Permissions / Ownership And An Undeletable Folder

Jan 5, 2011

Im in the process of spring cleaning my big stack of hard-drives, in preperation for doing a clean windows install onto my shiney new Kingston V100 SSD.I'm currently looking at one of my 2TB external archive drives, which used to be the system disk on my media-server but is now just an archive disk. Anyways, on that drive, I found a windows folder (no big shock for a system disk) and I figured that I don't need that, as I've previous migrated all the user files when I took it out of the old machine.So I went to delete it, and it told me that I needed permission from 'S-1-5-21-432763403-189175183-190391661- 1000' to delete the folder. From there, I went to the permissions tab, figuring that I'd just have to give myself the rights to get rid of it. No dice there, I couldn't change any permissions, or add or remove users. From there, I went over to the advanced tab, figuring that I could take ownership and from there get the rights I need.

'You do not have permission to read the contents of E:etc etc, do you want to replace permissions with permissions granting full control?' dialogue, so I hit yes, which brought up:'An error occurred while applying security information to E: Access is denied.' None of the ownership, nor permissions changed, so I still can't get rid of anything in the folder. So, what do I have to do to get rid of this thing? Sure its only 20gb on a 2tb disk, but its clutter and I want rid of it! There is a possibility that this was a botched install of windows, rather than a full one (i know it happened once, but I can't remember if it was this one or a different drive), which I guess might explain why the permissions are all hinky, but either way, I wanna know how to clean it out.

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Cannot Take Ownership/cannot Change Permissions For Windows Folder

Feb 9, 2012

All this started when I just wanted to change the way the clock looked to a custom one.

I go to the Windows Sidebar folder to locate the Gadgets folder for the clocks, and I try to make backups of a few of the files in the clocks folder by moving some of them to a new folder I created on the desktop. I cannot move them, access denied. I try taking ownership of the folder, cannot do it, access denied. I try changing the permissions, cannot do it, the boxes you can tick are grayed out. Long story short, I tried backing out of all the folders, trying to take ownership and change permissions all the way back to the Program Files folder itself to no avail. It seems if it is a default Windows folder I cannot mess with it in anyway; this also seems to be the case with my McAfee folder, but something that is less of a risk to change, like my Zune folder, I can change around no problem.

Quick rundown, I am using Windows 7 Ultimate edition, this is my only account for the computer, and it is an admin account. I have tried using several different "Take Ownership" downloads, including the one suggested on this site, but it does not work for the Window folders. "Take Ownership" won't even show up if I right-click on the folder. I know the Take Ownership mod is installed correctly, because it will popup for something that is not a default folder, like my Zune folder. .

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Default Permissions And Ownership Of C Drive

Nov 15, 2011

I had to change the owner and permissions of the C:Windows folder in order to install a particular software. When I changed these settings, I had the "Replace owner on subcontainers and objects" box checked.I figure its safe to say I made a mistake. Does anyone know how to return all ownership and permissions to default values without doing a full install of the OS? I tried creating a recovery disc and running a repair, but it didn't fix the issue.I also have no image to restore to.

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How To Delete An Undeletable File Folder

Aug 11, 2012

Here is some of my system information:

OS Name, Microsoft Windows & Home Premium
Version, 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build 7601
OS Manufacturer, Microsoft Corp.
System Manufacturer, HP
System Model, HP G61 Notebook PC
System Type, x64-based PC
Processor, AMD Athlon II Dual-Core M300, 2000 MHz, 2 Cores, 2 Logical Processors
BIOS Version/Date, HP F.13/25 Jan 2010
SMBIOS Version, 2,6
Hardware Abstraction Layer, Version = "6.1.7601.17514"

My computer came with Internet Explore already installed, but I use only Firefox and Safari. So, I wanted to uninstall IE. But after I did that, I was looking through my program files, and the IE file folder was still in there. So, I tried to delete it but it said I needed permission from "TrustedInstaller". So, I gave full permission to myself but it still didn't work. Then I downloaded LockHunter and it said that the file folder was unlocked but when I went to it, it said that I still didn't have permission to delete. Then I thought that if I opened the IE file folder, I could delete the stuff in it one-by-one but I only got to delete 13 out of 27 items. I closed the file folder and tried to delete all again in the hope that I deleted something that would unlock this option for the IE file folder but it didn't. I then downloaded Unlocker but when I clicked on it to start it up, it wouldn't open. Finally, I added "Take Ownership" to my Explorer right-click menu, and that worked. But now it says, "Folder In Use: The action can't be completed because the folder or a file in it is open in another program." So I opened Task Manager and looked but no .exe or .dll or anything else pertaining to the IE file folder was running. Sometimes when I get this message I can restart my computer and it will work but it didn't do anything this time. I'm running out of ways that I know how to fix this. I usually don't need to ask questions, especially ones so long-winded, about computers but I'm feeling kind of lost here.

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How To Create Undeletable Folder On Desktop

Oct 11, 2012

How can I create an undeletable folder on my disktop. Kindly guide me.

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Windows 7 Folder Ownership?

Sep 12, 2010

I supplied a friend a new PC with Windows 7 installed. I also supplied Acronis True Image Home 2010 for backup purposes. I wanted to test the backups so I took an image of the system (using Acronis) and saved it to my USB hard drive. I plugged it into my Windows 7 PC which I also run Acronis True Image 2010. I mounted the image which was successful. I want to access the "users" folder. So I tried taking ownership of the folder but it displays "you only have permission to view the current owner on..." I want to be able to access the users documents, photos etc to make sure I can recover files in case of a system crash

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Cannot Take Ownership Of Folder - No Security Tab In Properties

Mar 26, 2012

I have a folder with a saved webpage on it on a DVD that I am trying to copy to my computer, when I try it first tells me that I need to provide administrator permission to copy the file (I thought I was admin). Then when I click continue it says: "You need permission to perform this action. You require permission from Everyone to make changes to this file"

And all I can to is keep hitting Retry. If I try to take ownership of the folder I run into another problem, when I right click the folder and go to properties, there is no security tab, just General, Sharing, and Customize. And if I uncheck the Read Only box, I get Access Denied!

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Taking Ownership Of System Folder?

Oct 18, 2010

I am trying to copy a file to my windows system folder. I have already taken ownership of the folder and given myself full control. I even successfully copied a file to the folder a few days ago but now when I go to copy a file windows tells me I need permission from myname-PCmyname even though this is me user account??

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How To Get Back Install Folder After Taking HD Ownership

May 16, 2012

I am running windows 7 professional 64bit and I was wrongly advised to take ownership of my hard drive. I am not having any software issues per say, just most of my icons now are either blank or default windows icon. Everything opens on the correct programs and windows is running fine except it keeps trying to an update that will not apply when I shut down. I have searched the forums here and done the icon database thing etc., but now after much searching I have discovered that taking ownership somehow corrupted my install folder.

Its still there but obviously not complete because of the icon issue and I am led to believe that if I want to uninstall something I may encounter problems. I found a system restore explorer program ((link was taken out so the rest of my post made no sense.)) I tried to install it but it keeps saying it needs to be on the host hard drive to install even when I try and install on the default path. So, how do I undo the damage? Can I change permissions of the hard drive again? and if so what too? How do I retrieve my install folder prior to the mess up and put things right?

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Un-take Ownership Of Program Data Folder So Search Can Work?

Mar 24, 2012

I tried to take ownership of ProgramData - a folder in my C drive - to install VMWare because it gave me a security error. Now I can't use Windows Search from the Start Menu, and I think I got an error somewhere related to ProgramData while I tried to fix itndexing is not running, according to the Indexing Options window. So I think I need to "un-take" ownership of the ProgramData folder. Is there a way to "untake" ownership of a folder?

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Cannot Change Ownership Of Folder: Media Is Write Protected?

Oct 28, 2009

I have a seagate 1 terabyte external hard drive and I made an image of my old hard drive which contained windows XP Professional.I've since migrated to Windows 7 and am now trying to access the data in the my documents folder in the "imaged" drive which is embedded in in the external hard drive. I am trying to access the data in the administrators folder, but cannot: ACCESS DENIED.I tried to change ownership within windows 7.... Cannot: MEDIA IS WRITE PROTECTED.How can I access these files? I can access all the other files that are on the "image" which is on the external hard drive.

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Cannot Download Applications / Error Message Cites 'folder Ownership'

Aug 12, 2012

I cannot download any applications from any website.When I click on a website's "download" button, I immediately get a message box which says" "C:Users[my name]AppDataLocalTemp[for example]wfxiIAci.exe.part" could not be saved, because you cannot change the contents of that folder. Change the folder properties and try again, or try saving in a different location".When I checked ownership, "Users" was "Administrators"; "my name" was either "System" or "my name"; "AppData" was "System"; "Temp" was probably "System".I followed the instructions on a Microsoft "technet" webpage to change the ownership of the tree "C:Users [my name]AppDataLocalTemp" to "Administrators". This did not allow the downloads or change the message. [code]

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Bypass "Ownership" And "permissions" To Files Altogether

Jul 23, 2010

I don't understand what the issue is but I am logged on as administrator on my computer and only a few of my files I can access. the window will pop up stating that i don't have permission to view the file! if I am the adminitrator i should have full access to any file, right? this is extremely annoying!!! is there anyway to completely disable this useless function? I've tried to go in to the properties of each file and reset permissions to my admin name (whereas it does it but beside the icon there is a small red X. I don't understand what this means). I've also tried to change the ownership to "Everyone" and that does not work either.

the wierd thing is that it is only on certain files, like programs, or executables to install programs. Most of these i have moved over from XP using the transfer wizard.

This function has no purpose for me and i would like to completely disable it. I am the only person who uses this computer and it would seem to me that there would be a way to completely disable it or there would be a setting to enable access to any and all files without having to go into each file individually to set ownership and permissions.

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Folder Permissions For Certain Users On 2 PCs (Same LAN)

Nov 5, 2012

If the following is possible.. how do I do it ?

On PC1 I have two users A (Admin) and B (Standard User) and Folder X
On PC2 I have one user C (admin)

PC1 and PC2 are on the same LAN. I want Folder X to be accessible to A and C but not B...

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Changing Folder Permissions

Dec 15, 2012

I just remade my PC and reinstalled Windows 7 and now working on the Software. I must of fixed this in the past, but for the life of me can't remember what I did. when getting into certain folders, or even trying to save certain files, I get the message basically saying. Not allowed, would you like to save to My Documents instead?

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Blank Permissions Folder

Nov 24, 2009

Today, I upgraded to 7 on my Asus laptop with the free upgrade that came in the mail. After launching World of Warcraft I noticed a problem, that some of the subfolders in the installation had no permissions assigned to them, and as such the program couldn't access them. I also noticed that various other folders on my hard drive had missing permissions. I can right click on the specific folders and go to security and add permissions to them, but any subfolders that have the same problem come up as access denied when I try to apply the settings.

The same thing happens if I try to modify the permissions on the root drive (C, it starts modifying permissions of the subfolders and files but once it hits one that has blank permissions it says access denied. How can I set the permissions on all the folders at once?

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Folder Locked; Cannot Change Permissions

Apr 5, 2011

I probably did a dump thing (only the 100,000th in my lifetime!). I backed up my working folders on my XP desktop into a zip file where the options were set to save the relative path of each file. I then extracted the backup zip file to my Win 7 laptop, not remembering that Win 7's folder structure is different than XP's. So I wound up with a new folder on the laptop "Documents and Settings", with all the stuff that was under it. So I was going to open it, move the files from (XP's) My Documents to (Win 7's) Documents. . . but there's just a weeeeeee problem: The Documents and Settings folder is LOCKED!!I have gone to the Security tab under properties and changed the permissions to allow EVERYONE full access, and it still denies me access. I downloaded Unlocker, but it doesn't show up in the menu when I right click the folder, so I have no idea what it's good for/how to use it. I can't delete it because that's not a choice on the menu when you right-click it.BTW, yesterday it had a padlock icon overlay on it. Today it has a shortcut arrow. I also have no idea why it's showing as a shortcut.

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Setup Folder Access Permissions?

Jul 5, 2011

trying to set-up some specific folder permissions here at work.on this one folder i would like a specific user to only be able to create files, read them but not be able to modify any existing do i set-up the folder permissions for this? >advanced security settings would it be selecting the following:

-traverse folder/execute file
-list folder/read data
-create files/write data

and then applying it to 'this folder' only?

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Copying Folder Over Network With Same Permissions

Jul 29, 2012

I just want to share my problem regarding with the folder copying with the same permissions. Here's the scenario I installed domain server in my company and create a users ofcourse and in client pc we make 2 partitions in it(hard drive) C & D on drive D I make a folder Users with the permissions.

- C Drive OS Installed and basic programs
- D Drive (with Users folder)

This is where I want to put the profiling on every users login on a client pc. My problem is:

1. How can I copy the Users folder in every client pc with the same permissions so I don't need to set in one by one on a client pc.
2. If there's a software or simple program that can do such thing transferring a folder to another pc over network with the same permission.

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Folder Permissions - Unable To Revert Back

Sep 21, 2012

I am in a problem here. A day before yesterday, I was messing up with folder permissions and unfortunately I messed up pretty badly.

The problem is I changed the folder permissions of C:Program Files and C:Program Files (x86) to Deny for all users. These included

Authenticated Users

I was logged in with an Administrator Account. Now the problem is I cannot access the above folders with any user. All my applications installed in those folders do not work.

I tried several solutions available on the net like changing ownership, using THE Administrator account, etc but to no avail and these folders are still locked.

Is there anyway I can access these files or shall I resort to the ultimate step i.e. re-install windows.

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No Accounts Have Write Permissions For C Windows Folder?

Feb 7, 2011

I have been given a project to test Windows 7 Pro in my work environment and our Desktop administration team has simply given me a stripped down version of Win 7 Pro, with little modifications. I got an error message when trying to install our e-mail client, and noticed it is not allowing me to write to the c:windows folder. I checked the permissions for it, and literally, No account has full control or even write permissions to this folder- not even the local administrator account. I have been unable to add permissions to the folder, because there is no account that has them...The local administrators have full control of C: and I attempted to force child objects of c: to inherit permissions from C:, but it did not work.

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Permissions To Delete Windows 7 Folder From External HD?

Sep 5, 2012

I am using a 500GB HDD in a ext hard drive enclosure. The drive had Windows 7 installed when it was the primary drive in my computer and the folder is still present and taking a lot of space. When I try to delete it even as a Administrator, it says I need "permission from trustedInstaller..." I've never even heard of TrustedInstaller before - how do I get permission?

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Configuring Folder Permissions On Windows 7 Home Premium?

Nov 27, 2011

I think I may have messed up some folder access permissions between my two user accounts on my laptop. I have two user accounts: Owner & PersonalOwner is being used for everything, while Personal is now being used for gaming/torrenting.y father likes to use my computer fairly often now and I dont want him to be able to snoop around all my folders on both accounts. Both accounts are adminstrators and are password protected. I tried to change permissions myself and messed some things up. Now my Owner user account cannot access the Personal user folder. It says access denied and to see the security tab of the folder.anting to do. I have seen it set up on one of my friends computers how he was able to lock his user folders but still access them from opposing user accounts via entering the password when it was prompted, similar to inputing the password into UAC window when you want to change things..

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Sharing Folder From Windows 7 To XP Machine - Permissions Error

May 25, 2009

I have gone through my Network and Sharing Center in Windows 7RC and turned everything on except Password Protected Sharing. I have joined both Windows 7 and Xp machines into WORKGROUP. I can access my Public folder and my shared printer from my Windows 7 machine on my XP machine. I'm trying to share my Mp3 folder, thats on a secondary HDD in my Windows 7 machine.

Path being "E:StuffMp3z". No matter what I change as far as permissions, adding HomeGroupuser to the Advanced Sharing dialog...everything I've tried, my XP machine can see the share, but I get the " not accessable. You may not have permissions...." error in XP trying to open the shared folder. And what's up with not having a folder icon with a Share symbol in Windows 7 so by looking in Explorer you can tell a folder is shared?

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Folder Shared By Permissions Or Account / Password Required

Jan 3, 2012

I just noticed two of my computers are automatically sharing the entire user's directory with all permissions for everyone, I was reading up on this a bit before and it seems it's a Windows bug. I was wondering, since the password protected sharing is turned on by default, would anyone have been able to gain access to my computers information if they didn't have a user account / password or would they need an account / password no matter what the permissions are set to.

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GP For Permanently Changing Shared Folder Offline Permissions?

Jul 11, 2012

've got a problem getting offline folder permissions to stick after restarts in our domain. Here's what I do:Go to MC>shared folders>shares>C$ (as an example)>properties>offline settings> and then I change "only files and folders users specify..." to "All files...". Apply and done.It works like a champ for what I'm trying to do (enable Restore Previous Versions of files to actually work- I learned that RPV fix from another thread here at seven), but after each restart the settings are restored to default. I'm assuming there's a group policy I can implement that'll auto-set those permissions permanently but I can't find any 'offline' shared folder permissions options anywhere

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Restore Default Permissions On Folder, And Subfolders And File?

Mar 14, 2011

i have a folder on my external drive with lots of subfolders and files inside ful of work i need to get at. but for some reason all of the permissions on that folder and its subfiles are denying me access. i can see the files and folders but i cannot open the files. i can go into every folder but again i just cannot to open any file.

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Syncing My Documents Folder - Special Permissions Checkbox Grayed Out

Sep 10, 2012

So I was working with moving my My Documents folder from syncing with Dropbox to Box and I messed up a bit. Well, at least I've found it and have access to it. Now I'm working on restoring a previous version.

Problem A: It's hidden and I can't figure out how to undo that because:
Problem B: It's a shortcut and I don't know how to switch that back to something that works
Problem C: It won't let me access the previous versions. It says:
"Windows cannot access \localhostC$GMT-2012.09.07-20.26.55Users My Documents.

You do not have permission to access "Contact your network administrator to request access". I am the administrator and I have full access to the folder except for the "special permissions" check box which is grayed out empty.

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Guest Account Restrictions - Setting Programs And Folder Access Permissions

Oct 4, 2011

I have turned on the Guest account, and I need to set program and folder access permissions. I have google'ed the way to set file and folder permissions, but I am having some difficulty with some of the things that I need.

For instance I need to:
-deny access (just deny listing the directory structure; can read & write so apps can work) to C:* , Control Panel, and a few other locations

If I try to deny dir listing for Guest on root C: , it gives me a couple warnings and will not set permissions for "program files, program files x86, windows" folders even though I am the admin. After those initial issues, it continues to set the permissions for all the rest of the files. If I log into the guest now, goto Computer and double click on C: , it now says "access denied", which is good but if I type in the address bar up top "C:users", it will goto that location; not display the access denied message. I am using the Home Premium edition so I cannot use the Group Policy Editor..

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Undeletable Shell Folders

Dec 21, 2009

I have set up custom paths for the shell folders in Windows 7. It works like it's supposed to except for one small detail. The system creates the folders "Pictures" and "Videos" in the default path (C:UsersUsername). As I mentioned I already have "My Pictures" and "My Videos" at another drive, so these folders shouldn't be there but when I try to delete them the system re-creates them. If I try to delete them again I get an error message stating I don't have permission to remove the folder, and if I try to open it it says "Access denied".

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User Accounts And / Or Undeletable File?

Feb 11, 2011

I have a laptop from my employer that I want to return as my contract is ending. However I am keen to ensure that I delete all my personal info as I also have work for another contract on it which is quite commercially sensitive (unfortunately I had a period when income would not allow me to have a second machine to keep everything separate). Naturally I have transferred everything I want to another machine and so that is safe.I have deleted everything I want to from the (dell) laptop, and used CC cleaner to wipe the free space, but I note that there is a file still left in one folder with a name that refers to the other company. If the first company sees that name they may think I have leaked info to a competitor and not want to offer me another contract later this year. I have tried all I can to delete the file but I get an error message saying it can't be located (0 bytes) which I assume is because I have already deleted it. I have tried logging off / on 10 times and tried to find the file but of course it is not actually there. I have two questions, how can I delete this ghost file, and / or how can I delete my User Account so that when I return the machine, nothing can be recovered? Of course because it's a company machine, although I have admin rights as I need to be able to install programmes etc; I may not have Full rights. I have tried to add another user so I can log on as that user to remove my existing account, but I get an error message about Trust accounts.

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