Installing Java And Flash In Windows 7 64bit?

Jul 23, 2012

I'll be installing both Firefox and Chrome in Windows 7 64bit (I use both). Do I have to install BOTH 32 and 64bit versions of Java and Flash to support FF (32 bit browser) and Chrome (64bit), or will installing the 64 bit versions suffice?

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FPS Drops In Flash Player 11 (Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit) After Installing SP1?

Nov 23, 2011

symptoms: random fps loss here and there during video playback in Internet, as well as flash based games (about 1 or 2 seconds and then goes back to being smooth in what seems to be 20 or 30 second intervals). i'm not sure if this is 100% accurate, but i noticed that fps (frames per second) took a hit after installing sp1 (service pack 1) on windows 7 ultmate 64 bit. i don't know the cause, and i've tried uninstalling and re installing it but no difference. hardware is not an issue, as i just built a new computer with some of the latest hardware.

system specs are as follows:
os: windows 7 ultimate
audio driver: realtek version: (latest) audio codec: alc892
16 gigs of ddr3 1600 corsair vengeance ram
saphire radeon 6850 hd
western digital caviar black 7200 rpm 1tb
700 watt psu
fx 8150 am3+ 8 cores
asrock 990fx extreme4 am3+ amd 990fx sata 6gb/s usb 3.0 atx amd motherboard

i don't have this issue when i was in windows xp 32/64 bit, and again, symptoms only seemed to start after installing sp1 for windows 7 ultimate 64 bit. broswers tried: ie9, chrome, firefox, safari (safari seems to handle it slightly better, but symptom still present non the less).

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Flash And Java Not Working In Windows 7 On Any Browser

Oct 1, 2011

i only ever use firefox, and would always keep it and other programs such as flash and java up to date. one day, some websites just quit working, like facebook, Internet, netflix, and various game sites. this problem continued for a few weeks, and i didn't do anything to try and problem solve it. then everything seemed to magically fix itself, so i figured that an automatic update had done the trick. however, a few months ago those problems started again and since then i have read many threads on how to fix them, uninstalled and reinstalled ff, java and flash countless times, including past versions of all of them. i even tried using ie and chrome, but i had the same problems with those browsers. as of right now, i cannot view flash based game sites (such as omgpop). i used to not be able to play games on facebook, but as of yesterday those suddenly work again. i cannot watch streaming videos on netflix, but Internet works fine. i cannot view content on many web pages (for example google images does not work at all, nor does googlemaps or mapquest). some pages only load partially even though it says they are 'done'. i often see 'javascript:void(0)' on websites. currently i am running the current versions of java and flash and ff 3.6. i have checked pop up blockers and script enabling and just about everything else. i am at a total loss of what to do. (even as i am typing this, i cannot click on any of the text editing tools or smilies and this is showing up as one big paragraph...)

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Flash Java Not Working In Windows 7 Any Browser / Can't Update

Jul 11, 2012

i only ever use firefox, and would always keep it and other programs such as flash and java up to date. one day, some websites just quit working, like facebook, Internet, netflix, and various game sites. this problem continued for a few weeks, and i didn't do anything to try and problem solve it. then everything seemed to magically fix itself, so i figured that an automatic update had done the trick. however, a few months ago those problems started again and since then i have read many threads on how to fix them, uninstalled and reinstalled ff, java and flash countless times, including past versions of all of them. i even tried using ie and chrome, but i had the same problems with those browsers. as of right now, i cannot view flash based game sites (such as omgpop).i used to not be able to play games on facebook, but as of yesterday those suddenly work again. i cannot watch streaming videos on netflix, but Internet works fine.i cannot view content on many web pages (for example google images does not work at all, nor does googlemaps or mapquest). some pages only load partially even though it says they are 'done'. i often see 'javascript:void(0)' on websites.currently i am running the current versions of java and flash and ff 3.6. i have checked pop up blockers and script enabling and just about everything else.i am at a total loss of what to do. (even as i am typing this, i cannot click on any of the text editing tools or smilies and this is showing up as one big paragraph) i've tried pretty much everything i can think of, as to manual installation and so forth.nothing works, nor changes anything.

so far it's only facebook (of websites) not working, and then of course flash and java.i would like to avoid comments such as: "just don't use facebook then *hurhhurh*" as the problem runs somewhat deeper than just not being able to use facebook. this computer is just about 4 months old as well, and i'm breaking my skull trying to figure out what the heck is causing this. on a side note i am up to date on both anti-spyware and anti-virus, and i've run several scans in both secure and normal mode.all comes up empty.

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Windows 7 32bit, Flash, Java, All Browsers, Streaming Video?

Jan 29, 2013

i go to, i click on something i want to watch i get there and the page appears but with no pre-video image or play button.i have just down graded from windows 7 64bit to windows 7 32bit as i thought this may have been the problem, due to flash 64bit problems. so i have a fresh install of windows 7.i have tried quite a few things, please see the list below:1. both firefox, chrome, ie 9 & ie 10. all with no flash or java installed, i know this is not right, but something interesting happened. the website did exactly the same thing as before, there was nothing telling me on the bbc website that flash was needed and go here to download it.2. installed different versions of flash and java, and in combinations of old & old, old & new, new & old, new & new.3. i have tried older versions of browers, this made no difference.4. my wifes computer does the same thing with firefox and chrome, but ie 9 does work correctly. we copied all settings from internet options, ie 9's settings from her's to mine. still nothing.

5. i have tried clearing cashe, nothing changed.6. i have removed flash and java. then just installed google chrome, as this has flash built in. i then tried bbc iplayer and still nothing. i then install java, again nothing.7. there have been other website as well as bbc iplayer, that are not working.these problems happen in all browsers on my computer and on all browsers except ie9 on my wifes system:amd athlon ii x4 635 2.90ghzgeforce 8800gs4gb ramrunning windows 7 32bitmy wifes system:amd athlon 64 x2 dualcore 6000+ati radeon 64504bg ramrunning windows 7 64bithowever our sony vaio plays all video types on all browers, running windows 7 32bit.Internet runs fine on my computer. when i check flash version on adobe site the flash created box appears telling me my version. it seems odd that some types of flash run whilst others do not. when they're not working, there is no error message, just an empty box where the flash item should be.

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Installing Java On Windows 7?

Aug 3, 2011

i want to install java. But it says i need to change the intenet settings.

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Installing 64 Bit Java On Windows 7 64 Bit

Dec 20, 2012

can java 64 bit be installed on wibdoes 7 64 bit?

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How To Stop Java And Flash Screen Popups

May 10, 2011

They run Windows 7 at my school and every time I log on to a new machine I am bombarded with the Internet Explorer 8 initial setup screen questions about default search, and accelerators, and additional notifications about new versions of Java and Flash, etc. how to tell them to set up the machines so that IE comes already set up and Java and Flash and doesn't pop up messages about new versions that we can't install anyway because we are not administrators?

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Multi Browser + Flash + Java Installer

Dec 16, 2009

This tool allows you to install the top 4 browsers and the plugins required for most sites all at once. It downloads the most recent versions automatically at time of install.

Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and Safari + Flash + Java installer provided by Ninite Easy PC Setup and Multiple App Installer - Great For Win7 Upgrades.

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Windows 7 64bit - Java Doesn't Want To Load

Aug 31, 2012

I have a new build with Windows 7 64 bit. I am trying to install Java. I have downloaded it and tried to load it. I get to the installing Java screen and nothing happens.

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Java Installing On Windows 7 And Firefox?

Aug 17, 2011

I have windows 7 Firefox 5.0. If I goto Java Test page it says I have no Java versions installed. But in Tools I have under Add-ons Java Deployment Toolkit 6.0.2407 enabled. I have downloaded both manually and online latest Java versions for both 64bit and 32bit browsers. When I try to install I get Error 1606. Could not access network location %ADPDATA%/. It then just gives option to retry. Or Windows lets me select "successful" and override(?) but its still the case that I go to Java Test and they cant find a Java Installed. I have done this in both Admin and User mode.

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Java 64bit For Windows 7 Shows Installed, But Not Recognized?

Jun 21, 2011

I can't open certain programs, as it says that I don't have the correct java, or its not recognized. I've always had java before, and when I tired to update, it was telling me that it either A. Couldn't do it, or B. It wasn't installed for some kind of error. I've deleted the java, and redownloaded it, and still the same problems. Also, on the automatic updates, its not letting the windows 7 SP1 update either. Maybe has to do with the Java, or vice versa?

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Can't Download Java - Have A 64bit System

Jul 15, 2012

i cant download java i have a 64 bit system

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Installing Java Error 1606

Feb 15, 2012

I have tried numerous of time to install the latest version of Java. Everytime I try to install it I get Error 1606. It tells me that it is unable to get in contact with the network. I even trie using an offline installer & I still receive the same error message.

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How To Install JAVA And Turbo C In Core I3 Processor 64bit Laptop

Jul 8, 2012

C Language for i3. How to install JAVA and turbo c in core i3 processor 64 bit laptop?

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RAID 5 Array Lost Assignment While Installing PS3 Media Server / Java

Aug 5, 2011

I had a successful raid 5 array setup. It was assigned to g and while I was installing ps3 media server and then java it lost it's drive assignment. It shows up under disk management but asks me to initialize it. I really don't want to do that because it will format and i will lose the data on the volume. What else can i do to get my array to show up in windows with my data intact?

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Installing Java And Office 2007 - Internal Error 2502 / 2503

Nov 12, 2010

Trying to install Java and OFfice 2007 on Win7 32bit. Getting Internal Errors 2503 and 2503. Don't have C: WindowsInstaller folder.

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Change The Java Path So Windows 7 Can Find The Java.exe?

Aug 22, 2011

Ok, I have looked everywhere and tried several "solutions" to get windows to recognize where Java.exe so it can run .jar files.I'm running windows 7 64-bit with java 1.6 32-bit installed. And when I try to install craftbukkit I only get errors.I have copied these errors so you can view them at...So I searched all over google and tried to go to my computer, advanced settings, path and add the path there but i still get the same errors.I've been all over the mine craft and bukkit forums but no one there can explain how to fix it

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Cannot Format USB Flash Drive With Windows 7 64bit?

Jun 16, 2011

Cannot format USB flash drive with windows 7 64bit?

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Installing Windows 7 Using USB Flash-drive

Mar 28, 2012

I recently built myself a new system from scratch, and plan to install Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit onto it using an OEM copy I purchased from retail. I had planned to save money on my new machine by not installing an optical drive, since I have no need for one. My original intent was to take the optical drive out of my old machine and use it just to install Windows, but in short-sightedness didn't realize my old optical drive is not compatible with my new motherboard. After a bit of research, I have found a number of websites detailing methods of installing Windows 7 using a USB Flashdrive. I have an 8GB Flashdrive so I had hoped to work-around my problem through this method, but ran into a new problem. All of the guides require that the data be copied from the disk to the flashdrive using Windows 7/Vista, and on my old machine I am using Windows XP (which from my limited understanding, doesn't play friendly with USB drives). I found a couple of other articles detailing a more complicated method that works with XP, BUT doesn't work for me, because my copy of XP is 32-bit and the copy of Windows 7 I want to use is 64-bit.

I don't know anyone with a copy of Vista/7 64-bit already to use or with a compatible optical drive to borrow, and I really hope to avoid buying an optical drive just to install Windows.

Does anyone know of a method that I can get the information I need to install Windows 7 64-bit onto a USB Flashdrive using Windows XP 32-bit? Or any other way to get my DVD of Windows 7 installed onto my DVD drive-less computer?

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Installing Windows 7 Onto A Flash Drive?

Apr 28, 2011

i know i know... there's tons of threads about making flash drive bootable, put windows 7 onto flash drive and even has a post said ... installing windows 7 onto drive ... but no answer...i have bootable windows cd a laptop with bootable usb port capability... i am NOT trying to make a bootable windows 7 flash drive...i am trying to install windows 7 onto this removeable drive so if my hdd really dies, i can just use this flash drive as a hdd to continue do what i am doing light weight computer tasks

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Installing Windows 7 On USB Flash Drive?

Apr 20, 2012

Would it be possible to install Windows 7 x64 Ultimate onto my 32GB USB Flash Drive as a portable OS on the go? I'm not talking about creating a Windows 7 Installation USB Flash Drive as an alternative to a DVD Installation, I'm talking about being able to have Windows 7 x64 Ultimate OS on a USB drive.

I'm asking because I need to be able to have another Windows OS on a separate drive in order for me to be able to Secure Erase my OCZ RevoDrive PCI-E SSD using OCZ Toolbox.

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Installing Windows On A USB Flash Drive

Jun 17, 2011

Is it possible to install Windows(XP/Vista/7/embedded) onto a USB flash drive, such that it is bootable from any PC (assuming it supports USB boot and meets the minimum OS requirements)?The installation should ideally provide basic services necessary to perform mundane activities such as web surfing and word processing. I've seen guides for installing Windows onto USB flash drives and HDDs, but not one that claims to be portable. Is this at all possible?

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Installing Windows 7 From USB Flash Device

Jun 28, 2011

I am having trouble installing Windows 7 on a new build that does not have a DVD/CD drive installed. I am using a USB flash drive for the installation. Everything goes well until Windows installation asks me for a DVD/CD driver. I don't have a DVD/CD. Do I need an optical drive in order to install Windows 7?

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Installing Windows 7 With USB Flash Drive?

Jun 24, 2010

I'm building a new pc and I'm trying to save as much money as I can. So I'm wondering can I skip buying an optical drive to install my Windows 7 and just use a USB Flash Drive to install windows 7 on a NEW COMPUTER with nothing on it(no OS).

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DVD/CD-Rom Driver Needed When Installing Windows 7 From Usb Flash?

Sep 9, 2012

I recently downloaded the win 7 x64 iso and added it to a usb flash drive using the "usb flash drive tool" from microsoft. When I boot from the flashdrive the windows install wizard loads, I select the language and click next, then I get asked to find the CD/DVD-rom driver...

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Windows 7 64bit / IE9 32bit - No Adobe Flash Player Installed

Dec 27, 2012

I installed a new motherboard an asus p8p67 with a intel i3 and upgraded to windows 7 64bit. Everything went fine the first day, but next day everything kept telling me to install flash player which I already did that along with java. I went to control panel flash player was there hit update, says I had latest version. I uninstalled flash player went to adobe and downloaded it again, install process says I have the newest version already installed but I have no flash installed at this moment. The little bar at bottom keeps saying website wants to install following adobe flash player addon which is showing right now as I write this. I installed it at first with the default 32 bit internet explorer which is ie9 but now nothing seems to work and still have no flash player installed.

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Unable To Install Adobe Flash Player In Windows 7 64bit?

Jan 2, 2013

i am unable to install adobe flesh player in windows 7 64bit

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Safely Installing Adobe Flash Player In Windows 7

May 31, 2011

How can I install Adobe Flash Player in Windows 7 safely if I have to disable the anti-virus programmes?

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Safely Installing Adobe Flash Player In Windows 7?

May 31, 2011

How can I install Adobe Flash Player in Windows 7 safely if I have to disable the anti-virus programmes?

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Flash In 64bit

Nov 2, 2009

all the cool sites aren't working for me .. all because i am using windows 7 64bit os

Internet isn't working .. it says i need to get flash player.

when i go to download flash player .. it says it isn't available for the 64bit systems

what can i do ?

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