D Drive And E Drive Unable To Open?

Apr 4, 2012

I am trying to open my hard drives of my dell windows 7 laptop, but unable to open and the error continuously going on. I think it is badly affected with virus. But my anti-virus is still running, can any one suggest me what should I do to access my drives again?

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Unable To Open F Drive

Nov 21, 2011

I've been unable to access my F: drive. When I double click on the drive I get en error that says "Application Not Found". I can, however right click on the drive and open it that way, it's just extremely annoying. It doesn't matter what device is set as the F: drive, be it a UBS drive, a virtual drive, or a CD/DVD drive, it gives me the same error. At first I thought maybe there was something wrong with my USB drive, but if I use the same USB drive as E:, G:, H: etc. it works perfectly fine. The problem seems to lie specifically with F: drive itself. I've run all my virus scans (Norton and Malwarebytes) as well as PC Tools Registry Mechanic and found nothing. I even restored my system to about a week ago with no results.

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Unable To Open Old Hard Drive Files?

Jul 4, 2012

I had backed up (on my main hdd) several pictures/documents/movies from an old harddrive several years ago- recently i tried to access it and while i can see the whole file structure and names and even information im unable to open any of them- this is almost across the board with the exception of maybe a couple files. I wonder if it could maybe that these are from a different windows based os and maybe incompatible with this computer? could it be a 32bit/64bit problem? or maybe a different file system?

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Taken Ownership Of Files On Old Hard Drive, Still Unable To Open?

Sep 14, 2011

I have taken ownership of all the files and folders on an old hard drive, but am still unable to access many of these files. When checking in the Security tab, I see myself as the owner with full admin permissions, but still cannot open the files

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External Hard Drive - Drive Letter Changed - Unable To Change Back?

Aug 21, 2012

I have a USB external hard drive that I keep all my documents etc on (had it for years)I upgraded from Vista Home to & Home Premium then had to upgrade recently to Professional to run my Sage. Through all these upgrades my ext. drive ran fine. Occasionally the drvie letter would change if I had something else plugged into the USB, this was always easily corected in disk management by changing the drive path.The connection on the case packed up so I had to get the drive put into a new case, now when I plug it in the drive is assigned G instead of F, I tried to change the drive letter allocation in Disk Management but it won't let me as the program still thinks I have a second ext. hard drive which is labelled F. I suspect this has happened because when the usb connection broke the drive was disconnected suddenly instead of a proper eject.How do I get Disk Management to remove the inactive drive - i can't find any obvious way - eject, delete etc are all missing when I click on tools or tasks.

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CD Drive Wont Open, Drive Doesn't Respond?

Dec 25, 2012

My Windows 7 Dell Studio 1550 laptop computers disc drive has been acting up for a little while now, like having to insert a DVD twice before it starts to autoplay with Windows Media Player (WMP). Just little things like that. Now when I try to play my audiobook I got today and it isn't recognized by WMP. When the look in Windows Explorer the files it contains are garbage- default style files of size 1kb with default track names like: Track01, Track02....Thinking that it could be that the CD might be readable on normal car CD players and similar, I double check with an old CD that I burnt myself a couple weeks ago. It doesn't recognize that either and it Win Explorer displays the same garbage.WM Player does literally nothing when it is told to play to it, and VLC tells me that:"Your input can't be opened: In desperation I try the original CD in my gaming tower. It plays but now it refuses to eject the disk. It has a LG MODISC CD/DVD-RW with Lightscribe in it.

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Cannot Open My C Drive And D Drive - Access Denied

Sep 22, 2010

i cannot open my c drive and d drive . it tells me access denied what can i do?

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Unable To Format The New Flopy Drive Showing Error Windows Is Unable To Form

Feb 28, 2012

i have new flopy drive when i m formatting its showing the error that windows is unable to format the drive

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Unable To Delete System Folders From A Drive No Longer Being Used As A System Drive

Mar 21, 2012

I recently reorganized my computer and this included a fresh install of Windows 7 on a new disk. I backed up all my data on the old disk so that I could make sure I wasn't losing any important documents or whatever.I'm now sure I've got everything off the disk that I needed and am using the disk as a storage disk for media. However, there are still folders that I can't seem to erase in the Program Files, Program Files (x86), and Windows directories. Most of the files are gone but about 12GB of junk remains that I no longer need. Whenever I try to delete what is left, it says I need permission from TrustedInstaller and it won't let me delete these files.Is there any way to blow these directories away without having to format the disk? I really can't format because the disk is almost full with data that I need to keep and I don't really have any other disks to temporarily back these files up to.

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Cant Open The Disk Drive?

Mar 5, 2011

cant open up cd drve

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Unable To Partition Drive?

Mar 31, 2011

My build:Intel core i5 2500kASUS P67P8 Pro MOBO F3-12800CL9D-8GBXL G.Skill 2x4gbCTFDDAC128MAG-1G1So I put the computer together and attempted to install Windows 7 home premium 64. I got the same error over and over again than fixed it by changing ram positions and was able to install W7 onto the SSD. It worked fine for a day. I then loaded gfx card drivers and loaded all the drivers off the MOBO disk. I rebooted a few times and it lal worked fine. Then I opened up the case again and installed a SATA dvd drive. After booting up again it said it couldnt find the required drive.It wasnt able to find any operating system.

I went through DISKPART and did list drive and it shows the drive. how ever when I select the drive there are no partitions and no volumes. So I attempted to reinstall W7 but everytime I try it gives me the error Unable to install to the selected location. Error: 0x80300024. When I try and make a partition it looks like its trying then it stops and it did nothing. I also tried doing all the startup repairs from windows. I also tried using bootrec.exe to fix mbr and bcd both returned success but neither fixed anything. When i did bootrec scan os it said there was no OS. I also tried using DISKPART to do Clean all on the drive and i get an error, "DiskPart has encountered an error: The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error. "So it wont let me do anything to the disk. I have tried running it from two different sata3 ports and 1 of my sata2 ports they all have the same issue. I have tried disconnecting other drivers and just running the SSD and it still doesnt work. I tried removing the dvd drive and that did not fix the problem.

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Unable To Clone Drive?

Jan 28, 2013

I have an issue when trying to clone my main drive (a 64Gb SSD) whereby the clone fails shortly after starting with an Error code "Failed to prepare operations code: 10 'file system error is found' with extended code: 458,777 File record corrupt". I am using Acronis but get the same result using other cloning software. The clone partitions the destination disc and then produces the error code when looking/checking the file system. I have narrowed the issue down to the winsxs folder and in particular the files beginning amd64* & x86* by using acronis file back-up facility and attempting to back-up the winsxs file. I have copied the winsxs folder to another drive and can successfully back-up this folder in it's new location using acronis. I should add that checkdsk and SFC do not return any errors on the source files/folder and I have in the past cloned this drive successfully.

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Unable To Partition C Drive

Jan 18, 2009

When I hit shrink query runs but comes back that there no room to create a patition. I have a 500 gig hard drive and in properties it shows 350 gigs available. I have searched the forums but seem to be the only one with this problem.I have a second 500 gig hard drive for storage and this one I can partition just fine. But the hard drive contianing my operating system Vista Ultimate 64 the shrink option is gray out.

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Unable To Map A Network Drive?

Nov 18, 2009

I am trying to map a network drive with an address like this: Quote: [URL] It's basically a folder on the school network, I can access this folder and view its contents perfectly fine through an internet browser, but when I try to map a network drive to it, it doesn't work, I keep getting errors like this: Quote: A device attached to the system is not functioning Why do I keep getting this message? And why am I able to access that folder through a browser but not through windows? I am using Windows 7 btw.

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Unable To Boot From Pen Drive

Jun 14, 2011

My cd rom doesnt work, hence i tried formatting my laptop through a pendrive. I downloaded windows 7 iso file, mounted it on my desktop using daemon tools lite, and then used wintoflash to load it on a 4GB pendrive. After that when i try to boot my laptop my using my pendrive all that i get is a cursor blinking on my screen.

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Unable To Formate Pen Drive

Apr 2, 2012

I am not able to formate my pen drive, it says that disk is write protected

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Flash Drive Will Open .rtf Files Under .cmd

Oct 17, 2011

I am saving my files under .rtf for homework to be completed because I create the files on WordPerfect, and I can`t use .wpd to open the files, but .rtf will open the .cmd program, rather than open up an RTF file. If this is the wrong discussion board, please redirect it if you can. I think it is an error with Windows or a flash drive. I am using Windows 7 and the flash drive I`m using is 4 GB.

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Can't Open A Folder On An External Drive

Sep 27, 2012

I use the external for backup and I have a critical folder with a couple of years of backups that I can't open There is only one user defined for my Windows 7 PC and it has administrator privileges. I might have directly accessed the drive from a laptop that is part of my Workgroup.

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Open C Drive From Command Line?

Aug 2, 2012

how do u open C drive or any other drive from CMD?

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DVDRW Drive Doesnot Always Open

Aug 18, 2011

sometimes if I hit the button to eject the drive, it acts like its about to eject but doesn't, and if I try again the same result occurs. If I hit it two or three times it will eject but it doesnt always at the first push of the button.

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Windows 7 Can't Open Second Hard Drive

May 6, 2011

I installed old XP hard drive into new win 7 computer. It shows up but can't access a lot of programs and or they are missing such as ms office outlook 2003.

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Can't Open Old External Hard-drive

Sep 1, 2011

I can't open my old external Harddrive. Earlier I replaced with a new one. Both Harddrives show in my device manager. But old one does'nt give me open when I right click.

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Open A Write Protected Pen Drive?

Jul 16, 2012

i m do all the solution but all not working what can i do

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Cannot Open External Hard Drive

Aug 18, 2012

my external hard drive is already full (how foolish of me) i did not notice it. I can see it in my computer but i cannot open it. I try to format it using my WIN 7 OS but still it will not open.Is there any chance to recover my file. It none please help me how to format it.

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Can't Open External Hard Drive

Jan 23, 2013

I droped my hard drive yesterday, and I even can NOT open the hard drive today when I connect the hard drive to my computer, it can not open it. the hard drive light is flashing.

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Unable To Install Software From CD Drive

Mar 12, 2011

I was unable to get either my internal or external CD drives to recognize the tax software CD I bought. They "see" & work with music CD's though.I looked in device manager & it says they are working fine. When I look at "my computer" the drive letter that corresponds to the one the disc is in doesn't show as a CD is installed but does show a title of the CD when a music CD is inserted? Dell Inspiron 530 with 3 gb Ram. External CD drive is a Pacific Digital..

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Unable To See Files On External Drive?

May 2, 2011

my previous computer - running windows xp - got seriously infected. couldn't do anything to resolve it, so i bought a new dell computer (inspiron 580) running windows 7. i had backed up about 100 gbs of files on an external drive, but when i look at the drive now on my new computer i can see that there is an enormous amount of space being used, but i cannot see (nor open) the files that are there!

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Unable To Use External Hard Drive

Aug 23, 2009

i recently upgraded to windows 7 but was unable to use my external hard drive. every time i try to copy files onto it, it say that there is a reading error. the following message appears:

Can't read from source file or disk

I cannot copy stuff onto my hard drive but can copy stuff from my hard drive to my comp.

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Unable To Extend C: Drive Space?

May 9, 2012

I tried partition wizard also.. it i cant merge, resize my c: with the unallocated space at all.

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Unable To Use External Hard Drive?

Oct 25, 2012

I have bought a seagate 500gb external hard drive of which i am able to fill only 117 gb. Rest is unfilled. Now whenever i try to insert any kind of file( games movies songs etc.) a message pops up saying that i need to take permission from administrator. When i continue it then again a message comes and it bluntly denies my request. Hence i am unable to pour data into my external hard drive.But I have full access to the already stored data that is i can watch movies which have already been stored in that hard drive. But the probelem is i can not bring new files to it due to this administrator problem.

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Unable To Access External Ssd Drive?

Jan 17, 2013

my SSD drive was suddenly inaccessible after a reboot, so I put my backup spindle drive into my laptop to get it started. Because I have important files I need to access from my ssd I put that into a case and plugged it into the USB port. Now windows explorer just hangs forever trying to detect/access it! in Computer management I cannot see the disk partition but I can see the harddisk device in device manager.

In windows explorer I can see one drive letter assigned (there should be two drives on the ssd) but when I tried to access the drive it just hangs forever. It also hangs with any other methods I try to access it (chkdsk, data recovery programs, Testdisk by CGSecurity)!!I think the main issue is that the external ssd is locking up everytime some program tries to access it... perhaps if I can somehow remove this lock I might be able to attempt a data recovery.

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