Firefox Freezing, Unless Move?

Aug 2, 2011

When Im on the net using Firefox, theres often times when things will stop moving (i.e. the blinking text cursor, tabs that are loading, things that are downloading, etc.), and they will continue to move if i move my mouse around, or the touch-pad... and, i believe, if i type, things will resume. This gets rather annoying, because the only remedy is to close Firefox, and then re-open it. It seems to happen most when i attempt to upload something - no matter where Im uploading it to (such as sendspace, multiupload, etc.).I dont think i have a virus - Im running AVG for security, and Super Anti-Spyware. I also have the latest Firefox, which according to the About tab is 5.0, and it says it's up-to-date.

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Firefox Freezing For About 20 Seconds?

Oct 7, 2011

Anyone else got troubles with FF freezing while writing a reply?

I've no problems with IE. I've run MSSSS. I've uninstalled and reinstalled. I've got the same problem whether wifi or wwan. I've, using RevoUninstall Pro, uninstalled everything down to the essentials.

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Windows 7 X64 Freezing During Games Or Firefox Usage

Feb 11, 2011

This is the 2nd time trying to type this, my system froze mid-post . Writing this in safe mode with networking. I have been having daily freezing with my PC for 1 week, today is the first time it has froze 3 times in one morning. When I say Freeze, I mean not input from the mouse or the keyboard is accepted. The mouse cursor stays seen on the screen and I see no screen movement in games. The only way to proceed is to hold down the power button to restart. Today is abnormal in that the pc/os has frozen 3 times already. Normally it doesn't freeze during the first hour of uptime. It may freeze during games like WoW or Just Cause 2, or during only Firefox usage with no other applications running. The PC is one week old (purchased on Sat) and is a self built Sandy Bridge system.

Windows 7 Pro 64b, Office 2010 32b, Steam, 7Zip, Driveimage, Microsoft security essentials, CCleaner. I believe office, steam, and CCleaner were installed after the first crash. Nvidia drivers for GPU. Gigabyte drivers for MB (though most of the MB apps have not been installed or have been uninstalled), LAN, Audio, SATA.

i7 2600k, Gigabyte P67A-UD4 (I moved the SATA connection to a non-intel port due to Intel announcement), G Skill F3-12800CL9-4GBRL (2x4GB), Samsung SATA F3 1TB HD, Gigabyte 460 GTX GPU, Zalman CNPS 9900MAX CPU cooler. Nothing is OC except Video card and that was by the manufacturer.

I check all temps using Hardware Monitor, Nvidia's GPU utility, Core Temp, CPU-Z and GPU-Z. The highest temp in the system is the GPU at ~ 64C under full load. Full load is done with Folding at home, the SMP client for the CPU and the GPU client. Dumps have NOT been gathered, though they HAVE been enabled by trying the standard dump and the small dump. I even changed the default dump folder to C:minidump. I assume because the system freezes the dump is not gathered as the system doesn't know about the freeze only that it wasn't shutdown properly. I have checked the event logs and again, nothing seems to be noted though I admit I do not have expert skills with event logging.

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Internet Keeps On Freezing / Cant Install Firefox Or Any Program

Jun 21, 2012

i have comcast internet.usually this problem occurs when im on Internet. i use google chrome. whenever i browse Internet, in like twenty five minute of video watching my computer starts to freeze. there is a cicle spinning and screen becomes blurry. i cant do alt control delete to end task it, because nothin pops up when i click it. now when i use other sites like facebook, twitter, the internet starts to freeze like before, before it was only Internet, now its a lot of sites and i have to manually hot the power button and relogon. is it a good sign that my power button on monitor doesnt turn blue when i turn it on, it used to , but now it dont. i can not use firefox because it will not let me install it. i am an administrator for sure because i followed these steps.url...when i google mozilla firefox from google chrome, and install it, it says"you may not have the necessary permissions to use all the features of the program you are about to run. you may run this program as a different user or continue to run the program as the current user."when i click towards current user, my name and my last name initial is there in parentheses after the word current user although my account name is different. then its all gray at the bottom and under user name it says administator, and blank under password but i cant make any changes because it is gray. if i click okay, it disappears and nothin installed. and when i click at bottom run this program as the following user and then i see administrator under user name and nothin under password. the account i have is protected by a password. if i type in my username and password that i currently am using, i have one account on my pc, or if i press okay how it was given to me, it says logon failure: user account restriction. possible reasons are blank passwords not allowed, logon hour restrictions, or a policy restriction has been enforced."i use superantispyware,malwairebytes pro, avast free as a virus protection.and whenever i go to itunes, i have to end task it once because it always freezes on me the first time i access it, it does let me end task itunes though

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Screen Freezing On One Image - Cannot Move Mouse Or Use Keyboard

Feb 2, 2011

I have a desktop computer running Windows 7 64-bit. I have had it around 1 month and just today have found it keeps freezing on me. The screen literally freezes on one image and I cannot move the mouse/use the keyboard. The fans are still running inside the PC and I cannot see why this happens.

My specs are:
Intel i7 980X Processor

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Best Versions Of Firefox / Builds Of Firefox For A X64 Windows?

Sep 21, 2012

My two min browsers at the moment are waterfox & chrome..As the title says, Im on a x64 version of Windows 7.Has anyone any advice for me on the best versions of Firefox/Builds of Firefox for a x64 windows?same with Google chrome.

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Newly Built Computer Random Freezing And Freezing On Starting Windows 7

Aug 17, 2012

I recently built my first PC three days ago...

i7 bloomfield 960 processor
4x4 vengeance ram
crosair hx850 PSU
evga x58 ftw3 mobo
hd 6870 radeon graphics xfx

When I first installed windows it started to work just fine but I soon noticed that it would randomly freeze every 15-30 minutes of use, but not on a particular program or anything. I assumed it was drivers so I installed the latest drivers for my GPU and MOBO and keyboard. It seemed fine again until it started crashing again. I ran a GPU burn test and a CPU burn test it passed both. (I tried runing memtest86+ but it froze at like 12%) Then I tried fixing the registry so I downloaded ccleaner and fixed the registry problems. Freezes continued. I finally decided to re install windows so I did and the problems still continued. I am at a loss of what to do and can't think of anything else.

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Persistent Freezing Blue Screens And Freezing

Mar 14, 2012

Computer is currently suffering from persistent freezing and bluescreens. It seems to happen almost randomly, and usually very soon after startup and loading of Windows. System restore has not helped.'fraid that's all the info I can give right now. Any recommendations? If anyone wants me to run hijackthis or dxdiag and post results I'd be more than happy to (assuming I can get that far before it freezes!). Safe mode does work, and the problem does not occur while in safe mode.

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After Installing Firefox 18, Firefox 15 Still Shows In "Uninstall"

Jan 10, 2013

I recently updated to Firefox 18. If I go to Windows' Control Panel and then click on "Uninstall a program", both Firefox 18 and Firefox 15 show up in the list of programs. Should I just leave it as it is, or should I uninstall Firefox 15?

By the way, I updated to Firefox 18 through Firefox's update feature, if that helps.

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Cards Don't Move When Try To Move Them

Aug 20, 2011

Win 7 Freecell "sticks" The cards don't move when you try to move them. If you keep trying you get the message "freecell is not responding" or "problem with freecell executable". Could this have anything to do with a recent Norton upgrade? I have tried turning windows games on and off and it doesn't help. If so, where can I get a clean reinstall?

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Move OS From HDD To SSD?

Aug 23, 2012

Currently i have my OS on my old HDD, i bought new SSD and i now i need to move the whole OS (win 7 oem version) to the new SSD so i can close and open it faster. How do i do that?please show step by step ( give pics if possible)Plus, i tried to format my old HDD and it said that the HDD is containing the Windows version i am using, so i guess after i move my OS to the SSD i can format the HDD right? If so, how can i format the HDD? When i right click on the C drive, i see the open "format" but i dont know what to do after that.

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How To Move OS From CD To USB

Oct 30, 2012

When I use my external drive, it says I am missing a driver even thought the the first step of the os it done. And I tried a usb and it want registering... so might as well try a different way of making a usb bootable.

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Cannot Download Anything In Firefox?

Nov 1, 2009

After installation, in IE8, I can initiate a file download and it will proceed to DL the file but upon finishing, the file disappears from the saved location. I then installed Firefox from a flash drive without issue but when I DL a file in Firefox, it also proceeds to DL the file but upon the end produces an invalid file with 0 bytes.

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Can't Dowload Anything Using Firefox?

Nov 1, 2011

I can't download anything using Fire Fox? Even when I right click to 'save link' as, it gives me a file with an html suffix but not the file I want ?I'm using Fire Fox 7.0.1. on windows 7 64 bit machine

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Firefox Is Not Responding

Dec 15, 2011

My computer is only a couple weeks old. I use the latest version of Firefox and today it keeps freezing up. It will just say Not Responding. I've rebooted several times and it's still doing it. Not sure what else to do.I'm not very techie.

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BSOD Mostly With Firefox

Jul 20, 2011

I'm running Win 7 64bit and this past week I started getting BSOD restarts several times a night, mostly when using Firefox 5. I just uninstalled/re-installed it and got a blue screen 20 minutes later. The message that pops up after the restart shows two files, one a minidump but I don't know what to do with it. I've updated my graphics drivers, Windows update, scanned with Windows SE and Malwarebytes with nothing being found. I don't know what steps to use to start diagnosing the problem.

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BSOD When Using Firefox?

Dec 5, 2012

I have been getting BSOD's only when using Firefox. Started happening about 2 - 3 months ago. Stopped using FF and have been using IE 9 for the last month and have not had one BSOD since, but I really hate IE. I downloaded the latest version of FF yesterday hoping that a new version might have fixed the issue. Five minutes later and BSOD again.

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Firefox Not Connecting?

Jul 15, 2012

I installed WINDOWS FIREWALL CONTROL on my Windows 7 system. I have Internet access with games but not with FIREFOX or MAIL WASHER PRO. I decided to not use WINDOWS FIREWALL CONTROL and deleted it from my computer (there was no uninstall entry). Now even though FIREFOX and MAILWASHER PRO is listed as being allowed by the Windows firewall I can not access the Internet. Should I use the system restore feature or am I missing something else. If I turn off the firewall I have access but of course that is not an option I want to go with

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No Connection With Firefox 4.0?

May 20, 2011

i just got a fresh installed a firefox 4.0 browser but i got this message: The proxy server is refusing connections

Firefox is configured to use a proxy server that is refusing connections. Check the proxy settings to make sure that they are correct. Contact your network administrator to make sure the proxy server is working.

but i can connect through Google chrome.

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WMP Does Not Integrate With FireFox?

Dec 30, 2009

When I try to play any live streams or any media files online, that could be played using WMP, Firefox always shows I have to download the WMP 11 PLUGIN though WMP 12 is the default player in Windows 7. However, it works with CHROME.

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BSOD While Using Firefox?

Sep 19, 2012

Im browsing on Firefox and im getting this error, Im new to BSOD's so i have no idea what to do, Could anybody post on here what else i should include? Also this is my old PC (The System specs are different from the ones in my profile)

Windows XP 32Bit
1.00 GB Single-Channel DDR2 @ 332MHz
Intel Pentium E2180 @ 2.00GHz
256MB GeForce 6200 (EVGA)
150gb HDD
250gb HDD

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Pictures Appear With Firefox But Not With IE?

Feb 12, 2012

I finally got my videos to play but my pictures won't show up with Internet Explorer.

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Flash For Firefox

Nov 23, 2009

I cannot download flash onto my 32 bit win 7 os with Firefox.

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How To Block Firefox

Oct 31, 2012

how to block firefox

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How To Create Or Move A MBR

Jun 20, 2010

I have a desktop with a 250GB HDD that has Vista Ultimate installed on it. I recently added a 64GB SSD and installed 7 Professional on it. All is working well as a dual boot system, but at this point I would like to format the 250GB drive and use it for data storage. Problem is that since it was the original drive when I added the SSD and Windows 7, I believe that the MBR is on that drive. When I physically disconnect it, I get a message to put in my 7 install disk, but when I to try to repair it, it shows no OS to repair.So, can I move, change or create a new MBR on the SSD or am I going to need to just do another clean install of 7 on the 64GB drive without the 250GB drive attached, then attach it and format it?

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Move HDD To New Computer

Apr 16, 2012

The problem is that installing from the CD works fine untill a certain point of the installation and then it it fails, done it several times and breaks at same place each time... Thats why I have to try and fix it some other way, and thats is why I tried the following.So, removed the HDD from her computer, removed all HDD from my own computer, pluged in her HDD, Installed Windows 7 on her HDD on my computer with same CD.As soon as installation was done, shut down and removed HDD, no internet plugged in and no uppdates done or anything in that way.Everything worked fine no problems at all.Removed the HDD from my computer, plugged it in to her computer, fixed boot order, compuer finds HDD in Bios, when it wants to boot from it.All that happens is "Verifying DMI Pool Data...Update Success" then the compuer just stands there for several minuts and nothing happens.Im guessing that we have differnt motherboards, CPU, and all that, is there any way I can make it work ?I have started with Windows 7 CD, and tried to do "repair" but there is nothing to repair so that dint help either.

-CD problems = No
-HDD broken = No

So Im looking for some help that can make the HDD work on her computer.Is there some way of software or file edeting I can do to make this work ?

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How To Move More Than One Folder At Once

Aug 26, 2010

I can't move more than one folder at the same time. Also, when I move that one folder, just the contents in the folder move - not the folder itself. How do I do this? I want to move a number of consecutive folders at once. I should mention that these folders are subfolders of the Windows folder.

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How To Move Files

Apr 2, 2012

Copying and pasting files is easy. But how do I move files so they no longer appear in original location. The time has come for me to make some room on my hard drive and the way to do it is move all the pictures to another drive. What is the command to do this? Isn't drag and drop copying and not moving? I suppose I could copy then come back and delete. But moving would be better I think. Less chance for a mistake

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Move 'Libraries' From C To D?

Jun 14, 2012

My hard drive is partitioned with my C: having 679 GB and my D: having 698 GB. I'd like for files (word, mp3, jpg etc.) to be in D: and to keep program files in C:. So how do I move the 'Libraries' directory from C: to D:? Can it be remapped or do I need to copy/paste everything over and make a new Library in D?

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Webpage Move Up And Down?

Aug 7, 2011

my web page move up and down

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Move Data From Old PC To New PC?

Aug 8, 2011

I need to transfer pics, favorites, etc. from Windows XP to Windows7 computer. I have heard of using a cable and installing the old hd into the new computer....I am computer illerate!

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