab
Give the task a name, put the check box to run with the highest priv., and configure it for Win 7.
Triggers Tab
New, Begin the task on idle, Repeat task for 15 minutes indefinitely, Enabled.
Action Tab


Now from what I can gather from this is that every 15 minutes, the computer will run the task if the computer stays idle for 5 minutes. Say, I start the computer and leave it like that, then the task should run after 5 minutes. Then after 10 minutes, it will once again start checking to run the task.

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Task Scheduler Not Executing A Schedule Application?

Aug 24, 2011

I have created a task that is suppose to launch Goldmine every day at a set time. The task appears to have launched successfully, ie Task Scheduler reports "The operation completed successfully." However I know it isn't actually launching.When I run the task manually the application never launches, when I check Task Manager the gmw.exe process is running but the application never opens, nor does it show in the application tab of Task Manager but whenthe task completes (Goldmine is set to shut down after 5 minutes) the task then reports as stated above.The Actions tab is set to "Start a program" and the path is the UNC path to the exe on my GM server.Security options are "Run whether user is logged on or not" and "Run with highest priveleges", the user account is a Domain Admin.

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Windows 7 Schedule Manager (Create Task)?

Apr 14, 2012

i am looking for instructions to setup a new task. I haven't used the schedule manager before, but if your clear on explanations, I am an IT Technical Support - so I'll know what your talking about...I want to be able to setup a new task in which..When I go through my 'External Hard Drive' (browsing through folders) when I open a specific folder, I want a windows notification to appear on the screen with a message.I have been browsing through the commands for a few hours now and am unsure which option to select and how to properly set this up.

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Schedule Task To Run When A New Profile Is Created Using Windows 7?

Oct 12, 2012

I need to replace a RunOnce procedure from XP. Using it with Win 7 is interrupted with UAC prompts which is an unacceptable option and disabling UAC within our environment is not an option. I am attempted to replace the process with Task Scheduler. However, I only want this to run when a new user logs on to the PC. I am open to other suggestions if this can�t be accomplished through Task Scheduler, but the solution can only run when a new profile is created.

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Setting Up A Program To Run At Schedule And Noticed Ccleaner In The Task Scheduler?

Jul 8, 2012

I was setting up a program to run at schedule and noticed Ccleaner in the task scheduler.I never use the cleaner per se, only some other features. Should I remove it(hilite and delete) or is it there because I have used the Application cleaner ?

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Folder Content Missing After Sync (Windows 7 X64)?

Aug 2, 2012

It's my first time posting a thread so I hope I'm being clear enough (plenty of experience reading thought so I guess it's time to practice what I have seen so far

I work on a roaming profile environment (Windows 2008 R2). This is the issue: I recently moved (cut/paste) several folders from C: to the desktop, so their content could be saved as part of my profile (not a big deal, regular stuff). Had to restart my device (no errors involved) and after logging back I got a surprise: all the content from one of the folders in question is missing!

Just to be more specific, this is exactly what I did: select, cut and paste no more than 5 folders; just recalled that the one missing the content was renamed before restarting (all the content was still there before this point).

I know important things should NEVER be located in the desktop (my fault, sorry!), but have anyone seen this case before?

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How To Delete A Folder's Content With CMD But Leave It Empty

Dec 13, 2011

Is there a way to delete a folders content but leave the empty folder when done? I'm making myself a autohotkey script, here is what i got so far.

Run, C:path ochrome.exe -incagnito
WinWait. - Google Chrome
WinWaitClose ; Wait for Google Chrome to close
Run, cmd /c "ipconfig /flushdns"

This is the folder i want to delete its contents. %appdata%MacromediaFlash Player#SharedObjects directory

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Outlook 2010 Folder Content Not Shown?

Jun 8, 2012

In the leftmost column where folders are displayed, my folder shows Foldername (6) indicating there are six messages in that folder. When I click on the folder, it shows no content.

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Explorer Doesn't Display Content Of One Folder

Jan 7, 2013

I can't open a specific folder to display the content with Explorer.I'm running Windows 7 7601.win7sp1_gdr.120830-0333 Home Premium. The folder is on a secondary HDD where I also have the system folders Libraries and Download. All the system and program files are on my primary SSD C: drive.What doesn't work:With my regular account, on that specific folder, I can't display the content via Explorer. I can't either get it when I try to open it from inside applications such as Notepad++, PotPlayer, Media Player Classic, VirtualDub. What works:If I enter the name of a file in the File name field of the Open command of the application, the file will open normally.When I point to that folder with the Windows command line console, and use the DIR command, it will display the complete list of files.Finally, when I look at the folder from the Admin account or from a Guest account, Explorer will display the content.instantaneously.

Things I did:I have checked Show hidden files in Folder Options.I did a Check Disk, which didn't find any error.I also ran: ATTRIB -s -h mbrp /s /d (Where mbrp contains the directory causing problem) hoping that somehow, some System Attributes could be removed.FWIW, it seems this happened as I was trying to run an Avisynth64 script with new installation of MPC-HC64.A this point, I am out of ideas. I know that switching to a new regular user account would solve the problem, but I see that as a last resort.

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Error When Deleting Folder

Sep 17, 2009

i don't like the attached message when i try to delete a folder that contains another folder.

why can't it just say something like "cannot delete folder as it contains a subfolder"?

and just who is S-1-5-21-2525366777-830484531-1026876974-1000 anyway?

i turned off UAC long ago, hoping to avoid this permissions thang...

(i hope i haven't gravely compromised my system security by revealing that number!)

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Deleting Old Vista Users Folder?

Jan 17, 2011

I had copied over my old vista Users folder and finally got around to moving over all the files. I tried to delete the folder but 3 hidden folders don't won't to delete themselves leaving me stuck with the directories.

My Music
My Pictures
My Videos

I've tried removing them through explorer, elevated command prompt, built-in administrator account. Trying to access them gives access denied, and try to change permissions on the file gives access denied, even in administrator account.Based on the command-prompt messages it seems like the folder have actually been deleted but the reference still exists under Documents.

> dir "My Music"
Volume in drive D has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 72EC-B45D
Directory of D:Users_VistaUserDocumentsMy Music


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Hard Disk Is Not Deleting Any Folder?

Aug 24, 2012

my segate external hard disk of 500gb is not deleting any folder how to delete it from that and not able cut it but it is copying in my desk top what is the harddisk is of 465 only with 96 of free space

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Deleting A Folder With No Path In Pictures Library?

Mar 4, 2012

I just loaded Win 7 pro and in my pictures library I have a folder path that goes to no where. It was a folder in my external drive that no longer exists . The problem is when I tried to do a back up it failed and said it was because the folder path was missing. I tried to delete the folder but it will not let me.

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Recover Files After Deleting Partition With Folder Structure?

Jul 16, 2011

I deleted my partitions by mistake. Drive originally had 2 partitions, 100MB (Windows 7 setup partitiion) and 930GB (Data storage partition). In summary:

1) I deleted the 100MB partition (because disk is(was) now storage disk) and 930gb partition were deleted too.
2) I started following a guide from microsoft and re-create the 2 partitions as RAW (without format).
3) I deleted the 2 raw partition and created a full space partition to the disk QUICK FORMATTING NTFS.
4) Started to try "Recuva" but most of the files recovered (1,000,000 files) are broken, i tried the option to recover Folder Structure but fails.

Is there any way to recover the files and Folder Structure properly? Except of the partitions deletions/creations I didn't write anything inside the disk.

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Cannot Open Folder Or Continue Task Because File Or Folder Is Open?

Sep 14, 2011

I just got a new Samsung RC420 laptop with Windows 7 Home Premium edition OS. When I was installing a software last night, a message pops up and tells me I cannot continue installation until I close a certain program (in this case it was Adobe Updater, which was not opened at all).Today, I am trying to open "my briefcase" from a USB thumb, but a message pops up telling me I cannot open "my briefcase" as it appears a file in it is already open. But nothing else is open on my computer. It was my first time opening anything from the USB thumb.

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Adding Folder And Drive Shortcuts To Task Bar

May 23, 2009

On XP, I would put shortcuts to my different hard drives and folders on the taskbar for quick access. Seems like Windows 7 task bar doesn't let me do this and only allows me to put program files only (yes task bar is unlocked).

is there a way to add hard drive and folder short cuts?

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Task Manager Folder Missing - Windows Cannot Find

Aug 28, 2012

For some reason task manager folder got deleted when I try to open task manager it says this: "Windows cannot find 'C:windowssystem32 taskmgr.exe make sure you typed the name in correctly".

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Deleting A Directory Structure Without Deleting The Name Of The Root?

May 9, 2012

With the command prompt of Windows 7 SP1, how do I delete a directory structure with their files without deleting the name of the root directory?

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Creating A Task Scheduler Task To Move Files Over A Network?

Mar 31, 2011

i need to have a task run that will move the contents of a folder from one computer to another over my home LAN. Files get downloaded during the night on one computer and then need to be transfered to another. Usually I am doing this by hand, but then though maybe I could get the task scheduler to do it for me.I understand how to create a task, however I am having trouble with the action tab. I was thinking that I should start windows explorer (where is explorer located for win 7 x64 machines?) under the action tab, but once I do this I am not sure how to tell explorer to check the source folder, select all the files in it and then move it to the target folder.

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Game Runs From Task Manager With New Task Not From Shortcut Or Exe?

Sep 24, 2012

I have installed this game, Singularity. The game worked fine for a week then suddenly It would crash as soon as it was opened from the desktop shortcut. The game is patched to it's latest version, I have direct x all other runtimes and PhysX installed from the CD. The shortcut it set to run as Admin in compatibility. No matter if i try with the desktop shortcut or from the exe in the folder or from the shortcut in the start menu the game will crash asap. The only way this game runs is by pulling up task manager and selecting New Task then browsing to the games exe. Malwarebytes reports no viruses or any malware. Tried reinstalling, and it didn't help.

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Missing Task In Task Scheduler After Computer Name Change?

Apr 11, 2012

Setting up a new Windows 7 install and goofed up the computer name and didnt immediately notice. I had already setup a task to run upon logon when I noticed that the PC's name was all jacked. So I changed the pc's name and rebooted. After reboot the task disappeared from the task scheduler list but still runs. Is there anyway to remove this ghost task when it is no longer visible in the task scheduler?I thought about changing the name back temporarily to see if the task would show up but I have no idea what that name was, so that is not an option.

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Task Scheduler Error 2147944309 When I Change Task From

Oct 10, 2009

I have a simple task (cmd batch file). Whenever I try to change the settings I get a dialog box that reads as follows:"An error has occurred for task RemoteBk. Error message: The following error was reported: 2147944309".

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Schedule To Wake Up Or Turn On?

May 7, 2011

How can you schedule your Windows 7 to wake up or turn on on a specific my IDM starts work at 1am. i sleep before 12. I dont want to waste energy to keep my computer fully on this whole hour (electricity is expensive here).I've tried to schedule it, but it keeps failing. I dont know why.

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Schedule, High CPU And RAM Usage?

Oct 6, 2011

I've been having a problem where svchost.exe is using 25% of my CPU (X4 630) and 1GB+ of RAM.I tracked this down to the Schedule service but still don't know why it's happening.The Tasks that run (in case someone happens to know that one of these is known to cause this problem) are:Calibration LoaderCleanMem Mini Monitor GoogleUpdateTaskUser HotStart MsCtfMonitor MSIAfterburner QueueReporting RacTask
RealUpgradeLogonTask SystemSoundService SystemTask UserTask

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How To Disable Schedule Chkdsk

Feb 7, 2013

I accidentally clicked on schedule chkdsk and I do not want to spend hours waiting so How would I disable it, what does this mean in "regedit": Autocheck autochk/r??c:autocheck autochk* and I want to change it so it can act they way before when I clicked on schedule chkdsk

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To Schedule An Auto Start Up

Dec 5, 2011

I was wondering is there anyway software i can have that you can schedule an auto start up

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Kill A Task Using A Task Scheduler On Windows 7?

May 14, 2011

programme a task scheduler to kill a programme at a specific time on wwwin7 other that using softwares like kill task

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Task Scheduler Not Running Missed Task

Mar 2, 2011

When i set task scheduler to run a program it works. But if the pc is not on at the time it will not run unless task scheduler is opened.It is set to run as soon as poss after scheduled time and task scheduler itself starts and runs properly

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Windows 7 Update Download Schedule?

Apr 25, 2012

brief, I have a PC that runs Windows 7 (obviously) and I'd like to choose when to automatically download updates rather than having to download them by myself. But I'm finding no option for that, all I can find as settings in Windows update are :Install updates automatically. (Which means they're gonna be downloaded at anytime and I don't want this to happen.)Download updates but let me choose when to install them. (Same here)Check for updates but let me choose whether to download or install them. (Here, I will have to download them manually by hitting download)

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How To Schedule Laptop To Shutdown Every 2 Hours

Jul 4, 2010

How I can schedule my laptop to shutdown every 2 hours?

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