How To Share The Public Folder

Jan 28, 2012

My PC is connected to a home wireless network and there are two more computers in the same network (a mac and a pc). I want to share the public folder so I can exchange files between computers by writing them to the public folder. But still I want to make sure that only the public folder is shared and nothing else of my computer can be accessible by another computer in the wireless network

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Cannot Turn Off "Public Folder Sharing" For Public Network

Mar 28, 2012

I have two network cards in my PC. One of them connects to the internet while the other connects to my home network.

The issue is enabling public folders for the home network in "Network and Sharing Center" enables public folders for the public network also. In other words Windows grants permission to people on the internet to access my c:usersPublic folder.

Disabling public folders under public network settings disables public folders for the home network also, preventing people on my local area network from accessing my PC.


In other words Windows grants permission to people on the internet to access my c:usersPublic folder.

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Windows 7 Pro Public Share Asking For Username And Password

May 8, 2012

We moved our offices from one location to another over the weekend. New ISP but everything else is the same.Have a peer-to-peer network with one pc (Windows 7 Professional) acting as the file server. Everyone now has access to internet and we can all "see" each other.For some reason now when we want to connect to Public Folders on our "file server" it is asking for login credentials such as username and password. I have it set to not require a password since we have a mixed environment.It has always worked in the past and I am not sure why it would be requiring that now. I had read somewhere to try and setup an admin username and password that was the same for both computers. I tried that and it was still unsuccessful (Although I still have it set to not require a password).

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Making A Folder Public?

Dec 20, 2011

Is it possible to make a specific folder in my Win7 installation public? I already have network sharing set-up between my Desktop and my Laptop on my network, but, at the moment, if I want to share something, I have to move it to the Public folder, use it, then delete it from there so that I don't have multiple copies of stuff floating around everywhere. However, I don't want to keep everything on my Window's drive, which means I can't simply move whatever I might be sharing to the Public folder to be used between my Laptop and my Desktop. I'm hoping there's a solution where I can simply share folders that I choose across the network. What I've Tried I've right-clicked on a folder and opened the properties, clicking on the "Sharing" tab. I then went to "Advanced Sharing" and checked off "Share this folder" with the Share name being the folder name, and the path was, by default, set to \ComputerNameFolder. This made it possible for me to see the folder on my Laptop (I shared one from my Desktop, essentially I'm trying to make my Laptop a satellite for my Desktop, which I'll explain at the end) but when I try opening the folder, my Laptop gets the following error message: "\ComputerNameFolder is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this sever to find out if you have access permissions. Access is denied". Great. So I go back and click on "Share" in my folder properties, but the only users listed are the ones found on my computer, not over the network. So I click on the "I'm having trouble sharing" link, which brings up the help. The help mentions "Share with" on the right-click shell menu, so I try that and select Homegroup (Read/Write). Now I'm thinking I've finally done it, since I've now specifically specified that this is what I'm trying to do and granted that specific permission. Back on my Laptop I'm looking at \ComputerName and I see the folder there still, I try to open it and, voila, same error message. Now I'm stumped. Why Am I Doing This? I'm doing this mostly because my Desktop is the superior computer. It has better storage, etc... (as it should!) so it's the main computer. My Laptop runs Vista (important to mention!) and I like the fact that some of my programs run independently of the main computer, as it lets me do certain things on various websites simultaneously (nothing fishy mind you), which is great. However, for other things, I would like to just run my Laptop as if it was an extension of my Desktop. For instance, I record videos. I'd like to be able to record them on my Laptop if I so choose, but I want them to be recorded right on my Desktop, since it has the better storage. I also like to write, but I don't want multiple versions of stuff on various computers, though I do want the file on my computer somewhere, as opposed to being stored in the cloud. However, I like the freedom of being able to write wherever I might have my computer on the network, so, once again, I'd like to work directly off of the files from my Desktop. I play a text-based game in which I manage a lot of .txt files with stuff I use for the game, same deal as the writing, I might be playing the game on my Laptop instead of my Desktop and I might need to edit or add to those files, but I don't want to be trying to maintain two different folders of those files. I could go on and on, but I think you get the picture of what I'm looking for.

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Cannot Delete A Public Folder

Oct 14, 2012

I installed a Western Digital MyBook Duo NAS storage drive. When I was having some problems I reinstalled the software and have ended up with two public drives referencing the MyBook, and they are :-

Public(\MyBookLiveDuo) (X)
Public(\MyBookLiveDuo) (Z)

There is no option to delete either of the drives if I right click on the drive in Windows Explorer, just a Disconnect option. I have not been able to work out how to delete one of them and retain the other.

Can anyone suggest how I might be able to delete one of these pointers to my MyBook?

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Move The Public Folder To Another Drive

Dec 6, 2009

Can this be done? I have a Tivo that reads my public folder. Since I keep a lot of large video files in that folder I would prefer to have it on my D: drive rather than my C: drive.

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How To Delete Subfolders From Public Folder

Mar 10, 2011

How do you permanently delete the subfolders in the Public Folder? I can delete the Public Pictures, Public Videos, etc., but they are recreated on bootup. I was able to do this on my other PC, but can't recall how I did it.

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Windows 7 User Folder Changed To Public?

Aug 6, 2011

I installed Avast AV when Norton expired. In order to activate the internet security stuff, I had to install the upgraded library file, blah, blah, blah. In order to do this, I had to show hidden folders. Having only recently begun my foray into Windows 7 (coming from XP), I was flying a bit blind. I must have hit the wrong thing. After I was able to see hidden folders, install the library file to Avast and continue on with the reboot, the desktop came up wiped clean of my documents/pics, etc and my C:\Users\Susan folder has disappeared and is now called Public. Next, I thought I may have switched my user from Susan to Public, but I have not.

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Can't Access Public Folder Without User Name And Password

Jan 29, 2011

I have 2 HP laptops running Windows 7. I can access the puplic folder and printer sharing from the first laptop to the secound. When I try to access the puplic folder from the secound laptop to the first I get this error.As far as I know all my setting are correct in the 2 laptops. here is the screen shotts on the setting. and the other laptop all looks the same so I dont understand why its asking for passwords.

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Why Is The User Folder Shared When Share A Folder

May 6, 2009

I recently made a folder to share with an XP machine. When I look at the network through my seven machine I see the folder I shared and the USERS folder shared as well. Why is that? I have the network setup at a home network. 7100 32 bit.

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Change Share Name Of Folder?

Jan 12, 2012

How do I go about changing the sharename of a folder?

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Share A Folder Anyone On The Network?

Mar 30, 2012

This doesn't work:

Advanced Sharing Share Permissions: Everyone (Full Control, Change, Read)

I can see the Share Name folder in the "Network" via Windows Explorere, but it gives an Access Denied.

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Share A Folder That Has Sub Folders ?

Dec 18, 2012

I am trying to share a folder that has sub folders (for example, username>documents). I change the sharing to share the folder of username, and I allow the network users to change the files. this is in xp. i access it from my win 7 machine, and when i try to access documents, it says that it cannot access it because I don't have permissions. Is there a way to cascade this sharing change, instead of having to manually change the sharing permissions of each folder?

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Share A Folder With Password Over A Network?

Jun 10, 2011

I have found lots of ways to password protect foldres. But I can`t find a way to passwordprotect the access over local network. (and hamachi2)I have tried to make a user (test) and the password (test, on that user).I have tried to share the folder, and just grant access for the test user.And I can see it if I use another computer, but I can`t access it.The other Pc I use, do not have the Test user installed, and that is the way I want it.I don`t want to add the user to all computers. I just want to give it a password, so you have to know that to go in to the folder.

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Share A Movies Folder With My Xbox

Nov 14, 2011

Im not sure wheres best to post this so if this is the wrong place please let me know where to repost.

Ive recently set up my xbox to be able to play movies from my pc that are in the folder 'C:UsersTom HartVideos' but i have many on my external harddrive that i cant put in that folder as it will fill my internet drive up.

Is it possible to share the folder on my external HD with my xbox too?

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How To Share On Cmdline The Folder D:aaabb For User 123

May 7, 2011

I am seaching for a way to assign sharing permissions FROM COMMANDLINE for a particular user with particular permission under Windows 7 (!). Something like

defineshare -dir=D:aaabb -user=myuser123 -perm="full access"

As I learned so far there must be built-in or additional prgm like


Which of these cmds do I need for mentioned plan?

How would the cmdline look like in detail?

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Lost Share Folder Access?

May 20, 2011

After running all the most current Windows 7 updates, my Windows 7 laptop using Wi-Fi can no longer communicate with shared folders on my desktop XP PC that�s hardwired to my Netgear G router.My XP desktop can still access the folders on the Windows 7 laptop. Both PC�s can access the web. If I run System Restore to an older date everything work just fine.

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Share A Folder Via WiFi On Windows 7?

May 22, 2011

how to do this on Windows Vista/Windows 7. Here's what I'm trying to accomplish. I want to stream some of my video files from a PC to my iPad. I can do this using a third party app that runs on my iPad that can connect to a computer via a WiFi network. I managed to do this quite easily on Windows XP and I can stream AVI files from the "C:Documents and SettingsAll UsersDocuments" folder. All I did is this -- I right-clicked on the Documents folder there and selected Properties, then Sharing tab and set "Share this folder on the network", named it and OK'ed it. After that I can easily see that folder from the app running on my iPad and stream files out of it.

Windows Vista and Windows 7 aren't as easy to set up and they don't have the same controls as Windows XP.

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Unable To Share Pictures Folder

Jun 24, 2011

I have a home group network consisting of a vista laptop and a Windows 7 desktop.I recently had to do a reinstall/upgrade Windows 7 on the desktop.The file sharing works okay except for one problem ... I am no longer able to share the My Pictures folder on my desktop with the laptop. I've repeatedly tried to set the share and advance share options on the the desktop's My Pictures folder,
but it still will not work..I keep on getting the same window message "Windows cannot access \DESKTOPMy Pictures"When I press the Network Diagnose button I get a message that says The user account you are logged in with was denied access Make sure you have permission to access the shared folder?

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Sync Folder With A Network Share

Aug 17, 2009

Im after trying to sync a folder from my laptop to a network share on a windows 2003 file server. Not exactly sure how to go about doing it. I would like files to sync both ways so any changes i make to the folder on my laptop get applied to the share on my file server and any changes to the share on the file server are applied to the file on my laptop.

I had a look at sync centre which i believe is 7's version of offline files. I made a test share on my file server and set it to "Always Available Offline"

Now where do i go from here? Is it just a case of setting the foder on my laptop to point towards the network share?

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Share Folder Wizard Has Vanished

Apr 29, 2012

I set up my folders to share over SMB, but it appears I didn't set up all of them to share with everyone.I'm trying to re share them but I can't seem to get to the same wizard. When i right click on a folder it gives me the option to 'Share With ...' rather than just 'Share ...' If i click 'Share with ...' it takes me into the Folder Properties window and selects the sharing tab. it doesn't bring up the normal windows share wizard. Any ideas how I get back to the normal windows 7 share wizard?

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Can't Add Folder On Network Share To Library

Jan 30, 2009

How can I add a folder on a network share to my library? I get an error saying that the network share needs to be indexed. But I can't find a way to turn this on.

I'm on a domain, and I have my home drive (H, and I want the folder inside called Documents added to my library (and then set as default save location).

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Connect Share Folder On Win Xp From Windows 7 64 Bit?

Sep 26, 2011

connect share folder on win xp from windows 7 64 bit?

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In Windows 7 Share Folder Data Disappeared?

Mar 1, 2012

I have created one share folder in windows 7 and put lot of data in it, once i faced problem in accessing the share folder from the network, i removed the sharing from the folder which i shared but what happened is the data's which is in the shared folder got disappeared

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Grant Permission To Create Share Folder?

Mar 3, 2012

Is it possible, to grant permission a user to create share of any folder of his PC in active directory environment. User can only create a share folder for other user, at the same time that user denied for any administrative power.

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Can't Share Folder To Specific Users On Domain

Jun 22, 2012

I have an issue with Sharing a Folder on a Windows SBS 2011 Domain. On my Windows 7 Client Computer I want to Share one particular folder, but not with "Everybody". Instead I just want to share the Folder with one colleague Toward this end I enabled Sharing on the folder and gave Brendon permission to access the share.

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Share Folder Once, Unshare It, Now It Has A Lock Icon?

Nov 3, 2009

I share a folder once. By adding "everyone" to the list of "people to share with." Then, I unshare it. All of a sudden it has a "lock icon" on it that I can't get rid of.

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Accessing Share Folder On Windows 7 Machine Crashing Xp

Aug 19, 2011

I asked this question recently, then realized I may have asked in the wrong forum. Here is my problem : trying to access folders shared on a win 7 machine from a win xp machine is causing windows explorer to crash. The issue is intermittent and I can't figure out at all what is causing it.

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Share Folder With A User Account On ANOTHER Computer In The Workgroup?

Sep 2, 2011

It is easy to share a folder with Everyone, or to share it with other user accounts on the same computer, but how can I share a folder with a specific user account on ANOTHER computer in the workgroup?Reason: in my neighborhood, four friends are connected by cable to the same router, and we all belong to the same workgroup. Each computer has a folder (named "public") that we share with everyone else, but I also want to have another folder (named "private") that I can share with only other computers in my apartment, but not with my friends (on other apartments). How can I do this?

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Gray "X" On Network Share Folder Icon?

Feb 18, 2009

Win 7 X64 to SBS2K3 x86 with multiple shares to same raid array. All mapped drive initially working.Now only 1 map shows a grey "X" over the folder icon with a "This file is currently not available for use on this computer" error message.Inside a H:xxxx is not accessibleOther maps, M, O, S, U to same server and drive are 100% OK and this H for Home directory WAS working.Other mapped drives are OK.Same display and error if browsing UNC to mapped share.Created NEW mapped drive to same share and same problem.Share is fine from other non win 7 PC's XP and Vista (Both x86)I'd been playing with ISO mounting software from MagicISO, MagicDisk, PowerISO, ISODisk, Elaborate Bytes.

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Folder Sharing: Difference Between "cacls" And "net Share"?

Jan 7, 2012

I want to specify from command line that user "Karl" has Full access to local folder (and subfolders)


Which command is recommended here:

cacls or "net share"

What is the difference? Is "net share" for folders the same as "cacls" for files?

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