Folder Content Missing After Sync (Windows 7 X64)?

Aug 2, 2012

It's my first time posting a thread so I hope I'm being clear enough (plenty of experience reading thought so I guess it's time to practice what I have seen so far

I work on a roaming profile environment (Windows 2008 R2). This is the issue: I recently moved (cut/paste) several folders from C: to the desktop, so their content could be saved as part of my profile (not a big deal, regular stuff). Had to restart my device (no errors involved) and after logging back I got a surprise: all the content from one of the folders in question is missing!

Just to be more specific, this is exactly what I did: select, cut and paste no more than 5 folders; just recalled that the one missing the content was renamed before restarting (all the content was still there before this point).

I know important things should NEVER be located in the desktop (my fault, sorry!), but have anyone seen this case before?

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Content To Right Of Programs Missing?

Jan 15, 2013

I'm sorry to trouble you all. We have WIN7. When you click on the Window's Logo you can see Programs & to the right of that in a different shaded area is Control Panel, Computer, etc. I'm not sure what the correct term is for this area but that entire area is now blank! I can get access to Control Panel, My Computer, etc. from other ways but this is really odd. Please see link to screen shot to get a better idea what I'm discussing.

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Offline Folder Sync - Windows 7 Client Server 2003

Jan 15, 2013

I am having an issue with offline files created offline syncing back to the server. I have set up a network share to be available offline on a client computer. All files are available offline without issue. Here is the issue however. If I set the folder to work offline any file I create in the folder when it is offline just disappears when the folder comes back online, there are no conflicts or sync failures reported in sync center. If I create a new folder offline the folder does sync back to the server. Any changes made to an existing file are also replicated back to the server once the share is back online. So the issue is only with newly created files when the share is offline. I have not been able to replicate this error on any other file server in our environment, However I have recreated the issue with multiple shares with multiple Win 7 clients on this file server.

Steps taken so far.
- Checked and reset permission levels on the share.
- Recreated new shares from scratch for testing.
- Disabled and enabled offline files on the client computer and cleared the offline cache.
- Check various registry entry settings.
- Disabled cashing on the File server.
- Tested with XP the issue does not exist with XP.

The clients are running Windows 7 Enterprise 64 bit. The File server is Server 2003 Standard 32 bit with SP2.

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Sync Sony Mp3 Player To Music Folder On Windows 7 Laptop?

Apr 20, 2012

I'm trying to sync my Sony mp3 player to my music folder on my w7 laptop. I have downloaded a couple of different sync software (freefilesync & dsynchronize), however, neither of these are able to recognize the sony walkman as a destination folder as it is not assigned its own drive letter under the windows file system (it appears only as 'Walkman' in My Computer). What can I do either assign the walkman its own drive letter, or to enable the syncing software to recognize the sony walkman device as a valid destination folder.

W7 Ultimate 32bit
Sony NWZ-S638F

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How To Schedule Folder Content Deleting Task

Jun 13, 2012

In my office , a program to launch we need to deleted the contents of the folderC: users >local> app data > isolated stoarge > Delete Contentsow can i schedule this Task . so no need to go to every system and delete this files automatically.

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How To Delete A Folder's Content With CMD But Leave It Empty

Dec 13, 2011

Is there a way to delete a folders content but leave the empty folder when done? I'm making myself a autohotkey script, here is what i got so far.

Run, C:path ochrome.exe -incagnito
WinWait. - Google Chrome
WinWaitClose ; Wait for Google Chrome to close
Run, cmd /c "ipconfig /flushdns"

This is the folder i want to delete its contents. %appdata%MacromediaFlash Player#SharedObjects directory

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Outlook 2010 Folder Content Not Shown?

Jun 8, 2012

In the leftmost column where folders are displayed, my folder shows Foldername (6) indicating there are six messages in that folder. When I click on the folder, it shows no content.

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Explorer Doesn't Display Content Of One Folder

Jan 7, 2013

I can't open a specific folder to display the content with Explorer.I'm running Windows 7 7601.win7sp1_gdr.120830-0333 Home Premium. The folder is on a secondary HDD where I also have the system folders Libraries and Download. All the system and program files are on my primary SSD C: drive.What doesn't work:With my regular account, on that specific folder, I can't display the content via Explorer. I can't either get it when I try to open it from inside applications such as Notepad++, PotPlayer, Media Player Classic, VirtualDub. What works:If I enter the name of a file in the File name field of the Open command of the application, the file will open normally.When I point to that folder with the Windows command line console, and use the DIR command, it will display the complete list of files.Finally, when I look at the folder from the Admin account or from a Guest account, Explorer will display the content.instantaneously.

Things I did:I have checked Show hidden files in Folder Options.I did a Check Disk, which didn't find any error.I also ran: ATTRIB -s -h mbrp /s /d (Where mbrp contains the directory causing problem) hoping that somehow, some System Attributes could be removed.FWIW, it seems this happened as I was trying to run an Avisynth64 script with new installation of MPC-HC64.A this point, I am out of ideas. I know that switching to a new regular user account would solve the problem, but I see that as a last resort.

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Sync Folder With A Network Share

Aug 17, 2009

Im after trying to sync a folder from my laptop to a network share on a windows 2003 file server. Not exactly sure how to go about doing it. I would like files to sync both ways so any changes i make to the folder on my laptop get applied to the share on my file server and any changes to the share on the file server are applied to the file on my laptop.

I had a look at sync centre which i believe is 7's version of offline files. I made a test share on my file server and set it to "Always Available Offline"

Now where do i go from here? Is it just a case of setting the foder on my laptop to point towards the network share?

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Best File/Folder Sync Software (on-the-fly)?

Apr 20, 2012

recommend a bloat-free quality file & folder syncing software, and is there any that can sync files and folders on the fly, rather than doing it at scheduled times?

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Sync Folder Like Dropbox (Home-group)

Nov 6, 2012

Up until now, I've synced my music folders between my stationary computer and laptop through dropbox (I have over 60GB space). But I feel that there must be a better way to do it, without syncing through the internet.Basically what I want is to have the music files saved locally on both computers, but any change in one folder will be synced to the other, is it possible to do this in Windows 7 without any 3rd party apps? I did try setting up a Homegroup, but I'm not sure that my computers are connected. My stationary computer doesn't read wi-fi, but is connected to a router which is connected to a wi-fi-router which my laptop is connected to, so technically they should be connected?

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Sync A Folder Between Several Computers In Local Area

Dec 27, 2012

Can you recommend me some program that sync folder in Local area?bAnything as dropbox but without limit to GB space, and I dont need a copy in the cloud.Only sync folder with the same files.

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Outlook 2010 Will Not Sync Imap Folder Automatically?

Jul 20, 2012

I'm using OL 2010 with Windows 7 Pro x64. I have this problem of OL not syncing all my imap accounts. I have various imap account for different purpose. One for reading tech journal, one for ebay and so forth. Right now, I will only see there is incoming mail when I click on it. Once I look on the folder once then I will see new mail w/o having to click the account to see new mail

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Media Player In Sync For 40 Minutes, Then Out Of Sync

Jan 15, 2013

i'm running a windows 7 home premium 64 bit, and for some movies, the video will start in-sync for about 40 minutes, then slowly get farther and farther out of sync, making watching the video un-watchable after another 10 minutes. but it does not do this with all video types. it also does not do this with netflix, Internet, or anything else online.

i'm running a geforce gtx 660m, all drivers are up to date. the files that work are: mp4, files that don't work are: mkv, avi

those are the only files i have tried. it's done this since i got this computer a couple months ago

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Missing Folder In My Documents - Windows 7

Nov 6, 2012

I have a folder I use to collect files for a program. It is subordinate to My Documents. Three days ago it disappeared. It is not, however gone! I can put the path into the address line of Explorer (the files version - not the browser) and it magically appears. Also I can search and find all the files/folders in that folder individually by name with 'search'. I've set cursor on My Documents and opened >Tools>Folder Options>View and checked "Show hidden files folders and drives". I've tried this at various levels as well. I also ran a batch attrib e.g.:

@echo off
Echo This script will unhide all files in the current folder and all subfolders.
Echo If there are a lot of files, it may take some time to complete.
Attrib -H /S /D
echo Unhide Complete

This obviously ran for a few minutes from C:

Wierd. I can get to the files, but the folder does not show up under My Documents as it should. I've tried to recreate the folder directly subordinate to My Documents, and get a warning that the folder already exists. This is not a total loss since I can get to the folder, but would be nice to simply open My Documents, scroll down and find it.

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Missing Programs - NOT In Windows.old Folder

Oct 29, 2009

Before installing Windows 7 on my (hitherto Vista) VAIO I effected a full backup on an external hard drive.

I then installed Windows 7 and noticed all my program files were missing. When I went into the Windows.old folder I was able to see a good deal of them, seemingly most of those that I had installed myself, such as iTunes, 7Zip, etc.

The programs that were already installed on the VAIO when I bought it from the VAIO store, however, were absent. For example the whole Sony Recovery tool program, Adode Photoshop and others.

When I connected the hard drive to the laptop I was able to see the backup I had done just before Windows 7 installation but when I tried to expand the folder down (hoping to see 'Program Files') I only saw a series of strange looking (albeit large) files that didn't mean very much.

Presumably this is the way in which my backup was encrypted or stored, but is there a way in which I can access the individual programs from the hard drive so that I can put them back on my laptop?

I was able to find all my music, videos and documents in the Windows.old folder, and have restored them, but the missing programs worry me. Also the amount of free space on the laptop is identical now to when I still had Vista on there, making me think that perhaps the 'missing' programs haven't been deleted at all but may just be hiding somewhere in the 'Windows.old' folder. But I could well be wrong about that.

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Windows Live Mail Sent Folder Missing?

Mar 7, 2011

My "sent mail" folder keeps disappearing?

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Windows.old, Xp 32bit To 7 64bit, Folder Missing?

Sep 24, 2011

I recently upgraded my computer from windows xp 32bit to windows 7 64bit. All my data seems to have been transported to Windows.old except my 'users' folder. Is there any way i can get it back as Empire Total War, seems to save into the appdata folder within 'users'? I've tried revealing my hidden folders but that hasn't worked.

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Folder And Windows 7 Standard Icons Missing?

Jun 5, 2011

Recently I've used Hyperdesk (Hyperdesk: The ultimate desktop themes for Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, skins, icons, wallpapers, widgets, desktop themes for Disney, Pixar and Star Trek, themes for the PlayStation 3, PlayStation Portable and more!) but eventually disliked it and uninstalled again. Since then most of my standard Windows 7 icons are missing/not showing up.

I tried rebuilding the icon cache with tutorials posted on this site = no luck.
Also tried a restore point, still no luck. Have attached 2 screenshots for you

All else is running smoothly and I don't really want to reinstall all Windows just because of a few icons not showing up

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Task Manager Folder Missing - Windows Cannot Find

Aug 28, 2012

For some reason task manager folder got deleted when I try to open task manager it says this: "Windows cannot find 'C:windowssystem32 taskmgr.exe make sure you typed the name in correctly".

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Folder Goes Missing?

Jan 2, 2013

Yesterday, all of a sudden, a folder containing several movies vanished from my system. I tried using file recovery softwares, and recovered 6 movies only. Checked every other folder, to see if i had accidentally misplaced them. Then, i did the system restore. Well, I store the movies in folders, with the movie file (.mp4, .avi) and the subtitle file (.srt) in each of them. After the system restore, I got several movie folders back, but only with the subtitle files! I tried searching for the movies in the start menu.

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Startup Folder Is Missing?

Apr 6, 2011

I reinstalled windows 7 and now there isnt a startup folder..

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Folder Icon Missing?

Jul 23, 2011

Today i noticed that ALL of my folders on my computer running windows 7 home premium have a weird icon. I tried to install styleXP on my computer and said that it didn't work on windows 7 so I uninstalled it and I think it might have removed the icons or something? Some have the default white window icon, some have a External Disc (USB or HD) icon. I have done the IconCache thing but it didn't do anything. Also, some icons in my computer are missing. My desktop icon in my computer has dissapered. My folder icons in start menu, under all programs have also been replaced with the white icon.

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Sub Folder Missing After Copy?

Jul 1, 2012

I was preparing to re-install my OS by copying all my important files, installers, etc. into one folder. When I copied a folder from My Documents to this new folder on my desktop, one of the subfolders disappeared. I've been unable to locate the missing folder or files through either windows search or Pandora Recovery. locating it because it contains the source code for some tools I've written.

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Documents Folder Is Missing?

Aug 19, 2012

I'm about to back up my Gta save file,and it should be located on my documents folder,c:usersamielmy documentsgta user files but unfortuntely I don't see My documents folder just like I used to.I only saw Documents,My Pictures,My Music and Contacts.

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Missing C:WindowsInstaller Folder?

Oct 20, 2009

I first noticed it when icons for my MS office 2007 documents became the generic ones. I tried to change the icon using the software Types, where it shows that the icon files are directed to the WindowsInstaller folder, WHICH IS MISSING from my computer.

I can't even reinstall MS Office as the setup will crash before it finishes loading. Uninstalling keeps failing.

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System Folder Is Missing

Jan 15, 2013

Trying to do an update and am told I have an error that windows/installer/2803558.msi is missing. I don't even have windows/installer folder. What might be going on other than the grinch stole it.

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Old User Folder Is Missing?

Apr 27, 2012

Last night, I installed a fresh copy of Windows 7 on my new solid state drive; and labelled such as drive W: (my Windows drive; am I not clever?). Because of this, my C: / drive inherently remained. All of my data on said drive is evident based on its size; however, my original user folder is missing; even when enabling hidden files and folders; and attempting to access such results in an Access Denied error. I have well over 100 gigabytes of data in said folder and can not afford to lose any of itone of the reasons that I purchased a solid state drive was to copy most of said data in the first place.

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Desktop Folder Missing?

Jul 11, 2012

my windows 7 is working fine except there is no desktop folder.

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Winsxs Folder Missing Files?

May 16, 2012

I ran an Avast! virus scan because my computer was slowing down (significantly). It found 91 infected files. All in the winsxs folder. I then deleted them. I really really really shouldn't have.Now, Windows Update will not work (error codes 80073712, and 80070002). One of my games will not work, and several other applications will not work (usually with a "missing gdiplus.dll" type error).I tried a system restore, but there was no option to restore to a point prior to the date I deleted the files. sfc /scannow in the cmd did not fix the problem. I tried restoring the individual folders in winsxs but they don't have an early enough version either.I tried using a file undeleter to see if I could recover the missing .dll files. When I tried to run the program, I got a missing .dll file error. No they're not in the recycling bin. Basically they're absolutely nowhere on my computer.

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Contents Of Documents Folder Missing?

Jun 3, 2012

I was using Chrome looking at some info on Cisco's website and my browser crashed, and all the contents of my Documents folder are missing as well as the desktop shortcuts associated with them.I've tried system restore but that didn't even complete, and EASEUS Data Recovery Wizard Professional and I have not been able to locate them.

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