Random Admin Popups

Jan 6, 2013

Well this has happened twice, a program asks for admin privileges and then everything I open requests it. for example, steam did it earlier and then my screencap program and others. I log off and log back on and its fixed, whats wrong? Is it just a glitch?

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Annoying Popups Appear When Usb Is Installed

Mar 8, 2011

I've just installed Windows 7 SP1. When I open up and use any USB I get a bubble warning:"This USB device can perform faster if you connect it to a Hi-Speed USB port. For a list of available ports click here."There is a box to tick that is supposed to stop this annoying pop-up but it does not seem to work.

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C:Windowssystem32 Popups Up Automatically

Jul 30, 2012

Every 5 minutes, C:Windowssystem32 would pop up automatically. The folder would just pop up automatically while I'm doing a task such as browsing the web. I have use avast and malwarebytes to search for antimalware activities and I have found nothing. Does anyone else have a solution for this? The folder browser does not pop-up on start-up but rather a couple minutes after. The timing for when it pops up is random. It sometimes doesn't do it for over an hour and sometimes it only takes 5 minutes.

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Block Forum Popups

Nov 7, 2009

I tend to read with my cursor so pop ups such as highlighted words (for instance Google) pop up.

I have Tools > Popup Blocker turned on to high but I still get popups. Is there any way to prevent this and other forum's popups?

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IE8 Doesn't Stop All Popups

Mar 24, 2009

These type of advertisments I find really irritating in the extreme - posted another "general" comment in another topic

However how do I STOP these -- the popup blocker does a passable job but these little boxes that popup randomly just over the bit you are reading ARE REALLY IRRITATING.

The people who write this type of code must really have bird size brains if they think ANY PRODUCT will be sold via this type of commercial - in fact it would PUT ME OFF BUYING that product for all time.

A lot more sites are beginning to use this insidious method of advertising as a way to get round traditional "pop-up" blockers.

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Disable Program Popups?

Aug 29, 2011

I was wondering if there is a generic way to take permissions away from a program that will pop up and take me out of full screen(like when playing a game). I would like to block all programs from being able to do this except perhaps my anti-virus. I don't care if a download finished, while I'm in a game.

The current offending program is Download Accelerator Plus. If it is a case-by-case basis, does anyone know how to disable it in DAP?

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No Menu Bar In Attachment Window Popups?

Oct 30, 2012

I am currently running Windows 7 with Gmail via Google Chrome & Windows Live Mail 2011. In both email systems when I select "attachment" the window will open but has no menu bar where I can select the appropriate drive or folder of the file I wish to attach. Thought it was a Gmail issue, but discovered that Live Mail does the same thing. Wondering if there is a way to get the menu bar back?

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Java Update Flashing Popups?

Nov 7, 2012

Every once in a while I keep getting a flashing pop up at the bottom of my screen saying a Java update is available wanting me to click it. In the past I have done that and got a virus from it. (Bleeping computers helped me get rid of it)I run a scan with avast and malwarebytes that I have installed but they never find a virus. I am just asking if I can trust it or is it a virus thats hidden so well that it cant be detected by avast or maywarebytes?

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Dropdowns / Popups Never Gain Focus

Apr 29, 2011

I waited for weeks in Micosoft Technet for a solution but all that was offered was to kill all non-microsoft processes using msconfig and then ShellExView and it didn't help. No other possible solution/ troubleshooting tips were offered. [code] 98-100% of the time for example, if I try to change my volume, adjust/change the network from the taskbar, the popup window disappears when I attempt to move the mouse away from the right side of the taskbar where these icons live.Another example of the behavior is that I cannot use the Calender dropdown in Outlook 2010. I can still input the date myself, just that the dropdown loses or never gains focus.If I uninstall nvidia and use Win 7 64bit vanilla vga the problem still exists unless I also uninstall the vanilla drivers and NOT reboot. For this short window of opportunity, I can use dropdowns and popups.I have bought new mouse and keyboard to attempt to eliminate them as culprits, but all have been USB types so would still be using the same drivers, I believe, and I have not installed special drivers for them.Have uninstalled video drivers and Clean Sweep(ed) numerous times.

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Popups/menus On Wrong Side?

Feb 21, 2012

all of a sudden pop ups / menus / flyouts (or whatever they're called) are now coming up on the left side of the mouse cursor, not the normal right side.

For example, on the Desktop of you right click on an icon to view properties, the menu is on the left (the top right of the menu is at the cursor point). If you go to a sub-menu, such as 'Send To,' it flies out even further to the left instead of on the right.

Is this maybe some sort of Left Hand/Right Hand setting or the like?

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How To Stop Java And Flash Screen Popups

May 10, 2011

They run Windows 7 at my school and every time I log on to a new machine I am bombarded with the Internet Explorer 8 initial setup screen questions about default search, and accelerators, and additional notifications about new versions of Java and Flash, etc. how to tell them to set up the machines so that IE comes already set up and Java and Flash and doesn't pop up messages about new versions that we can't install anyway because we are not administrators?

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Stuff Missing In Task-Bar Button/app Popups?

Nov 9, 2012

I used to be able to right-click buttons in the Task Bar and get a popup that listed the last documents/links/etc. that I had opened with that app along with other shortcuts for the app. A while back (beyond my earliest restore point), that changed.I still get the popups but no more listings of the last resources used and other things that are missing in those popups. Has anyone experienced this bizarre behavior? I have no clue what caused it or, more importantl

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Admin Password - Unable To Logon To Admin Screen?

Mar 13, 2012

I recently changed my logon password and now can't remember it - am therefore unable to logon to my admin screen

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Cannot Hold A Desktop Background And Constant Popups Stating That Windows 7

May 21, 2011

Can someone explain the Windows Build 7601 program to me.I've asked the guy that built this computer for me and he says it's just from an update I installed update 971033 to be more precise and that I could not get rid of.However he did not offer me the product key the program is requesting or any other fix for that matter.The only problems I'm noticing with it are that I cannot hold a desktop background and the constant popups stating that my Windows 7 may not be genuine or may be counterfeit.

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Admin Rights Not Working For Admin Account

Jul 31, 2011

I am trying to change the folder properties of a applications folder from read only. I am doing this per instructions from the apps provider to prevent crashes.

When I go to change the permissions it states I need admin privileges. The only account I have on the box is the admin however I did change the name to something besides admin. The account is definitely an admin account.

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Admin User Has No Admin Rights?

Nov 26, 2012

My problem is that even though I have only one user account defined on my machine and it is set to "Administrator" it is not being allowed to do admin types of things like deleting folders. I tried to create a user group but that's not an option on the Win7 Home Premium version that I use. How can it be that the sole account is not the admin even though it shows that it is in the account user setup?

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium, Service Pack 1, 64 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 CPU M 370 @ 2.40GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 37 Stepping 5
Processor Count: 4
RAM: 3890 Mb
Graphics Card: Intel(R) HD Graphics, 1721 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 476837 MB, Free - 424790 MB; E: Total - 476937 MB, Free - 381321 MB;
Motherboard: TOSHIBA, NALAA
Antivirus: Lavasoft Ad-Aware, Disabled Microsoft Security Essentials in use

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Admin Permission On A Admin Account?

Jan 26, 2011

been about week i kept trying to get firefox to download onto my pc. But when i get it to download after that done.i go to run the installer a pop says i need to have admin rights when im on a admin account. im running win 7 64bit . i have a image of the screen that requires me to have admin rights.

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Cannot Run The PC As Admin, Even Logged As Admin?

May 30, 2012

I have 64-bit PC with OS Win 7, and I'm logged as admin. But, when I try to install something or do something else, there is a message saying that: I cannot do that because I'm not an admin on this PC.Is there anything I must adjust in my PC?

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Account Was Changed From Admin To Non Admin / Now Can't Access Account

May 4, 2012

My account was changed from admin to non admin, and now can't access my account. Unable to install programs, tho I can save files, burn ISO images, etc. Need some help, or ideas to recovery, not remove the password.

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[BSOD] Random Crashes. Startup, Starting Game, Once Fully Random?

Dec 10, 2011

Been having some crashes.At first they occurred on start up. Claiming the computer wasn't properly shut down. Now today, the other crashes started, with the first happening out of nowhere, the second happening upon starting a video game. I've been without crashes for a while now, only having used my browser(Opera) and copying some files to an external hard drive. As well as the SF tool.I only have 2 dump files available. SF tool file should be in attachments, unless I made a mistake somewhere

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Random BLSC 0x50 New Computer, New Install, Random Program Crashes?

Apr 8, 2012

Random BLSC 0x50 New Computer, New Install; Random Program Crashes?

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Random BSOD During Random Times, Error 0x8000000000000002

Feb 26, 2012

I reformatted my computer multiple times, yet my computer seems to BSOD randomly.What happenes is that everything becomes unresponsive; cant alt+tab, cant ctrl+alt+del etc etc. everything freezes randomly... then boom, BSOD. its happened twice, with no apparent pattern.And then, when it restarts, it tries booting but then it goes into the boot selection screen and my SSD is nowhere to be found. I have to power off then power on again for it to boot up and log in.

- System
- Provider
[ Name] Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-Power
[ Guid] {331C3B3A-2005-44C2-AC5E-77220C37D6B4}


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Random Computer Shutdowns Random BSODs

May 10, 2012

I dont know if this is the right area or not, as i just joined, but it seems to be the best place. I recently bought a new computer, and now it will randomly shut down. Its also making loud pitch noises. That just started happening. I called tech support and they told me it was probably just the power supply. Before I send it in though, i want to make sure that is what is wrong. I dont know all to put on here.

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Random BSOD Happens At Random Times

Mar 13, 2012

x86 (32-bit) or x64 ? 64 bit

- the original installed OS on the system? this is a built computer by myself. have had 64 bit forever on here

- an OEM or full retail version? oem

- What is the age of system (hardware)? memory is about 2 years old everything else is about 5 years old

- What is the age of OS installation (have you re-installed the OS?) os was installed a few months ago.attached is the info that was requested. these blue screens happen at completely random times. could be during boot up. could be just sitting in sleep and blue screen.

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Random BSOD, Random Codes, While Using And While Away?

May 18, 2012

A couple weeks ago I started having random BSOD and restarts, I have researched several different solutions to no avail. At one point, I thought the problem was solved after restoring a restore point, however, the dreaded BSOD is back after a couple of days.

- Restored the earliest restore point
- Ran chkdsk with no errors
- Ran full scan AV (just in case) using MSSE.
- Updated all Windows and drivers updates.

I believe this is related to a driver issue, however, I'm not sure which one.Attached is both the BSOD App and System Health data.

Basic specs:

- Windows 7 x64
- Original Install
- System age: 6 months
- OS install age: 6 months (not reinstalled)

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Random "mouse-clicking" Or Random Toggle?

Jun 25, 2011

Whenever I am scrolling or just typing inside a MS-Word-2010 or PDF document, it's like someone is clicking with the mouse outside the window. The window menu is greyed out, and the blinking mouse cursor disappears.In order to continue scrolling or typing, I have to click back on that window.Sometimes it happens even while I'm typing, then I discover that some of my typing doesn't appear in the document and I have to click on the document again in order to bring back the mouse cursor into the document I use a wireless mouse but it also happens when I turn it off and use my laptop's touchpad 2 days ago I installed a Java update and NET framework updates.

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How To Set Admin Access

Feb 27, 2011

I am the only user on my home computer but when I try to modify a file it tells me I do not have permission, see admin. If I am the only user why don't I have permission ....who else is there? How do I log in as admin. to have permission? My system boots with no login

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Can't Print Without Admin

Dec 6, 2012

On this computer any user I give admin rights to can print just fine. I set the security so that the everyone user has rights to the printer but if they don't have admin their print job just gets stuck in the que. It is an HP deskjet 6127, previously it was getting an error message about "A program running on this computer is trying to display a message." when a non admin would try to print and the print job would get stuck. I disabled the Interactive Services Detection service and it got rid of that message but the print job gets stuck just the same. It doesn't get an error message, it just says printing and never goes anywhere.

I also tried giving everyone read/write access to the print driver folder

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Need Some Help With Admin Mode

Sep 24, 2011

I checked my user account and I have only one and that is me, and it is listed as administrator but from time to time I get messages that a program has to be run in administrator mode.. the one I remember is Adobe flash update always fails becasue it say I ahve to be in admin mode... I am in admin mode all the time.. is this a known issue with win 7?

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Admin Access Not Available?

Dec 20, 2012

I am using my desktop as a guest and cannot get on as administrator. I may have done something silly to make this happen, messing about with account perms and such when I got my MCITP book... Can use the computer a s a guest but I can't use Restore Point, can't use Run as Administrator, SpyBot has found issues I can't deal with without Admin access and neither can I do a back up before a wipe and reload. I have tried net user * from cmd and also OphCrack-which did find my guest password, but also said Admin account was Disabled. This problem was discovered when I tried remoteing in from my laptop. I have "something" in my D

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Program Needs To Be Run As Admin

Feb 11, 2009

When I try to run certain programs they say the need to be run as an adminstrator and fail to execute properly. The thing is I'm running them as an administrator. build 7000 64 bit.

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