How To Allow / Block Programs From Accessing Dns Server In Windows Firewall

Nov 3, 2011

i have a policy in windows firewall "Core Networking - DNS (UDP-Out)" that allows all programs to access the dns server, but i want to choose which programs are allowed, how to do so?

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Block All Internet Traffic In Windows 7 Firewall

Jan 6, 2012

"Is there possible in Windows Firewall to block all the internet traffic just by a few clicks?" I mean like the other firewalls just by selecting "Block all traffic"... (a right click on the tray and select this option) or (enter in the firewall window and click on a button -> Block all traffic). Is there a method or a button that i haven't discovered? Or there are some fast steps in which i can do this thing? I'm using Windows 7.

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Advanced Firewall Block All But IE And Firefox

May 14, 2009

I have blocked all outbound traffic in the advanced firewall window and have tried to make a rule to allow Internet Explorer and Firefox through but with no joy. I have looked through previous posts but couldnt find an answer.

I have tried the Sphinx software but I don’t really need that or really want it. I just want to let browsers, anti virus and windows update through. I used to let windows update on vista through by allowing svchost through but only allowing the update service.

I allowed TCP port 80 through but that just let’s most things through.

The process I did was create a new outbound rule, choose program path, choose allow (not block by default), apply to all profiles and then name the rule. But it just wont go through so I am wondering what I am doing/not doing?!

I have also tried the normal firewall window (control panel, windows firewall) and let firefox through but still didnt work for me.

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Windows 7 Block Access To Certain Programs?

Sep 17, 2011

I'm trying to install this game onto my computer. (I've got Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bit) Every time I click to run the .exe I either get that Windows cannot find the specified path, or that I don't have permission to run the program. I'm the administrator on my PC so I don't understand why I don't have access to run this program.

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Port Forwarding Query - Accessing Server From Internet?

Apr 9, 2011

I have a Server connected to a fixed IP on local LAN say Now I just want to use some client software REMOTELY (outside the LAN) which simply requires me to type in IP address + user / password. Now if my Router reports my current IP address as is THAT the address I should use and do I need to port forward anything -- The application is Vsphere NOT RDP as RDP needs me to connect to a WINDOWS machine (Real or VM inside tha LAN).On the server I can access ANY of the running VM's from the Vpshere client.I've actually "Poodlefaked" it so I can get my INTERNET IP address by starting the No-IP program from within any of the VMs at start up. This should allow mw to retrieve the current Internet IP address.(No-IP - Dynamic DNS, Static DNS for Your Dynamic IP)The No-IP works fine for me --there are others you can use for similar functions when you have dynamic IP's.

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Connection Lost To Server After 30-45 Sec While Firewall On ?

Jun 23, 2010

I have install server application on one machine(64 bit win 7). it is basically for licensing purpose on local area network. In windows firewall setting i created inbound rule for listening connection request i.e UDP port 5000 and outbound rule for broadcasting purpose.scenario:-I am using 64 bit windows 7 professional and windows firewall is on. when client application try to connect to server, it connect successfully but after 30-40 second connection to server lost and it lunch connection error and asking for reconnect.If i turn off firewall, every things are going as per my expectation.Note:- above scenario is working fine on window XP.

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Cannot Block Startup Programs

Dec 11, 2009

in windows vista I could block startup programs i didn't want using up system resources, but with windows 7 I cant find a way of doing that, I understand its always a good idea to have normal startup mode instead of selective in misconfiguration. but in vista I could simply block programs in component services but the ones I want to block are not even listed in windows 7! is this the wrong place to look or is blocking startup programs not an option in windows 7?

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Block Programs From Using Internet Connection While Startup?

Nov 10, 2012

After starting up windows, it becomes inaccessible for 2 or 3 minutes and got the internet connection icon loading in the taskbar, it may caused by a program that needs internet connection while startup or after startup. So I want to know which program needs internet connection while startup or after startup and how to block it from using internet connection.

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Parental Controls - Allow Or Block Specific Programs

Jan 21, 2011

How to Allow or Block Specific Programs in Windows 7 Parental Controls ?

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Accessing And Running Downloaded Programs From The Internet?

Feb 12, 2013

When I try to download programs from the internetthey either don't install or if they do I don't know how to access them, know whether or not they're running, and make it so I can tell what the progress is or if I'm useing the program at all?

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Why Is IE On Firewall Allowed Programs

Jun 28, 2011

I have just noticed that IE was on the Windows Firewall Allowed Programs list, I unchecked and deleted it from the Allowed list because it was not there when I first got this laptop and as far as I'm concerned, never needs to be on the Allowed list! I have been running Microsoft Security Essentials, Malicious Removal Tool, MalwareBytes and SuperAntiSpyware to check for viruses or any other internet-based demon but nothing has been discovered and programs are up-to-date.I just can't understand why IE would need to be on the Firewall Allowed list I assume allowing IE or any web browser on the Allowed list opens my computer to a greater number of problems and potential re-formatting and re-installation of Windows to make the computer safe and secure again?

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BSOD On Startup / Accessing New HD / Accessing Internet?

Feb 17, 2012

I'm running on a relatively new install of Windows 7 64bit Ultimate. I recently (about 2-3 weeks ago) installed a new HD and decided to have a fresh start so everything was formatted followed by win 7 install. Everything has been running great up until mid day yesterday. Out of what seems like nowhere I experienced 6 or 7 BSOD's yesterday and from what I could tell they occurred when I tried to do any of the following: 1. Access drive D and play a video file (This is the new HD, it would instantly BSOD). 2. Access internet within 1 minute of startup.

Since yesterday I haven't had any BSOD's and have had the computer running, I haven't tried to play any videos off of HD and haven't reset my computer since (hoping that whatever it was has gone away, although I'm sure it hasn't). For the record I have accessed some music files on drive D without any issue, as well as several word and excel documents (not sure if that makes any difference?)I have a feeling it may have something to do with my new HD that I installed, but have no idea what it could be as it was running without issue up until yesterday (for at least 2 if not 3 weeks).

My system specs are as follows:S: Windows 7 64bit UltimateManufacturer BIOSTAR Group Model A740G M2+ Total amount of system memory 6.00 GB RAMSystem type 64-bit operating system umber of processor cores 2 isk partition (C) 272 GB Free (298 GB Total) isk partition (D) 1630 GB Free (1863 GB Total) isplay adapter type NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460 other info:-all drivers should be up to date to the best of my knowledge- i've looked around and have seen a lot of recommendations to run memtest? I have yet to do soI've enclosed a system health report and minidump file as outlined on forum requirements.

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Windows 7 Firewall Error Code 0x80070424 Windows Firewall Service Missing

Jan 3, 2012

Recently had a virus infection and noticed that the windows firewall service is missing. When trying to reset to recommended settings by using control panel received error code 0x80070424. Cannot access other computers or shared files/folders on home network. Saw a previous post dated 12-17 that appears to be the same problem.

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Comodo Firewall - The Network Firewall Is Not Functioning Properly

Mar 4, 2009

I've recently installed Windows 7 Ultimate x64 Beta Build 7000 and I have Comodo Firewall 3.8.65951.477 64-Bit installed as my firewall. I get this problem that I can't solve at all .

When I click on " Run Diagnostics" I have this :

Indeed, I click "Yes" and this is what comes next :

PS : The Windows 7 Firewall is desactivated!

Anybody haves an idea on this problem, please ?

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Windows 2008 Server Or Linux For Server

Oct 16, 2009

Have been a LONG LONG user of Linux as a server (hosting VM's XP / Windows 7 mix) and file / print sharing.

I used to avoid MS like the plague as far as SERVER environments are concerned - probably because my first experince was Windows NT (Windows NeanderThal or Windows No Thanks) which was SO HORRIBLE that it put me off Windows servers for ages.

(Note I'm using a server in a HOME environment where we have around 8 machines (most of which are actually mine for testing -- not a corporate environment which has other considerations).

The problem now with the latest Linux distros that they are trying to be "A Better Windows than Windows". You can of course customize them but I haven't got the time or patience to do this any more. To select what packages to install / leave out now is a 100% pain and if you do it wrong the chances are the system will give errors.

I've looked at the new SUSE 11.2 -- slick and polished - bit I don't NEED "an alternative Windows".

I've just been looking at Windows Server 2008 R2 (got it from Technet) and I'm REALLY IMPRESSED with it so far. I've installed the STANDARD version - you don't need datacenter or Enterprise version for a home server.

It runs vmware server on it just fine (although I might go the whole hog and use the Hyper-V virtualisation -- need to do a bit more research).

I'm quite happy letting MS do the updates than having to mess around with Kernel compiles etc.

Incidentally as a HOME server there are some considerations that you might want to do to make it more like a Desktop OS than a pure server for example add multi-media to it.

This guy does a great job at this .

Convert your Windows Server 2008 R2 to a Workstation! - Multiboot Installation

Windows 7 VM's run just fine on W2008 server (they should as there is a lot of common code).

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How To Block Internet Access In Windows 7

Oct 18, 2011

I need to block internet access in my pc at specific time. How can i do it.

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Windows 7 Frozen Ice Block Except In Safe Mode?

Sep 13, 2012

So here's the thing, my computer was running completely fine albeit kind of slow until about 2 weeks ago. Everytime I log on it will go through the motions of loading and BAM! freeze, I can't do ANYTHING. . .I have run virus scan and spyware scans because it also displayed an error message before windows would even load. . .it doesn't do that now though. Norton found a Trojan Virus which as far as I know I have gotten rid of through various anti-virus maneuvers. I have also tried Norton's Bootable Recovery and that found nothing as far as a virus or anything.I booted the computer up into Safe Mode with Networking and it's working pretty much like the regular mode should except obviously it's limited and I can't get to my OneNote that I need.

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Accessing Windows 7 Via Rdc?

Feb 22, 2012

I'm trying to set up windows 7 so I can access it remotely from my iPad.Ive set up windows 7 to allow remote access. I've tried disabling avg and windows firewall but I still keep getting connection refused.

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Setup A Home Server With Filezilla Server?

Dec 19, 2012

I am trying to set up a home server with filezilla server. I am following this site's tutorial to help secure the data flow: [URL]. After doing all of this, I get an error saying "Invalid IP address/range/mask".

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Bad Block Installation Error With MS Office Professional 2007 In Windows 7

Feb 2, 2011

MS Office 2007 Professional will not install. It does not get past the splash screen 'Setup is preparing the necessary files', but hangs. The summary error message in Event Viewer is as follows:

The device, DeviceCDRom0, has a bad block.

The program installed quite happily on my old Windows XP Pro computer, and the DVD drive is able to read other installation discs, so it doesn't seem to be a hardware problem.

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Windows 7 CD Burner - UDF Format / Bad Block Errors In Event Viewer

Aug 17, 2010

I'm having a problem with the Windows 7 CD burner when trying to burn a data CD-R or CD-RW in Mastered (CDFS) format (Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit). Whenever I use a new or blank disc and then select the Mastered option, when I re-insert the CD after burning it says it's in UDF format. What is more, I then have problems trying to open or copy files from the CD - files won't open.

Bad block errors in the event viewer etc. These errors are seen when trying to use the CD on any computer, including the one it was recorded on, and I've tried several different makes, types and speeds of disc. I can record in CDFS format using the Windows 7 CD burner if the CD already contains files which were recorded in that format using a 3rd party application or another computer.

This is happening on two Windows 7 computers. I have considered using the Live File format (UDF) instead, but when using Windows 7's burner to format the disc it reduces its capacity by about 130MB and the data won't fit any more. I know I can use other CD burning software (and already do), but there are occasions when the Windows burner is the simplest option, so I'd like to get it to work properly.

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How To Block Windows 7 Updates To Avoid Clobbering Client VPN Access

Jul 12, 2012

My spouse's laptop has Windows 7 Professional and it contains a Citrix client VPN access to her work. For some reason, I do not have the details, Windows Updates clobbers the Citrix client, thereby she cannot access her work. Note that Windows performs these updates without asking the user if they want these updates to be performed. We have to uninstall the Windows Updates and reinstall the Citrix client to get her VPN working again. How can I setup her laptop to block (or at least ask the user) Windows from performing updates so that it does not affect her Citrix VPN access?

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Accessing A Motorola I870 With Windows 7?

Feb 21, 2010

if it is even possible to access my i870 with a usb cable?

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Prevent Windows 7 From Accessing/seeing Other Drives?

Aug 10, 2011

I installed a second HDD on my laptop that can have up to 4 different HDD. I have a XP running on the first HDD. I just installed Windows 7 Premium 32bit on the second HDD. When the installation was done, Windows 7 can see and access the folders/files/drives from the first HDD. How do I restrict this? I knew how to do this with XP but I can't figure out how to do this with Windows 7. Basically, I don't want the Windows 7/Second HDD interacting with the first.

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Accessing Windows 7 Installation After MBR Deleted

Aug 3, 2012

I got another SSD for my system, win7x64 professional, plugged it in as master and made a fresh new install on it and therefore a new mbr was created during installation. Now I need to access the working OS I have installed on the older SSD and used as a main drive before. How to make the current bootloader know that there is another windows 7 installation on a different drive that I would like to be able choose to boot in at startup?

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Accessing ComputernameC$ From Windows 7 Home?

Sep 18, 2011

I have been running into this problem recently where i cannot access another computers hard drive from windows 7, knowing the username and password. I have tried using "ComputernameUsername" as the user name, along with "Username@computername" to no avail. What is really confusing me, making me wonder if this will work at all, is the fact that windows 7's username prompt specifies a domain. Considering none of my computers are, or have the ability to be, on a domain, this is an odd question to ask. Does anyone have a way around this that doesn't require changing settings on the computer that i need to access?

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Accessing The Shared Resource On The XP From Windows 7?

Jun 4, 2012

I have two networked computers belonging to the same workgroup: one with Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 64-bit and the other with Windows XP Pro SP3.On the XP computer, I shared a folder allowing only the access to the Administrators group.Now, from Windows 7, I can see this shared folder, but when I try to use it, the no authorization message is displayed.Why the Login window is not displayed?

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Accessing Windows Share On Different Subnet

Aug 3, 2012

My Windows 7 machine runs in the subnet 192.168.1.x (actual IP and there is a Linux machine with windows share (smb or Samba) on a different subnet 192.168.2.x (actual IP There is a router inbetween of course.Before they were on the same subnet and I could easily see the Linux machine when using Windows Explorer and clicking on Network. Now, I can't see it anymore.

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Accessing Hard Drive In Windows 7

Nov 1, 2011

I had two hard drives in a Windows 7 system. One had the operating system and the other was for storage. The storage drive is a a 2 TB drive. I am not sure what format was selected on the hard drive. If this information is needed, I can do so with guidance how to find this information. The 2 TB has a lot of data. The drive was removed. Later the main drive with the operating was formatted, and the 2 TB drive was put back into the computer, but new Windows 7 does not recognize the drive.

I am not sure if Windows 7 updates have been run, so maybe this is a driver issue? I tried to access the drive through Linux, and Linux showed the drive as empty. I am wondering if some weird security feature was enabled? If so, is there any easy way to get the data back? In windows 7 under devise manager, the drives shows up, but I can only see the devise name. I also tried accessing the drive in external case in a Mac Lion System, and could not get the drive to open up.

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Windows 7 Hangs While Accessing Usb Devices

Dec 28, 2011

I have below configuration.

Board - DQ67SW.
CPU - i5-2500
HDD- 1 TB 2 HDD's
SMPS/Power Suppply 600W.
RAM- 8 GB 2gb in each slot.
OS - Windows 7 Ultimate edition.

My machine gets hang or get rebooted frequently. What can be the cause. Do I need to purchase high volt smps.

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Accessing Tiscali Emails Through Windows Live?

Dec 16, 2011

I have recently acquired a new computer with Windows 7. I have email accounts with Tiscali and I access these through Windows Live Mail as Windows 7 doesnt work with Outlook Express. I have set up Windows live and am receiving and sending emails from Tiscali via my Hotmail address with no problems but when the messages are downloaded onto my computer through hotmail they still remain in my inbox on the server at Tiscali. This results in my Tiscali inbox gradually filling up so I have to log into Tiscali at regular intervals and empty it. Is there a way of automatically deleting the emails from my Tiscali inbox once I have downloaded them to the computer via my Hotmail address.

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