Downloads Not Showing Up In Download Folder?

Nov 14, 2011

I have set my Downloads folder to be on a second drive. by right clicking Downloads folder then selecting properties/location/"new location which I changed to F" clicked yes to move all associated files. it has been working for a few days now all well and good. earlier I went to download a image and when I right clicked the image and selected save as, a window appears where your able to choose a destination. The destination I wanted was already there as usual which is "F/Downloads" what caught my attention was within that window it usually shows all the pictures that I have in my Downloads folder but only one of them was there. I clicked save and the image saved. I navigated to my Downloads folder on my F drive and the image was not there. All the rest of the images I previously downloaded was, even the only one that showed up in the "save to destination window" not sure of the proper name. I tried to download another picture and when I right clicked it and selected save as the "save to destination" window opened and showed the same single image as before and also the 1 previous download picture. Scratching my head I double checked the destination, destination correct F/Downloads. I click save, and navigate my way to F/Downloads and neither of the two pictures are there.On my F drive I only have 1 Downloads folder. So where are these pictures that are not showing up in the folder but yet showing up in the "save to destination" window? That is addressed as F/Downloads.

1) start orb/user "which in my case is Trinity"/Downloads

2)start orb/computer/F/Downloads

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Cannot Access Downloads Folder

Sep 7, 2012

Since installing Windows 7 Pro I've had odd issues with the default Downloads folder. Long story, but I've had three or four different Downloads folders - under the user profile, on the desktop, in the root folder...

The one I'd been using was located at C:usersCarsonDownloads. To test something (the behavior of Firefox) I deleted that folder. I ran Firefox and downloaded something and it re-created the folder in the same location.

But... Now I can't access the folder. When I access the folder properties and the owner, it tells me 'Unable to display current owner'. I can't delete it, can't change permissions. How can I get control of the folder again?

(Yes, I know I can download into any folder I like. Many applications, such as browsers, use the default downloads folder location, so it's a lot simpler to just use it and not define another.)

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Downloads Going To Old Programs Files X86 Folder

Sep 6, 2012

I upgraded to 64 bit from a 32 bit machine months ago. Even though I have Tools/Options set to have downloads go directly to Program Files, I've discovered that my downloads are going to the old Program Files (x86) folder, e.g., I just download Secunia PSI and when opened in Program Files, the old version was there but the new version 3.0 is in PF (x86). I tried to cut and paste it to PF but it didn't work. I have a download Firefox extension, Download Status Bar, that I really like; it works great.I know that some programs in 64 bit need the old 32 bit version trom PF (x86) to work but I'd like to delete PF (x86).

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Unable To View Files In Downloads Folder

Apr 30, 2012

I am not able to view files in my Downloads folder, the progress bar keeps moving & never reaches the end, so i am not able to access my files.

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Downloads Folder Takes Time To Populate?

Nov 9, 2011

I noticed this first on my laptop a while ago now it has happened on my PC,ssentially if or when i open my downloads folder it is empty it then takes ages to populate(the address bar slowly fills up green) all the other libraries are fine open straight away with all the files in place, it only happens in downloads

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Would It Be Safe To Delete Every File In Downloads Folder

Jun 20, 2012

would it be safe to delete every file in my downloads folder because isnt the information still in my x86. when something has a setup and you click next next next install isnt it then in your x86? but for other files like music that are downloaded and then just played, are they ever stored anywhere else?

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Suspicious Temp Files In Default 'Downloads' Folder

Sep 6, 2012

Recently I've noticed that some '.tmp' files have been created in default 'Downloads' folder of Win7 which is located at 'C:UsersUSERNAMEDownloads'. Here's a pic:

I don't use the default downloads folder for storing my downloads and I have configured all my browsers to save files to another location. But since last month, I noticed these small ".tmp" files being created in default downloads folder. I've been using Win7 Ultimate for almost 3 years now and I've never encountered this before. Or is there any way that I can see what program has created these temp files.

BTW, I use multiple browsers, Firefox, Chrome, Opera and sometimes IE8. I'm pretty sure it's not IE8 and Firefox coz I've been using them for a long time and they've never created temp file in 'Downloads' folder. I've recently installed Chrome and Opera and right now Chrome is my default browser. I went and cleared all my browsers' cache files using their own method withing the browser, but they are still there. Really annoying. I know I just can delete them, but I want to know which program has created them.

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Minimizing Folder Is Showing As File Copy Folder In Taskbar?

Mar 3, 2012

During multiple file coping(file transferring) from one folders to other folders while minimizing all the folder at the time, check the status in taskbar, it showing all folder as file coping folder. is it expected in aero themas or its issue.

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System Hangs When Trying To Access Downloads Folder / Opens Very Slow

Jul 25, 2012

I've a problem that the Downloads folder on my system is opening very slow and at times it makes the system to freeze. This happens only when I try to access the contents of that folder. I've tried the following till now and havn't yet solved this problem.Scanned for viruses or spywares in the system. Used MBAM and TDSSKiller. No infections.Switched the View of that folder from Large Icons to Detail or List View.Customized the folder for "General" items. Right click on folder->Properties->Customize tab->Optimize this folder for General ItemsDefragmented the folder using Piriform Defraggler.So anyone knows what's going wrong with my system.

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Accidentally Deleted Downloads Folder, Can't Find New Downloaded Files?

Oct 10, 2011

I recently sent my laptop to HP for a fan repair and before I sent it off I accidentally deleted my Downloads folder and then cleared out my recycling bin.Well, I got my laptop back today and went to download a few files. After doing so, I realized that I can't find those downloaded files. I have no idea where those files went. They were .rar and ZIP files and I can't seem to locate them. Does anybody know how I can find those downloaded files (where they might have ended up with the Downloads folder gone) and how I can restore my Downloads folder

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Hide The Downloads, Links, Favorites, Searches, Videos, Saved Games, And Contacts Folders (just The Folder, Not Contents)?

Nov 2, 2011

Is it at all possible to hide the Downloads, Links, Favorites, Searches, Videos, Saved Games, and Contacts folders (just the folder, not contents)? I've tried just hiding it like any other folder but it won't work.AND if possible, have explorer open in my home folder instead of libraries.

PS: I tried disabling libraries entirely, but it opens to My Documents instead of my home folder.

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View And Track Downloads Hung Download

Oct 8, 2011

I have a problem with view and track downloads in that a file has stopped downloading although it says its resuming.I cant delete it and as its there it is preventing me form opening pdf downloaded which I use many times a I force the download to compelte or remove from the list?

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How To Resume Internet Download Manager Downloads After Format

Jun 7, 2012

How to resume Internet Download Manager downloads after format ? And dont lose passwords for webpages downloads?

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"Downloads" Folder Takes Minutes To Load In Windows Explorer

Jul 12, 2012

I am having trouble just viewing the "Downloads" folder in Windows Explorer It used to just be a periodic thing, now it takes literally 2-5 minutes to load this folder! (I cannot even sort it while it is loading!)I noticed in Resource Monitor that "MsMpEng.exe" (Microsoft Security Essentials) is checking each and every file in there everytime I open it. (Hundreds of line-items in Resource Monitor.)So something must be flagging most of these files as changed or something so that MSE is going in and re-scanning everything. Here are some [perhaps ] pertinant notes about my Downloads Folder: It is very large, with almost 1,000 items. However, I want to keep it large as I have many apps running directly from the folder. (There are of course sub-folders for organization, but I find having a single download spot is good for catching things I may have already downloaded...) I have it mapped from C:Users[USERNAME]Downloads to D:...Downloads (My C: drive is an SSD so I keep this large amount of data off it.) I made sure to add this to the Windows Index. The "Date Accessed" date is updated to today for about 1/3 of the files (300 or so) even though I am only really accessing no more than 3-10 per day. It does not seem to matter what type of file it is (exe, zip, etc...) I added this to my "Favorites"; however, this happens regardless of if I access the folder via Favorites, [USERNAME]/Downloads, or d:...Downloads. I generally add stuff to that folder via Google Chrome. However, I could not catch the Chrome process doing anything weird or anything when downloading something.

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Files In Sub Folder Not Showing?

May 9, 2011

I tried copying some .jpgs in subfolders from a different machine and pasting them onto the Acer. The copy and paste processes looked entirely normalOn the Acer MyPictures properties shows 2.95 GB with 456 files and 24 folders which is correctHowever with the exception of a couple of sub folders none of the .jpgs can be seen in Windows Explorer.Start>Searching for .jpg shows all the files with a path C:UsersuserNamePictures even though I only saved them in C:UsersuserNamePicturesMy Pictures . Not all the copied sub folders can be seen but those which can be seen show in both locations. Using Search it is possible to open and view any of the images whether or not the sub folder in which they are stored shows in Pictures and My Pictures.

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Folder Showing After Cut And Paste?

Nov 10, 2009

every time i cut and paste a file/folder. i have to refresh explorer for the file/folder to disappear.example: i cut a file from folder A and paste in folder B. the file does get moved to folder B. However, i can still see the file in folder A, i need to refresh for it to go there a way to fix this? is this normal?using windows 7 32bit (retail) fresh install.

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Downloads Folder Can't Be Found Explorer.exe Not Found

Aug 26, 2011

So the other day I logged on to my computer to find all my downloads gone and not reach able and the folder has a huge error something like File osociated cant be found. I have system restored to the previous today and it didnt work What do I do?

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Created Folder Only Showing Up In DOS Environment?

Sep 29, 2011

I am attempting to write a batch file and I have run into several issues with the Windows 7 command interpreter. But this one has me completely baffled. In testing my batch file, I typed the command at the cmd line. This is my command:

Start /wait /b Robocopy "%USERPROFILE%My Documents" C:\% COMPUTERNAME% /S /E /M /COPYALL /ZB

When I run this command from the prompt it appears that it worked. But the created folder does not appear in the Windows 7 explorer environment. If I try to manually create this folder again, it tells me the folder already exists.If I do a dir of the root of C:, it shows the folder.... but ony in the DOS environment. Yes, I have changed the folder/file views and allowed system and hidden files to be shown.I have searched the other forums and I have seen nothing posted regarding this type of problem.

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Folder Icon Showing Blank?

Apr 1, 2012

accidentally deleted a file even,an important one.this is what it looks like on this drive and this drive only:but it should look like this instead..this drive and others are ok:

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Files Not Showing Up In Folder After System Restore

Oct 8, 2011

Recently my computer was attacked by a virus. The virus made it so I couldn't access my C drive at all, but could still use all my start up progams. For some reason it also erased all of my desktop icons, except for diablo2 LOD (don't know why that one was still there....). Anyway, after removing viruses with malware bytes I did a system restore to about 2 weeks prior. After the computer was done everything seemed fine. Computer was running fine etc. My problem is files that were contained in my folders seem to have disappeared.

I know the files are still on the hard drive, but some of my folders disappeared (these are folders I created long before what the restore date was) making me unable to access the files unless I remember their names and can type them in the windows explorer. I discovered the files were still there when running a video game emulator, i clicked open rom, and just typed in the file name of one of my games I couldn't get to through my computer anymore, and it worked, game loaded up. How I can get my folders to come back, so I can easily access the files in them.

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Pictures / Music From Video Folder Showing Up In Wmp

Feb 8, 2012

Currently I have this setup in WMP:

-Pictures: D:/Pictures
-Videos: D:/Videos
-Music: D:/Music

However, my videos folder has extra files such as thumbnail pictures and music that are showing up in WMP. I do not want them to show up.

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Home-group Not Showing Folder Contents?

Mar 8, 2012

I have two computers connected to the same HomeGroup on the same network. Both are sharing their documents (Control Panel/HomeGroup). On both computers, Windows Explorer shows the user on the other computer under HomeGroup, and under each user is Documents. But when I click on Documents, nothing changes. It seems that it isn't reading the contents of the documents folder on the other computer.

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External HDD Readable But Showing (This Folder Is Empty)

Oct 14, 2012

I have a "imation 320 gb portable hdd" it is reading on the computer and showing up at my computer as local disk (F 69.5GB free of 298GB however its shows "this folder in empty" I have tried the hdd on different comps but shows the same thing. I have tried defragmenting and moving a few folders to the c drive on my comp but still shows up as this file is empty. It uses 50gb but when i get in the folder it shows "this folder is empty".

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Can't Download Anything From Internet, It Is Showing Choose An Application To Download File

Sep 6, 2012

i need urgent assistance to be able to download from the internet again as it shows I cant download anything from internet. It is showing choose an application to download file.

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System Volume Information Folder Showing On Dell PC

Jan 10, 2013

On my Dell Windows 7 laptop (Studio 1555) I have the System Volume Information showing (despite checking "hide system files" and hide hidden folder options enabled). The folder is also accessable from my admin account (not the root admin but the admin of the PC).

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How To Prevent Showing Of Search Results From Drive/folder

Feb 20, 2012

I want to keep the Windows 7 start menu search feature. But I want to prevent files in certain drives/folders from showing in search results.

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Missing Pictures In Library - Folder Showing 0 Bytes

Apr 1, 2012

Some picts in my library have gone missing, sort of. One of the folders holds 11 subfolders and the picts in these don't show. The folders show 0 bytes. If I open Kodak Easyshare these picts show for a split second so I know they are somewhere. What can I do to restore them to the original location?

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Profile With Mirrored Folder - Duplicate Not Showing Up In User Accounts

Oct 22, 2012

I have a folder that mirrors my user profile in Windows. It is not a shortcut, but an exact duplicate which will cause any changes in either to be affected in sync. If I delete a folder in one, the folder is deleted in the other. The second folder is named "Test". I am unable to change the name on the duplicate profile and it does not show up when I access User Accounts.

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Memory Stick Showing Folder Empty In Windows 7 Explorer?

Nov 11, 2011

We have just bought new PC with Windows 7 after old PC died. Have tried to transfer files from a memory stick (mainly word / excel) onto new pc but Windows exploer says memory stick folder is empty. When put stick into laptop (running I think on XP) it clearly shows files are present. Have tried copying files onto different stick but get the same problem.

New PC has Kapersky and it scanned the stick when 1st put it in and found no problems with it.

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MS Outlook Not Showing Contents Of Yahoo Mail Draft Folder?

Oct 11, 2012

Just installed MS Office 2010 and set it up so I can use my Yahoo! email.The Drafts folder and the Sent Items folder aren't taking their contents over from Yahoo to Outlook.

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Download Showing White Screen

Nov 30, 2009

The digital river download manager shows as a white screen. While the top Title bar shows that a download is in progress and I have downloaded it 100%, I cannot continue or get passed this part because I cant see anything!

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