Forcing WMP To Use Internal Album Art?

Jan 12, 2013

I need to force media player to use the internally stored album art and not use the folder.jpg file. For the way I have my music organized, I keep more than one album in a folder and WMP ends up with the wrong album art.

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Forcing Initial Configuration To Run Again?

Apr 13, 2011

Remember when you installed Windows 7, there was that one setup thing that asked you for the time, your username, and password?

Ok so my friend wanted me to upgrade his HP laptop to Windows 7, since he originally had the you-know-is-junk version of windows (Vista).

I was able to install all of the software, but what I want to know is if there's a way to run that configuration setup thing again.

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Ports Are All Forcing Themselves Closed?

Apr 11, 2011

I have a standard PC => Router => Internet (Modem) connection at the moment and I didn't notice until just now but every single port on my machine forces itself closed. I know the issue is not with my ISP as they don't block any ports, I have had ports opened before, and as of noticing this issue opening ports works on my other PCs. After testing the router is also functioning perfectly and is not at issue with port forwarding.I do not run any type of anti-virus software and I also do not run any third party firewall software. Windows Firewall has been tried as both enabled and disabled (though they give different results). When connected to the internet through my router the opened ports appear as stealthed like all of the non-forwarded ports when windows firewall is enabled with proper rules and as closed when windows firewall is disabled. When connected directly through to my internet the ports all show as closed.

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Forcing Programs To Use A Specific NIC

Sep 6, 2009

So I have 2 sources of internet.

DSL and Cable.

However, the Cable provider only gives you around 30 GB per month of bandwidth.

DSL is unlimited bandwidth.

I want to be able to use 1 or the other connection for different programs.

E.g. My Download Manger would use the DSL

P2P programs and torrents would use the DSL

FTP Software would use the DSL

Surfing the net would use the Cable.

Control a computer remotely would use the cable.

Mail retrieval would use the cable conneciton

The purpose of this is just to make it so I can browse and do "non-bandwidth heavy" tasks with the fast Cable connection.

As the other connection is usually saturated by bandwidth heavy activites.

Currently my setup is

1 Linksys WRT54GL, using MLPPP via Tomato Firmware (Bonding 2 DSL Lines)

Each DSL Line using its own modem

Tools I have are

A Spare old laptop running windows XP

A Spare router (Linksys BEFW11S4)

A USB to Ethernet Adapter

Is there any way to accomplish what I'm trying to do?

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Forcing Wmp To Stay Full Screen

Oct 6, 2010

I have a dual display setup and like to play videos full screen on my tv and continue working on my monitor. However, when I do certain things on my monitor windows media player exists full screen... ie selecting something on the desktop.Is there some way to force it to stay in full screen unless I click the exit fullscreen button or hit escape?

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Computer Keeps Forcing Shutdown For No Reason

Oct 11, 2010

I am running windows 7 on my hp desktop. For some reason, when I load windows, after a few minutes, out of no where while I am using the computer, windows forces a a shutdown. If I can make it to press cancel, it will cancel the shutdown temporarily but then it will come back to shut down and the second time it won't even ask me, it will just force the shutdown. Sometimes when she's really cranky it won't even load windows. Like as soon as I type in my admin password, it forces the shutdown. It's driving me insane. I thought it had something to do with norton antivirus so i contacted them and they gave me norton antivirus 11 from 10 and that did not solve squat! I did run a system restore and i scan my comp for viruses but was not able to solve the problem.

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Forcing All Folders/program Icons To Medium Size?

May 28, 2012

Just did a clean install. I like all my folders size set to Medium. opened C:, made the folders medium icons, folder & search options, view, folder views, "apply to all".There are still some folders (music, movies, etc.) that I have to change the size.

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Forcing Screen Resolution Higher Than Native 1360x768

Aug 29, 2012

I am trying to play a game I used to play nearly ten years ago. It's a free online game called Continuum/Subspace and there are user created "zones" or variations of the game within the game (if that makes sense). I play in a zone called Trench Wars. It's a top down game, meaning you are looking down at your ship as if from above and the screen scrolls as you move to reveal more of the area (map) you are playing in. You are in a spaceship of your choice with varying weapons for each ship. The game requires aiming at your enemies before firing at them and anticipating their moves.

Well I noticed that playing at a higher resolution allows you to see more of your immediate area and expands your view of the map. It works just like your desktop in essence. The higher the resolution, the smaller the icons, but the more space you have. In the game, the higher the resolution, the smaller the ships are, but you can see more space around you. Obviously, this would give an advantage to anyone playing on a higher resolution, as they would be able to see their enemies and fire before the enemy even knew they were there.

My native resolution for a 32" LCD TV is 1360x768. This is fine except when playing continuum. So I tried changing my resolution to the max which is 1920x1080. Well the screen expanded and cut off parts of my screen, everything got blurry, and had a blue tint to it. I figured this is probably not good for my TVs functionality, as I have burnt out old monitors in the past by running too high of a resolution. So I went to my NVIDIA Display Properties and started messing around. I realized that changing to a higher resolution (1920x1080) from here still caused me to lose part of the screen, but the blue tint wasn't there.

It's still vaguely blurry, but not enough to really notice. So I went to the resizing tab and resized. My screen to fit at the higher resolution. I ended up with resolution of 1842x1036 at 60HTz refresh. I resized my icons and text and the screen is perfect now. But, it is much higher than the native resolution of my monitor. So my question is, will keeping it at this resolution cause my TV to "burn out" or have any otherwise adverse effects?

System Specs that might be important:
Display: Geforce GTX 550ti connected through HDMI to 32" LCD TV
TV: Panel Resolution - 1366x768 Display Resolution Scan Rates - HDMI 1.3 Suggested Resolutions 1080p, 1080i, 720p, 480p, 480i

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Dual Lan - Forcing File Sharing To Use Faster Connection

Nov 18, 2009

I have 2 pcs on a LAN with a 100mbps switch, and they are also directly connected via Gigabit crossover. When both ran XP, I could uncheck "File and Printer Sharing" on each 100mbps connection, and they used only the direct crossover at 1gbps.

Now, with Windows 7 on one and XP on the other, copying files uses the switch by default, even with "File and Printer Sharing" unchecked. This is ridiculous. It should be able to see that there's a wide open connection that's ten times faster sitting completely idle. I even think that the "Local Area Network 2", not the primary.

Any ideas?

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Computer Forcing Nonstop Shutdowns - Even In Safe Mode

Dec 27, 2011

So my computer running Windows 7 64 just yesterday crashed twice with BSOD. First was a stop: 0x0000001e and the second was a stop: 0x000000a. Since then my computer will randomly force-close all my programs and revert to the login screen saying "Shutting down..." and the computer will restart. I am no longer getting BSODs, just this. It occurs. Regardless of what I'm doing and no more than 10minutes logging into windows. In fact, even if I let windows sit at the login screen without signing in, it will still shut down and restart.

It also does this in Safe Mode.

Before yesterday, I had no problems with my computer. Now it forces a shut down. It's not overheating - I can check my temps before windows shuts down and my i7 idles around 45.

I looked around the event log and found an eventID: 109 "Power Kernel has initialized a shutdown". But no idea if that's indeed what is causing the problem or how to interpret that.

keep in mind that my computer was working perfectly less than 12 hours ago. No new download, no new drivers or hardware, no new software.

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Forcing Windows 7 Upgrade Option From Command Prompt

Jul 26, 2012

Win 7 won't start. I need to re-install it but can't lose my 15,000 records. Is there a way to force an "upgrade" installation, from the cmd prompt? I'm using Win 7 Home Premium.

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Skype Causing Games To Crash And Forcing Reboot?

Aug 1, 2012

ever since upgrading my gpu from a hd4870 to an 6870 a year ago i've been plagued with problems of skype crashing my games and sometimes my entire pc. its gotten a bit better since i updated everything i possibly could but it's still a major annoyance that i can't seem to fix no matter how much i try to troubleshoot it on my runs fine all by itself, zero problems there. however, when you start up a game (any game, its has no prejudices towards any particular one) it will eventually crash, causing the game to crash along with it and force a reboot since the entire desktop will be bugged out with graphic glitches. anything open during the crash will also crash and burn, like web browsers, and they can't be opened again until the pc is rebooted.

so far i've had crashes on diablo iii, minecraft (bsod that actually ruined a world since i was running a hamachi server), left4dead 1 and 2, and most recently borderlands.i also used to get hard freezes when watching Internet videos, but that stopped occurring once i disabled all hardware acceleration in adobe flash. i've looked into the event log and saw a bunch of errors but its all along the line of "skype stopped working" and doesn't seem to really give any pertinent info as to why it crashed my system.also, this never happened with my older gpu but i'm reluctant to put it back in due to how much faster the 6870 is. i've gotten to the point where i'm tempted to buy a 7000 series card but am afraid it won't actually fix the problem.

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Cannot Install New Graphics Card Drivers - Forcing To Reinstall Windows 7

Jan 4, 2013

I just recently got a new SSD and wanted to start fresh with a new Windows 7 install. Thus I dc'd everything and successfully installed windwos 7 professional. However, after I update my graphics card driver (Radeon HD 5xxx series). I get a screen without icons, start menu or anything except the background. Pressing CTR-ALT-DEL gives me a blackscreen, forcing me to reinstall windows again. I tried different version of Catalyst control center (10.4 and the latest one) and they both give the same error.

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WMP 12: Does Every Album Have To Be A Playlist

Feb 17, 2013

WMP 12 has automatically created a playlist for, it seems, every album in my library. It displays these in the central details pane when I highlight playlists in the navigation pane. This makes it difficult to find the playlists which I created myself (eg those containing a selection of tracks from different albums or a link to a radio station). The ones I really want to find get lost amongst all the albums. Is there a way to get rid of the 'album playlists' which WMP created, or to have them not show? The same issue occurs on both my main PC and my laptop. I don't see the point of these 'album playlists'. When I want to play an album I can look at the albums view of the library and play the album from there. I tried deleting them but they were created again the next time I restarted WMP.

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Windows 7 Forcing To Save An Email Attachment Or Internet File Instead Of Just Opening It

May 18, 2012

I recently upgraded from XP to Win7. Now, when I have a file download or attachment, either in Outlook or any browser, it takes me to the File Save window. Before I could simply click on the attachment and it would open (unless it couldn't figure out what kind of file it was). This is a real pain when viewing pictures attached to an email. I've looked everywhere and can't find this issue addressed in any documentation. I've had Win 7 in the past and this didn't happen.

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Album Art In WMP Library Won't Load

Mar 28, 2011

WMP is showing music library at opening, but it won't load any album art. It's a bit complicated to explain the problem exactly, so I will post some screenshots that you can get what I'm saying.

1) I open WMP, and at it's set to Library => Musc => All music, but it wont' load any album art. I see album name, artist, and everything else, but no album art. I tried to wait, but even after hour or so everything's still same.

2) I go to album submenu (or any ohter), and than it shows album art normally.

3) After that, I go back to All music, and then I can see album art there, as well.

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Cannot Get Any Visualization To Display Except Album Art

Mar 12, 2011

I'm looking to buy a net book pretty soon and what I want to do is reformat the hard drive, then reinstall windows. Reason being I want to get rid of all the stupid pre installed software that comes with it...that stuff drives me nuts. Of course, net books don't have a CD drive.

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Unhide Album Artwork?

Feb 16, 2011

I know they are hidden and i have a lot of duplicates and what no and want to have a good clean up and possibly grab as much artwork as possible without going to google and going through the sordid take of finding them again.Now i know mine are all hidden and not embedded because a while ago i was using Recuva and did a full scan of hard drives and the first info it pulled up was the folders for the music with the album art showing but of course no music.Is this possible, after looking on google, i just seem to find people saying about un-hidding normal folders.

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Cannot Get Any Visualization To Display Except Album Art

Jun 12, 2011

Only problem is that when a new visualizaation is selected, it fails to take. I especially liked the "Batttery" series used in WMP 9 . But when I try to select it in WMP12, there is a non-functional scroll window displayed that will not allow you to see, let alone select the version of Battery that I want to see.

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WMP 12 - Making Album Art Bigger?

Feb 11, 2010

I know this is not very important in the grand scheme of things, but it irritates the crap out of me. When the player is in "Now Playing" mode, using the album art visualization, is it possible to make the album art bigger? When in full screen mode the album art is but a tiny postage stamp on the desktop. I would like to make it larger so it's easier to see. Is there a way to enlarge it, or did the programmers in Redmond not think there would ever be a need to actually be able to see and enjoy the album art?

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Connect An Internal IDE DVD Writer And An Internal SATA DVD Writer To The Same Motherboard?

Dec 16, 2011

Can I connect an Internal IDE DVD Writer and an Internal SATA DVD Writer to the same Motherboard?

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Separation Of Tracks On Downloaded Album?

Dec 10, 2012

Does windows 7 feature a program that would separate tracks on a cassette that I downloaded on to my computer? I downloaded it but now I want to separate and name each track. I apologize for not knowing all the technical names of what I am trying to achieve. I am a senior citizen trying to preserve my cassettes.

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Windows 7 & WMP Auto-Generates Album Art?

Mar 2, 2012

I'm having very frustrating issues with my music library and trying to organize it to have the right album artwork. Here's the scenario below. Typical scenario1. Under the library tab every single option is unchecked, specifically "Retrieve Additional Information from the Internet" = UNCHECKED2. Browse to a folder containing 45 mp3 files. 44 are from one album. The last one is from another band with no album artwork. So it should display the generic music note symbol when I play it in WMP 12 correct? Well it DOES do this if I open it up first. HOWEVER IF3. First file opened in WMP creates a folder and AlbumArt jpeg.4. Subsequent files opened in that folder now use these jpegs displaying the wrong image for the mp3 file.Here's the thing, I do not want to keep occurring. WHY is it happening.ow do I make it stop most importantly of all? my media library littered with jpegs, I like my files to be portable with any art included within the file.NOTE: I've even tried making the entire Music folder "Read Only" which I think is very extremely and a higly retarded "solution" but at this point I'm so fed up I'm willing to try anything. However the "Read Only" option is a bunch of sh*t. It doesn't work. The folder.jpg is still being created by WMP and Windows 7 after I play a song within that folder.

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WMP 12 Album Artwork Randomly Disappears

Jun 29, 2012

I have a Windows Media player 12 and album artwork randomly disappears, this is very annoying and I don't know what's causing it.

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WMP 12 - How To Configure File Type (WMA / MP3) In Album Art

Nov 17, 2010

I have seen this pop up a few times and have no idea why and/or how to make it stick. Occasionally, the file type is in the lower-right corner of the album art. This has been added on the fly by WMP12. How to configure this?

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Album Art Comes Back Even After Removing Using Mp3tag

Jan 31, 2012

I have removed all the album art (pictures) using mp3tag and now there are no images showing in map3tag. I have also deleted VLC player's album art cache. I also made sure that no folders were hidden having those images by showing system protected hidden folders and all. But I don't know from where vlc again get the album art. I don't know where those images are. I removed them from mp3tag, mp3tag does not show them anymore.

They are not hidden anywhere, I checked everywhere. I cleared VLC album art cache which was hidden earlier and also run ccleaner. If I select vlc to load album art manually in privacy setting under interface. Than it does not show. But my concern is that when i have nowhere those images in my pc from where vlc get them. I want to see album arts but not for all songs, few are bad looking. How to find out where are those images.

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Adding Album Cover Art To MP3 Albums?

Jan 27, 2013

All my music is in MP3 format which I play through Media Monkey. Sometimes MM displays the album cover and sometimes it doesnt. Is there free SW which can scan my albums and then add the album cover? and once the SW gets the album art will it show in all other music apps (ie Win Media player, Win amp etc).

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Move Audio Tracks Around In An Album?

Apr 19, 2011

How do I move audio tracks around in an album, most of the time when I rip or copy a CD win7 moves the tracks to a different order and I can't get them back in the right sequence.

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Remove Annoying Blue Icon From Album Art

Aug 18, 2011

I just redid my computer that has win 7. I just finished adding music in media player, but some of my album art has these little blue icons that say mp3 or wma. How do I remove these from my album art?

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WMP12 Crashing When Trying To Find Album Info

Dec 28, 2010

Everytime I try to find album info for Two Steps From Hell's "Invincible" album WMP12 just crashes!

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How To Disable Skydrive And Photo Album In WLM 2011

Oct 31, 2010

All i want is my ability to send pictures via windows explorer with the right click feature, then to resize them and then send them. Now when it gets ready to send it says some stuff about Skydrive, about some photo album and wants me to log in somewhere. I don't want any of that. I want the old tried and true method I had under plain jane Windows Mail before. How do I make WLM 2011 behave like the old WM? I just want to select, resize and send the way it used to work under WM!!!!!

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