How To Stop Java And Flash Screen Popups

May 10, 2011

They run Windows 7 at my school and every time I log on to a new machine I am bombarded with the Internet Explorer 8 initial setup screen questions about default search, and accelerators, and additional notifications about new versions of Java and Flash, etc. how to tell them to set up the machines so that IE comes already set up and Java and Flash and doesn't pop up messages about new versions that we can't install anyway because we are not administrators?

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Java Update Flashing Popups?

Nov 7, 2012

Every once in a while I keep getting a flashing pop up at the bottom of my screen saying a Java update is available wanting me to click it. In the past I have done that and got a virus from it. (Bleeping computers helped me get rid of it)I run a scan with avast and malwarebytes that I have installed but they never find a virus. I am just asking if I can trust it or is it a virus thats hidden so well that it cant be detected by avast or maywarebytes?

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IE8 Doesn't Stop All Popups

Mar 24, 2009

These type of advertisments I find really irritating in the extreme - posted another "general" comment in another topic

However how do I STOP these -- the popup blocker does a passable job but these little boxes that popup randomly just over the bit you are reading ARE REALLY IRRITATING.

The people who write this type of code must really have bird size brains if they think ANY PRODUCT will be sold via this type of commercial - in fact it would PUT ME OFF BUYING that product for all time.

A lot more sites are beginning to use this insidious method of advertising as a way to get round traditional "pop-up" blockers.

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Java Update Prompt Won't Stop On Windows 7 Laptop

Jan 11, 2012

On Windows 7 Laptop, incessantly prompts to update Java. I've said yes, I've said no, I've changed the settings to turn off automatic updates several times. It won't stop. It prompts about 80% of the time I boot computer on. I've read a few things about messing with registry edits, but really don't want to start with that.

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Multi Browser + Flash + Java Installer

Dec 16, 2009

This tool allows you to install the top 4 browsers and the plugins required for most sites all at once. It downloads the most recent versions automatically at time of install.

Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and Safari + Flash + Java installer provided by Ninite Easy PC Setup and Multiple App Installer - Great For Win7 Upgrades.

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Installing Java And Flash In Windows 7 64bit?

Jul 23, 2012

I'll be installing both Firefox and Chrome in Windows 7 64bit (I use both). Do I have to install BOTH 32 and 64bit versions of Java and Flash to support FF (32 bit browser) and Chrome (64bit), or will installing the 64 bit versions suffice?

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Flash And Java Not Working In Windows 7 On Any Browser

Oct 1, 2011

i only ever use firefox, and would always keep it and other programs such as flash and java up to date. one day, some websites just quit working, like facebook, Internet, netflix, and various game sites. this problem continued for a few weeks, and i didn't do anything to try and problem solve it. then everything seemed to magically fix itself, so i figured that an automatic update had done the trick. however, a few months ago those problems started again and since then i have read many threads on how to fix them, uninstalled and reinstalled ff, java and flash countless times, including past versions of all of them. i even tried using ie and chrome, but i had the same problems with those browsers. as of right now, i cannot view flash based game sites (such as omgpop). i used to not be able to play games on facebook, but as of yesterday those suddenly work again. i cannot watch streaming videos on netflix, but Internet works fine. i cannot view content on many web pages (for example google images does not work at all, nor does googlemaps or mapquest). some pages only load partially even though it says they are 'done'. i often see 'javascript:void(0)' on websites. currently i am running the current versions of java and flash and ff 3.6. i have checked pop up blockers and script enabling and just about everything else. i am at a total loss of what to do. (even as i am typing this, i cannot click on any of the text editing tools or smilies and this is showing up as one big paragraph...)

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Flash Java Not Working In Windows 7 Any Browser / Can't Update

Jul 11, 2012

i only ever use firefox, and would always keep it and other programs such as flash and java up to date. one day, some websites just quit working, like facebook, Internet, netflix, and various game sites. this problem continued for a few weeks, and i didn't do anything to try and problem solve it. then everything seemed to magically fix itself, so i figured that an automatic update had done the trick. however, a few months ago those problems started again and since then i have read many threads on how to fix them, uninstalled and reinstalled ff, java and flash countless times, including past versions of all of them. i even tried using ie and chrome, but i had the same problems with those browsers. as of right now, i cannot view flash based game sites (such as omgpop).i used to not be able to play games on facebook, but as of yesterday those suddenly work again. i cannot watch streaming videos on netflix, but Internet works fine.i cannot view content on many web pages (for example google images does not work at all, nor does googlemaps or mapquest). some pages only load partially even though it says they are 'done'. i often see 'javascript:void(0)' on websites.currently i am running the current versions of java and flash and ff 3.6. i have checked pop up blockers and script enabling and just about everything else.i am at a total loss of what to do. (even as i am typing this, i cannot click on any of the text editing tools or smilies and this is showing up as one big paragraph) i've tried pretty much everything i can think of, as to manual installation and so forth.nothing works, nor changes anything.

so far it's only facebook (of websites) not working, and then of course flash and java.i would like to avoid comments such as: "just don't use facebook then *hurhhurh*" as the problem runs somewhat deeper than just not being able to use facebook. this computer is just about 4 months old as well, and i'm breaking my skull trying to figure out what the heck is causing this. on a side note i am up to date on both anti-spyware and anti-virus, and i've run several scans in both secure and normal mode.all comes up empty.

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Windows 7 32bit, Flash, Java, All Browsers, Streaming Video?

Jan 29, 2013

i go to, i click on something i want to watch i get there and the page appears but with no pre-video image or play button.i have just down graded from windows 7 64bit to windows 7 32bit as i thought this may have been the problem, due to flash 64bit problems. so i have a fresh install of windows 7.i have tried quite a few things, please see the list below:1. both firefox, chrome, ie 9 & ie 10. all with no flash or java installed, i know this is not right, but something interesting happened. the website did exactly the same thing as before, there was nothing telling me on the bbc website that flash was needed and go here to download it.2. installed different versions of flash and java, and in combinations of old & old, old & new, new & old, new & new.3. i have tried older versions of browers, this made no difference.4. my wifes computer does the same thing with firefox and chrome, but ie 9 does work correctly. we copied all settings from internet options, ie 9's settings from her's to mine. still nothing.

5. i have tried clearing cashe, nothing changed.6. i have removed flash and java. then just installed google chrome, as this has flash built in. i then tried bbc iplayer and still nothing. i then install java, again nothing.7. there have been other website as well as bbc iplayer, that are not working.these problems happen in all browsers on my computer and on all browsers except ie9 on my wifes system:amd athlon ii x4 635 2.90ghzgeforce 8800gs4gb ramrunning windows 7 32bitmy wifes system:amd athlon 64 x2 dualcore 6000+ati radeon 64504bg ramrunning windows 7 64bithowever our sony vaio plays all video types on all browers, running windows 7 32bit.Internet runs fine on my computer. when i check flash version on adobe site the flash created box appears telling me my version. it seems odd that some types of flash run whilst others do not. when they're not working, there is no error message, just an empty box where the flash item should be.

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Change The Java Path So Windows 7 Can Find The Java.exe?

Aug 22, 2011

Ok, I have looked everywhere and tried several "solutions" to get windows to recognize where Java.exe so it can run .jar files.I'm running windows 7 64-bit with java 1.6 32-bit installed. And when I try to install craftbukkit I only get errors.I have copied these errors so you can view them at...So I searched all over google and tried to go to my computer, advanced settings, path and add the path there but i still get the same errors.I've been all over the mine craft and bukkit forums but no one there can explain how to fix it

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Annoying Popups Appear When Usb Is Installed

Mar 8, 2011

I've just installed Windows 7 SP1. When I open up and use any USB I get a bubble warning:"This USB device can perform faster if you connect it to a Hi-Speed USB port. For a list of available ports click here."There is a box to tick that is supposed to stop this annoying pop-up but it does not seem to work.

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C:Windowssystem32 Popups Up Automatically

Jul 30, 2012

Every 5 minutes, C:Windowssystem32 would pop up automatically. The folder would just pop up automatically while I'm doing a task such as browsing the web. I have use avast and malwarebytes to search for antimalware activities and I have found nothing. Does anyone else have a solution for this? The folder browser does not pop-up on start-up but rather a couple minutes after. The timing for when it pops up is random. It sometimes doesn't do it for over an hour and sometimes it only takes 5 minutes.

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Block Forum Popups

Nov 7, 2009

I tend to read with my cursor so pop ups such as highlighted words (for instance Google) pop up.

I have Tools > Popup Blocker turned on to high but I still get popups. Is there any way to prevent this and other forum's popups?

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Random Admin Popups

Jan 6, 2013

Well this has happened twice, a program asks for admin privileges and then everything I open requests it. for example, steam did it earlier and then my screencap program and others. I log off and log back on and its fixed, whats wrong? Is it just a glitch?

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Disable Program Popups?

Aug 29, 2011

I was wondering if there is a generic way to take permissions away from a program that will pop up and take me out of full screen(like when playing a game). I would like to block all programs from being able to do this except perhaps my anti-virus. I don't care if a download finished, while I'm in a game.

The current offending program is Download Accelerator Plus. If it is a case-by-case basis, does anyone know how to disable it in DAP?

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No Menu Bar In Attachment Window Popups?

Oct 30, 2012

I am currently running Windows 7 with Gmail via Google Chrome & Windows Live Mail 2011. In both email systems when I select "attachment" the window will open but has no menu bar where I can select the appropriate drive or folder of the file I wish to attach. Thought it was a Gmail issue, but discovered that Live Mail does the same thing. Wondering if there is a way to get the menu bar back?

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Dropdowns / Popups Never Gain Focus

Apr 29, 2011

I waited for weeks in Micosoft Technet for a solution but all that was offered was to kill all non-microsoft processes using msconfig and then ShellExView and it didn't help. No other possible solution/ troubleshooting tips were offered. [code] 98-100% of the time for example, if I try to change my volume, adjust/change the network from the taskbar, the popup window disappears when I attempt to move the mouse away from the right side of the taskbar where these icons live.Another example of the behavior is that I cannot use the Calender dropdown in Outlook 2010. I can still input the date myself, just that the dropdown loses or never gains focus.If I uninstall nvidia and use Win 7 64bit vanilla vga the problem still exists unless I also uninstall the vanilla drivers and NOT reboot. For this short window of opportunity, I can use dropdowns and popups.I have bought new mouse and keyboard to attempt to eliminate them as culprits, but all have been USB types so would still be using the same drivers, I believe, and I have not installed special drivers for them.Have uninstalled video drivers and Clean Sweep(ed) numerous times.

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Popups/menus On Wrong Side?

Feb 21, 2012

all of a sudden pop ups / menus / flyouts (or whatever they're called) are now coming up on the left side of the mouse cursor, not the normal right side.

For example, on the Desktop of you right click on an icon to view properties, the menu is on the left (the top right of the menu is at the cursor point). If you go to a sub-menu, such as 'Send To,' it flies out even further to the left instead of on the right.

Is this maybe some sort of Left Hand/Right Hand setting or the like?

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Getting Non-Stop Flickering Pop Ups On Screen

May 24, 2011

My system:
HP G62-144DX Notebook
Microsoft WIN 7 Home Premium Service Pack 1 64 Bit
Intel(R) Processor
McAfee Virus Protector (running)...

3 days ago, I started getting these 'flickering' pop ups at the top left hand corner of my screen. Some are whole ads and others are just bits and pieces like a 'puzzle'. They are non-stop and especially when I am on my AOL 'Welcome/home page'. I can hardly read what is displayed on my left screen.

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Stop (hang) At Welcome Screen

Sep 20, 2009

I just do clean installation on windows 7 7600 ultimate RTM

first attempt installation

- everything going good but 7 just stop at Asking for password.

second attempt installation

- so i do another clean installation, i delete all the partition and start a clean installation

- everything goes fine and when i do restarting, 7 just stop at welcome screen.

- im restarting the 7 and go to safemode, its worked. so my windows 7 can go to safemode

- go to eventviewer and find 2 main error on system. which is Error DistributedCom with event 100005 and error with event7001 some networking error.

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How To Stop Screen From Rolling Up

Feb 12, 2013

my screen keeps rolling up can i fix it

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Stuff Missing In Task-Bar Button/app Popups?

Nov 9, 2012

I used to be able to right-click buttons in the Task Bar and get a popup that listed the last documents/links/etc. that I had opened with that app along with other shortcuts for the app. A while back (beyond my earliest restore point), that changed.I still get the popups but no more listings of the last resources used and other things that are missing in those popups. Has anyone experienced this bizarre behavior? I have no clue what caused it or, more importantl

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How To Stop Screen Settings From Changing

Dec 31, 2011

Every time I boot up, the screen settings have changed to a "two monitors" setting. At this setting, the mouse pointer will run off the screen to the right.I have to go to "Screen Resolution" and click "Detect", it finds only one monitor, click OK, and it works fine 'til next boot up.

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Windows 7 Screen Icons Won't Stop Self Arranging

Aug 27, 2012

i turn off the auto arrange option but the icons sort over to the left side of screen every time i turn off the computer or restart

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Blue Screen Of Death - STOP: 0x0000007E

Jul 17, 2012

2 days ago after I closed off my laptop lid, my laptop went into hibernation mode. After that, the laptop is having some trouble trying to wake up. I remembered I saw an error message saying something like "Windows has failed to wake up from hibernation". So I have no other choices but to restart. Ever since then, I start to get an error.

STOP: 0x0000007E (0xFFFFFFFFC0000005, 0xFFFFF880070C25C6, 0xFFFFF880009A8B78, 0xFFFFF880009A83D0)


I can't get into Windows. Everytime I try, I will be presented with the blue screen of death. I tried booting in safe mode but in vain. I will get stucked at Classpnp.sys[URL]. I am using Windows 7 64 bit, Core i7, 8GB Ram, 2GB Graphics

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Blue Screen With Stop Error 0x00000124

Sep 8, 2012

I've been intermittently getting blue screens with the stop error 0x00000124, which the internet told me is either a driver or hardware issue. I've run memtest for 5 passes on both sticks of RAM and there were no errors. I do overclock my CPU, but my system is water cooled and the temp is always stable. In addition when not overclocked I still will get a blue screen sometimes. Here are my specs.

OS - Windows 7
Windows 7 (Custom Build)
1-2 years old
1 year. I re-install Windows every so often for tidiness.

CPU: Intel i7 2600k
Video Card: EVGA Nvidia GTX 570 Super Overclocked
Motherboard: Intel Gigabyte Z68X-UD3H-B3
Power Supply: Antec TruePower Quattro 850W

The zip with the jcgriff2 report is too big for the upload limit. So I uploaded it here: [URL]

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Screen Would Go Blank And Stop Responding At Random

Jan 24, 2012

Recently I built a computer but shortly after I began using it the screen would go black and stop responding to anything, I couldn't even power it down from the on/off button, I had to shut it down from the switch on the battery and sometimes that fail before working.

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Screen Dark In Sleep Mode But Fan Almost Never Stop

Dec 9, 2012

During the day, if we leave the computer alone, screen goes black, after a while, fans turn off. Wireless mouse wakes it up just fine. Fans startup before the screen is completely ready to go. During the night, the screen is dark, but the fans almost never stop. Why?

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Cannot Hold A Desktop Background And Constant Popups Stating That Windows 7

May 21, 2011

Can someone explain the Windows Build 7601 program to me.I've asked the guy that built this computer for me and he says it's just from an update I installed update 971033 to be more precise and that I could not get rid of.However he did not offer me the product key the program is requesting or any other fix for that matter.The only problems I'm noticing with it are that I cannot hold a desktop background and the constant popups stating that my Windows 7 may not be genuine or may be counterfeit.

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Stop Windows 7 From Logging Out To The Password Screen Automatically

Feb 4, 2011

I have a new Desktop with Windows 7. After I start the computer and leave it running for a while, (10 to 15min), it will automatically revert to the password screen. Also it won't go to screen saver. I have the screensaver set to not require password after waking. Also I have my power settings set to high performance. Also i have my Nic card configured so that it isn't allowed to be turned off.

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Erratic BSOD, Usually While Gaming; STOP Screen Says Tcpip.sys

Apr 13, 2012

I'm running retail 64-bit Windows 7 Home Premium on a custom-built computer I made in summer of '09, the same install the whole time. Lately (last couple of weeks) I've been getting a BSOD after running a while, usually while gaming but sometimes when I've only been playing music. I tried finding out the cause myself, to no avail; a BSOD interpreter told me that only ntoskrnl.exe and tcpip.sys were on the stack, but I'm not familiar enough with Windows's workings to really know what that means. Some more googling found a likely culprit, an outdated version of Asus's ACPI driver, but I was unable to find an updated version to download

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