Home-group Not Showing Folder Contents?

Mar 8, 2012

I have two computers connected to the same HomeGroup on the same network. Both are sharing their documents (Control Panel/HomeGroup). On both computers, Windows Explorer shows the user on the other computer under HomeGroup, and under each user is Documents. But when I click on Documents, nothing changes. It seems that it isn't reading the contents of the documents folder on the other computer.

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MS Outlook Not Showing Contents Of Yahoo Mail Draft Folder?

Oct 11, 2012

Just installed MS Office 2010 and set it up so I can use my Yahoo! email.The Drafts folder and the Sent Items folder aren't taking their contents over from Yahoo to Outlook.

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Sync Folder Like Dropbox (Home-group)

Nov 6, 2012

Up until now, I've synced my music folders between my stationary computer and laptop through dropbox (I have over 60GB space). But I feel that there must be a better way to do it, without syncing through the internet.Basically what I want is to have the music files saved locally on both computers, but any change in one folder will be synced to the other, is it possible to do this in Windows 7 without any 3rd party apps? I did try setting up a Homegroup, but I'm not sure that my computers are connected. My stationary computer doesn't read wi-fi, but is connected to a router which is connected to a wi-fi-router which my laptop is connected to, so technically they should be connected?

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Getting Media Center To Display Photos Showing The Individual Photos Contents Of Each Folder?

Nov 18, 2011

I have a problem getting Media Center to display my Photos showing the individual photos contents of each folder.I am running Windows 7 HP 64 bit with all updates. My MEDIA (movies, music & photos) are on a separate hdd (M). Each of the media formats has it's own folder on the M drive, Movies, Music & Photos. I have no problem with the movies or the music. However, when I choose "pictures" in Windows Media Center only the individual photos folders are shown....no photos are shown in these folders. I see the individual folders but no contents. I have set up "Libraries" on the C: drive; Music, Video & Photos. When I click on photos in the "Libraries" all the photos folders are show each with it's own photos. I have "Shared" these libraries as well as each folder on the Media drive M. The format of the individual photos is jpg. I have run SFC/Scannow.

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Windows Mail Updated - Lost Contents Of Group Contacts

Nov 21, 2012

Recently updated my Windows experience including Windows Mail but when I start to type in my group contact (25 names) the group enters the To... part of the email message, I type the email message, then click send, nothing. In my contacts folder I check the group and they are all there, yet when in the email message, they are not.

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Images Showing With Location And Group?

Aug 5, 2011

I would like to know how I deactivate my images folder from looking like the following:

I dont remember where I clicked, in my pc it doesn't look like this, or other folders is only the images one i believed i clicked somewhere and it got like this because I remember it wasn't like this before. I searched folder options and so on but I did not find the solution, normally it should look like this:

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Analysis Of WLM Folder Contents

May 5, 2012

ive a large folder containing approx 2000 e-mails from approx 20 colleagues ... Id like to be able to count how many from each! And how many per day, etc. This would be possible by eg exporting to CSV file for analysis in eg Excel... But how to do? Or is there a better way? (PS I'm using WLM 2011. And I dont have Outlook.)

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Lost Folder Contents?

Oct 19, 2012

Working on my Acer Aspire yesterday, I went to open a file in Photoshop and couldn't find the file in the folder where I knew it was located. Furthermore, none of the files previously located in that folder were there anymore either, though the folder itself was in its proper location in the file hierarchy. After searching desperately around, I finally found the missing files in an entirely different folder. That folder had always been there, but with nothing in it.

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Can't Change Contents Of Folder?

Dec 19, 2010

I'm having an issue with installing certain things, such as plugins for Firefox, but also other small software I have to download first.When I try to install, for example, the Flash plugin via the official website,I get this message in a popup."C:Users*name*AppDataLocalTemp could not be saved, because you cannot change the contents of that folder.Change the folder properties and try again, or try saving in a different location."I'm not sure how to set either of those things.But what should I do anyway?This is preventing me to do a whole bunch of things.For one, watching videos on the internet. Not so handy.

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Windows Won't Display Folder Contents

Dec 8, 2011

I just got a new PC with Windows 7 installed and have run into this issue twice, both times with a particular folder - let's call it "UsefulDocuments2" (the actual folder name DOES have a 2 at the end, but there is no folder called "UsefulDocuments").

Sometimes, when I try to view the folder contents using Explorer or through Windows Live Mail (in an attempt to include a file in the folder as an attachment), I can't view the contents of the folder. When I access the folder, it has the proper path listed in the address bar of the window and displays the number of items (171) in the lower left corner. However, the status bar just says "Searching for items..." except I can occasionally see it flicker to say "171 items."

While it is "Searching for items..." (which is 99.9% of the time), it doesn't display any of the contents of the folder. The scrollbar on the side of the window constantly flickers - it's recognizing that there are 171 items in the folder and that the scrollbar is necessary, but then keeps re-searching the folder contents, I guess.

Weirdly, if I change the folder name to, say, "UsefulDocuments" it works fine (at least right now). If I then change it back to "UsefulDocuments2" it reverts to its old behavior. Also, if I open a file in it in Word (2010), I can view and access the contents of the folder without any problem at all.

Obviously, I can just change the folder name, but don't really want to for organizational reasons, and also am just curious as to what's going on and how to fix it should it happen to other folders, etc.

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Contents Of Documents Folder Missing?

Jun 3, 2012

I was using Chrome looking at some info on Cisco's website and my browser crashed, and all the contents of my Documents folder are missing as well as the desktop shortcuts associated with them.I've tried system restore but that didn't even complete, and EASEUS Data Recovery Wizard Professional and I have not been able to locate them.

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Take Screenshot Of The Contents Of An Entire Folder?

Nov 13, 2010

I'm trying to take a screenshot of my music folder but it is too big to just alt+print screen. Is there a way to take a screenshot of the entire folders contents built into windows or a 3rd party program that can do it.

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Download Windows 7 Home Premium Disc Contents?

Aug 17, 2011

I have a key for Windows 7 Home Premium and I would like to install the software but I don't have a W7 HP disc. The only trial I can find is W7 Enterprise and once the trial period is done you can't enter a key anyway, you have to do a clean install of your purchased product.

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Configure A Folder To Save Contents In Multiple Locations?

Nov 19, 2010

In win 7 is it possible to configure a folder to save it contents across different locations? I want to drop stuff I modify frequently into a folder that will save it on two drives so the files are backed up in case one drive breaks. If not possible please suggest a work around.

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Batch File To Move Duplicted Folder Contents

Apr 6, 2011

Hope I can explain my difficulty. I have duplicated folders album name for all my music files, As there is quite a considerable number I wondered if it was possible to batch file (automate) the process. I can not delete "d" as this would delete all the tracks. What I need to do is move the tracks at "e" into folder "c" and delete the then empty folder "d" Folder structure.

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Viewing Contents Of Temporary Internet Files Folder?

May 2, 2012

I would like to be able to view the various temporary internet file folders like I used to with my previous version of Windows. Can anyone tell me how I can do this. I have tried using: C:> UsersMy DirectoryAppDatalocalMicrososft. According to my antivirus scan tool, the temporary internet files are located within the Microsoft directory but when I try to access that directory it's not there.

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Can't Set Up Home Group?

Nov 28, 2011

It supposed to be so simple.Trying to set up a homegroup between 2 Windows 7 Pro & Home Prem PCs. Both wired connected to an O2 Router Set up in one but never get the prompt to enter existing homegroup on the other so each PC says it's already in a Homegroup yet they aren't in the same Homegroup.

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Relocating No-system Contents Of User Folder To Another Partition/drive?

Apr 20, 2011

In XP, I re-directed My Documents to a Data partition. In my old computer with Windows 7, I think I used TweakUI (which worked) and Junction for my iTunes folder.In my new Windows 7 laptop, I read about this mklink feature (which seemed to pass me by). Before I got a chance to use this, I selected all of the visible (non-system) folders in c:usersmyusername and cut 'n' pasted them to d:usersmyusername.To cut a long story short, this worked. Obviously i know it didn't move system related folders but it works.Basically it looks like Windows has automatically changed the target of the folders I moved . Is this right?

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Lost Ability To Sort A Folder Contents In Icon View?

Jan 29, 2010

Vista allowed the contents of a window to be sorted by name, date modified, etc in any view -- but it appears Windows 7 drops that menu bar for all views other than "details" view. I can right-click within the box to sort, but it's very inefficient. retain that detail bar in all views?

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Can't Add New Computer To Home Group

Aug 20, 2011

I can't add my new computer to the home group of an existing computer. When I attempt to add the new computer I get the message:"Peer networking grouping service not running"

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version
OS Version: Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate , Service Pack 1, 32 bit
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 860 @ 2.80GHz, x64 Family 6 Model 30 Stepping 5
Processor Count: 8
RAM: 3582 Mb
Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTS 250, 1024 Mb
Hard Drives: C: Total - 476837 MB, Free - 368668 MB;
Motherboard: ASUSTeK Computer INC., Maximus III GENE, Rev 1.xx, 101600270001412
Antivirus: Norton 360 Premier Edition, Updated and Enabled

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Deleting Someone Else Home-group?

Jul 24, 2012

I just reinstalled windows and wanted to get a homegroup going for my desktop and my laptop. THe problem is some kid in my complex who was friends with my roommate has created one for some random reason and win7 only wants me to join his. Is there a way i can get his homegroup off of my network? or just make a new one all together?

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Can't Setup The Home-group

Aug 30, 2011

Following the steps in the �Homegroup� tutorial on this site, I reach point 7, where it tells me to click on the �Join now,� button. However, that button doesn�t appear on the screens of either machine that I want to network? Opening the home-group troubleshooter, I get a message telling me that some of the problem is network related (yeah?) and these need to be resolved first. I give the machine its head and it comes back with the response that the computer�s time is out of sync, on both machines. However, clicking on �apply this fix,� brings forth yet another screen saying �Troubleshooter has completed, but was unable to fix all issues and that the problem is that my systems time differs from standard local time? I have visited the bios on both machines and made sure the times are as identical as I can get them. I�ve also checked the time in �control pannel�.

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Share PC In Same Home-group?

Jul 8, 2012

I have three computers in my homegroup. While I have been successful in sharing folders between two, am unable to do with third one.KR-PC is able to connect with RK-PC. but RK-PC is not able to connect to NUPC-PC This snap shot is from RK-PC. When I put in the homegroup password from NUPC-PC, it says invalid username or bad password.

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Cannot Join Home Group

Feb 13, 2011

I can create a HomeGroup from either computer but neither computer can join it,when I run the troubleshooter, on either computer, it keeps telling me "All Homegroup computers must have the correct time," however, both computers do have the correct time and time zone (I even tried synching both w/ the internet time).

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Cannot Create A Home-group

Jul 31, 2009

i have wireless connection to the Internet but i cant create a home-group as i don't have local & Internet connection.

any ideas?

im on windows 7 build 7100

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Home Group Not Cooperating?

Jan 31, 2013

Installed win8 and now trying to connect to my Windows 7 machine. Windows 7 status is: connection internet, joined, local area connection. Win8 status is internet, not joined, local area connection. So I set up a homegroup on Win 8, have a password etc. Went to Windows 7 and tried to "reset" the home group connection there. Got error messages, " Cannot leave home group and Cannot remove your computer from Home Group" The win 8 error message initially (trying to connect to Windows 7) was "type in the user name and password??" Have no idea what that might be, assuming that is for the Windows 7 home group initial setup long ago. Hence trying to reset it. Other error messages (Windows 7) during this whole process is " Peer network resolution protocal service PNRP or peer network .. service is not (P2pimsvc) running. Also, Peer networking Grouping service is not running". I have most of the settings to ON, network discovery, sharing etc. This kinda stuff reminds me back in the days trying to get a HDD recognized by # cylinders, sectors etc. Right now trying to do a discovery just times out after 3 minutes or so, even thought the windows says may take as much as 90 seconds. If it matters, all machines connect to internet no problems, and the two machines are connected via a network switch

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Home-group File Transferring?

Jun 3, 2012

so I have a PC and a laptop. Both windows 7 pro. But the PC is 32bit and the laptop is 64. What I am trying to do is transferring a file(video file) FROM the laptop TO the PC. I can see the libraries of the PC and I can access them and also transfer FROM the PC TO the laptop. Now the problem is, when I tried transferring FROM the laptop TO the PC, a pop up window titled "DESTINATION FOLDER ACCESS DENIED" then the message is saying "you need permission to perform this action".I have enabled all possible sharing both in the PC and LAPTOP, to no avail.

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Windows 7 Home Group Needs PNRPsvc?

Oct 29, 2012

Tech Support Guy System Info Utility version[CODE]I have two Gateway computers and I am trying to resolve a problem with homegroup sharing. I ran the network diagnostic and got the following:Either the Peer Name Resolution Protocol service (PNRPsvc) or the Peer Networking Identity Manager service (p2pimsvc) is not running. The Peer Networking Grouping service (p2psvc) depends on both these services to run properly.Then the diagnostic said failed and not fixed.

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Windows 7 Cannot Leave The Home-group

Apr 12, 2010

My desktop PC is running Windows 7 64 bits. I have already created a homegroup on it. But when I try to view password, system does not show anything there and if I try to change the password to a new one it fails to do! Further I can not also leave the homegroup as the system shows the message 'windows cannot leave the homegroup'.

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[HomeGroup] Home Group Keeps Setting Itself Up?

Jan 9, 2013

Home group in windows 7 pro keeps becoming active after I leave the home group. After reboot it is active again even after I disabled it. Anyone have any ideas what might cause this. I had to disable it in the services to get it to stop becoming active.

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No Home Group To Join On Network

May 6, 2011

I am trying to setup a home group. I have created a Home Group on the main computer which has the printer hooked up directly. The printer is a Brother MFC-425CN. When i try to join the home group from my laptop, it says there is no home group to join on the network.

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