Unable To Boot From Pen Drive

Jun 14, 2011

My cd rom doesnt work, hence i tried formatting my laptop through a pendrive. I downloaded windows 7 iso file, mounted it on my desktop using daemon tools lite, and then used wintoflash to load it on a 4GB pendrive. After that when i try to boot my laptop my using my pendrive all that i get is a cursor blinking on my screen.

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Unable To Boot Without A Bootable Disc In The Drive

Jul 18, 2009

I have two HD drives, one SATA and one IDE, plus one SATA CD/DVD drive. Firstly I used to have XP on the SATA and Windows 7 on the IDE, but the IDE drive is smaller and slower and I wanted to essentially swap them over. The boot devices are set in the bios as CD/DVD first, SATA second, IDE third.

So I have installed XP first on the IDE and now Windows 7 on the SATA, but after I removed the Windows 7 DVD and restarted it is refusing to boot saying NO BOOT DEVICE DETECTED, INSERT SYSTEM DISK. Now if I place the Windows 7 dvd in the drive and ignore the PRESS ANY KEY TO BOOT FROM CD/DVD...., it will book fine.

This will surely fustrate non-technical users no end and some may not even think to try and replace the OS disk and try again. I think I know what has happened, but more importantly how do I go and fix it to just boot without needing a damn boot disk everytime!?

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Unable To Boot From Laptop Hard Drive Connected Through USB SATA Cable

Mar 4, 2012

I have a Dell Inspiron 1545 laptop. I recently developed hard drive trouble and have had to order a replacement.Instead of installing Windows 7 all over again, with all the drivers, etc., I want to clone my existing hard drive to the new one.I intend to connect one of the hard drives to my system via a USB SATA cable with the other drive connected inside my system.

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Unable To Format The New Flopy Drive Showing Error Windows Is Unable To Form

Feb 28, 2012

i have new flopy drive when i m formatting its showing the error that windows is unable to format the drive

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External Hard Drive - Drive Letter Changed - Unable To Change Back?

Aug 21, 2012

I have a USB external hard drive that I keep all my documents etc on (had it for years)I upgraded from Vista Home to & Home Premium then had to upgrade recently to Professional to run my Sage. Through all these upgrades my ext. drive ran fine. Occasionally the drvie letter would change if I had something else plugged into the USB, this was always easily corected in disk management by changing the drive path.The connection on the case packed up so I had to get the drive put into a new case, now when I plug it in the drive is assigned G instead of F, I tried to change the drive letter allocation in Disk Management but it won't let me as the program still thinks I have a second ext. hard drive which is labelled F. I suspect this has happened because when the usb connection broke the drive was disconnected suddenly instead of a proper eject.How do I get Disk Management to remove the inactive drive - i can't find any obvious way - eject, delete etc are all missing when I click on tools or tasks.

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D Drive And E Drive Unable To Open?

Apr 4, 2012

I am trying to open my hard drives of my dell windows 7 laptop, but unable to open and the error continuously going on. I think it is badly affected with virus. But my anti-virus is still running, can any one suggest me what should I do to access my drives again?

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Unable To Boot From Cd?

Nov 12, 2011

I have windows 7 ultimate edition on my PC. I want to downgrade to windows xp service pack 3 but when i go to boot menu and try to boot from CD , the blank screen appears and it forward to windows start up(actually pc start). I am unable to install xp.

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Unable To Boot Normally

Jan 7, 2010

Initially I had Windows 7 Ultimate (retail version) installed on my desktop. When I tried to install Ubuntu, I found that the hard-disk partitioning scheme was GPT. So I made a back-up of my drive's contents, re-partitioned the disk as MBR, re-installed Windows 7, and overwrote the disk contents with my backed up files.

This worked splendidly (i.e., I have all my installed applications, etc. intact) EXCEPT for one nagging issue: When I boot, if I let it boot directly into the hard disk, it does not work. I have to select F10 (BIOS boot options menu), and from there select the hard-disk, and only then Windows 7 boots properly.

I tried bcdedit, bootrec, etc. No use. Any recommendations, please?

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Unable To Boot Up

Aug 10, 2012

i have installed windows 7 then ubuntu alongside it everytime i start the pc up, there is a screen to choose the OS, that's i think the boot partition is ubuntu once i removed ubuntu completely from the device and i was unable to boot windows, not even after trying to repair Windows via its DVD, until i installed ubuntu again and did it i want a way now to remove ubuntu and stay on Windows only, but i can't get it booted up

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Unable To Boot From CD / DVD And USB

Aug 17, 2011

Recently I added some RAM to my desktop PC. It worked all fine. Don't know if adding the RAM has anything to do with my issue but anyway. Later on I decided to switch from Win XP to Win 7. Made a bootable USB using Novicorp WinToFlash 0.7.0018 beta, managed to boot from USB and proceeded with Windows 7 Setup but it kept giving an error at the same point over and over again. After a few unsuccessful attempts, when the setup stopped halfway through, I decided to go for a last try but then, all of a sudden, I was unable to boot neither from USB nor from bootable CD I had close-by. The system just stopped at a black screen saying:It's quite an old machine, from 2004. Motherboard is Gigabyte GA-7VA (AMD socket A processor motherboard) (KT400A motherboard). There is a CD-RW, floppy, and USB ports. As of now I cannot boot using a CD or a USB disk. I guess, in this regard, the floppy is not much useful.By pressing 'delete' shortly after reboot I can enter 'CMOS Setup Utility' and there enter 'Standard CMOS features', 'Advanced BIOS features', as well as other settings, but none of all helped me manage make the system boot once again from CD or USB. Also I can ehter 'Q-Flash Utility v1.33' and there I see 'Flash Type/Size .WINBOND 49F002U 256K' as well as 3 other options:

1. Keep DMI Data (This feature could be enabled or disabled. By default it's enabled and when I try to disable it I fail because I cannot save my choice, because all I could do then is press F10 and thus power off the computer, which does not save my choice and later retrieves the system to the old state where Keep DMI Data is again enabled)

2. Update BIOS from Floppy

3. Save BIOS to Floppy

After plenty of unsuccessful attempt and meddling with all setting in CMOS Setup Utility I am still unable to boot neither from CD nor from a USB. Funny thing is that I have managed before to boot an OS setup from both the USB and CD on this very same machine, and now all of a sudden it just won't work.

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Unable To Boot PC

Apr 2, 2012

As I got some itchy hand, now my pc won't boot up. Not even to bios. What I did was update my bios to the latest version. Update successful but cant get into windows. Halfway to starting windows, restarts itself. Thinking the rom from Asus disc was the earlier version. I tried install that one. But now even boot up I cant get into.

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Unable To Boot From Cd

May 15, 2012

I am trying to use a password recovery cd. I went to bios changed the order of boot sequence. It is still not giving option too boot from cd. I logged in as guest just to see if the cd drive would play an audio cd. would not.

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Unable To Boot PC At All?

Oct 10, 2012

Basically i was using my PC the other day as normal and was using a remote desktop site 'logmein' and accidently connected to my own pc (silly i know) this then ordered my monitor to turn off, not knowing how to get the screen back on i restarted the pc via the power button.NOW heres were the problems fall into place on restart it Froze on the 'windows staring' screen (when the screen is black all you can see is the logo and starting windows text).... i tried booting in safe mode and that worked however then after trying a few things and restarting a few times to see if it resolved the problem i now cant even boot in safe mode. in any mode infact.Luckily while in safe mode the first thing i did was back my important data, so at this point i was left his no choice but the re install windows, I have my windows ISO on USB so i booted from USB and to reinstall windows, HOWEVER after the 'Windows is loading files' proccess it freezes in exactly the same place as it did before when starting windows normally.

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Unable To Boot Up Windows 7 PC?

Sep 9, 2012

I was returning my Acer laptop to Windows 7 factory default, when the PC froze ith 5:21 remaining until process was to b completed. The PC rebooted and all that came up was "windowssystem32configsystem." It went on to say "A file may be missing or corrupt" I don't have the recovery or Windows Installation disks with me. I can't even reach "Repair your computer" without it going to the windowssystem32configsystem message coming up. I have access to a 2nd PC, USB drives, and DVD ISO burner.

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Unable To Login After Boot-up?

Sep 10, 2011

We have Windows seven installed on on my friends system and he is unable to log in because all he has is a black screen with no where to log in. At first I though he came across some pirated software but thats not the case here. Have cd keys that turn out to be legit. So on his login in page at start up all he has is the start up and shut down buttons on the bottom right of the screen and the ease of access button on the bottom left and in between is the Windows Seven wording. No place to enter login info. Have only one restore point that I can find and that is one I created when I first started on his system.I have also tried a system repair with no luck more than once and cannot do a sfc /scannow because the system reports back to me that there is a repair in process and I need to shut down and restart to complete that repair and then run a sfc /scannow which have tried several times shutting down and restarting with the same results ! Have run the repair from the installation and from the install disk till I have sorta lost hope and will have to revert back to a full installation again. Anyone have any Idea's or atleast point me in some right direction maybe it will help to know the location of the registry entries for the login screen and compare with my system. Just a guess.

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Windows 7 Unable To Boot?

May 11, 2012

I have an EEE PC 1001p, it's had dodgey booting for the past 6-9 months. It will get to the windows loading screen, with the green progress bar, then it will go to black screen and restart.I have attempted (many, many times) windows startup repair tool(including doing it 3 consecutive times), bootrec.exe and all it's options, memory diagnostic tool, chkdsk and hard drive repair tool from manufacturer. None of these have been able to either find a problem or fix the problem.I gave up, formatted C drive and reinstalled windows 7 fully. The problem persisted, this leads me to believe the problem is with the hardware.Occasionally startup WILL work, and I can boot into windows (usually after some combination of attempting startup repair tool/memory diagnostic), and from there my computer works fine. No problems at all, from here I put my computer to sleep rather than shut down and can run for weeks with no problem. Then occasionally some event will cause my computer to restart, and the problem persists and I have no netbook for another couple weeks.What I don't understand is how it can be a hardware problem but ONLY affect me during boot and never during normal operation of the computer?When I CAN boot into windows, this :unexpected shutdown" error pops up as soon as I log in:


Problem signature:
Problem Event Name:BlueScreen
OS Version:6.1.7600.
Locale ID:1033 (It used to be ID 5129 but I did something which fixed it, now it is 1033)


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Unable To Boot Windows 7?

Feb 7, 2010

I am using windows 7 32 bit. Hp dv5 1050ei,core 2 duo, 3gb ram 2ghz. it was before vista on my laptopand i clean installed windows 7 and from last 2 months it was working fine but tonight when i was starting my laptop it doesnt started and it was black screen completely. i tried many times but failed. then i used windows 7 recovery disc but it is not reading anything from disc i can hear the sound of disc running but nothing else happens. i tried many times but only twice i saw "CDBOOT ERROR : BOOTMGR COULDNT BE FOUND" can repair this i am literally pulling my hair. i tried to boot from disc by pressing F8 but after pressing F8 4 or 5 times a loud BEEP sound comes and nothing else happens. i have windows 7 repair disc (but it is not getting read) but dont have instalation disc

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Unable To Boot Windows 7?

Jun 27, 2012

I am able to get to the screen with the Windows logo and the screen "Starting Windows" Then all of a sudden, the computer restarts itself and Windows doesn't load. The recovery CD does not boot either. The recovery CD requires a windows interface, which is not loading, failing at the same spot as the normal boot.

I am able to get into BIOS and a diagnostic tool in the utility partition. There is no problem identified by these tests. I had spilled some soda on the computer fan vent yesterday, so this must be the cause of the problem. However, when I opened up the computer to check for the spill I found nothing in the critical parts of the machine.

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Unable To Boot Into Windows 7

Jan 15, 2012

When i boot up my computer it doesnt reach the user login screen before it loads of startup repair. It looks for a fix but it doesnt find one. In the diagnosis the only error it shows is 'Boot critical file C:\Windows\system32\drivers\vmbus.sys is corrupt'. I have booted kaspersky repair disk and run a full scan which found no viruses or malware etc. From the startup repair window i have tried a system restore which had the same problem when attempting to boot. I can only access the system recovery options screen.I am running windows 7 32bit, and i dont have a windows 7 disk but do have the windows 7 32bit iso file that i used to install windows 7.

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Computer Unable To Boot?

Aug 15, 2012

It'll boot up, but it'll immediately go to "Windows is loading files" screen like how it does when you're trying to install a new OS on a computer. Unfortunately then it takes me to the Windows repair scanner which never finds anything

Something I've tried are booting by CD to get a new OS, but the computer will not boot by CD because it'll immediately load up the "Windows is loading files". I tried to do the command in the CMD to scan for hardware changes and repair them, but that also doesn't work. It says, "Windows is already running a scan, restart the computer and try it again." It basically won't load past the 1st screen of the computer which just states what the computer is

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Unable To Boot Into Windows 7?

Jul 2, 2012

I used these files (Windows 7 | Login Screen Reworked by ~alexandru-r-ghinea on deviantART) to tweak my logon, and now am unable to boot into windows it seems. I get past the loading symbol, then i just get a black screen with a cursor, i thought it might just be a display thing so i tried to log on anyways, but no success. Then i tried to get into recovery/restore mode via DVD, nothing, i just get a black screen with a blinking underscore. Now im thinking i might have to clear CMOS and reset BIOS? or perhaps a total reinstall of the OS? Im running Windows 7 profesional 64-bit, and mobo is asus p8p67-m pro.

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Unable To Boot System

Nov 9, 2012

I'm having a problem I cannot seem to fix at all. I'll provide the backstory and what steps I've tried to take to resolve the problem, but I'm literally at a place where I don't know what to do. My ultimate end goal is to just recover personal files from my old hard drive and that's it. I don't care how I access that drive, I just need to access it. The problem is I can't no matter how hard I try.

So a week ago I was having problems with my computer. Lots of blue screen errors (unfortunately I don't have those numbers anymore) and even after try to do chkdsk, running repair programs, defragging, etc., nothing seemed to help. I had a 1TB HDD partitioned into two sections. I backed up my personal files to the second partition (the one without Windows) and then tried to do a repair of the Windows installation. That didn't help, so I just wiped that first partition and did a fresh install of Windows. Everything seemed to be working great, no errors, no BSOD, nothing. So I moved back my personal files to the partition with windows on it (my second partition is where I hold all my games) and called it a night after I had gotten everything back to normal.

The next day my computer is on and it suddenly just turns itself off. When I restarted it I got a blue screen error that flashed on my screen and immediately rebooted the computer. When it tried the second time I got another BSOD, this one giving me the error of 0x00000024. I tried booting last known good config, safe mode, disk repair... seems no options can get me back into Windows.

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Unable To Boot Cloned Hdd?

May 3, 2011

recently my 1Tb seagate decided that it's S.M.A.R.T. would fail so I went out and bought a 500gb to back up my data using HDClone as I've only used about 390gb on the TB and now I can't get the cloned HDD to boot at first when I booted it the screen would just stay at the flashing underscore which I recognized as an OS issue and I booted it with the recovery disk that did not recognize there was even an OS to fix. I can view all of the files if I use it as a removable disk so I know the clone worked I just can't get it to boot

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Unable To Boot Via Recovery?

Jun 27, 2012

i have a acer aspire 5745G . 4 gb ram and 500 gb hdd. my windows 7 home premium edition had crashed and was unable to boot. plus my whole hard disk was FOrmatted .."including the windows recovery partition."..

i have made the recovery cds and i am desperatly trying to boot from the cds but when i insert the recovery cd nothing opens..i.e. it is not booting. i have checked the boot order and everythng else.. somehow not able to install windows. my harddsk has no O.S. now.. i need to start y laptop.. what do i do ..why isnt my recovery disk booting(it used to boot esrlier). is it because the recovery partition was erased..??

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Unable To Boot To Windows 7?

May 2, 2011

I had just finished upgrading my computer to Windows 7 using a multi-computer upgrade disc. Windows 7 was running just fine.However when I booted up I had to choose from " Windows XP Media Edition setup" and "Windows 7". I found this annoying since I didn't have Windows XP anymore. So I went in search of a way to delete that option, like boot.ini. But found out Windows 7 no longer has boot.ini.I did find where I could uncheck the box that shows the boot choice for 30 seconds, and where I selected Windows 7 as my default system.I then rebooted to see if this worked and of course it tried to go to Windows XP which isn't on the computer anymore and just tells me it can't find a system.It no longer pops up with the choice of operating systems, I can't do anything.I tried booting from the upgrade disc, of course that doesn't work. I then made a recovery disc from my laptop that I had loaded Windows 7 on earlier.The computer doesn't recognise the disc (DVD) as it tries to boot.

Here is what I have tried so far:I made a system recovery disc from my laptop, the desktop does not recognize it. I have the bios boot from the cd/dvd rom, no luck.I tried using my copy of windows xp media edition, no luck.I tried using my Windows Vista recovery disc, no luck.I tried using an image disc, no luck.My computer does not give me an option to use a USB drive.F5 and F8 don't allow me to get to safe mode. All it gives me is a choice of boot devices. None of which work.It still just trys to load the old Windows XP Media edition, and won't give me the option of selecting Windows 7 which is installed and was working great until I tried to "fix" my boot menu!It does recognize the 3.5 floppy, but alas no Windows 7 floppies out there that I can find. And since all I have is an upgrade version, I assume trying to do a clean install is out of the question.You would think that one little check box (Time to display list of operating systems) wouldn't cause so much trouble.I was able to make a bootable USB thumb drive, loaded my Win7 upgrade, and of course it didn't work. My computer recognizes it, but then I get bootmanager not present.

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Windows 7 Unable To Boot

Jan 19, 2012

Had a great runnng win7 system earlier today. I noticed that one of my usb external hard drives wasnt being recognized by windows. I fiddled with the usb connections and it connected. Then i tried to check out another drive which was attached and the drive would only partially read, ie could access some files but not access others

Went into windows, manage, disk manager and noticed that this second drive said something like mbr not set or something like that. Neither of these drives are my boot drive ie c drive

Tried to reboot and windows hangs at 'starting windows'. If i try to go to safe mode and choose windows repair it runs for awhile but then says unable to repair

When trying to boot to safe mode im unable tomuse my mouse or keyboard so im unable to do anything. Note that mouse is wireless but keyboard is usb wired

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Unable To Boot-up The Desktop

Mar 19, 2012

i am unable to boot up my desktop.when i start up repair, it is showing unspecified change to system configaration might have caused this problem. am unable to reinstall my os. what to do?

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Unable To Boot Windows 7?

May 18, 2012

Trojan.ZeroAccess it was with adware Virus( SmartFortress2012 } and rootkit activity 4.. First i deletd SmartFortress2012 and i replace the Infected File Cdrom.sys i fixed Trojan.ZeroAccess and SmartFortress2012 ... i restartted the computer everything was working fine and then i got a pop Up rootkit activity 4 once i deleted the MBR infection It gone. i restarted the computer couple of times everything was working fine.

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Unable To Boot Anymore

Sep 14, 2012

So I had some problems with AVG antivirus, when booting my pc got stuck on booting the avg processes, so I removed them, then it got stuck on some other processes (like fvevol.sys or so) so I removed them too. After removing all processes that got stuck when booting, I couldn't boot at all! Every time I booted it automatically came in the boot manager, saying it could't restore my pc.

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Unable To Delete System Folders From A Drive No Longer Being Used As A System Drive

Mar 21, 2012

I recently reorganized my computer and this included a fresh install of Windows 7 on a new disk. I backed up all my data on the old disk so that I could make sure I wasn't losing any important documents or whatever.I'm now sure I've got everything off the disk that I needed and am using the disk as a storage disk for media. However, there are still folders that I can't seem to erase in the Program Files, Program Files (x86), and Windows directories. Most of the files are gone but about 12GB of junk remains that I no longer need. Whenever I try to delete what is left, it says I need permission from TrustedInstaller and it won't let me delete these files.Is there any way to blow these directories away without having to format the disk? I really can't format because the disk is almost full with data that I need to keep and I don't really have any other disks to temporarily back these files up to.

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Changed The Letter Of Boot Drive And Wont Boot?

Jul 10, 2012

I recently built my computer and installed a ssd and a hdd, the OS is on the ssd which is the c drive but since it is smaller than the hdd I tried to change the letters around and make the hdd the c drive using regedit because the default install location seems to be the c drive and after restarting the computer it boots up and says preparing your desktop then goes to a blue screen with just the cursor. I tried booting in safe mode and all I get there is a black screen also

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