Power Plan Settings Aren't Persistent

Jan 26, 2011

I have my power plan set to Energy Star with display brightness set around 40% when on battery and 100% when plugged in. It seems to get reset periodically to the default which 40% for both battery and plugged in. I haven't been able to reliably reproduce the problem but every few days the plugged in setting gets reset to 40%. Is this a known problem with Windows 7?

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Power Plan Settings - Change

Jul 17, 2009

How to Change the Power Plan Settings in Windows 7 ?

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Power Plan - Restore Default Settings

Apr 17, 2010

How to Restore the Default Power Plan Settings in Windows 7 ?

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Power Plan - Create Shortcut To Change Power Plan

Aug 23, 2009

How to Create a Shortcut to Change Power Plans in Windows 7 ?

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Power Plan Information Isn't Available

Jan 8, 2010

I am trying to change power setting but I got a message "Your power plan information isn't available." I will download a game that will take me like 8 hours. I'm about to sleep already and decided to change power setting and sleep option but options are not available. I activated the account administrator and have 2 account administrators. I logged in on the account administrator and got no option. Same as with the other account. What should I do?

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Power Plan - Select

Jul 14, 2009

How to Select a Power Plan in Windows 7 ?

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Show More Than 2 Power Plan In Windows 7?

Jul 22, 2012

I want to show more than 2 power plan in windows 7 I saw pic on internet that have 3 power plan How to edit and show all power plans in windows 7 I mean I want to show Balanced & power saver and high performance not show 2 only for example balanced & high performance?

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Custom Power Saver Plan Not Working

Jun 14, 2011

Under Power Options in the control panel, the plan settings for My Custom Plan 1 are for the display to turn off and the computer to sleep after 2 hours sitting idle it is not working.I tried bumping it to an hour for each and it still does not work.

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Custom Power Plan - Create Or Delete

Mar 27, 2010

How to Create or Delete a Custom Power Plan in Windows 7 ?

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Setting Power Plan To High Performance Actually Improve Gaming In Battery Mode?

Jul 27, 2011

Anyways, in laptops (gaming or not), does setting the power plan to High Performance actually improve gaming (frame rates, speed and anything else) in battery mode? I'm using a laptop (not dedicated gaming, but suffices) and my games (the recent ones) slow down whenever I'm in battery mode. A couple of friends told me I should set it High Performance, which I doubted since they don't seem to be the type to change the power plan settings and more so with the advanced plan settings.

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Customize Power Settings?

May 9, 2012

Windows 7 shuts down my sound system after about 2 minutes. I can see the LED on my A-L speakers turn off. Any sound will wake it back up but if it's only a ping it doesn't wake fast enough for me to hear it. This didn't happen with this same hardware on Win2k (I skipped XP and Vista).I went through the Advanced Power Settings but under Multimedia I don't have an option for sound.I'd rather not disable power saving completely, so I'd like to find a way to prevent the sound system from going to sleep at all.

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Power Settings Never Work?

Aug 1, 2010

My system specs are updated. My power setting quit working a few days ago. No matter were I set sleep mode or power monitor down, it never does. Not sure why? I've performed an sfc/scannow with no errors. Nothing has really changed in my system recently except my vid card driver. I can't say that caused it, but I rolled it back just in case with no change.

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Is Setting Max Cpu To 30% In Power Settings

Sep 6, 2010

My brother set his max cpu rate to 30% in power options. He says it saves power on his notebook and the batteries last longer. I told him thats a bad idea. But he dont listen to me.

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Custom Power Settings

Nov 18, 2011

I've searched the tutorials and the forum and couldn't find anything on the following, Is there a way set a schedule for sleep mode? I would like my system to go to sleep at 11:00PM and awaken at 6:45AM 7 days a week. If so, how is it done?

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Power Settings / Close Lid / Do Nothing

Jan 20, 2012

I have a Dell XPS 15 and in Windows 7 Power Management, I am trying to set it to "Do Nothing" when I close the lid. The option is there and I am set to "Do Nothing" but closing the lid shuts off display, network connection, etc. In addition, I would like it to not shut off my network connection when it hibernates as when I log back in after the hibernation, it takes several minutes for the wireless network connectivity to return.

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Power Settings - Never Go To Sleep Not Working?

Sep 8, 2010

I have all my power settings to never go to sleep and when I leave my computer on unattended for about 20 minutes I come back and see the password screen. That may be ok as long as I don't lose any work in progress, but I would like to control this or at least understand it.

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Strange Language In Power Settings?

Oct 9, 2011

The power options settings in the first option shows a strange language...I dont know exactly what it is. Can anyone explain to me this and how i can change it to normal?

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Power Settings In Windows 7 Not Working?

Nov 15, 2009

I use Performance mode, and set it to NEVER turn off ANYTHING, including the monitor.I hit apply, etc etc.It will hold this setting for a while, then after a reboot, or turning off at night, it loses this setting, and reverts to turn off monitor after 20 minutes.Why is Windows 7 doing this?

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Screensaver And Power Settings Not Working

Apr 12, 2009

I am running Windows 7 7000 x64 on a quad core intel box. Most things have been working great but I have been having one annoying problem, the screensaver won't start, and neither will the power saving settings (i.e. turning off monitor, computer sleep)

Basically I am wondering if anyone else has had a similar problem and figured out what software or hardware could be causing it or if anyone knows of a tool to check what input is keeping the computer out of the idle state.

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How To Redo Power Settings Remotely

Jul 19, 2011

My laptop connects to my desktop wirelessly allowing me to watch stuff stored on it and do other things. Recently, I started using the power settings so that after 30 minutes the computer goes into one of the sleep modes at which time access is shut off to the laptop. Is there anyway the laptop can prevent the power settings from taking effect when it is already connected?

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Power Settings Remain Same Regardless Of Set Interval

Jan 8, 2012

Regardless of the interval I set in Power management, the screen always dims at 20 minutes and the machine goes to sleep at 30 minutes. Always, regardless of setting. [Windows 7 Pro 64-bit SP-1]

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Group Policy Overrides Power Options Settings?

Feb 27, 2012

Company laptop, with admin access The group Policy overrides the Power Options settings when I connect via VPN. Is there anywhere in the regedit to override or stop this?

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Power Settings - Windows Has Recovered From Unexpected Shutdown?

Dec 15, 2011

My Netbook power profile has these battery setting:

Level: Battery action/Plugged In
Critical Level: 5%/5%
Critical action: Hibernate/Hibernate
Low Battery Level: 7%/10%
Low Battery Action: Nothing/Nothing
Reserve Battery Level: 5%/7%
Reserve Battery Action: N/A

If I leave the netbook on battery and go to sleep/go out/whatever, when I come back it will be off. After plugging it in and powering it on. It will say it is resuming windows, and then I get the "windows has recovered from unexpected shutdown" after Windows is started. I'm not having any problems with Windows, but this message is annoying. Theoretically when the battery hits 5% remaining, windows will gracefully hibernate and I can resume it without any problems.

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Group Policy To Lock Down Brightness Settings That Are Normally Configured Into Control Panel Power Options?

Jul 11, 2011

Is there a group policy to lock down the brightness settings that are normally configured into the control panel power options? Or alternatly, can I force these back to particular settings by saving and restoring regsitry keys upon user login?

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Persistent BSODs On PC?

Dec 25, 2012

So I've been experiencing persistent BSODs on my PC for the last few days now. I can't recall anything being changed in that time to warrant the sudden appearance. So far I've counted 5 in the last 2 days. I've googled the BCCodes (d1) but just get a very vague idea of what I'm looking for.I've included the relevant .dmp and my system details.


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Does Changing "Power & Sleep Button Settings" Only Apply To Laptops

Mar 31, 2011

I have set the Power Options>System Settings - Define power buttons (When I press the power & sleep button) to "Do nothing", yet i can still shut down my desktop via Start>Shutdown and by pressing the physical power button.

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How To Do Persistent RDP/Remote Console On LAN

Nov 24, 2012

I'm looking for a good permanent/persistent RDP Remote Desktop setup to the Windows 7 machine I'm mostly using as HTPC and file service. It would be ideal if the setup also included the ability to wake the HTPC from sleep. I would like to RDP with Windows 7/8 'console', plus iPAD and Android handsets/tabs.What's the best application to use for this? the ones I know of offhand all require intervention on both ends, which is not what I'm after. I need more of a server type setup

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PC Requests Password On Wakeup, Even Though Power Settings Say "No"?

Dec 26, 2011

This week (possibly after an automatic upgrade), my Windows 7 PC changed its sleep behaviour. Previously, it would emerge from sleep mode without going to the login screen. As of ~4 days ago, it now does.I double-checked Power Options' Advanced Settings. For every power plan, "Require a password on wakeup" is still set to No

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Persistent Black Screen With Cursor

Feb 28, 2011

I installed Windows 7 Service Pack 1 a few days ago, and it's been running since then without any problems. However, just yesterday I fell victim to the "Black Screen of Death". I was about to pop out for a few hours, so I exited the game I was playing to turn my machine off. Despite the game being in Windowed mode, where I could happily see the taskbar, once the program closed my entire screen went black. The cursor was present, but I couldn't do anything - not even Ctrl Alt Del.

I reset the computer with the reset switch on the tower, and it loaded back into Windows without issue. Everything looked OK, so I shut it down normally. When I came back a few hours later and turned on the machine, the real problems began. Everything boots fine, including the "Welcome" screen you get from W7 just before hitting the desktop. But instead of the desktop, I get a black screen and a mouse cursor.

Fortunately, safe mode still worked, so I went straight online to search for a solution. One of the articles I read blamed SP1, and said that uninstalling it had fixed the problem for them. So, in safe mode, I uninstalled SP1. SP1 uninstalled successfully, and my desktop returned! But once everything started loading, my Avast alerted me to a possible rootkit. I opted to delete the file, and was asked to perform a boot-time scan, which I agreed to.

I restarted the machine, and Avast's boot-time scan kicked in. It found nothing. Once the scan had finished, Windows restarted and the problem returned. Black screen, mouse cursor. This seems to be a common symptom of a variety of problems, so I have tried:

- The Prevx tool released in 2009 when this problem cropped up. No joy.
- Checking that Windows isn't looking for multiple monitor displays. It isn't.
- Uninstalling the video drivers, disabling the card, and using a different card with different drivers.
- HKLM regedit to ensure there wasn't a Localhost where there shouldn't be, and that explorer.exe was correctly listed. Everything was fine.
- I've run a Malware Bytes, Spybot, and Avast scan (full, thorough) all of which found nothing.
- I've simply sat and waiting at the black screen, for 15 - 20 minutes with no activity.

Ctrl Alt Del doesn't work, neither does Ctrl Shift Esc. The only thing I can do is reset the machine to prompt a "Windows didn't load properly" screen and go into safe mode. I have one last suspicion to try when I get home from work, and that's disabling / uninstalling the audio drivers. But if that fails, I'm out of ideas.

Windows 7 Professional 64-bit
Intel i7 920
Radeon 5850 HD

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UserPrinter /PERSISTENT:YES Gives An Access Denied?

Jun 22, 2011

This works in other computers:NET USE LPT1: \RAP-PCF300 /PERSISTENT:YEWhen I type it from the CMD promptsystem responds with "The command completed successfully"but something like ECHO TESTING>LPT1: responds with "Access is denied"I have no problem printing with programs like Notepad, Word, etc.

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Persistent BSOD At Various Times - No Noticeable Trends

Jun 18, 2012

I have been getting the occasional BSOD the past month or two which I shrugged off and presumed to be driver based. After updating on each occasion and not getting one for a few days, I just assumed the problem would go away. It's been getting more and more frequent recently and after uninstalling all Firewall and antivirus programmes and still getting crashes this morning. Here is the software details:

- I am running Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bit
- The original installed OS is Windows 7 Ultimate
- Full Retail Version
- The system is about a year and a half old.
- I reinstalled Windows in January more as a clean up than because of problems.

Few hardware information:

- ASUS M4n68T-M LE Mobo
- AMD Athlon II X3 440 Processor (3 CPUs), ~3.0GHz
- Nvidia GeForce GTS 450 Graphics Card
- 4 GB RAM
- Previously had AVG and ZoneAlarm installed, both uninstalled, still get BSOD (I am aware Antivirus, particularly AVG, is a common cause of BSOD)

I keep all my drivers up to date as much as possible out of habit. Attached to this post is the necessary dump info.

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