Forcing Programs To Use A Specific NIC

Sep 6, 2009

So I have 2 sources of internet.

DSL and Cable.

However, the Cable provider only gives you around 30 GB per month of bandwidth.

DSL is unlimited bandwidth.

I want to be able to use 1 or the other connection for different programs.

E.g. My Download Manger would use the DSL

P2P programs and torrents would use the DSL

FTP Software would use the DSL

Surfing the net would use the Cable.

Control a computer remotely would use the cable.

Mail retrieval would use the cable conneciton

The purpose of this is just to make it so I can browse and do "non-bandwidth heavy" tasks with the fast Cable connection.

As the other connection is usually saturated by bandwidth heavy activites.

Currently my setup is

1 Linksys WRT54GL, using MLPPP via Tomato Firmware (Bonding 2 DSL Lines)

Each DSL Line using its own modem

Tools I have are

A Spare old laptop running windows XP

A Spare router (Linksys BEFW11S4)

A USB to Ethernet Adapter

Is there any way to accomplish what I'm trying to do?

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Ungroup Only Specific Programs

Oct 11, 2009

i know, one can choose one of these options for the taskbar buttons:

- always combine

- combine only when full

- never combine

i currently have ALWAYS COMBINE, its ok so. But i want for some specific programms NOT BE combined/grouped. ist possible ?

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Specific Windows 7 Programs Unresponsive At Startup

Jul 24, 2012

I've had this windows 7 laptop for less than a year now, with no problems at all. I7 processor, good speed/graphics etc. Recently however (about a week ago) I turned it on and although the internet works, very specific (and all seemingly windows related) problems are reoccurring and making the laptop unusable. The first thing i notice when I start it up (I'll write it all because I can't seem to google the right solution for this) is that i get a black screen after entering login details for about 2 mins (used to be very quick). Then it loads and i notice the wifi icon doesn't show connected or anything it just has the loading circle over it and it stays like this (even now as I'm clearly on the internet typing this).

No gadgets launch but eventually i get my desktop. This is were it starts getting annoying because, if I open windows update the window opens blank and just freezes, not the whole computer just the update window, same for msconfig, system restore and other windows programs such as windows media player. I can view installed updates (and I'm thinking removing one of these might be the solution as it was around the time I updated windows that this started happening) which is strange as it seems some sections aren't working at all but some are.

To top it off I turned it on about 5 days ago and had the "this is not a genuine windows product" in the bottom right of my background and thought "that's annoying I'll have to fix it tommorow". So i turn my laptop on the next day, ready to fix it having done nothing, and everything is running perfect, i can see my gadgets, I can open WMP and i can look for updates. Restart my computer later that evening and i'm back to the point of nothing working and still there today. I've done a full system virus scan, a boot scan, a defrag and everything.

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Show Text From Specific Programs On Taskbar

Nov 3, 2009

Is there a way to make only certain programs show their text in the Windows 7 taskbar? Under normal circumstances, I still want to use icon view, but some programs use their title bars to show information that I would like to see. Is there a registry tweak or anything to do this for those specific programs?

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Parental Controls - Allow Or Block Specific Programs

Jan 21, 2011

How to Allow or Block Specific Programs in Windows 7 Parental Controls ?

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Forcing Initial Configuration To Run Again?

Apr 13, 2011

Remember when you installed Windows 7, there was that one setup thing that asked you for the time, your username, and password?

Ok so my friend wanted me to upgrade his HP laptop to Windows 7, since he originally had the you-know-is-junk version of windows (Vista).

I was able to install all of the software, but what I want to know is if there's a way to run that configuration setup thing again.

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Forcing WMP To Use Internal Album Art?

Jan 12, 2013

I need to force media player to use the internally stored album art and not use the folder.jpg file. For the way I have my music organized, I keep more than one album in a folder and WMP ends up with the wrong album art.

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Ports Are All Forcing Themselves Closed?

Apr 11, 2011

I have a standard PC => Router => Internet (Modem) connection at the moment and I didn't notice until just now but every single port on my machine forces itself closed. I know the issue is not with my ISP as they don't block any ports, I have had ports opened before, and as of noticing this issue opening ports works on my other PCs. After testing the router is also functioning perfectly and is not at issue with port forwarding.I do not run any type of anti-virus software and I also do not run any third party firewall software. Windows Firewall has been tried as both enabled and disabled (though they give different results). When connected to the internet through my router the opened ports appear as stealthed like all of the non-forwarded ports when windows firewall is enabled with proper rules and as closed when windows firewall is disabled. When connected directly through to my internet the ports all show as closed.

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Forcing Wmp To Stay Full Screen

Oct 6, 2010

I have a dual display setup and like to play videos full screen on my tv and continue working on my monitor. However, when I do certain things on my monitor windows media player exists full screen... ie selecting something on the desktop.Is there some way to force it to stay in full screen unless I click the exit fullscreen button or hit escape?

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Computer Keeps Forcing Shutdown For No Reason

Oct 11, 2010

I am running windows 7 on my hp desktop. For some reason, when I load windows, after a few minutes, out of no where while I am using the computer, windows forces a a shutdown. If I can make it to press cancel, it will cancel the shutdown temporarily but then it will come back to shut down and the second time it won't even ask me, it will just force the shutdown. Sometimes when she's really cranky it won't even load windows. Like as soon as I type in my admin password, it forces the shutdown. It's driving me insane. I thought it had something to do with norton antivirus so i contacted them and they gave me norton antivirus 11 from 10 and that did not solve squat! I did run a system restore and i scan my comp for viruses but was not able to solve the problem.

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Forcing All Folders/program Icons To Medium Size?

May 28, 2012

Just did a clean install. I like all my folders size set to Medium. opened C:, made the folders medium icons, folder & search options, view, folder views, "apply to all".There are still some folders (music, movies, etc.) that I have to change the size.

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Forcing Screen Resolution Higher Than Native 1360x768

Aug 29, 2012

I am trying to play a game I used to play nearly ten years ago. It's a free online game called Continuum/Subspace and there are user created "zones" or variations of the game within the game (if that makes sense). I play in a zone called Trench Wars. It's a top down game, meaning you are looking down at your ship as if from above and the screen scrolls as you move to reveal more of the area (map) you are playing in. You are in a spaceship of your choice with varying weapons for each ship. The game requires aiming at your enemies before firing at them and anticipating their moves.

Well I noticed that playing at a higher resolution allows you to see more of your immediate area and expands your view of the map. It works just like your desktop in essence. The higher the resolution, the smaller the icons, but the more space you have. In the game, the higher the resolution, the smaller the ships are, but you can see more space around you. Obviously, this would give an advantage to anyone playing on a higher resolution, as they would be able to see their enemies and fire before the enemy even knew they were there.

My native resolution for a 32" LCD TV is 1360x768. This is fine except when playing continuum. So I tried changing my resolution to the max which is 1920x1080. Well the screen expanded and cut off parts of my screen, everything got blurry, and had a blue tint to it. I figured this is probably not good for my TVs functionality, as I have burnt out old monitors in the past by running too high of a resolution. So I went to my NVIDIA Display Properties and started messing around. I realized that changing to a higher resolution (1920x1080) from here still caused me to lose part of the screen, but the blue tint wasn't there.

It's still vaguely blurry, but not enough to really notice. So I went to the resizing tab and resized. My screen to fit at the higher resolution. I ended up with resolution of 1842x1036 at 60HTz refresh. I resized my icons and text and the screen is perfect now. But, it is much higher than the native resolution of my monitor. So my question is, will keeping it at this resolution cause my TV to "burn out" or have any otherwise adverse effects?

System Specs that might be important:
Display: Geforce GTX 550ti connected through HDMI to 32" LCD TV
TV: Panel Resolution - 1366x768 Display Resolution Scan Rates - HDMI 1.3 Suggested Resolutions 1080p, 1080i, 720p, 480p, 480i

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Dual Lan - Forcing File Sharing To Use Faster Connection

Nov 18, 2009

I have 2 pcs on a LAN with a 100mbps switch, and they are also directly connected via Gigabit crossover. When both ran XP, I could uncheck "File and Printer Sharing" on each 100mbps connection, and they used only the direct crossover at 1gbps.

Now, with Windows 7 on one and XP on the other, copying files uses the switch by default, even with "File and Printer Sharing" unchecked. This is ridiculous. It should be able to see that there's a wide open connection that's ten times faster sitting completely idle. I even think that the "Local Area Network 2", not the primary.

Any ideas?

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Computer Forcing Nonstop Shutdowns - Even In Safe Mode

Dec 27, 2011

So my computer running Windows 7 64 just yesterday crashed twice with BSOD. First was a stop: 0x0000001e and the second was a stop: 0x000000a. Since then my computer will randomly force-close all my programs and revert to the login screen saying "Shutting down..." and the computer will restart. I am no longer getting BSODs, just this. It occurs. Regardless of what I'm doing and no more than 10minutes logging into windows. In fact, even if I let windows sit at the login screen without signing in, it will still shut down and restart.

It also does this in Safe Mode.

Before yesterday, I had no problems with my computer. Now it forces a shut down. It's not overheating - I can check my temps before windows shuts down and my i7 idles around 45.

I looked around the event log and found an eventID: 109 "Power Kernel has initialized a shutdown". But no idea if that's indeed what is causing the problem or how to interpret that.

keep in mind that my computer was working perfectly less than 12 hours ago. No new download, no new drivers or hardware, no new software.

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Forcing Windows 7 Upgrade Option From Command Prompt

Jul 26, 2012

Win 7 won't start. I need to re-install it but can't lose my 15,000 records. Is there a way to force an "upgrade" installation, from the cmd prompt? I'm using Win 7 Home Premium.

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Skype Causing Games To Crash And Forcing Reboot?

Aug 1, 2012

ever since upgrading my gpu from a hd4870 to an 6870 a year ago i've been plagued with problems of skype crashing my games and sometimes my entire pc. its gotten a bit better since i updated everything i possibly could but it's still a major annoyance that i can't seem to fix no matter how much i try to troubleshoot it on my runs fine all by itself, zero problems there. however, when you start up a game (any game, its has no prejudices towards any particular one) it will eventually crash, causing the game to crash along with it and force a reboot since the entire desktop will be bugged out with graphic glitches. anything open during the crash will also crash and burn, like web browsers, and they can't be opened again until the pc is rebooted.

so far i've had crashes on diablo iii, minecraft (bsod that actually ruined a world since i was running a hamachi server), left4dead 1 and 2, and most recently borderlands.i also used to get hard freezes when watching Internet videos, but that stopped occurring once i disabled all hardware acceleration in adobe flash. i've looked into the event log and saw a bunch of errors but its all along the line of "skype stopped working" and doesn't seem to really give any pertinent info as to why it crashed my system.also, this never happened with my older gpu but i'm reluctant to put it back in due to how much faster the 6870 is. i've gotten to the point where i'm tempted to buy a 7000 series card but am afraid it won't actually fix the problem.

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Cannot Install New Graphics Card Drivers - Forcing To Reinstall Windows 7

Jan 4, 2013

I just recently got a new SSD and wanted to start fresh with a new Windows 7 install. Thus I dc'd everything and successfully installed windwos 7 professional. However, after I update my graphics card driver (Radeon HD 5xxx series). I get a screen without icons, start menu or anything except the background. Pressing CTR-ALT-DEL gives me a blackscreen, forcing me to reinstall windows again. I tried different version of Catalyst control center (10.4 and the latest one) and they both give the same error.

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Windows 7 Forcing To Save An Email Attachment Or Internet File Instead Of Just Opening It

May 18, 2012

I recently upgraded from XP to Win7. Now, when I have a file download or attachment, either in Outlook or any browser, it takes me to the File Save window. Before I could simply click on the attachment and it would open (unless it couldn't figure out what kind of file it was). This is a real pain when viewing pictures attached to an email. I've looked everywhere and can't find this issue addressed in any documentation. I've had Win 7 in the past and this didn't happen.

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Is There Way To Block Specific Network

Feb 13, 2012

I'm looking to block a specific network both wired and wirelessly and wondering if there is a way to do this. I spend to much time on the internet when at home. I can now lock the computers so that during specific times I can't access the home network. HOWEVER I would like to configure one laptop computer so that it can't hook up to the home network at all. Not being able to connect with the network either hard wire or wirelessly. I want to be able to take that computer to other locations though and be able to hook up wirelessly to them. So in other words I couldn't connect to the home network but can connect to other networks.

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Cannot Access Specific Websites

Sep 10, 2012

I can use my internet just fine except for two specific web-sites (that I know of) that crash when I try to access them. those two websites are: and when I type them into the search bar, I get this:This webpage is not available Google Chrome could not load the webpage because took too long to respond. The website may be down, or you may be experiencing issues with your Internet connection.I know it's not the website because other people I know can access them just fine.but there is an even stranger problem. When I do a google search in the URL bar, usually it works fine. but when I include the words "torrent" or "what" in the search, the browser crashes the same way. I can search for anything else and it works fine. But if one of those two words "torrent", or "what" is included, it crashes..

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Specific Setup.exe File Will Not Run At All

Mar 26, 2011

Just formatted a laptop, reinstalled windows7 and all of the drivers. My laptop is an Acer Aspire 7738G-6006.

Here's the problem: To get the volume slider on the keyboard to work, I need to install Launch Manager. I found the download on the website and extracted it. When I run setup.exe though, absolutely nothing happens. It doesn't even show up for a split second in task manager.

I tried the same file on another computer and it ran just fine. I installed .Net framework as well as the C++ Runtime Distributable. No change. I've tried to run in compatibility as well as an administrator. I also tried Dependency Walker, it had this to say:

I tried downloading the new IE, no change, even tried DLing the DLL and putting it in the folder and that had no change either.

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2 Specific Websites Which Won't Load

Jun 4, 2012

I have scanned my computer, with 2 different Anti-Trojan applications, both found many infected items and removed it. now everything seems to be cleaned.Thing is, while trying to load or - both sites wont load - it just hangs. I tried from 3 various browsers.

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Specific Site Won't Load?

May 1, 2011

I have a very odd issue that I cannot seem to figure out how to solve....memory tells me I think have had this problem before with this website about 2 years ago, but I cannot remember for the life of me how I solved it.Basically, the issue is this: I am an avid rally fan and usually check World Rally Championship every day.However, a few days ago I noticed that I would get a "The Connection Was Reset"error in Firefox 4.0.1 when trying to connect to it. The first time, I just thought maybe the site was down. The second day, I thought it was odd so I opened up IE9 and tried it will not load in IE9 either. Then I thought, this is really odd, and tried it on my netbook and then and subsequently the other netbook and 2 other desktops in our house. The three desktops are connected to the net through our router via DHCP. The netbooks are on the same router via wireless DHCP. I tried restarting and resetting the router in case that was the issue, no go - internet works flawlessly on all the other computers and my desktop EXCEPT for that ONE site on my desktop.On both netbooks and the other 2 desktops, World Rally Championship loaded perfectly, so it must be an issue with my PC. I tried clearing the caches and cookies for both browsers, and I restarted this machine twice to no avail.

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MSN Won't Work With Specific Email?

Aug 4, 2011

So, I cannot login with my real email adress on MSN, I have the newest version etc.. I tried reinstalling/restarting the computer and it won't work. I've tried using different accounts, they work flawlessly. I can still log on my email through the browser without a problem. The error message I get is : Signing in to Windows Live Messenger failed because the service is temporarily unavailable.

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Many BSOD's Without Any Specific Reason

May 31, 2012

To the point- specs of my comp- AMD Phenom II X2 550 (no OC), 4 Gb Memory (Kingston), Geforce GTX 260 (latest drivers), Chieftec 600W, Windows 7 Professional 64 Bit. From time to time, without any specific reason, I've got BSOD's. I realise that often (but not always) they are connected with watching films or playing games (recently for instance Diablo 3). Sometimes BDSOD's occur 5 times during one day and sometimes I have they off my head for 2 weeks. I tested my hardware with Memtest, Orthos, Prime95 and some other programs- can't remember their names- no errors at all. Here are my dumps file.

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Wallpaper Is Getting Reset To A Specific One?

Dec 1, 2012

I'm sorry if I posted in the wrong thread. I'm new to this forum. So, no matter which wallpaper I choose, it gets changed to the brown wallpaper(in the architecture section) after I shut down and open the computer for a few times. I don't really know when it gets changed, but it doesn't take any longer than 2 days or so

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Unable To Run A Specific Game?

Jan 15, 2012

i have a weird problem. I cannot run Microsoft's Age of Empires online, because an error msg appears -> Basically I must enable it in Parental Control. Now this is the problem. I use a custom Windows 7 install, I removed many parts of the OS to speed it up, and I removed parental control as well. So basically I don't have parental control in Windows, but this game is keep asking for enabling the game there.I registered on the official forum and tried to get some luck. How could I solve this problem? AFAIK I cannot "download" Microsoft Windows 7's parental control and "install" it. I don't want to install the full OS just because of this, and I don't want to create another custom Windows 7 with parental controls enabled.

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Disabling WFP For Specific File?

Apr 11, 2012

I am having trouble with windows 7 because I am trying specific words from US English to UK English (E.G. "appearance and personalization").

C:WindowsSystem32en-US (Shell32.dll.mui)

Now, because of the windows checksum. It will not allot me to successfully edit it without it reversing the changes. I'm trying to teach my Windows to learn proper English. I have been trying to use WfpReplace but the server to download seems to be down. [URL]. Is there any way to do this in a more simplified way?

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Cannot Copy Specific File From Usb

Dec 17, 2009

since two days i am trying to copy a exe file from a usb stick to my machine.

i tried everything. completely disabled uac, logged on as "superadmin", gave all permissions that i could think of. but still.

the strange thing is that explorer does not even display the icon correctly. it shows only the "generic" exe icon.

everytime i try to copy the file windows tells me that i do not have the permission to make changes to the file.


- the file is not broken, nor is the usb stick. i tried it on another Windows 7 machine and it works just fine.

- tried to copy it on D: drive too... same problem.

- zipped the file. copied the zipped file successfully to the drive but when unzipping it the folder is empty without an error message.

- turned off defender and AV. just in case it thinks it's a bad file.

well, i never had this problem before. any ideas?

edit: i forgot to mention that this file on the usb is in the same folder with several other files which i can copy without any problems.

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No Video On Specific Display?

Oct 26, 2011

There I was trying to show off my HTPC to the INLAWS (darnit), and I get no picture when I enter Windows.This rig has worked perfectly on a 42" Vizio for a couple years now, but the only way I can get windows to display is in safe mode (not even low-resolution). The HDTV I am plugging into (HDMI) is a 40" Phillips. To make an odd thing even stranger, in dual display mode, if the TV is on a different input (such as T.V. or Xbox) I can see the computer recognizing it, modle number and all. The second I switch to the specific HDMI imput computer loses detection.

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HDD - How To Block Off Specific Areas From Use

Aug 15, 2012

I made a post awhile back about a HDD making clicks, as though the arm was resetting. Occasionally while accessing files explorer freezes. I however noticed this has (so far) only occurred at a specific point of disk usage.I'm hoping I can some how amputate the bad section of the drive so it is never read or written to, or even seen for that matter. There are no disk errors in a scan, so I just want to cut a chunk out of it and hope for the best. Is there a safe way to do this?

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