Parental Controls - Allow Or Block Specific Programs

Jan 21, 2011

How to Allow or Block Specific Programs in Windows 7 Parental Controls ?

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Can't Set Up Parental Controls

Jan 20, 2012

My grandson is using my HP laptop, with Windows 7 64 bit. I am trying to set up Parental Controls and have set up a standard user account for him. However, there is no pane for the User Controls when I click on his account in Control Panel>User Accounts and Family Safety>Parental Controls, it tries to set up Windows Family Safety instead (and fails). I presume I need to set up parental controls first, so does anyone know how I can make it access the User Controls? I can't find any help, especially not on Microsoft sites which merely presume that you can access the controls.

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Can't Login Because Of Parental Controls

Mar 31, 2011

I was fiddling around with parental controls on my own computer seeing as how I thought it would be a good way to limit myself after school forcing me to do my homework/read/study.I made a new standard user account to see how it would work. Shortly after, I made the standard account an administrative account and put parental controls time limit options on my old original administrative account. I changed my mind shortly after this, and as I remember I deleted the standard account, and turned off parental controls on my original account.The next day, I come back home and I can't login because of parental controls. This is the only user account on the computer, and it is a full administrative account. How do I turn this off without having the ability to even get on window's itself? I'm on Windows 7, using Windows's Parental Controls.

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Parental Controls And Logging Out?

Sep 18, 2010

I have parental controls set up to lock my son's user account after a certain time of day. the trouble is, when he's on the computer, then leaves, and I come in later, his profile is locked but not logged out. I can't get in to his profile to log him out, of course, unless I disable the parental controls first. How can I force another user to log out from my profile?

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Parental Controls - Setup And Use

Aug 28, 2011

How to Setup and Use Parental Controls in Windows 7 ?

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What To Do When Gta 4 Ask To Remove Parental Controls

Nov 28, 2012

what to do when gta 4 ask to remove parental controls

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Parental Controls - Set Time Limits

Feb 2, 2010

How to Set Time Limits in Windows 7 Parental Controls ?

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Media Center Parental Controls - Setup And Use

Apr 26, 2011

How to Setup and Use Windows Media Center Parental Controls ?

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Parental Controls Fail To Work Says Contact Adminstrator

Jan 13, 2013

So I've been trying to set up parental controls on an account. Now when I go to parental controls, I click an account and it says that it is unable to make changes to parental control settings, and contact System Adminstrator. It was working fine before, and only started recently. I tried making new accounts or placing restrictions on another account, the error still pops up. My system is 32 bit.

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Is There Way To Block Specific Network

Feb 13, 2012

I'm looking to block a specific network both wired and wirelessly and wondering if there is a way to do this. I spend to much time on the internet when at home. I can now lock the computers so that during specific times I can't access the home network. HOWEVER I would like to configure one laptop computer so that it can't hook up to the home network at all. Not being able to connect with the network either hard wire or wirelessly. I want to be able to take that computer to other locations though and be able to hook up wirelessly to them. So in other words I couldn't connect to the home network but can connect to other networks.

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HDD - How To Block Off Specific Areas From Use

Aug 15, 2012

I made a post awhile back about a HDD making clicks, as though the arm was resetting. Occasionally while accessing files explorer freezes. I however noticed this has (so far) only occurred at a specific point of disk usage.I'm hoping I can some how amputate the bad section of the drive so it is never read or written to, or even seen for that matter. There are no disk errors in a scan, so I just want to cut a chunk out of it and hope for the best. Is there a safe way to do this?

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How To Block Specific IP Addresses

Mar 1, 2011

I would like to block a certain IP address from having any connection to my network, and I don't recall how IPSec works, or if it even works in Windows 7. In class, we learned it on XP. how to prevent this IP from contacting me ever again?

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Block Local IP Address For Specific Users Only?

Oct 26, 2011

We have a NAS on our network which I would like to block some remote desktop users from using. So far I tried creating a two custom inbound/outbound rules to block the ip address but it does not seem to have any effect - anyway I don't think there is a way to apply it to specific users.

Another thing I have done via MMC Management Console is follwed the guide here (XP but similar enough to follow for 7) [URL]

Basically, created a IP security policy to block the ip address under "IP Security policies" snap in. This works but unfortunately cant see how to apply it to specific users only.

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Cannot Block Startup Programs

Dec 11, 2009

in windows vista I could block startup programs i didn't want using up system resources, but with windows 7 I cant find a way of doing that, I understand its always a good idea to have normal startup mode instead of selective in misconfiguration. but in vista I could simply block programs in component services but the ones I want to block are not even listed in windows 7! is this the wrong place to look or is blocking startup programs not an option in windows 7?

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Windows 7 Block Access To Certain Programs?

Sep 17, 2011

I'm trying to install this game onto my computer. (I've got Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bit) Every time I click to run the .exe I either get that Windows cannot find the specified path, or that I don't have permission to run the program. I'm the administrator on my PC so I don't understand why I don't have access to run this program.

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Block Programs From Using Internet Connection While Startup?

Nov 10, 2012

After starting up windows, it becomes inaccessible for 2 or 3 minutes and got the internet connection icon loading in the taskbar, it may caused by a program that needs internet connection while startup or after startup. So I want to know which program needs internet connection while startup or after startup and how to block it from using internet connection.

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How To Allow / Block Programs From Accessing Dns Server In Windows Firewall

Nov 3, 2011

i have a policy in windows firewall "Core Networking - DNS (UDP-Out)" that allows all programs to access the dns server, but i want to choose which programs are allowed, how to do so?

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Ungroup Only Specific Programs

Oct 11, 2009

i know, one can choose one of these options for the taskbar buttons:

- always combine

- combine only when full

- never combine

i currently have ALWAYS COMBINE, its ok so. But i want for some specific programms NOT BE combined/grouped. ist possible ?

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Forcing Programs To Use A Specific NIC

Sep 6, 2009

So I have 2 sources of internet.

DSL and Cable.

However, the Cable provider only gives you around 30 GB per month of bandwidth.

DSL is unlimited bandwidth.

I want to be able to use 1 or the other connection for different programs.

E.g. My Download Manger would use the DSL

P2P programs and torrents would use the DSL

FTP Software would use the DSL

Surfing the net would use the Cable.

Control a computer remotely would use the cable.

Mail retrieval would use the cable conneciton

The purpose of this is just to make it so I can browse and do "non-bandwidth heavy" tasks with the fast Cable connection.

As the other connection is usually saturated by bandwidth heavy activites.

Currently my setup is

1 Linksys WRT54GL, using MLPPP via Tomato Firmware (Bonding 2 DSL Lines)

Each DSL Line using its own modem

Tools I have are

A Spare old laptop running windows XP

A Spare router (Linksys BEFW11S4)

A USB to Ethernet Adapter

Is there any way to accomplish what I'm trying to do?

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Specific Windows 7 Programs Unresponsive At Startup

Jul 24, 2012

I've had this windows 7 laptop for less than a year now, with no problems at all. I7 processor, good speed/graphics etc. Recently however (about a week ago) I turned it on and although the internet works, very specific (and all seemingly windows related) problems are reoccurring and making the laptop unusable. The first thing i notice when I start it up (I'll write it all because I can't seem to google the right solution for this) is that i get a black screen after entering login details for about 2 mins (used to be very quick). Then it loads and i notice the wifi icon doesn't show connected or anything it just has the loading circle over it and it stays like this (even now as I'm clearly on the internet typing this).

No gadgets launch but eventually i get my desktop. This is were it starts getting annoying because, if I open windows update the window opens blank and just freezes, not the whole computer just the update window, same for msconfig, system restore and other windows programs such as windows media player. I can view installed updates (and I'm thinking removing one of these might be the solution as it was around the time I updated windows that this started happening) which is strange as it seems some sections aren't working at all but some are.

To top it off I turned it on about 5 days ago and had the "this is not a genuine windows product" in the bottom right of my background and thought "that's annoying I'll have to fix it tommorow". So i turn my laptop on the next day, ready to fix it having done nothing, and everything is running perfect, i can see my gadgets, I can open WMP and i can look for updates. Restart my computer later that evening and i'm back to the point of nothing working and still there today. I've done a full system virus scan, a boot scan, a defrag and everything.

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Show Text From Specific Programs On Taskbar

Nov 3, 2009

Is there a way to make only certain programs show their text in the Windows 7 taskbar? Under normal circumstances, I still want to use icon view, but some programs use their title bars to show information that I would like to see. Is there a registry tweak or anything to do this for those specific programs?

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Gta 4 Parental Control Solution

May 1, 2011

when i clicked play it is showing some parential control error.

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Parental Control - Account To Be Logged On For Only 2.5 Hours?

Jul 2, 2010

I need to know how to make an account have a set time limit. My son has been using the computer for long periods of time, and I wanted to know if I could somehow make it so that his account could be logged on for only 2.5 hours per day. I'm using Window 7 Ultimate. I want to know if you could do this by downloading additional controls.

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Parental Control Video Streaming Actions?

Mar 9, 2012

I have a client that wants to stream everything what's going on on his childrens computers to an tablet (IOS & ANDROID & WINDOWS) so I think a mobile website would be the right thing?I'm searching for a software packet that provides that, without letting the user know what is happening so the child doesn't notice anything

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Remove Webcam Parental Control Lock On Computer?

Dec 31, 2012

when i try to use my webcam it says "this webcam has the parental control feature enabled. please type the password to activate your webcam." i really want to take it off because ive been posting videos on Internet and it suddenly does this!

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Using Parental Control Features In Windows 7 - Setting Time Restriction?

Jun 1, 2011

I'm trying to use the Parental Control feature on one Windows 7 machine in my home. This machine is used by two of my younger sons. Is there any way that I could use the Parental Control feature on each separate account in a sense that whenever the user logs in, the time restriction starts? As oppose to the time restriction being set at specific hours. And is there also a way that whenever the user logs out, if he still has time left, it will pause the time restriction and resume when he logs back in?

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Volume Controls Itself

May 22, 2010

i thought upgrading to 7 would take care of it, but it carried over to the new operating system. here's the 2 problems i have, and i believe they are tied together or i wouldnt mention the browser one. volume control. at completely random times, the volume controller will just take over and turn itself all the way down or all the way up. any attempt by me to move it it just resets, if i slide the bar to the top it'll slide it back to the bottom, and vice versa. more often than not it turns the sound down. but once in a while it maxes my volume. the only way i can regain control of the sound is to reboot. i only mention this cuz it happens simultaneously with the sound problem so im pretty sure they're related. my browser will act normally until the problem kicks in, then it acts as if someone is hitting the "back button" and holding it down. i cant go forward a page, i cant open a web page, i cant do anything, it stays on my homepage forever. you can see it try to go to a new page but then poof its back on the home page. this makes browsing or using the internet impossible.

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Need For Speed Run PC Controls?

Aug 5, 2012

in a stage police were caught my rider,then it shown for B and press X..but i don't know how it work?

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One Or More Activex Controls Could Not Be Displayed

Nov 2, 2010

I have a problem with my Windows Services.Each time when I launch Windows Services window, I get a warning:One or more activex controls could not be displayed because either:

1. your current security settings prohibit running activex controls on this page, or

2. you have blocked a publisher of one of the a result, the page may not display correctly.

The warning pop-up opens only when I click on Extended tab.The problem has nothing to do with IE security, because I can open pages with ActiveX controls on them and so.I have installed Spybot spyware/malware removal tool. Then uninstalled it.I'm not sure if this is the cause of the problem. But I presume it is.

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Codejock.Controls.Unicode.v15.1.3 - What Is It

Nov 26, 2011

And where did it come from? I now have this file, Codejock.Controls.Unicode.v15.1.3.ocx, in the root of my D drive & have no idea where it came from or what it does.

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Is There Any Way To Lock Sound Controls

Sep 14, 2012

I am a middle school teacher and in my lab, the kids keep going in and adjusting the sound. They either turn it all the way up, all the way off or mute it. I have been hiding the sound control on the taskbar, but they still adjust it.I would like to be able to lock the sound control so they do not have access to it in any way.I am OK if it basically locks it down, I just want to make sure the kids have full access to the internet as needed, the programs they require and the ability to save as needed.

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