Take Ownership Of System .dll Files To Add Custom Themes?

Sep 29, 2011

I am trying to take ownership of some of my system files in order to grant administrative permission to change the name of the files and replace them with customized versions. Everytime I do this, Right after I take ownership and grant permission to ExplorerFrame, or any of the other files, I cant click on any of the other "edit" options to take ownership of any of the other needed files.

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Get Custom 3rd Party Themes To Work?

Mar 18, 2012

#1 How do I get custom 3rd party themes to work? I have already patched the theme dll files with UXtheme but when I go to enable a new third party theme nothing happens.#2 Nearly every single time I try to copy files from my HDD to a USB Flash Drive the file transfer exits midway and I have to restart it again and again till it finishes, mostly with a large group of files 2gb+. My USB Flash drives are not broken they are fine I tested them.#3 When I change my cursor to a custom one it resets to the default cursor on reboot.#4 When I installed Windows7 1 month ago I could not reach other computers on my LAN by IP or SharesShared Folders, and as of now they can nolonger reach me at all.#5 How do I Fully disable Readyboost? I thought I already did disabled it. When I insert a USB Flash Drive I see a file appear on it with the name "Readyboost" and some extension I can't remember.

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Theme - How To Apply Custom Themes ?

Oct 10, 2009

How to Apply Custom Themes in Windows 7 ?

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Theme - Customize Custom Themes

Oct 17, 2009

How to Customize a Custom Theme from deviantArt ?

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Enabling Custom Themes - Windows 7

Nov 1, 2009

How to Enable Custom Themes without Modifing System Files ?

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Can't Seem To Change Themes Or Access Themes Page At All

Nov 14, 2012

I've installed StarDock Deskscapes lately , but I've uninstalled it because of a few bugs . After the uninstall , i can't seem to change themes or access the themes page at all . Any help ? I also got Fences Pro .

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Canot Take Ownership Of Files?

Apr 1, 2011

Not sure if this is where this should go but I am having an issue with an old windows folder that is on my hard drive after doing a reinstall. Everytime I try to delete it it tells me I need permission to perform this action. That I require permission from xyz, which was my last computer name. I go to security and see that full control is set for adminstrators, So i go to advanced and take control of the folder.I go to delete the folder now, and it tells me still that I need permission to perform this action, You require permission from the administrator to make changes to this folder.Im confused since I am the adminstrator on the omputer, the only user. So i set full control and access to everything for every little user it had listed and still nothing. Not able to delete the folder. Personally I would rather not have to format my hard drive to solve this issue. Whats going on here and how do I fix it

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Cannot Access Files Even After Ownership And Permission Changes

Apr 20, 2011

I recently reformatted my hard drive so before I moved all the files I wanted to my external hard drive.

So I'm all formatted with Windows 7 Ultimate re-installed and I'm trying to move all the files back. For whatever reason, a couple pictures (.jpg) and a couple videos (.avi) will not move or open. They were all contained in the same folder.

It was saying access denied and I needed permission from S-1-5-....gigantic number. So I changed the ownership and permissions of the files and the folders. Now it says I need permission from myself (Laptop/Kevin). I am the only account and have administrator privileges.

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Can't Delete Files Or Change Ownership

Oct 24, 2012

I just installed Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit on two machines, and then Firefox 16.0.1 on each. Trying to replace the password files in my new Firefox profile, I found that many of these folders and files (in UsermeAppDataRoamingMozilla) cannot be deleted, nor can their ownership be changed. They belong to me already, and I'm an administrator with Full Control.I've tried 72 tricks,includingEmco UnLockIt 3.0.3, Unlocker 1.9.1, Take Ownership registry keys, takeown (from the command line), etc. Nothing works. I can't move them, delete them or anything. Nor can Mozbackup create a backup profile (it can't write the backup).Why does Firefox create these weird locked files and folders? Why doesn't Windows 7 allow me to take control of them?

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Taking Ownership Of System Folder?

Oct 18, 2010

I am trying to copy a file to my windows system folder. I have already taken ownership of the folder and given myself full control. I even successfully copied a file to the folder a few days ago but now when I go to copy a file windows tells me I need permission from myname-PCmyname even though this is me user account??

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Attempting To Debugg DMP Files From BSOD How To Take Ownership

Jan 15, 2012

how do i take ownership of the DMP files?

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Windows Files Folders And Drive Ownership

Jan 15, 2013

I formatted my system today and did a clean install of Windows 8 and now my USB storage drive says cannot access. I remember vaguely adding permissions or taking ownership to the files when I was on Win 7 but dont remember what it is I did exactly. I was trying to hide my files from other users who logged into my computer and I strongly believe that I took ownership of those files.
Basically if I format my PC again and when I browse my storage drive it shouldn't bug me for ownership or permissions. or if I put the drive in another PC it shouldn't ask for me for ownership/permissions. How do undo this?

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Windows 7 Installed - Cannot Delete Files Or Change Ownership

Oct 24, 2012

I just installed Windows 7 Enterprise 64-bit on two machines, and then Firefox 16.0.1 on each. Trying to replace the password files in my new profile, I found that many of these folders and files (in UsermeAppDataRoamingMozilla) cannot be deleted, nor can their ownership be changed. They belong to me already, and I'm an administrator with Full Control.

I've tried 72 tricks, including Emco UnLockIt 3.0.3, Unlocker 1.9.1, Take Ownership registry keys, takeown (from the command line), etc. Nothing works. I can't move them, delete them or anything. Nor can Mozbackup create a backup profile (it can't write the backup). Why does Firefox create these weird locked files and folders? Why doesn't Windows 7 allow me to take control of them?

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Taken Ownership Of Files On Old Hard Drive, Still Unable To Open?

Sep 14, 2011

I have taken ownership of all the files and folders on an old hard drive, but am still unable to access many of these files. When checking in the Security tab, I see myself as the owner with full admin permissions, but still cannot open the files

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Custom .bat .cmd Files Creation?

Sep 13, 2011

I want to create a .bat or some self executable file that will clear my files on each shutdown or startup. Like all temp folders, some files like desktop.ini, temporary files created by programs, ect.

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Custom Upgrade - How To Get Files Back

Jun 20, 2010

I'm going to be a university student at Indiana University in the fall, so during orientation I picked up a student version of Windows 7 Ultimate for my HP Compaq laptop, which I bought back when Vista was brand new --I cant afford a new laptop right now, and the hardware is still good anyway. I will be upgrading from Windows Vista Basic.

My school's IT department recommends doing a "clean" install to avoid any software problems after the installation. I don't really know what the difference between a clean install versus a regular one would be, but I have the IT department's instructions on how to do a clean, custom install, instead of the standard upgrade. I want my computer to work well with the school's network, so I am fine with that.

The only thing that makes me uncomfortable is that they say custom upgrades delete all of my computer's files. I have external hard drive and did a complete backup this afternoon.All of my information is safely stored on my external terabyte. My only question is, how do I sync all of my files from the external hard drive back onto my computer after this is done? I want to make sure it's possible to put everything back on my computer before I go doing this custom installation and erasing everything.

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How To Connect PC To Bigscreen(custom System)

Sep 28, 2012

I have the Asus Crosshair Formula IV MB and a HD 6950 2gb video card. You can look in my specs profile to see detailsI have a Yamaha audio receiver which is connected to my pc via HDMI for top quality sound and I don't know of any other way to connect itwant to connect a big screen but I'm not sure how being I use my only HDMI for my sound and I don't know how else to connect sound receiver to pc. I only need video but I want it as high as quality as possibleI have two DVI ports and two mini-display ports, I sold off 2 or my 3 Asus 26" monitors so currently I am only using one DVI port for that.

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Retrieving Old Files After Windows 7 Custom Install

Sep 25, 2011

apparently, the 300 GB of files from my previous OS are still on my harddrive, but I cannot find them. Yes, I'm missing the 300 GB on my HD when I click My Computer, but they're not in this fabled windows.old folder that allegedly has them. I've even used TuneUp Utilities to detect where the data is on my computer, and it can't find them. Bizarre. So, what's taking up all that memory, and, more importantly, how do I get to it?

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System Managed Vs Custom Page File?

Jun 29, 2012

I'm running Windows 7 64-bit on a custom PC with Pentium Dual-Core 2.50GHz and 4GB RAM and have been having some "low memory" issues occasionally, seemingly due to Firefox hogging up memory.

So I looked at what my paging file settings were. They're currently set as "system managed": minimum 16MB, recommended 6141MB, and currently allocated 516MB. It says in Windows Help that it automatically sets the initial paging file as minimum four times the RAM plus 300MB, and the maximum as three times the amount of RAM. Obviously it hasn't set these parameters. My question is: should I change the settings manually to reflect these recommendations?

BTW: I have less than 1GB on the drive, so would Windows change the settings to reflect this, or does it allocate it separately?

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Custom Batch File That Copies Font Files To Another Folder?

Sep 17, 2012

I just downloaded all of the Google Web Fonts and they were each downloaded into their respected folders, so instead of clicking on folder after folder and right clicking after right clicking and finally installing each and every font;

How can I create a command prompt (batch) file so the prompt can search the main folder where all the font folders are, grab any and all TrueType Font files and move or copy them into another single folder?

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Required Files Missing - Windows 7 Custom Install Fail?

Apr 2, 2012

I got an error at the windows 7 Expanding files 27% Mark. Installation missing required files windows custom install fail.

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"Take Ownership" Of Files Not Working

Nov 18, 2012

My computers hard drive (herein referred to as driveA) filled up and I installed a second drive (herein referred to as driveB) to hold all my files. Simple. Next, I updated my windows from XP to 7 Home Premium 32bit. This is where I think the trouble begins. I installed Windows 7 on driveA and let it keep a Windows.old folder to keep all my old things. Install went swimmingly and I was happy as a clam. I could operate any file any time from any location no worries.I can't open well over half of my files. The vast majority being pictures. I am talking thousands. Every picture I have taken from 2007-2010 and every picture saved from the internet along with music and videos. I have tried going through folders and individual files properties and changing permissions. I am the only user and I am the administrator but I have checked every box Allow just the same. I still cannot access my files. I don't know when this happened, or why, or how. I just know that I would sure love to have all of my wedding photos, family albums, etc. I have also tried using the registry "take ownership" tweak and the same results. Nothing changes. I have changed them all, restarted, and they still will not open. Can't see a thumbnail and no program can open it. The permissions stay saved as 'allow - all'

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Bypass "Ownership" And "permissions" To Files Altogether

Jul 23, 2010

I don't understand what the issue is but I am logged on as administrator on my computer and only a few of my files I can access. the window will pop up stating that i don't have permission to view the file! if I am the adminitrator i should have full access to any file, right? this is extremely annoying!!! is there anyway to completely disable this useless function? I've tried to go in to the properties of each file and reset permissions to my admin name (whereas it does it but beside the icon there is a small red X. I don't understand what this means). I've also tried to change the ownership to "Everyone" and that does not work either.

the wierd thing is that it is only on certain files, like programs, or executables to install programs. Most of these i have moved over from XP using the transfer wizard.

This function has no purpose for me and i would like to completely disable it. I am the only person who uses this computer and it would seem to me that there would be a way to completely disable it or there would be a setting to enable access to any and all files without having to go into each file individually to set ownership and permissions.

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Files Are Listed By Carbonite As System Files After Adding Tag?

Jun 12, 2011

I'm running Windows 7 Professional 64-bit and having the same problem. You can easily resolve the "Hidden File" problem by right clicking on the file, select Properties, and remove the check box next to "Hidden". If you tagged all the photos in a folder, simply select all (ctrl-A) and do the same. It solved the hidden file problem for me without having to show all hidden files.The problem I'm running into that I can't fix is that even after doing this, Carbonite now recognizes these files as system files and refuses to back them up. Even if you try to manually force Carbonite to back them up, it immediately unselects the check box. Hopefully somebody knows of a solution. It's weird, because I was tagging photos just a few weeks ago, and didn't have any problems at all. I don't know if there was an update at some point that screwed this all up.

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Themes - Regional

Dec 30, 2008

How to Use the Regional Themes in Windows 7 ?

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Windows 7 Themes

Apr 1, 2010

In Windows 7, Microsoft drastically improved the operating systems in-built support for themes. The operating system comes with several stunning themes which include high quality photographs that make great desktop backgrounds. You can also download more themes from the Microsoft theme gallery, or various places on the internet. With the help of this short video guide you'll be able to add and change basic themes to your hearts content.

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Can't Install Themes For Windows 7

Aug 8, 2012

I recently found a REALLY cool looking theme, and installed it. I was in love with it. After having that theme, I wanted a new start button to go with it. I found, and installed, a new start button. Then I installed a cool cursor. Finally, my wants didn't end. I wanted to get a new icon pack that looked good with the theme. I found a decent, and popular, one. I downloaded it. It came with an installer, so I used it. After installing, it asks me to "re-boot" my computer. I did it, and when I turned it back on my computer was messed up with some "shell32.dll" error. It took me a couple of hours to fix it. Many people recommended a system restore, or to use the "sfc /scannow" command. I did those two things, but they didn't work. I try to restore the system, but ALL my restore points were gone. I tried to do the "sfc /scannow" command, but apparently I didn't have permission. I'm the only user on this computer. How do I not have permission to do something? I ended up fixing it by doing some kind of system repair on start up. Although, now my computer is really slow, and I can't use custom themes for windows 7 anymore! I had a really cool one installed, but now when I turn it on, it just shows up as a dark version of the classic theme. I tried re-downloading, and re-installing it, twice. It still didn't work. It seems like ANY custom theme I get shows up as the theme that messed up my computer. I uninstalled that, but it seems like it's still here. Is there any way I can repair it, and get my custom themes back?

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Some Themes To Make Windows 7 To Look Like XP?

Oct 22, 2011

source some Themes to make Windows 7 to look like XP?

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Installing Themes, Wallpapers And Screensavers?

Apr 21, 2011

I have downloaded themes, wallpapers and screensavers from [url]... but I don't understand how to get them to run and work.Here is the information I got when I clicked on the Download TSG SysInfo above, Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version

OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium , 64 bit
Processor: Pentium(R) Dual-Core CPU T4500 @ 2.30GHz, Intel64 Family 6 Model 23 Stepping 10
Processor Count: 2
RAM: 3998 Mb
Graphics Card: Mobile Intel(R) 4 Series Express Chipset Family, 1807 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 290587 MB, Free - 230700 MB; D: Total - 14352 MB, Free - 2372 MB; E: Total - 99 MB, Free - 95 MB;
Motherboard: Hewlett-Packard, 1484, 77.18, CNF021D23P
Antivirus: AVG Anti-Virus Free, Updated and Enabled.

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How To Unlock Regional Themes In Windows 7 ?

Dec 1, 2008

This tutorial will show you how to unlock regional themes in Windows 7 beta builds 6956 and higher.

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Windows 7 Starter Themes Not Supported

Feb 14, 2011

My Dell netbook with Windows 7 tells me that themes are not supported when I attempted to install the PC Advisor Windows 7 screenesavers. I really cannot see the advantages of 7 over Vista!!

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