How To Disable Schedule Chkdsk

Feb 7, 2013

I accidentally clicked on schedule chkdsk and I do not want to spend hours waiting so How would I disable it, what does this mean in "regedit": Autocheck autochk/r??c:autocheck autochk* and I want to change it so it can act they way before when I clicked on schedule chkdsk

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How To Disable Chkdsk

Apr 29, 2011

Chkdsk is becoming extremely annoyingOne day it does chkdsk for no reason at alThen some day it does it againHow do you disable chkdsk?

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Schedule To Wake Up Or Turn On?

May 7, 2011

How can you schedule your Windows 7 to wake up or turn on on a specific my IDM starts work at 1am. i sleep before 12. I dont want to waste energy to keep my computer fully on this whole hour (electricity is expensive here).I've tried to schedule it, but it keeps failing. I dont know why.

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Schedule, High CPU And RAM Usage?

Oct 6, 2011

I've been having a problem where svchost.exe is using 25% of my CPU (X4 630) and 1GB+ of RAM.I tracked this down to the Schedule service but still don't know why it's happening.The Tasks that run (in case someone happens to know that one of these is known to cause this problem) are:Calibration LoaderCleanMem Mini Monitor GoogleUpdateTaskUser HotStart MsCtfMonitor MSIAfterburner QueueReporting RacTask
RealUpgradeLogonTask SystemSoundService SystemTask UserTask

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To Schedule An Auto Start Up

Dec 5, 2011

I was wondering is there anyway software i can have that you can schedule an auto start up

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Windows 7 Update Download Schedule?

Apr 25, 2012

brief, I have a PC that runs Windows 7 (obviously) and I'd like to choose when to automatically download updates rather than having to download them by myself. But I'm finding no option for that, all I can find as settings in Windows update are :Install updates automatically. (Which means they're gonna be downloaded at anytime and I don't want this to happen.)Download updates but let me choose when to install them. (Same here)Check for updates but let me choose whether to download or install them. (Here, I will have to download them manually by hitting download)

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How To Schedule Laptop To Shutdown Every 2 Hours

Jul 4, 2010

How I can schedule my laptop to shutdown every 2 hours?

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Schedule Multiple Backups, On Different Drives?

Nov 21, 2011

i want to have my normal backup, which is a backup of the user files on the d drive to my backup drive (drive X), now i also want to add another backup schedule, so i can backup my pictures specifically to a 4th hard drive, in this case drive drive H.

how would i add this 2nd backup on windows? is this possible? should i be looking for task manager? so far i have tried but cant find any options as access through Action Center Backup.

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Schedule Multiple Backup Jobs

Jun 15, 2009

As per the title, I'd like to schedule multiple backup jobs; I don't see how to do this with Windows 7's built-in backup utility.

I have copied NTBACKUP and it's two associated .dll's from an XP box to my Windows 7 system; ntbackup runs if activated manually but scheduled tasks don't run.

Advice on how to schedule multiple backup jobs?

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Schedule A Task For When Computer Is Idle?

Jun 22, 2011

I'm having difficulties scheduling a task for when computer is idle. What I want to do is run a task after the computer has been idle for five minutes. I've tried creating a scheduled task in different ways, which will do this, but to no avail.I go to Task scheduler to create a task:

General Tab
Give the task a name, put the check box to run with the highest priv., and configure it for Win 7.
Triggers Tab
New, Begin the task on idle, Repeat task for 15 minutes indefinitely, Enabled.
Action Tab


Now from what I can gather from this is that every 15 minutes, the computer will run the task if the computer stays idle for 5 minutes. Say, I start the computer and leave it like that, then the task should run after 5 minutes. Then after 10 minutes, it will once again start checking to run the task.

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Is Backup Schedule Just For File Backups ?

Nov 3, 2009

I am trying to determine what the use of the backup section of the Back up and Restore screen is for. Is it just for doing file backup or is it intended to be used also for Full System Image backups also?

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Disk Defragmenter Schedule- Turn On Or Off

Mar 10, 2010

How to Turn the Windows 7 Disk Defragmenter Schedule On or Off ?

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Windows 7 Client Not Updating According To Set Schedule

Sep 13, 2012

I'm having an issue with a Windows 7 Enterprise client. It has the configs for the WSUS server applied it shows in the WSUS console. However this particular machine appears not to be updating according to the set schedule, but a manual update will work.

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Schedule Ccleaners Registry Cleaner To Run Automatically

Nov 14, 2011

I already know how to schedule CCleaner application cleaner to run automatically and have done so in my system. To schedule CCleaner's registry cleaner to run automatically?

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Schedule A Program To Exit On A Specific Time?

Jun 16, 2011

if windows 7 has a built-in feature that allows a program to exit automatically, let's say, every 5pm at night.

I know that there's a scheduler to start a program, but not sure if it works to turn off a program? The reason I want to know is that I sometimes forget to log off my MSN, YM, Gtalk, etc from my workplace.

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Task Scheduler Not Executing A Schedule Application?

Aug 24, 2011

I have created a task that is suppose to launch Goldmine every day at a set time. The task appears to have launched successfully, ie Task Scheduler reports "The operation completed successfully." However I know it isn't actually launching.When I run the task manually the application never launches, when I check Task Manager the gmw.exe process is running but the application never opens, nor does it show in the application tab of Task Manager but whenthe task completes (Goldmine is set to shut down after 5 minutes) the task then reports as stated above.The Actions tab is set to "Start a program" and the path is the UNC path to the exe on my GM server.Security options are "Run whether user is logged on or not" and "Run with highest priveleges", the user account is a Domain Admin.

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Windows 7 Schedule Manager (Create Task)?

Apr 14, 2012

i am looking for instructions to setup a new task. I haven't used the schedule manager before, but if your clear on explanations, I am an IT Technical Support - so I'll know what your talking about...I want to be able to setup a new task in which..When I go through my 'External Hard Drive' (browsing through folders) when I open a specific folder, I want a windows notification to appear on the screen with a message.I have been browsing through the commands for a few hours now and am unsure which option to select and how to properly set this up.

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How To Schedule Folder Content Deleting Task

Jun 13, 2012

In my office , a program to launch we need to deleted the contents of the folderC: users >local> app data > isolated stoarge > Delete Contentsow can i schedule this Task . so no need to go to every system and delete this files automatically.

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Schedule Task To Run When A New Profile Is Created Using Windows 7?

Oct 12, 2012

I need to replace a RunOnce procedure from XP. Using it with Win 7 is interrupted with UAC prompts which is an unacceptable option and disabling UAC within our environment is not an option. I am attempted to replace the process with Task Scheduler. However, I only want this to run when a new user logs on to the PC. I am open to other suggestions if this can�t be accomplished through Task Scheduler, but the solution can only run when a new profile is created.

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Computer Resume From Sleep When Backup On A Schedule?

Nov 20, 2009

Will the computer automatically resume from sleep when Run backup on a schedule is set at a time when the computer is sleeping or do we have to tweak the task scheduler?

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How To Schedule Automatic Login On Windows 7 With Password

Aug 1, 2012

I want to schedule automatic login on Windows 7 with username and password at a certain time. Here is the scenario, the user was logged in but then locked the computer overnight. He wants to schedule the computer to be logged back in Windows state automatically without touching the computer while the login step needs username and password. Can we do this and how?

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Setting Up A Program To Run At Schedule And Noticed Ccleaner In The Task Scheduler?

Jul 8, 2012

I was setting up a program to run at schedule and noticed Ccleaner in the task scheduler.I never use the cleaner per se, only some other features. Should I remove it(hilite and delete) or is it there because I have used the Application cleaner ?

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How To Run Chkdsk F

Mar 22, 2012

When I try and Disk defrag a message comes up..."Disk degramenter has detected that Chkdsk is scheduled to run on the volume Cf. (C. Please run Chkdsk /f. " What is this and where and how do I run this? I have trying everything. But I am pretty Computer dumb.

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CHKDSK Does Not Work

Jul 18, 2011

Im trying to run CHKDSK. Upon restarting my notebook, its just a blackscreen and windows does not start up. After 30-40 mins it goes into sleep mode and when I go out of it, everything runs fine, but I dont think CHKDSK has run.

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How To Know When Chkdsk / R Is Done From A Restart

Feb 16, 2012

I ran the chkdsk /r upon next reboot.The DOS screen was displayed and running.I stopped watching the screen, and hours later upon checking, the screen is not displaying anything.The machine is a laptop hooked up to a docking station.I checked the monitor connections, they keep going to powersave, I undocked the laptop and the display there will not show anything either.The battery and wifi lights are steadily flashing.Windows 7 Pro x64..What is going on? is the chkdsk done? should i hard reboot the machine?

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Can't Run CHKDSK On External HDD

Feb 19, 2012

I am trying to run CHKDSK on an external drive that appears to have some bad sectors. I get the standard "Access denied as you do not have sufficient privileges. You have to invoke this utility running in elevated mode." error. Elsewhere in this forum are similar complaints that tell me I must run the CHKDSK command as Administrator and get a command prompt that reads "C:Windowssystem32>" instead of "C:UsersAdministration>". Well by running the cmd.exe command as Administrator I finally got the recommended command prompt (the "elevated" command prompt some are calling it).

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Chkdsk /v 8kb In Bad Sectors?

Feb 23, 2012

I made a chkdsk and found errors which were repaired by not allowing the bad fragments to be written on. When I use chkdsk /v it continually shows 8kb in bad sectors. Does anyone know if these are the bad sectors that were sent into limbo or the total bad kb on the hard drive? I have made back ups of my documents and the OS. I think that these bad sectors were caused by a recent freeze which required a bad shutdown. If so I may not be required to replace the harddrive.

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Chkdsk Wont Run?

Jul 26, 2012

I'm using acer aspire 4930 was using it fine then one day starting up takes 30mins, and doing anything on it will either takes forever or not reponding at all. So i start up in safe mode and found out that my second partition is unaccessisble. I tried using check disk the normal way, but it says windows cant access it. So how do i fix this as i do not want to lose my files.Path D: could not be opened. System error [1392]: The file ordirectory is corrupted and unreadable.

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How To Turn Off CHKDSK

Oct 23, 2009

When i turn on my PC Windows always checking my harddrive.

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Chkdsk Errors

Feb 15, 2010

Yesterday I tried to install an image mounting program (Alcohol 120%) on Windows 7 Professional x64. When the instillation started it prompt me to restart my computer (which is normal). When my computer restarted I got 5 error messages at the logon screen (in the following order):

(1) The file or directory C:Windows
escache is corrupt and unreadable. Please run chkdsk utility.

(2) The file or directory Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft Sharedink is corrupt and unreadable. Please run chkdsk utility.

(3) The file or directory C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft Sharedink is corrupt and unreadable. Please run chkdsk utility.

(4) The file or directory Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft Sharedink is corrupt and unreadable. Please run chkdsk utility.

(5) The file or directory C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft Sharedink is corrupt and unreadable. Please run chkdsk utility.

After hitting âOKâ on each message and typing my password Windows logged me on to a temporary profile.

I went to my C: drive and tried to run the chkdsk but I got this message: âWindows canât check the disk while itâs in use.â So I chose to schedule a disk check next time I log on. Then I restarted and let chkdsk run. Then I got this error message:

âCannot open volume for direct access.
Autochk cannot run due to an error caused by a recently installed software package.
Use the system restore feature from the control panel to restore to a point prior to the recent software package instillation.
An unspecified error occurred (766f6c756d652e63 3f1)â

I then skipped check disk and tried to System Restore and got this error message:

âThe disk C: has errors
Windows has detected file system corruption on C: you must check the disk for errors before it can be restored.â

Windows seems to be taking me in circles, and I am unsure of what to do. I would really like to avoid reinstalling windows and starting from scratch.

If anyone has had this problem or knows what to do, any help would be appreciated.

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Limited OS Functioning After Chkdsk?

Oct 22, 2012

I wanted to delete a folder in my documents but it was giving me an error which I cannot remember exactly now, but after doing some research, most sites had suggested that I run a Chkdsk. My computer successfully completed the Chkdsk, but now my computer is in some sort of coma where it loads up fine, but after logging in, there is no text whatsoever on the screen. On top of this the start bar does not work and any explorer based functions are extremely large,pixelated and absent text.I'm using Windows 7 Ultimate x32 on a 2009 Toshiba Satellite In the last year of high school and don't have most of my files backed up anywhere?

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