Windows 7 X64 Freezing During Games Or Firefox Usage

Feb 11, 2011

This is the 2nd time trying to type this, my system froze mid-post . Writing this in safe mode with networking. I have been having daily freezing with my PC for 1 week, today is the first time it has froze 3 times in one morning. When I say Freeze, I mean not input from the mouse or the keyboard is accepted. The mouse cursor stays seen on the screen and I see no screen movement in games. The only way to proceed is to hold down the power button to restart. Today is abnormal in that the pc/os has frozen 3 times already. Normally it doesn't freeze during the first hour of uptime. It may freeze during games like WoW or Just Cause 2, or during only Firefox usage with no other applications running. The PC is one week old (purchased on Sat) and is a self built Sandy Bridge system.

Windows 7 Pro 64b, Office 2010 32b, Steam, 7Zip, Driveimage, Microsoft security essentials, CCleaner. I believe office, steam, and CCleaner were installed after the first crash. Nvidia drivers for GPU. Gigabyte drivers for MB (though most of the MB apps have not been installed or have been uninstalled), LAN, Audio, SATA.

i7 2600k, Gigabyte P67A-UD4 (I moved the SATA connection to a non-intel port due to Intel announcement), G Skill F3-12800CL9-4GBRL (2x4GB), Samsung SATA F3 1TB HD, Gigabyte 460 GTX GPU, Zalman CNPS 9900MAX CPU cooler. Nothing is OC except Video card and that was by the manufacturer.

I check all temps using Hardware Monitor, Nvidia's GPU utility, Core Temp, CPU-Z and GPU-Z. The highest temp in the system is the GPU at ~ 64C under full load. Full load is done with Folding at home, the SMP client for the CPU and the GPU client. Dumps have NOT been gathered, though they HAVE been enabled by trying the standard dump and the small dump. I even changed the default dump folder to C:minidump. I assume because the system freezes the dump is not gathered as the system doesn't know about the freeze only that it wasn't shutdown properly. I have checked the event logs and again, nothing seems to be noted though I admit I do not have expert skills with event logging.

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High CPU Usage By Firefox?

Oct 26, 2011

My computer is whining like a freight train and I keep getting warnings from Norton antivirus that say "Warning High CPU Usage by Firefox"

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Firefox - Reducing Memory Usage

May 28, 2009

How to Reduce Firefox Memory Usage in Windows 7 ?

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High CPU Usage On Windows 7 Home Premium And Freezing?

Dec 27, 2011

I have an ASUS K53E with Windows 7 Home Premium 64 Bit. The issues I'm experiencing CPU usage sky rockets to 100% at start up. The only programs I have installed are Google Chrome and Audacity(a free audio editor(lightweight)). I purchased the computer less than 6 months ago. It also freezes constantly. I took it into Best Buy 2 weeks ago for tech support. They stated that the memory and hard drive are in working order through their testing. I have also ran tests and found the same thing. They stated that the issue is Windows 7 and they wanted $200 bucks to fix it, but they didn't tell me the specific problem.

-I've restore the computer to a repartition twice. Still froze.

-I've ran CCleaner and othe registry fixer-uppers. No go.

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Windows 7 Freezing , Blank Screens, Slow And High Memory Usage

Apr 25, 2012

I`m having serious problems with my windows 7 machine. It started yesterday when I was getting blank screens. TOday I turned on and its running very slow, freezing up and i noticed an svchost.exe process was using about 6gb of ram. I had to reboot about 5 times just to geta taskmanager up and then it would freeze up again. I tried a windows restore to about 4 days before incase it was some virus but it hasnt fixed the problem. Everything is ok in safe mode and i`ve tried running dr web virus checker aswell as installing norton antivirus and malwarebytes on an old windows xp installation on the same pc but theyre not finding anything.

Really dont fancy having to reinstall windows.

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Firefox Freezing, Unless Move?

Aug 2, 2011

When Im on the net using Firefox, theres often times when things will stop moving (i.e. the blinking text cursor, tabs that are loading, things that are downloading, etc.), and they will continue to move if i move my mouse around, or the touch-pad... and, i believe, if i type, things will resume. This gets rather annoying, because the only remedy is to close Firefox, and then re-open it. It seems to happen most when i attempt to upload something - no matter where Im uploading it to (such as sendspace, multiupload, etc.).I dont think i have a virus - Im running AVG for security, and Super Anti-Spyware. I also have the latest Firefox, which according to the About tab is 5.0, and it says it's up-to-date.

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Firefox Freezing For About 20 Seconds?

Oct 7, 2011

Anyone else got troubles with FF freezing while writing a reply?

I've no problems with IE. I've run MSSSS. I've uninstalled and reinstalled. I've got the same problem whether wifi or wwan. I've, using RevoUninstall Pro, uninstalled everything down to the essentials.

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Internet Keeps On Freezing / Cant Install Firefox Or Any Program

Jun 21, 2012

i have comcast internet.usually this problem occurs when im on Internet. i use google chrome. whenever i browse Internet, in like twenty five minute of video watching my computer starts to freeze. there is a cicle spinning and screen becomes blurry. i cant do alt control delete to end task it, because nothin pops up when i click it. now when i use other sites like facebook, twitter, the internet starts to freeze like before, before it was only Internet, now its a lot of sites and i have to manually hot the power button and relogon. is it a good sign that my power button on monitor doesnt turn blue when i turn it on, it used to , but now it dont. i can not use firefox because it will not let me install it. i am an administrator for sure because i followed these steps.url...when i google mozilla firefox from google chrome, and install it, it says"you may not have the necessary permissions to use all the features of the program you are about to run. you may run this program as a different user or continue to run the program as the current user."when i click towards current user, my name and my last name initial is there in parentheses after the word current user although my account name is different. then its all gray at the bottom and under user name it says administator, and blank under password but i cant make any changes because it is gray. if i click okay, it disappears and nothin installed. and when i click at bottom run this program as the following user and then i see administrator under user name and nothin under password. the account i have is protected by a password. if i type in my username and password that i currently am using, i have one account on my pc, or if i press okay how it was given to me, it says logon failure: user account restriction. possible reasons are blank passwords not allowed, logon hour restrictions, or a policy restriction has been enforced."i use superantispyware,malwairebytes pro, avast free as a virus protection.and whenever i go to itunes, i have to end task it once because it always freezes on me the first time i access it, it does let me end task itunes though

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Windows 7 Freezing Up In Facebook Games?

Sep 7, 2011

I recently upgraded my mothers computer to a dual core with Windows 7. She loves to play games and her favorite is Video Bingo in Facebook (Mesmo games). Since this upgrade bingo will freeze up after the game is completed prior to awarding tokens and asking if you would like to play another game. So far I have tried Windows Explorer, Google Chrome and Firefox web browsers, cleared the cache for both the browsers and the computers DNS cache. Additionally, I have disabled tcp autotuning, removed remote differential compression, and removed IPv6. Also, I have upgraded the graphics driver. All Windows 7 upgrades are current, Adobe flash and shock wave in addition to all adobe programs are the most recent. The computer is a Dell Optiplex 740, AMD Athlon 64x2@2.2ghz, 4GB PC6400 800Mhz ram. There are other Mesmo games that are not responding correctly also. Every other App seems to work correctly and other than these issues this computer appears to work flawlessly. Unfortunately, these are my mothers favorite games. This problem doesn't exist with Windows XP.

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Low CPU/GPU Usage While Playing Any Games

Jan 4, 2013

I'm playing Battlefield 3, GTA 4 and saints row 3 ect.. and i have this problem in every game.

I'm always getting around the 40 and 70% cpu usage. and getting around the 60 and 80% gpu usage (sometimes in battlefield 60 and 95%)

I'm wondering why it is so low and why it peaks so low and at the parts where it peaks down im getting between the 30 and 50 fps while i really wan to stay above the 60 fps

here are my specs:
Operating System
Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit SP1


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CPU Usage 80 To 100 Percent While Playing Games

May 1, 2011

When idle, my cpu usage is around 20%, which is allot more than it should be in my opinion. Whenever I start a game, Battlefield : Bad Company 2 which is the game I've been playing allot lately, my cpu usage doesnt come down from the 90's %. It just stays there and it often goes to 99% and stays there, once again. I've been running the game at a 20 fps average. When I could run games like far cry 2, cod mw , nfs shift and so on with settings on high with an average of 40 fps.

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Ram Usage While Installing Games And Pc Freeze

Nov 12, 2009

I've had this problem only on windows7, for every game I've installed.

Basically, during the installation all of the RAM is used up, and when it ends the system won't free up the RAM, the PC is dead slow and I have to restart it.

It's not a hardware problem, these are my specs:

Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 @ 3.0ghz

RAM DDRII 4GB 800mhz

Motherboard: ASUS P5Qpro

ATI RADEON 4850 Toxic 512mb

Windows 7 RTM x64

has this happened to anyone else?

it's never happened to me with Windows XP, nor Vista, or even Ubuntu.

i used to have 2GB RAM, then when this happened I upgraded to 4 but it made no difference.

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Usage Of RAM While Installing Programs / Games

Oct 13, 2009

Im using Windows 7 now for a while. I was reading on another forums reports by multiple users about abnormal usage of RAM (100% usage) while installing games or programs and it causes stalling while CPU usage is near 0%. I also asked these question on another forum and didnt get anwser.

I was wondering why, because I didnt notice that behaviour on my computer never before. But yesterday when I was installing a game I noticed just that. The installation proces was very slow, RAM usage was 100%, CPU at zero. So I suspect a update of a kind or something similar is cousing this problem.

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CPU Usage Spikes While Playing Online Games?

Mar 10, 2012

I have a problem where my CPU spikes to 100% while playing online games. When I check task manager there is no process that actually seems to spike. I have also tried a fresh windows install but this didn't fix the problem either. This only occurs while playing online games (starcraft II, league of legends), I tried offline games to see whether or not it had anything to do with the internet and I didn't get any cpu spikes at all playing offline games even though these games have higher performance requirements.

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Computer Freezes Every Five Minutes Or So While Playing Games Or Running Firefox?

Jul 23, 2012

My computer freezes every five minutes or so while playing games or running Firefox. It's been doing this for the last 6 months and most of the time it freezes for a few minutes then runs fine for a while. Then it freezes again. Eventually I have to hard reboot.

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Some Games Freezing On Laptop?

May 31, 2012

WoW and recently TF2 have started freezing (sound freezes as well). Sometimes the computer freezes completely and sometimes the game closes but it continues to appear in task manager. I can't close it using "end task" and when I try to restart my computer/switch it off it does not switch of completely and I have to hold the button.I am having trouble understanding why this happens. Here are some conclusions I have come to:-I am using a cooling pad and my computer is completely cold, the fan isn't running at full speed so it shouldn't be from overheating.-I have latest drivers-I have no extra program running while playing-Only WoW and TF2 cras

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Random Freezing When Playing PC Games?

Jan 13, 2013

Now the unusual part is the manner in which it freezes, any audio sounds in the game will simply not load over, nor will any graphics that havent already been loaded up prior to where the freezing is about to occur, then about 10 or 15 seconds later it will just hard freeze, causing me to reboot. Another interesting thing i should add is i was still able to talk to a friend over Skype for a bit after it froze. My GFX Card is not over heating as i keep track of it regularly with CPUID Hardware Monitor. There is nothing in my event viewer to pinpoint if its a software related issue or not.

I should mention that my PC is a Dell. I have had a problem like this about 3 months ago and they sent me a new motherboard, which seems to have solved the problem for awhile, however the issue started to reoccur again. My theory is that this motherboard is starting to fail as well, or i need to replace the Graphics Card. Is there any other way that the cause could be pinpointed for sure?

My video card is a Radeon HD 5870 and my motherboard is a Dell Inc. 0X501H
attached is a of my system incase it is needed (It was asked of me last time)

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GTX 460 Card Crashing/freezing In Games

Aug 2, 2012

Basically what happens sometimes in-game is I get either a crash where the screen goes black and then a message saying the graphics driver recovered successfully, or I get freezing up with fps drops every few seconds until I quit the application.

I haven't had this issue before I OC'd my AMD Phenom II X6 1090T CPU from 3.2 to 3.6 GHz. The temperatures of the card are perfectly fine (it's usually around 62-67 degrees) and I also ran some stress tests through furmark, which gave me results consistent with my card's rating, and I had no errors.

I was under the impression that overclocking the CPU didn't affect the graphics card. Also, I'm 100% certain the card is getting enough power because I specifically bought a new power supply a few months back to make sure I would never worry about power issues. The GPU drivers are up to date (I even tried using beta drivers) and I've checked the card physically and got the dust out.

edit: just got another error in Starcraft 2 - "your computer has run out of paged pool memory". I have 12 gbs of ram and with starcraft 2 open i have about 8.5-9 gbs being used.

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Sound Freezing Often Causes BSOD During Games?

Jul 9, 2010

I have an Acer G7710 Predator PC that has Realtek audio on board. While playing Dragon Age and Titan Quest, the sound freezes and often causes a BSOD. It starts with the sound cracking and popping and rather quickly either freezes the system or causes a BSOD.My first step was to install a sound card. I have a basic Sound Blaster Audigy Value edition card and installed it and disabled the onboard audio.To my surprise, it freezes exactly like the Realtek one did.The odd thing is that if I reboot I can go back and play the games without any issues. This freezing seems to only occur if I start playing after the PC has been running 30 minutes or so. I have honestly just started rebooting every time before I play and it seems to help with the freezing.I have read countless forums and tried various fixes and nothing works. I have honestly thought about buying an external sound card and seeing what happens. I have read many others who have this exact same issue and cannot find a solution.

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Computer Keeps On Freezing While Playing Games?

Sep 3, 2012

My computer keeps on freezing everytime i keep on playing league of legends i ussually started playing 9 am in the morning and it happened 5pm the game freeze so i hard restart then again i tried to open the game it crashed in 3-10 seconds it never happened before i tried to download my graphic cards software and the screen freeze's and the mouse and keyboard doesn't work and i can hear weird sounds on the headphone like


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Computer Freezing After Exiting Games?

Oct 16, 2012

My system is a Toshiba laptop p850-05[CODE]Ever since i bought this laptop, it has been running desktop applications very fine for countless hours, but when it comes to gaming, I have had all sorts of troubles, the main problem being :1. The whole system freezes (video lock-up, nothing to do but hold power button for a hard reset) shortly after exiting games that I have played for 30mins to 2-3 hours. I can use the desktop for 0-45 seconds before the freeze happens. It mostly happens after exiting games like Diablo3 or Heroes VI.2. In other cases, in games like Skyrim or Max Payne 3, the freeze happens in-game. Max Payne freezes during the cutscenes (which often the video becomes out of sync with the audio). Skyrim freezes have been random. I initially suspected GPU overheating, but after running a series of tests like a video card stress test that ran without a freeze for hours, playing the games with the lowest gfx settings, I've concluded that overheating wasn't causing the freezes.

All my video card drivers are up to date as well as the bios.I contacted Toshiba tech support to be answered by, excuse my lack of respect here, total idiots who didn't know the first thing about computers (ie, claiming a GeForce 7800 was so much better than the GeForce GT 630M just because of the higher number). Aslo their ultimate conclusion (after speaking to senior tech support) was that I shouldn't be playing those games on my pc because it is not good enough!

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Random Freezing When Playing Video Games?

May 21, 2012

I recently got a 32" tv which I am using as a monitor, hooked up using hdmi. During gameplay my computer freezes for a second or less and then everything is fine. This only happens when I play games. I was wondering if its because of the tv my gpu has to push out more power b/c of the hdmi setup?My previous monitor was an hyundai 17" crt using a vga cable.I don't think it has anything to do with any particular game b/c they all ran fine before at 1280 x 960, and I now run games at either 1280 x 720 or 1360 x 768.Do I need a more powerful PSU, the one I have is a Xtech 500W with a over a years use. (I am in the process of getting a Thermaltake TR2 600W)My specs are:Win 7 Ultimate x64 SP1AMD Phenom II X4 965Kingston 8GB DDR 32 hard drives at 7200 rpmnvidia gtx 550 Ti

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Computer Not Booting / Freezing During Games / BSOD Not Shutting Down

Jun 1, 2012

Recently, my computer has been behaving quite oddly. It hasn't been booting up, but hasnt given any error messages. When I try to boot, it will open up to a black screen where the Starting Windows stuff is supposed to appear, but nothing will happen. I'll restart it a bunch of times, and eventually I'll get one where the words Starting Windows are there, but still nothing happens. If it offers me the option to load the repair program, it will open the screen that says windows is loading the files with the loading bar at the bottom, but nothing will load. It takes anywhere from 10 to 30 restarts before i'll seemingly just get lucky and it will turn on.Also, I've been freezing lately while playing BF3. My video card drivers are up to date, along with the other main drivers. Sometimes, I'll get a BSOD if I wait long enough, but it doesnt ususally happen. Also, when starting, sometimes when it says on the boot screen "Verifying DMI pool data", nothing will happen, and then it will suddenly say: Disk read error, press cntrl + alt + delete to restart.This leads me to believe that it's a disk error, which explains a lot of the symptoms i've been having lately, but I just dont know where to start the diagnosis.

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Best Versions Of Firefox / Builds Of Firefox For A X64 Windows?

Sep 21, 2012

My two min browsers at the moment are waterfox & chrome..As the title says, Im on a x64 version of Windows 7.Has anyone any advice for me on the best versions of Firefox/Builds of Firefox for a x64 windows?same with Google chrome.

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Newly Built Computer Random Freezing And Freezing On Starting Windows 7

Aug 17, 2012

I recently built my first PC three days ago...

i7 bloomfield 960 processor
4x4 vengeance ram
crosair hx850 PSU
evga x58 ftw3 mobo
hd 6870 radeon graphics xfx

When I first installed windows it started to work just fine but I soon noticed that it would randomly freeze every 15-30 minutes of use, but not on a particular program or anything. I assumed it was drivers so I installed the latest drivers for my GPU and MOBO and keyboard. It seemed fine again until it started crashing again. I ran a GPU burn test and a CPU burn test it passed both. (I tried runing memtest86+ but it froze at like 12%) Then I tried fixing the registry so I downloaded ccleaner and fixed the registry problems. Freezes continued. I finally decided to re install windows so I did and the problems still continued. I am at a loss of what to do and can't think of anything else.

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High Physical Memory Usage With Low CPU Usage

Sep 10, 2011

I have a ACER D255 netbook with intel atom N550 (1.5ghz, 1mb L2 cache) 1gb DDR3 memory and 250 gb hdd. lately it has been a tad slow and freezing up will using google chrome. my task manager says right now that CPU usage is 4% but Memory is at 75%, sometimes up to 90%. it also says that i have 89 processes running.

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CPU Usage 100% / Physical Memory Usage Always Over 50%?

Jan 8, 2012

I have had my laptop for around a year now, and it's always been pretty fast for a cheapish laptop, It's an advent modena m100 in blue, but recently it has started getting real slow, like my CPU Usage is at 100% all the time and my Physical memory usage is running quite high aswell, without even having any programs open.

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Memory Usage Gets Slow After Usage

Nov 10, 2012

When I first boot up the machine and start using it (win 7 ultimate 64bit) the memory usage stays arround 40%. If I keep using it, the memory usage will slowly increase until it reaches 99%. If I boot up the machine and just leave it there for a couple of hours, the same happens.I try to restart (via windows), it logs off, shuts down the system, the coolers keep spinning, the motherboard lights are still on, but it doesn't boot up again. It remains like that. I have to restart via reset button or power button.

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Persistent Freezing Blue Screens And Freezing

Mar 14, 2012

Computer is currently suffering from persistent freezing and bluescreens. It seems to happen almost randomly, and usually very soon after startup and loading of Windows. System restore has not helped.'fraid that's all the info I can give right now. Any recommendations? If anyone wants me to run hijackthis or dxdiag and post results I'd be more than happy to (assuming I can get that far before it freezes!). Safe mode does work, and the problem does not occur while in safe mode.

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After Installing Firefox 18, Firefox 15 Still Shows In "Uninstall"

Jan 10, 2013

I recently updated to Firefox 18. If I go to Windows' Control Panel and then click on "Uninstall a program", both Firefox 18 and Firefox 15 show up in the list of programs. Should I just leave it as it is, or should I uninstall Firefox 15?

By the way, I updated to Firefox 18 through Firefox's update feature, if that helps.

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CPU Usage At 100% Usage With Apps

Jun 24, 2012

If I am surfing the net or looking up something on the net, my computer will almost come to a stop and get very very slow, when I go to the task manager, I find the CPU usage at 100% and just stays there. When I look at the processes there are several that are high (DWM.exe (20-23%, Taskmgr.exe, FireFox.exe

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