Bypass "Ownership" And "permissions" To Files Altogether

Jul 23, 2010

I don't understand what the issue is but I am logged on as administrator on my computer and only a few of my files I can access. the window will pop up stating that i don't have permission to view the file! if I am the adminitrator i should have full access to any file, right? this is extremely annoying!!! is there anyway to completely disable this useless function? I've tried to go in to the properties of each file and reset permissions to my admin name (whereas it does it but beside the icon there is a small red X. I don't understand what this means). I've also tried to change the ownership to "Everyone" and that does not work either.

the wierd thing is that it is only on certain files, like programs, or executables to install programs. Most of these i have moved over from XP using the transfer wizard.

This function has no purpose for me and i would like to completely disable it. I am the only person who uses this computer and it would seem to me that there would be a way to completely disable it or there would be a setting to enable access to any and all files without having to go into each file individually to set ownership and permissions.

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Bypass Admins Control And Change My Permissions?

Feb 5, 2012

I got a computer from my work and as u know every thing is blocked and i don't have any permissions .can't install apps , can't update windows , can't do any thing ! is there any way that i can bypass admins control and change my permissions to be able to install apps ? is there a file responsible for that process that i can use Hiren's Boot CD to modify or change any thing in it cuz i almost have no permissions to modify any thing ?

OS is Windows 7 Enterprise , NO SP installed

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Default Permissions And Ownership Of C Drive

Nov 15, 2011

I had to change the owner and permissions of the C:Windows folder in order to install a particular software. When I changed these settings, I had the "Replace owner on subcontainers and objects" box checked.I figure its safe to say I made a mistake. Does anyone know how to return all ownership and permissions to default values without doing a full install of the OS? I tried creating a recovery disc and running a repair, but it didn't fix the issue.I also have no image to restore to.

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Permissions / Ownership And An Undeletable Folder

Jan 5, 2011

Im in the process of spring cleaning my big stack of hard-drives, in preperation for doing a clean windows install onto my shiney new Kingston V100 SSD.I'm currently looking at one of my 2TB external archive drives, which used to be the system disk on my media-server but is now just an archive disk. Anyways, on that drive, I found a windows folder (no big shock for a system disk) and I figured that I don't need that, as I've previous migrated all the user files when I took it out of the old machine.So I went to delete it, and it told me that I needed permission from 'S-1-5-21-432763403-189175183-190391661- 1000' to delete the folder. From there, I went to the permissions tab, figuring that I'd just have to give myself the rights to get rid of it. No dice there, I couldn't change any permissions, or add or remove users. From there, I went over to the advanced tab, figuring that I could take ownership and from there get the rights I need.

'You do not have permission to read the contents of E:etc etc, do you want to replace permissions with permissions granting full control?' dialogue, so I hit yes, which brought up:'An error occurred while applying security information to E: Access is denied.' None of the ownership, nor permissions changed, so I still can't get rid of anything in the folder. So, what do I have to do to get rid of this thing? Sure its only 20gb on a 2tb disk, but its clutter and I want rid of it! There is a possibility that this was a botched install of windows, rather than a full one (i know it happened once, but I can't remember if it was this one or a different drive), which I guess might explain why the permissions are all hinky, but either way, I wanna know how to clean it out.

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Cannot Take Ownership/cannot Change Permissions For Windows Folder

Feb 9, 2012

All this started when I just wanted to change the way the clock looked to a custom one.

I go to the Windows Sidebar folder to locate the Gadgets folder for the clocks, and I try to make backups of a few of the files in the clocks folder by moving some of them to a new folder I created on the desktop. I cannot move them, access denied. I try taking ownership of the folder, cannot do it, access denied. I try changing the permissions, cannot do it, the boxes you can tick are grayed out. Long story short, I tried backing out of all the folders, trying to take ownership and change permissions all the way back to the Program Files folder itself to no avail. It seems if it is a default Windows folder I cannot mess with it in anyway; this also seems to be the case with my McAfee folder, but something that is less of a risk to change, like my Zune folder, I can change around no problem.

Quick rundown, I am using Windows 7 Ultimate edition, this is my only account for the computer, and it is an admin account. I have tried using several different "Take Ownership" downloads, including the one suggested on this site, but it does not work for the Window folders. "Take Ownership" won't even show up if I right-click on the folder. I know the Take Ownership mod is installed correctly, because it will popup for something that is not a default folder, like my Zune folder. .

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Canot Take Ownership Of Files?

Apr 1, 2011

Not sure if this is where this should go but I am having an issue with an old windows folder that is on my hard drive after doing a reinstall. Everytime I try to delete it it tells me I need permission to perform this action. That I require permission from xyz, which was my last computer name. I go to security and see that full control is set for adminstrators, So i go to advanced and take control of the folder.I go to delete the folder now, and it tells me still that I need permission to perform this action, You require permission from the administrator to make changes to this folder.Im confused since I am the adminstrator on the omputer, the only user. So i set full control and access to everything for every little user it had listed and still nothing. Not able to delete the folder. Personally I would rather not have to format my hard drive to solve this issue. Whats going on here and how do I fix it

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Cannot Access Files Even After Ownership And Permission Changes

Apr 20, 2011

I recently reformatted my hard drive so before I moved all the files I wanted to my external hard drive.

So I'm all formatted with Windows 7 Ultimate re-installed and I'm trying to move all the files back. For whatever reason, a couple pictures (.jpg) and a couple videos (.avi) will not move or open. They were all contained in the same folder.

It was saying access denied and I needed permission from S-1-5-....gigantic number. So I changed the ownership and permissions of the files and the folders. Now it says I need permission from myself (Laptop/Kevin). I am the only account and have administrator privileges.

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Can't Delete Files Or Change Ownership

Oct 24, 2012

I just installed Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit on two machines, and then Firefox 16.0.1 on each. Trying to replace the password files in my new Firefox profile, I found that many of these folders and files (in UsermeAppDataRoamingMozilla) cannot be deleted, nor can their ownership be changed. They belong to me already, and I'm an administrator with Full Control.I've tried 72 tricks,includingEmco UnLockIt 3.0.3, Unlocker 1.9.1, Take Ownership registry keys, takeown (from the command line), etc. Nothing works. I can't move them, delete them or anything. Nor can Mozbackup create a backup profile (it can't write the backup).Why does Firefox create these weird locked files and folders? Why doesn't Windows 7 allow me to take control of them?

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Attempting To Debugg DMP Files From BSOD How To Take Ownership

Jan 15, 2012

how do i take ownership of the DMP files?

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Take Ownership Of System .dll Files To Add Custom Themes?

Sep 29, 2011

I am trying to take ownership of some of my system files in order to grant administrative permission to change the name of the files and replace them with customized versions. Everytime I do this, Right after I take ownership and grant permission to ExplorerFrame, or any of the other files, I cant click on any of the other "edit" options to take ownership of any of the other needed files.

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Windows Files Folders And Drive Ownership

Jan 15, 2013

I formatted my system today and did a clean install of Windows 8 and now my USB storage drive says cannot access. I remember vaguely adding permissions or taking ownership to the files when I was on Win 7 but dont remember what it is I did exactly. I was trying to hide my files from other users who logged into my computer and I strongly believe that I took ownership of those files.
Basically if I format my PC again and when I browse my storage drive it shouldn't bug me for ownership or permissions. or if I put the drive in another PC it shouldn't ask for me for ownership/permissions. How do undo this?

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Windows 7 Installed - Cannot Delete Files Or Change Ownership

Oct 24, 2012

I just installed Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit on two machines, and then Firefox 16.0.1 on each. Trying to replace the password files in my new profile, I found that many of these folders and files (in UsermeAppDataRoamingMozilla) cannot be deleted, nor can their ownership be changed. They belong to me already, and I'm an administrator with Full Control.

I've tried 72 tricks, including Emco UnLockIt 3.0.3, Unlocker 1.9.1, Take Ownership registry keys, takeown (from the command line), etc. Nothing works. I can't move them, delete them or anything. Nor can Mozbackup create a backup profile (it can't write the backup). Why does Firefox create these weird locked files and folders? Why doesn't Windows 7 allow me to take control of them?

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Taken Ownership Of Files On Old Hard Drive, Still Unable To Open?

Sep 14, 2011

I have taken ownership of all the files and folders on an old hard drive, but am still unable to access many of these files. When checking in the Security tab, I see myself as the owner with full admin permissions, but still cannot open the files

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Set Read-only Permissions For Folders And Files?

Apr 23, 2011

I have an image of my the hard drive from my XP system on an external drive. I'd like to copy the entire file structure to the windows 7 hard drive, retaining the folder structure. Then I'd like to set all the folders, sub-folders, and files to read-only to protect myself from accidentally modifying or adding anything.

I am OWNER and the only user at this point. Will probably have one other user in the future whom I will want to also not have permission to modify these folders and files.

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Cannot Access Word Files - No Sufficient Permissions

Sep 1, 2010

I can't access my word files or word itself, I've uninstalled it and now I can't install a new version as I get messages saying I don't have sufficient permission. I'm not sure how to configure my user permissions. How I do this?

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Windows 7 Rights And Permissions For Audio Files?

Dec 25, 2011

I have two partitions on my harddrive, one for the OS files and programs(labelled C) and the other for media and audio files(labelled F). Since I have multiple users, I made a folder for each user on the F drive to store the audio files. How can I make it so only each user can modify/add/delete their own files in their own folder on the F drive, but still be able to play files from another user?

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Homegroup File Sharing - No Permissions To Add Or Rename Files

Feb 5, 2011

Having difficulty with a homegroup and file sharing: one desktop PC with the family's main documents (which are on a separate drive to the system) and two laptops which need to access those documents. I've got them all seeing each other, and they can see the folders in the drive, but when I try to add files or rename files, it tells me that I need permission. I've gone through the advance settings to make sure the correct permission is selected, they all have the same workgroup name and different computer names. Sharing the printer attached to the desktop is fine.

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Lift Permissions And Write To Program Files Via Homegroup?

Oct 31, 2011

I have my 2 PC's networked in a Homegroup. 1 is running Win 7 Home Premium 64, the other Win 7 Ultimate 32. I want to write to the Program Files folder on the 32 bit system from the Program Files (x86) folder on the 64 bit system. All other read/write operations between these 2 systems are succeeding. I have set up full permissions on both Program Files folders exactly as with other folders: Properties > Sharing > Advanced Sharing > Share this folder > Permissions > Full Control for "Everyone". I suspect UAC may be intervening. Is there any way to defeat this? My final objective is to automate synchronization between a few selected areas in these Program Files using my backup utility, SyncBackSE. It kept failing based on access denied, so I tried to drag & drop manually via windows explorer, and this is also not allowed. don't focus on questions about SyncBackSE - I am seeking help getting permission to move & change files via explorer.

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NTFS And Share Permissions - Cannot Allow User To Create New Files Or Folders

Nov 8, 2012

With NTFS and Share permissions is there any way I can allow a user to (in a specific folder):

- Edit and overwrite existing files (like a notepad file)
- Not be allowed to create new files or folders

I have spent quite a while staring at the special permissions screen. When reading about the meanings of the special permissions from the Microsoft, it says that the "Create Files/Write Data" permission allows for the overwriting of existing files but it also allows for the creation of new files. Is there some way i can have one without the other? Split the permission? I have also been told that there is a flaw to this as when you open a word document it creates a temp file in the folder where the word document is, and having permissions set this way would cause the word document not to be able to open because it couldn't create that temp file.

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"Take Ownership" Of Files Not Working

Nov 18, 2012

My computers hard drive (herein referred to as driveA) filled up and I installed a second drive (herein referred to as driveB) to hold all my files. Simple. Next, I updated my windows from XP to 7 Home Premium 32bit. This is where I think the trouble begins. I installed Windows 7 on driveA and let it keep a Windows.old folder to keep all my old things. Install went swimmingly and I was happy as a clam. I could operate any file any time from any location no worries.I can't open well over half of my files. The vast majority being pictures. I am talking thousands. Every picture I have taken from 2007-2010 and every picture saved from the internet along with music and videos. I have tried going through folders and individual files properties and changing permissions. I am the only user and I am the administrator but I have checked every box Allow just the same. I still cannot access my files. I don't know when this happened, or why, or how. I just know that I would sure love to have all of my wedding photos, family albums, etc. I have also tried using the registry "take ownership" tweak and the same results. Nothing changes. I have changed them all, restarted, and they still will not open. Can't see a thumbnail and no program can open it. The permissions stay saved as 'allow - all'

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Change The Permissions On The Folders (the Locked Ones) Windows Says The Files/folders Doesn't Exist

Nov 10, 2010

i use BitLord to download random stuff anyways the Downloads Folder Shows up like this : Now when i open Nero up it shows this Weird thing is if i hover over the folder from normal window it says the Downloads folder is only 800mb (as it is only showing me one item) yet from Nero it says the folder is over 9 Gigs. Im set as Owner of the folder and i have all permissions set for me however i am still unable to see these files outside of nero and i don't know why.When i go and try to change the permissions on the folders (the locked ones) windows says the files/folders doesn't exist...

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How To Bypass Password

Nov 28, 2012

forgot my password... how can i bypass password

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Any Way Can Bypass Or Remove Password

Jan 25, 2013

I have syskey on my windows 7 machine and i forget the password.Please is there any way i can bypass or remove the password because i don't want to format the machine.If not i will lose my notes, project work etc.

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Bypass Password At Boot Up

Jan 5, 2010

When I set up my Win XP computer I was able to by-pass having to enter my password at start-up.

When I set up my new Windows 7 machine I didn't even think about it.But now, having to enter the password every time is getting to be a pain. Is there anyway to fix this so that I can start my machine and walk away knowing it will be fully in windows and ready to go when I come back?

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Bypass The Windows Welcome Password?

Dec 7, 2012

how to bypass aspire clear laptop windows 7 home premium password

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How To Bypass Password On Laptop

Feb 9, 2013

I'm having problem(s) getting into laptop do to me forgetting my password. Plus, I install second password just to enter section to enter the main password for my laptop. How do, I get pass both passwords to get into my laptop?

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How To Bypass Owner/Administrator Screen

Dec 2, 2012

I have a Windows 7 Home Presmium 64-Bir stand-alone computer. When I start it up I get a screen asking me to click on either owner or administrator. Is there a way this can automatically bypass and take me directly to my desktop?

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Possible To Bypass The User System Completely?

Sep 20, 2012

There is only one user on my computer - me. So is it possible to bypass the user system completely or would that require a full re-write of the filing system? Seems to me that I have little if any control over where files are stored. For instance, every time I download a file, it is stored in downloads by default. I then have to fish it out from this directory to save it where I want it saved.

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Able To Bypass Upgrade To Do A Fresh Install ?

Oct 22, 2009

Thought I'd come back to see if you guys found a way to bypass the upgrade and do a fresh install of Win 7 with an "upgrade" installer/DVD. Any luck?

Or, did Microsoft make it impossible to do?

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Proxy Bypass On Internet Settings?

Aug 29, 2011

What is the purpose of a sofware program trying to change the Proxy Bypass on Internet settings? Is it malicious?

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Automatically Bypass W7 USB Directly To XP Mode

May 9, 2009

I've a question: is there a way to automatically bypass Windows 7 USB directly to XP? I need this to connect my sony ericsson phone in flash mode (connecting the phone to the usb port pressing "C" in the phone's keypad). Windows 7 fails to properly recognize the phone flashing mode.

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