Grant Permission To Create Share Folder?

Mar 3, 2012

Is it possible, to grant permission a user to create share of any folder of his PC in active directory environment. User can only create a share folder for other user, at the same time that user denied for any administrative power.

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The Application-specific Permission Settings Do Not Grant Local Activation Permission

Oct 13, 2010

I noticed in my Event Viewer that I have literally THOUSANDS of errors with source listed as DistributedCOM and event ID 10016. It logs an error event about 4 times per minute on this.

General info tab says:
"The application-specific permission settings do not grant Local Activation permission for the COM Server application with CLSID
to the user *********** SID (S-1-5-21-1873924993-3643908058-657741459-1122) from address LocalHost (Using LRPC). This security permission can be modified using the Component Services administrative tool."

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Can't Share With Write Permission

Jul 15, 2011

I've done this file sharing many times and have always gotten it to work one way or another ... that is until today. Here is my situation:

- Windows 7 home, 64 bit with network discovery and file sharing turned on and the 40/56 bit encryption selected (since one of my networked computers has winXP).

- I'm trying to share my whole F drive on the network. The owner of this drive in the advanced security settings is listed as "Paul" (my account - which is an administrator).

- I go to F: properties and select the sharing tab. It says "F: Shared". Clicking on advanced, I see that the "Share this folder" box is checked and if I click on the "Permissions" button I see that is has just one Group called "Everyone" and it has all three "allow" checkmarks (Full Control, Change, Read).

- I go to the "Security" tab and it shows "Everyone" with Full control. To make sure I click on "Advanced", "Permissions tab", "Change Permissions", highlight "Everyone", check the box that says "Replace all child object permissions ..." then click on "Edit". Then I make sure every checkmark is on "Allow" and click "OK".But then when I go to another computer on the network, I find that I can read all the folders of the F drive, but I can't write to any of them. I guess I must have missed at least one small detail, but I can't think of what.One last hail mary try, I changed the "LimitBlankPasswordUse" registry key to zero, something I used to have to do, but I don't think is required any more.

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Why Is The User Folder Shared When Share A Folder

May 6, 2009

I recently made a folder to share with an XP machine. When I look at the network through my seven machine I see the folder I shared and the USERS folder shared as well. Why is that? I have the network setup at a home network. 7100 32 bit.

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Cannot Delete Folder - "You Require Permission To Change This Folder"

Aug 28, 2011

tried everything to delete this folder on my external HDD, yet nothing works. Every time I try to delete it says "You require permission to change this folder." Changed the permissions. Nothing. I even managed to get the lock off of the folder but it still wont delete. I restarted my computer, downladed LockHunter and a couple other programs.

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Folder Won't Delete - Need Permission From Admin

Mar 20, 2012

This folder I have on my desktop is filled with pictures of xp and xp fails. (project I was doing). It has no value and is completely usless but when I delete it it says I need permission from turbow5 to delete this. But I am turbow5. I am the admin and the only user on this comp. So I look into the permission thing and system, turbow5, and admin all have full permission of this file. Why can't I delete this folder?

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How To Get The Folder Name Which Is Having Read And Write Permission

Dec 15, 2011

How to get the folder name which is having Read and Write Permission(for all users)

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Can't Connect To Remote Linux Server To Create Network Share

Mar 28, 2011

I have a hosted Linux server running CentOS 5 with Samba 3.4. Everything is setup and it is accessible via Linux machines by typing [URL] in a Firefox address bar. I am trying to set up a local network share on a Windows 7 Home Premium x64 SP1 computer. I have tried entering the IP address in 2 locations:1. Map Network drive. I select a drive letter and type in the ip \12.345.678.9 It asks for credentials and I enter the user info for the user I created on the Linux machine. It thinks a moment then pops back up asking for credentials. It doesn't say they are invalid, just never goes through.2. Connect to a website (under Map Network Drive). I type the IP [URL] and click connect and it pops up a dialog saying "The folder you entered does not appear to be valid. Please choose another".

I have tried creating a loopback adapter and trying to setup a connection via SSH using the guide found at [URL]. After completing the tutorial (substituting my server IP address for the destination address given) I try using the Run dialog as indicated and get a "Windows cannot connect to.." error and the diagnose connection button. One thing that may be causing problems there is that the loopback adapter is labeled as an unidentified network and thus stuck as a public connection, and I am unable to change it. Searching for solutions to that brings up things I can't access (no group policy editor on Home Premium) or results in no change (setting DHCP server, which I tried setting to my router).

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NTFS And Share Permissions - Cannot Allow User To Create New Files Or Folders

Nov 8, 2012

With NTFS and Share permissions is there any way I can allow a user to (in a specific folder):

- Edit and overwrite existing files (like a notepad file)
- Not be allowed to create new files or folders

I have spent quite a while staring at the special permissions screen. When reading about the meanings of the special permissions from the Microsoft, it says that the "Create Files/Write Data" permission allows for the overwriting of existing files but it also allows for the creation of new files. Is there some way i can have one without the other? Split the permission? I have also been told that there is a flaw to this as when you open a word document it creates a temp file in the folder where the word document is, and having permissions set this way would cause the word document not to be able to open because it couldn't create that temp file.

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Cannot Delete A Folder - You Need Permission To Perform This Action

May 9, 2011

I was cleaning up my laptop when I ran into this weird issue. I can't delete the folder no mather what I try. Even when I login as the administrator I can't delete. I tried taking ownership of the folder but it don't work. The folder is nothing special. It is one I have created and there used to be an mp3 inside. However, I can't even open the folder...

Here is my system information:

Windows 7 Home Premium Version 6.1.7600 Build 7600
X86-based PC
Notebook: Acer Aspire 7530system.txt

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Shared Folder Permission - Windows 7 32bit

May 31, 2012

How to set permission for shared folder for windows 7 32bit?

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Being Administrator Cannot Delete Folder Windows 7 Need Permission?

Jun 19, 2012

I cannot install microsoft visual studio, although the installation don't give any error and finalize with message "successful installation" and I discover that exists folders that cannot be deleted and I suspect the installer can update the files.

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Destination Folder Access Denied Need Permission?

Nov 30, 2012

I have been a computer consultant for decades ans I have NEVER heard this simple, singular issue addressed with other than MS pros cattily pretending to explain it away in words that mean nothing to the rest of us.I have had to radically emasculate several networks of security issues in order to get beyond this absurd barrier to the transfer of files over even the most simplistic of networks The pompous and non-assistive pretentious BS that MS experts vomit all over the web only adds insult to injury.I have two computers, a desktop and a notebook. Both are running Win 7 Home Premium. They both can see and use the files on the other but I CANNOT COPY OR MOVE ANY FILES FROM ONE TO THE ANOTHER.I would be delighted to have someone tell me how I might accomplish that/ they are even empowered to include in their explanation what a complete idiot I am not to have known how to do that before now.Whip me. Shame me before the world for my inability to understand how I might accomplish a task that should be a basic function of any network connectivity, but stop using such cryptic and unintelligible terms to describe the indescribable methodology as to pretend "the rest of us" might be In case you "experts" haven't noticed, NOBODY GETS IT!!

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Need Permission From Computers Administrator To Delete Folder?

Jan 2, 2013

Whenever I insert my pen-drive and try to delete any folder, then it says you need permission from administrator to perform the action/to delete the folder.

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Applications Dont Have Permission To Access Appdata Folder?

Jul 8, 2011

I ended up getting infected with some stupid virus and had to ultimately restore to a previous saved instance of my OS.Since then my Owner/administrator account seems to have problems running applications and applying the appropriate permissions. Any apps that use the C:UsersOwnerAppData folder no longer have permission to save files to this location and I cant for the life of me figure out how to fix it.

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Denied Permission When Trying To Access Folder Named 1055

Apr 10, 2012

From somewhere, somehow, a folder named "24cd9e4542d29590bce925ec30" has been created in my W7x86pro root dir. Trying to look inside, I had to "permanently get access". But then inside it, there are a whole lot of folders named things like 1025, 1028, 1029, etc, ending with 3076, and 3082. What's in those folders, I have no idea, since every time I try to open one, I first get the "You don't currently have permission to access this folder" dialog, and then when I click Continue, I get "You have been denied permission to access this folder".

Also inside the "24cd9e4542d29590bce925ec30" folder, there are files, like "Setup.exe" and "NDP40-KB2473228.msp" and "SetupEngine.dll" and some *.bmp and some other files. I guess that NDP40-KB2473228.msp gives away that this folder has something to do with some .NET framework update, but AFAIK, there's no .NET-anything installed on this computer. I want to remove the "24cd9e4542d29590bce925ec30" folder, but there seems to be no way I can get permission to do that. trying to get ownership or set access rights, all I get is "Access denied" or similar.

1. What those folders and files are doing there?
2. How do I remove them?

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Windows 7 HP 64 Bit Can't Access Vista Shared Folder With Permission

Aug 28, 2012

I have few computer at home with different Windows version, there are Windows XP, Windows Vista HP 32 bit and Windows 7 HP 64 bit. I have two share folder in the desktop using Windows Vista HP 32 bit, Share A is set to Full Control for Everyone and Share B has a permission access setting, allow few persons to access only. All computer can access Share A without problem. However, there is a problem with Share B. I only allow 3 users to access this share folder, 2 of them using laptop with Windows XP Home and Professional, they can access Share B without problem, the 3rd user using laptop with Windows 7 HP 64 bit (username is Jolene) can't access Share B, it shown "You have no permission to access...". I already double check the user name and password, there are correct. I try to login to the network using Jolene in other laptop with Windows XP, it can access both Share A and B. That means the username and the permission setting are correct in the Windows Vista desktop. I removed the anti virus in Windows 7 HP laptop, disable Windows firewall, or bootup in Safe mode with network support, but still can't access Share B.

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Old Seagate External Hdd On New Windows 7 64-bit Computer, No Folder Permission

Dec 17, 2012

I have plugged my old Seagate external hdd into my new Acer with Windows 7 64-bit Home Premium. I am trying to pull files on to the new computer. It says I don't have permission to access the folders. How do I go about getting that permission while it is plugged into the new computer?

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Software To Trace Folder & Registry Permission Details?

Oct 14, 2011

I am running lock down accounts on my machine for certain users and installing software done through Admin account.I need an advice, whether is there any tools that available to track specifically which folder or registry keys that needed access control in locked users profile. Thus i can give permission only for this components instead of unlocking un-neccessary folder structure.I notice there is Filemon & Regmon but this is not software specific.

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Unable To Delete Folder From Hard Disk - Permission Denied

May 27, 2011

I am unable to delete a folder form my external hard disk. It says permission denied. It requires permission of the administrator. I am logged in as an administrator. I did everything possible with the security. It just doesn't work.

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Change Share Name Of Folder?

Jan 12, 2012

How do I go about changing the sharename of a folder?

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How To Share The Public Folder

Jan 28, 2012

My PC is connected to a home wireless network and there are two more computers in the same network (a mac and a pc). I want to share the public folder so I can exchange files between computers by writing them to the public folder. But still I want to make sure that only the public folder is shared and nothing else of my computer can be accessible by another computer in the wireless network

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Share A Folder Anyone On The Network?

Mar 30, 2012

This doesn't work:

Advanced Sharing Share Permissions: Everyone (Full Control, Change, Read)

I can see the Share Name folder in the "Network" via Windows Explorere, but it gives an Access Denied.

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Share A Folder That Has Sub Folders ?

Dec 18, 2012

I am trying to share a folder that has sub folders (for example, username>documents). I change the sharing to share the folder of username, and I allow the network users to change the files. this is in xp. i access it from my win 7 machine, and when i try to access documents, it says that it cannot access it because I don't have permissions. Is there a way to cascade this sharing change, instead of having to manually change the sharing permissions of each folder?

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Unable To Delete Folder On External Hard Drive - Permission Required

Jul 27, 2012

I have windows 7 on an AMD processor computer, it's a new computer with some upgrades. I'm trying to delete a folder on my external hard drive and it gives me this error message despite the fact that I am the administrator. You require permission from S-1-5-21-3908285926-3313324932-2694402914-1000 to make changes to this folder.

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Share A Folder With Password Over A Network?

Jun 10, 2011

I have found lots of ways to password protect foldres. But I can`t find a way to passwordprotect the access over local network. (and hamachi2)I have tried to make a user (test) and the password (test, on that user).I have tried to share the folder, and just grant access for the test user.And I can see it if I use another computer, but I can`t access it.The other Pc I use, do not have the Test user installed, and that is the way I want it.I don`t want to add the user to all computers. I just want to give it a password, so you have to know that to go in to the folder.

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Share A Movies Folder With My Xbox

Nov 14, 2011

Im not sure wheres best to post this so if this is the wrong place please let me know where to repost.

Ive recently set up my xbox to be able to play movies from my pc that are in the folder 'C:UsersTom HartVideos' but i have many on my external harddrive that i cant put in that folder as it will fill my internet drive up.

Is it possible to share the folder on my external HD with my xbox too?

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How To Share On Cmdline The Folder D:aaabb For User 123

May 7, 2011

I am seaching for a way to assign sharing permissions FROM COMMANDLINE for a particular user with particular permission under Windows 7 (!). Something like

defineshare -dir=D:aaabb -user=myuser123 -perm="full access"

As I learned so far there must be built-in or additional prgm like


Which of these cmds do I need for mentioned plan?

How would the cmdline look like in detail?

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Lost Share Folder Access?

May 20, 2011

After running all the most current Windows 7 updates, my Windows 7 laptop using Wi-Fi can no longer communicate with shared folders on my desktop XP PC that�s hardwired to my Netgear G router.My XP desktop can still access the folders on the Windows 7 laptop. Both PC�s can access the web. If I run System Restore to an older date everything work just fine.

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Share A Folder Via WiFi On Windows 7?

May 22, 2011

how to do this on Windows Vista/Windows 7. Here's what I'm trying to accomplish. I want to stream some of my video files from a PC to my iPad. I can do this using a third party app that runs on my iPad that can connect to a computer via a WiFi network. I managed to do this quite easily on Windows XP and I can stream AVI files from the "C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersDocuments" folder. All I did is this -- I right-clicked on the Documents folder there and selected Properties, then Sharing tab and set "Share this folder on the network", named it and OK'ed it. After that I can easily see that folder from the app running on my iPad and stream files out of it.

Windows Vista and Windows 7 aren't as easy to set up and they don't have the same controls as Windows XP.

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Unable To Share Pictures Folder

Jun 24, 2011

I have a home group network consisting of a vista laptop and a Windows 7 desktop.I recently had to do a reinstall/upgrade Windows 7 on the desktop.The file sharing works okay except for one problem ... I am no longer able to share the My Pictures folder on my desktop with the laptop. I've repeatedly tried to set the share and advance share options on the the desktop's My Pictures folder,
but it still will not work..I keep on getting the same window message "Windows cannot access \DESKTOPMy Pictures"When I press the Network Diagnose button I get a message that says The user account you are logged in with was denied access Make sure you have permission to access the shared folder?

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