How To Create Undeletable Folder On Desktop

Oct 11, 2012

How can I create an undeletable folder on my disktop. Kindly guide me.

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Create An Undeletable Scheduled Task For A Standard Account?

Apr 18, 2012

Is is possible for an administrator to create a Scheduled Task for a standard user and prevent the standard user from deleting the task? If yes, can you explain or post a link to a tutorial?

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How To Delete An Undeletable File Folder

Aug 11, 2012

Here is some of my system information:

OS Name, Microsoft Windows & Home Premium
Version, 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601
OS Manufacturer, Microsoft Corp.
System Manufacturer, HP
System Model, HP G61 Notebook PC
System Type, x64-based PC
Processor, AMD Athlon II Dual-Core M300, 2000 MHz, 2 Cores, 2 Logical Processors
BIOS Version/Date, HP F.13/25 Jan 2010
SMBIOS Version, 2,6
Hardware Abstraction Layer, Version = "6.1.7601.17514"

My computer came with Internet Explore already installed, but I use only Firefox and Safari. So, I wanted to uninstall IE. But after I did that, I was looking through my program files, and the IE file folder was still in there. So, I tried to delete it but it said I needed permission from "TrustedInstaller". So, I gave full permission to myself but it still didn't work. Then I downloaded LockHunter and it said that the file folder was unlocked but when I went to it, it said that I still didn't have permission to delete. Then I thought that if I opened the IE file folder, I could delete the stuff in it one-by-one but I only got to delete 13 out of 27 items. I closed the file folder and tried to delete all again in the hope that I deleted something that would unlock this option for the IE file folder but it didn't. I then downloaded Unlocker but when I clicked on it to start it up, it wouldn't open. Finally, I added "Take Ownership" to my Explorer right-click menu, and that worked. But now it says, "Folder In Use: The action can't be completed because the folder or a file in it is open in another program." So I opened Task Manager and looked but no .exe or .dll or anything else pertaining to the IE file folder was running. Sometimes when I get this message I can restart my computer and it will work but it didn't do anything this time. I'm running out of ways that I know how to fix this. I usually don't need to ask questions, especially ones so long-winded, about computers but I'm feeling kind of lost here.

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Permissions / Ownership And An Undeletable Folder

Jan 5, 2011

Im in the process of spring cleaning my big stack of hard-drives, in preperation for doing a clean windows install onto my shiney new Kingston V100 SSD.I'm currently looking at one of my 2TB external archive drives, which used to be the system disk on my media-server but is now just an archive disk. Anyways, on that drive, I found a windows folder (no big shock for a system disk) and I figured that I don't need that, as I've previous migrated all the user files when I took it out of the old machine.So I went to delete it, and it told me that I needed permission from 'S-1-5-21-432763403-189175183-190391661- 1000' to delete the folder. From there, I went to the permissions tab, figuring that I'd just have to give myself the rights to get rid of it. No dice there, I couldn't change any permissions, or add or remove users. From there, I went over to the advanced tab, figuring that I could take ownership and from there get the rights I need.

'You do not have permission to read the contents of E:etc etc, do you want to replace permissions with permissions granting full control?' dialogue, so I hit yes, which brought up:'An error occurred while applying security information to E: Access is denied.' None of the ownership, nor permissions changed, so I still can't get rid of anything in the folder. So, what do I have to do to get rid of this thing? Sure its only 20gb on a 2tb disk, but its clutter and I want rid of it! There is a possibility that this was a botched install of windows, rather than a full one (i know it happened once, but I can't remember if it was this one or a different drive), which I guess might explain why the permissions are all hinky, but either way, I wanna know how to clean it out.

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Cannot Create New Folder On Desktop

Mar 31, 2012

it says: Destination Folder Access Denied you need permission to perform this action I am the administrator i so i have full permission on everything but i am stuck on this error?

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Can't Create Folder On Desktop

Jan 9, 2013

I am right clicking on desktop and cant create a new folder. Anywhere else dosent look like for that matter.

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Undeletable Shell Folders

Dec 21, 2009

I have set up custom paths for the shell folders in Windows 7. It works like it's supposed to except for one small detail. The system creates the folders "Pictures" and "Videos" in the default path (C:UsersUsername). As I mentioned I already have "My Pictures" and "My Videos" at another drive, so these folders shouldn't be there but when I try to delete them the system re-creates them. If I try to delete them again I get an error message stating I don't have permission to remove the folder, and if I try to open it it says "Access denied".

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Deleted The Desktop Folder In Personal Folder?

Apr 21, 2011

I deleted the desktop folder in my personal folder and my icons on desktop don t apear anymore now.How can i put it back there?

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User Accounts And / Or Undeletable File?

Feb 11, 2011

I have a laptop from my employer that I want to return as my contract is ending. However I am keen to ensure that I delete all my personal info as I also have work for another contract on it which is quite commercially sensitive (unfortunately I had a period when income would not allow me to have a second machine to keep everything separate). Naturally I have transferred everything I want to another machine and so that is safe.I have deleted everything I want to from the (dell) laptop, and used CC cleaner to wipe the free space, but I note that there is a file still left in one folder with a name that refers to the other company. If the first company sees that name they may think I have leaked info to a competitor and not want to offer me another contract later this year. I have tried all I can to delete the file but I get an error message saying it can't be located (0 bytes) which I assume is because I have already deleted it. I have tried logging off / on 10 times and tried to find the file but of course it is not actually there. I have two questions, how can I delete this ghost file, and / or how can I delete my User Account so that when I return the machine, nothing can be recovered? Of course because it's a company machine, although I have admin rights as I need to be able to install programmes etc; I may not have Full rights. I have tried to add another user so I can log on as that user to remove my existing account, but I get an error message about Trust accounts.

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Create New Folder Template?

Aug 19, 2011

Is it possible to create a new folder template? As a working musician, the standard music template is not functional for what I do. However, I don't want to change the standard music template as it IS functional for pre-recorded music, which I also have on this machine. The other standard templates (music, general items, documents, pictures, videos) are all in use with files and folders normally filled with such items. So I need a NEW folder template where I can keep my professional music files.

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Cant Create CON Folder/file?

Jul 13, 2011

why cant we create CON folder/file ??? for what it refers to

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Can't Create New Folder On One Drive

Aug 14, 2009

I'm not sure which section of the forum to post this. For some reason in Windows 7 RC1 (build 7100) I don't have the option to create a new folder in the root of one mapped domain network drive. What's weird is that with all of my other network drives I can, and I can make new folders in subfolders of the drive I'm having problems with. I just can't in the root of that one drive. The account I'm logged in with does have full control of the folder the drive maps to. I've checked with another member on our domain that is running the same RC1 and he doesn't have this problem.

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Possible To Create Separate Folder In WMC For TV

Jan 16, 2012

My issue is that I have a separate folder on my storage drive for tv shows, and I want to be able to watch them in another room via my Xbox 360. I've added the folder to the library list for both recorded tv and videos but none of the shows appear. I don't really want to add them to the movies area (where my movies do show up) since I prefer keeping them separate. Can I create another folder for these tv shows or is there a way to make them appear in the recorded tv folder?

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Create New Folder Template?

Jan 24, 2013

Is it possible to create a new folder template? As a working musician, the standard music template is not functional for what I do. However, I don't want to change the standard music template as it IS functional for pre-recorded music, which I also have on this machine. The other standard templates (music, general items, documents, pictures, videos) are all in use with files and folders normally filled with such items. So I need a NEW folder template where I can keep my professional music files.

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Why All Desktop Icons Appear In The Desktop Folder But Not On The Desktop Itself

Dec 19, 2012

Why all desktop icons appear in the Desktop folder but not on the desktop itself?I set my desktop to show the Recicle Bin icon only, but if I open the Desktop folder in Explorer they are all there: Computer, Control Panel, Libraries, Network, User's Files, and Recycle Bin.

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Create Folder In Start/All Programs?

Dec 10, 2011

I would like to be able to create folders in "All Programs" section of "Start" so I can group similar programs together. An example would be to group all game programs into one folder instead of having them interspersed through the list alphabeticallly. Is it possible to create new empty folders?

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Create A TXT File Under WINDOWS Folder?

Feb 24, 2012

I wanted to create a TXT file under the WINDOWS folder and the only thing on the context menu was FOLDER.I get the same context menu for any folder under the windows folder.

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Create A Password Protected Folder?

Jun 17, 2011

Can we create a password protected folder??? without any software...i ve figerprint reader in my laptop can i use it for password..

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Create A Hotkey To Open A Certain Folder?

Jun 28, 2011

If I have a folder that usually takes a bit of navigation to get to (don't want any shortcuts on my desktop either as I don't have any shortcuts or icons on my desktop) is it possible to assign some sort of key to instantly open it? Such as holding down CTRL+ALT+184 on the num pad and it will open up that folder. Can it be done?

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How To Create Unsearchable System Folder

Aug 22, 2012

I want to create my own folder that is unsearchable, just like how the contents of c:windows do not show up when you do a root search. I have the 'dont search system folders' option set, and sure enough I have tested it works with c:windows, however my new folder is still showing up. I created a folder c: est, and did a 'attrib +s +h +r test' from a cmd prompt. The command took (the folder is now hidden), but windows does NOT seem to consider it a true 'system' folder (the contents STILL show up in a search). What am I missing here? How do I flag this folder as a true 'system' folder so the contents wont show up in a search.

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Network Folder Shortcut - Create

Mar 1, 2010

How to Create a Network Folder Shortcut in Windows 7 ?

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How To Create Program Files (x86) Folder

Dec 26, 2012

I run Windows 7 on my Laptop and i might of accidently deleted my "Program files (x86)", is there any way of recovering or creating it?

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How To Create Private Folder In Windows 7

Jan 28, 2013

just now i want to create private folder.

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Cannot Create A Folder Anywhere In Windows 7 Home Premium

May 29, 2012

I am unable to create a folder anywhere in Windows 7 Home Premium - only a briefcase.Been fighting this problem for 1.5 months with potential solutions via Google with no resolution.My system is a Dell Inspiron 530s, Intel Core 2 Duo 430 @1.8Ghz 1.8Ghz, 4GB RAM, 250GB Hard Drive, Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit Service Pack 1.I have been able to create folders since my Windows 7 installation last summer up through mid-April 2012. Believe that the registry was affected by some free SYNC program that I received when downloading a purchased document converter. I have not been able to locate the SYNC anywhere in the registry or by searching Google Desktop.Have used AVG PC Tuneup to clean up and defragment the registry several times with no resolution.Can I find a registry file after an initial install of Windows 7 that I can compare to entries in my current registry?

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How To Create A Folder Link Or Alias (as Its Called In Mac OSX)

Oct 29, 2011

I am soon to reinstall my dual boot setup i had with my laptop with Ubuntu and windows 7.Now what i have done is i have created a small 50gb partition for windows 7 and Ubuntu to share that hey will both automatically mount at boot. It will contain my downloads, music, videos, pictures, documents and such from (on Ubuntu) my home folder and on windows 7 the folders in my name folder or whatever its called that hold all those things, I've already got them linked in Ubuntu but i cant figure it out in windows 7, any one got an idea?

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Cant Create New Folders In Program Files Folder

Apr 12, 2009

whats tthis new restriction and how can i get around it....i am on my admin account initially installed with the OS.

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Create A Playlist From A Group Of Files In A Folder?

Dec 15, 2011

I have a group of MP3 files in a folder (MyBestMusic) and want to create a playlist (same name) to play them as a named group (playlist). I am totally new to Windows, my daughter in law gave me this computer, I'm 63.

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Unable To Create Folder On Mapped Drive?

Aug 6, 2011

I have a External PVR unit that is connected to our home Theatre system and we watch downloaded movies that are stored on it's hard-drive.. This box is also connected via UPNP and I can see ALL Drives attached to my laptop which is located upstairs in the study...I was able to, from the computer, map this drive (N Drive) and was able to copy the movies files directly to the hard-drive of the PVR.Until recently, I was able to create new folders on the PVR hard-drive and then copy the files, but am no longer able to do so as I keep getting an error msg stating:"Could not create new file N:Moviesxxxxxx. The system cannot find the file specified"I can however copy the movie files or any other files directly to the hard-drive (ANY FOLDER).. Just cannot create any new folders!!!! Which I was able to do previously.?

P.S. I am running Windows 7 Ultimate x32 on a Toshiba Satellite Pro P300

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Grant Permission To Create Share Folder?

Mar 3, 2012

Is it possible, to grant permission a user to create share of any folder of his PC in active directory environment. User can only create a share folder for other user, at the same time that user denied for any administrative power.

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User Folder - Create Your Own Special Folders

Aug 7, 2009

How to Create Your Own Special User Folder ?

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Offline Files Folder Shortcut - Create

Mar 3, 2010

How to Create a Offline Files Folder Shortcut in Windows 7

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