How To Do Persistent RDP/Remote Console On LAN

Nov 24, 2012

I'm looking for a good permanent/persistent RDP Remote Desktop setup to the Windows 7 machine I'm mostly using as HTPC and file service. It would be ideal if the setup also included the ability to wake the HTPC from sleep. I would like to RDP with Windows 7/8 'console', plus iPAD and Android handsets/tabs.What's the best application to use for this? the ones I know of offhand all require intervention on both ends, which is not what I'm after. I need more of a server type setup

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Can't Login On Console After First Logon Using Remote Desktop

Jun 22, 2009

I can't login locally on console when first time I have logged in using remote desktop after restart. When I am in front of the console again, try to login locally system seem to load my desktop but for only a while. It shows only blank screen for a second and logon screen appears again. I can try to logon milion times - always the same. But when first time I have logged on console, after that logged using remote desktop, and then try another time log on using console everything works fine.

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Getting This Message "Your Computer Could Not Connect To Another Console Session On The Remote Computer...?

Mar 17, 2011

Very recently I started having a problem with the remote desktop where it says the following message:

"Your computer could not connect to another console session on the remote computer because you already have a console session in progress."

What I am trying to do is to access my Vista Ultimate computer using my Windows 7 Ultimate computer, and have been doing so this way for more than a year.All of a sudden I start getting the message that I have quoted. I do not know why it started doing that.As well, going in the Users tab of task manager you can see there that I am logged in as a console user.

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XP Recovery Console Versus Vista/7's Recovery Console?

Nov 19, 2011

It seems to me that XP's recovery console is somewhat better than the one that comes with Vista or 7, unless someone can point me in the right direction for finding further documentation on this topic.

The main difference is the lack of ability to tinker with services (LISTSVC / ENABLE / DISABLE commands). A missed opportunity is the lack of registry tweaking, considering that REGEDIT can be run, but I think it only allows you to look at the registry for the recovery console rather than the main Windows installation, which doesn't help much (though I haven't tried to import/mount the registry file from the main Windows installation).

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Persistent BSODs On PC?

Dec 25, 2012

So I've been experiencing persistent BSODs on my PC for the last few days now. I can't recall anything being changed in that time to warrant the sudden appearance. So far I've counted 5 in the last 2 days. I've googled the BCCodes (d1) but just get a very vague idea of what I'm looking for.I've included the relevant .dmp and my system details.


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Persistent Black Screen With Cursor

Feb 28, 2011

I installed Windows 7 Service Pack 1 a few days ago, and it's been running since then without any problems. However, just yesterday I fell victim to the "Black Screen of Death". I was about to pop out for a few hours, so I exited the game I was playing to turn my machine off. Despite the game being in Windowed mode, where I could happily see the taskbar, once the program closed my entire screen went black. The cursor was present, but I couldn't do anything - not even Ctrl Alt Del.

I reset the computer with the reset switch on the tower, and it loaded back into Windows without issue. Everything looked OK, so I shut it down normally. When I came back a few hours later and turned on the machine, the real problems began. Everything boots fine, including the "Welcome" screen you get from W7 just before hitting the desktop. But instead of the desktop, I get a black screen and a mouse cursor.

Fortunately, safe mode still worked, so I went straight online to search for a solution. One of the articles I read blamed SP1, and said that uninstalling it had fixed the problem for them. So, in safe mode, I uninstalled SP1. SP1 uninstalled successfully, and my desktop returned! But once everything started loading, my Avast alerted me to a possible rootkit. I opted to delete the file, and was asked to perform a boot-time scan, which I agreed to.

I restarted the machine, and Avast's boot-time scan kicked in. It found nothing. Once the scan had finished, Windows restarted and the problem returned. Black screen, mouse cursor. This seems to be a common symptom of a variety of problems, so I have tried:

- The Prevx tool released in 2009 when this problem cropped up. No joy.
- Checking that Windows isn't looking for multiple monitor displays. It isn't.
- Uninstalling the video drivers, disabling the card, and using a different card with different drivers.
- HKLM regedit to ensure there wasn't a Localhost where there shouldn't be, and that explorer.exe was correctly listed. Everything was fine.
- I've run a Malware Bytes, Spybot, and Avast scan (full, thorough) all of which found nothing.
- I've simply sat and waiting at the black screen, for 15 - 20 minutes with no activity.

Ctrl Alt Del doesn't work, neither does Ctrl Shift Esc. The only thing I can do is reset the machine to prompt a "Windows didn't load properly" screen and go into safe mode. I have one last suspicion to try when I get home from work, and that's disabling / uninstalling the audio drivers. But if that fails, I'm out of ideas.

Windows 7 Professional 64-bit
Intel i7 920
Radeon 5850 HD

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UserPrinter /PERSISTENT:YES Gives An Access Denied?

Jun 22, 2011

This works in other computers:NET USE LPT1: \RAP-PCF300 /PERSISTENT:YEWhen I type it from the CMD promptsystem responds with "The command completed successfully"but something like ECHO TESTING>LPT1: responds with "Access is denied"I have no problem printing with programs like Notepad, Word, etc.

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Persistent BSOD At Various Times - No Noticeable Trends

Jun 18, 2012

I have been getting the occasional BSOD the past month or two which I shrugged off and presumed to be driver based. After updating on each occasion and not getting one for a few days, I just assumed the problem would go away. It's been getting more and more frequent recently and after uninstalling all Firewall and antivirus programmes and still getting crashes this morning. Here is the software details:

- I am running Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bit
- The original installed OS is Windows 7 Ultimate
- Full Retail Version
- The system is about a year and a half old.
- I reinstalled Windows in January more as a clean up than because of problems.

Few hardware information:

- ASUS M4n68T-M LE Mobo
- AMD Athlon II X3 440 Processor (3 CPUs), ~3.0GHz
- Nvidia GeForce GTS 450 Graphics Card
- 4 GB RAM
- Previously had AVG and ZoneAlarm installed, both uninstalled, still get BSOD (I am aware Antivirus, particularly AVG, is a common cause of BSOD)

I keep all my drivers up to date as much as possible out of habit. Attached to this post is the necessary dump info.

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Power Plan Settings Aren't Persistent

Jan 26, 2011

I have my power plan set to Energy Star with display brightness set around 40% when on battery and 100% when plugged in. It seems to get reset periodically to the default which 40% for both battery and plugged in. I haven't been able to reliably reproduce the problem but every few days the plugged in setting gets reset to 40%. Is this a known problem with Windows 7?

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Persistent Hangups & Failures To Boot Windows 7, Priority Changes?

Dec 28, 2012

HPE-400f Pavilion has been crashing to black screen with cursor with problems booting windows 7. Was getting BIOHD4 error code, then BIOHD3 -- Warning: No Active Partition. Installed 2 spare hard drives to alleviate crowding but problem continues. In troubleshooting have noticed the boot-up priority order keeps changing, so that the HDD group is not first, and also so the main - OS C: - hard drive is not on top of the list. Correcting these problems allows windows to boot up just fine, but then random crashes or bootup failures continue (constantly).Have taken everything out and reconnected, done a clean install from HP disks (reformatting and wiping the HD), system repair, virus scans, etc., yet problem continues. How can I fix the boot-up routines so the computer keeps them as they should be and doesn't keep rearranging them on its own thereby causing Windows to hang up?

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Windows 7 Laptop Persistent Freezing/lockups Randomly

Feb 2, 2012

I've finally decided to make my own thread about this rather than keep looking for solutions in other people's threads. My laptop has been freezing up very randomly since Christmas break, and I've run just about the gamut of ways to fix it. It do not believe it is an application problem because its happening in safe mode even.

What happens is I can be doing nearly anything and the screen will flicker a little bit, a little flashing, and as soon as this starts, everything is frozen, even caps lock is unresponsive. It can happen while surfing the web, while playing games, during start up, just after start up, you name it. I think we can eliminate it being the video card because with the driver uninstall, the problem still happens.

It also doesn't seem to be a problem with CPU because the usage seems to be low when this happens. EDIT: It's definitely not the CPU: I was just observing it while it happened and it was at a measly 4% usage while I was just sitting doing nothing.

Event viewer is of little help, I tried to uninstall several applications that had been running concurrently with the shut downs, to no avail.

I'll attach my dxdiag

The computer is an ASUS brand G60vx series notebook. I'm running Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit. I think it will also help to mention that this computer is nearing its 2nd birthday, and I'm highly suspect of the age being a factor. I forgot to mention, also what happens is that the sound playing will become warped and degenerate into a buzzing crackling type noise (can't really describe it beyond that). This leads me to believe its the sound card, but I only have one thing showing up in my device manager the High Definition Audio Device.

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Persistent Hang Ups And Failures To Boot Windows 7 / Priority Changes

Dec 29, 2012

HPE-400f Pavilion has been crashing to black screen with cursor with problems booting windows 7. Was getting BIOHD4 error code, then BIOHD3 -- Warning: No Active Partition. Installed 2 spare hard drives to alleviate crowding but problem continues. In troubleshooting have noticed the boot-up priority order keeps changing, so that the HDD group is not first, and also so the main - OS C: - hard drive is not on top of the list. Correcting these problems allows windows to boot up just fine, but then random crashes or bootup failures continue (constantly). Have taken everything out and reconnected, done a clean install from HP disks (reformatting and wiping the HD), system repair, virus scans, etc., yet problem continues. How can I fix the boot-up routines so the computer keeps them as they should be and doesn't keep rearranging them on its own thereby causing Windows to hang up?

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Error 1606 Persistent For Image Backed Up Profile?

Oct 26, 2011

"Error 1606. Could not access network location %public%Desktop." when uninstalling a program:I have a windows 7 x64 machine and just recently I started getting error 1606. I looked up the previous threads and followed instructions. They worked for others but not for me. I tried the Fix It patches but still my problem is not fixed. Just today I noticed the following:My Op Sys was resurrected via an image that I had saved a month ago. If I try to uninstall any of the programs that came with the Image, I get error 1606. However, If I install a new program it will uninstall just fine.

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Remote Desktop Connects But Remote Host Screen Stays Black?

Nov 8, 2011

I know there have been a number of posts on this subject but I have been unable to find a solution. I have 2 Windows 7 machines, both running SP1.

My HP Pavilion is running 64-bit and my Dell Latiude E6400 is running 32-bit. I can successfully RDP from my Dell and even my Apple iPad (via an RDP client) into my HP Pavilion. However, the problem is that when I try to RDP from my Pavilion into my Dell I get connected but all I see is a BLACK from the Dell machine. The only thing i can see is the Status bar at teh top telling me that i am connected. A few moments later I get a popup message telling me that the machines have failed to communicate.

I have confirmed that RDP settings are identical on the Pavilion and Dell. I have even downgraded the Dell NVIDIA graphics driver to an older version based on the recommended version on the Dell support web site.

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Windows 7 Remote Desktop, Remote Pc Screen Locks When Trying To Install Software

Nov 7, 2012

I am using Windows 7 Pro 64bit, trying to use Windows remote desktop to connect to another PC in the LAN and install software. Right click on the .exe and choose run as admin. As soon as I do that I get a black screen with 2 white bars in the upper left hand corner(looks like a pause button). The user who's pc I am connected to sees the log inbox for the admin creds, how ever I can not get to it. How can I make that screen stop popping up?

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Remote Desktop Client 6.1 Cannot Connect To Remote Computer

Aug 30, 2011

We have several remote systems that can all connect fine. I am having an issue with one box. It is a windows 7 home premium machine with netgear wireless nic. When I open mstsc to connect to a remote machine I put in the ip address and click on connect.I receive an immediate failure with the text "This computer can't connect to the remote computer. Try connecting again...blah blah"I have a server 2008 r2 with Network level authentication enabled. I have 8 other systems that are hardwired, at different geographic locations and all connect fine. I have not made any changes on the server side since this problem seems to be local to this client only. On the client I have made the following changes/observations. I have disabled the firewall, cleared the remote desktop cache, remove the MRU entries from the registry, verified that port 3389 is open via telnet. I have been bashing my head for days trying to figure out why this one box is not working. The problem occurs for every user on the box including the admin.I don't receive the box that prompts for warning if there is a server authentication issue but I think that is because I selected ignore at some point and said yes to continue. I'm not sure where that cache resides to delete that selection.

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Cmd Console Hidden

Jan 21, 2012

I am hosting a minecraft server, and am trying to use a windows scheduled task to start a .bat file that calls on java and shows input on the cmd.exe console. When I manually start the .bat file the console shows, but when I start it with the windows scheduler its hidden. When I start the run.bat with a scheduled task on computer start up. The server will start and function correctly, but I don't know how to open the cmd console to type things in.

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Quake 4 Console Error

Nov 11, 2009

i have Windows 7 x64 when i running quake 4 and opening console and typing it shows only square block not words an the fps counter in the right corner only show 1 block not numbers whats wrong?

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7 And XP - Recovery Console - Removing XP

Mar 26, 2009

I've installed Windows 7 Build 7057 on a partition where I previously had Windows XP. I wanted this installation to wipe out the XP, but instead it created a Windows.old folder. I've deleted that folder, but now when the system starts up a black screen with three options shows up:

1. Previous Windows

2. Windows 7

3. Windows Recovery Console

This Recovery Console was installed when I had the XP, I have no idea why it's still there.

I would like to remove any traces of XP and this console so that the system can boot 7 right away.

Also, a tiny thing: for like 2 seconds a black screen with all drives attached shows up, I'd like to remove that one, too.

Could you tell me how to do it?

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How To Remove WildTangent Games Console

Jun 20, 2011

I got rid of the WildTangent games console that came on my Toshiba computer, however, the games still show up. I have carefully removed registry entries related to it(making a backup of the registry) and they still remain. I have also used Revo Uninstaller Pro and removed what it found.

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Remembering Services Console Settings Changes?

Jan 7, 2012

The Services console I use all the time. To go through and change everything every time is ridiculous including window size. I tried (using the hidden Admin account) choosing Author mode, un-checking the "do not save changes" check box, but the O/S won't allow change the services.msc file. I even tried to rename the file, which did save, but only limited changes were saved. W/O using a 3rd party program (which seems to be the only way anything can get changed with Windows 7), how can something that was easy (by changing the attribute) be remembered??

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X-fi Creative Audio Console Error?

Jun 8, 2011

a few days ago i've installed Windows 7 64-bit(ultimate),everything seems to be going well except for the sound card -.-, I go on the creative site and download the drivers for 64 bit windows seven, but when it comes to the end of the installation gives me a message saying the device is not supported as well if I try to open the audio console same message, I tried the modified drivers and the problem seemed to be resolved, but it is not the same as the original drivers, does anyone know how to fix?

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Creative THX Console Missing - Can't Get It Back

Oct 14, 2011

I have the Creative XF-i Extreme Audio soundcard on my system and since upgrading to Windows 7, I am missing the THX console and also the Creative Volume Panel applications. I have used my original Creative CD and installed the drivers and software etc from that in hoping to be able to extract just them components but I can't and they don't seem to be there and I have looked through all folders etc. Obviously being the very original CD that first shipped with PC the drivers and applications are out of date so Creative Auto Update takes care of that. However, what it does not do is find nor install those said applications. I am disappointed that they are not included and when running a new auto update scan it finds no new updates and says I have the latest available software. I have even been on the Creative website and when I do eventually find my soundcard, the updates etc do not show anything to do with the THX console. Basically, it was an interface that let you adjust bass gain and boost and let you physically adjust sliders and effects to suit. Nice feature and I have it in XP, just not win 7

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Recovery Console Regedit Not Saving?

Oct 2, 2011

I need to change a registry setting so i can use my raid drive,which is isastorV or wahtever, to 3 but once im done editting the registry under recovery console in windows 7. (from a repair disk)i noitce, that when i return to recovery console after a reboot, the setting has reverted back to 0 from its change of 3.In other words.Regedit is not saving any changes i make to it (the registry) under recovery console).

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Console Volume Launcher For Windows 7?

Dec 16, 2011

i have purchase laptop in which all ready sound blaster &creative console volume launcher are installed but volume launcher i have uninstalled by mistake can i installed again. my system detail dell studio 1558.service tag 7d776bs.

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Console Window Host Error

Feb 10, 2013

console window host has stopped working, this message always pop up on laptop screen, please help me fixed this problem. im using window 7 ultimate os.

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Bootmgr Is Missing / Os Not Listed In Repair Console?

Jul 15, 2011

Today i on my laptop ( asus vx 6 ) and i got an error say " Bootmgr is missing "i load up my CD and went into recovery option, and my OS was never listed over there.

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Microsoft Management Console Has Stopped Working?

Apr 21, 2011

I am receiving the following error log when trying to run event viewer and other programs:

Stopped working
Problem signature:
Problem Event Name:APPCRASH
Application Name:mmc.exe


I have tried lots of debugging techniques, system restores, etc. and can seem to fix it?

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Microsoft Management Console Has Stopped Working?

Apr 12, 2012

This is a fresh install and had used perfmon /report a few times but all of a sudden I get this Microsoft Management Console has stopped working


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Stuck Rebooting In System Recovery Console?

Jan 23, 2012

My computer is constantly rebooting in the Recovery Console. I chose this option because I was trying to restart in safe mode, but I didnt see that option, so it was basically a mistake. But now that I have done that, I can not get it to boot back up normally. Also, when I try to use option 1 in Recovery, I put my password in and it says its incorrect

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Microsoft Mangement Console - Create Custom MSC

Jan 18, 2012

How to Create a Custom MSC in Microsoft Management Console ?

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